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synced 2025-03-13 23:18:16 +00:00
adjusted the Domination description
This commit is contained in:
@ -1124,9 +1124,11 @@ itemtype iinf[ittypes] = {
"This Orb lets you ride Dragons and other worm-like creatures. "
"Simply move onto such a creature to ride them; while riding, you are protected from dangerous terrains "
"and partially from attacks (they cause you to lose half of your Domination power), "
"but you cannot collect items. When only one charge is left, "
"but you cannot collect items.\n\n"
/*When only one charge is left, "
"you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
"as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n" "While riding, "
"as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n" */
"While riding, "
"click on a location to order your mount to move or attack there.",
{ 'o', 0xFFFF80, "Orb of the Sword",
@ -5470,7 +5470,7 @@ void moverefresh(bool turn = true) {
c->hitpoints = 0;
else if(dragon::totalhp(c) <= 2) ;
else if(items[itOrbDomination] && isMounted(c)) {
else if(isMounted(c)) {
if(dragon::target && celldistance(c, dragon::target) <= breathrange && makeflame(dragon::target, 5, true)) {
addMessage(XLAT("%The1 breathes fire!", subject));
makeflame(dragon::target, 5, false);
@ -3755,17 +3755,20 @@ S(
"This Orb lets you ride Dragons and other worm-like creatures. "
"Simply move onto such a creature to ride them; while riding, you are protected from dangerous terrains "
"and partially from attacks (they cause you to lose half of your Domination power), "
"but you cannot collect items. When only one charge is left, "
"you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
"as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n" "While riding, "
"but you cannot collect items.\n\n"
// "When only one charge is left, "
// "you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
// "as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n"
"While riding, "
"click on a location to order your mount to move or attack there.",
"Tato Sféra ti umožňuje jezdit na Dracích a jiných červovitých netvorech. "
"Stačí se na ně pohnout, a můžeš nasednout; během jízdy jsi chráněn před nebezpečným terénem "
"a částečně i před útoky (ty tě připraví o polovinu zbývající síly Dominance), "
"nemůžeš ale sbírat předměty. Ve chvíli, kdy ti zbývá pouze jeden náboj, "
"musíš v tomto kole sesednout -- dej si dobrý pozor, aby to bylo možné, "
"protože tvůj oř na tebe může okamžitě zaútočit!\n\n "
"nemůžeš ale sbírat předměty.\n\n"
// "Ve chvíli, kdy ti zbývá pouze jeden náboj, "
// "musíš v tomto kole sesednout -- dej si dobrý pozor, aby to bylo možné, "
// "protože tvůj oř na tebe může okamžitě zaútočit!\n\n "
"Během jízdy můžeš kliknutím nařizovat svému oři, kam se "
"má pohnout nebo zaútočit.")
@ -3517,16 +3517,19 @@ Orb("Domination", "der Dominanz")
S("This Orb lets you ride Dragons and other worm-like creatures. "
"Simply move onto such a creature to ride them; while riding, you are protected from dangerous terrains "
"and partially from attacks (they cause you to lose half of your Domination power), "
"but you cannot collect items. When only one charge is left, "
"you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
"as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n" "While riding, "
"but you cannot collect items.\n\n"
// "When only one charge is left, "
// "you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
// "as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n"
"While riding, "
"click on a location to order your mount to move or attack there.",
"Diser Orb erlaubt es dir Drachen oder ondere wurmartige Wesen zu reiten. "
"Tritt einfach auf solch ein Wesen um es zu reiten; während des Ritts bist du vor gefährlichen Gebieten "
"und teilweise vor Angriffen (sie verursachen den Verlust der Hälfte deiner Kraft der Dominanz) geschützt. "
"Jedoch kannst du keine Gegenstände sammeln. Sobald nur noch eine Ladung übrig ist, musst du in diesem Zug absteigen -- "
"achte darauf dies zu ermöglichen, denn dein Reittier könnte dich unmittelbar angreifen!\n\n"
"Jedoch kannst du keine Gegenstände sammeln.\n\n"
// "Sobald nur noch eine Ladung übrig ist, musst du in diesem Zug absteigen -- "
// "achte darauf dies zu ermöglichen, denn dein Reittier könnte dich unmittelbar angreifen!\n\n"
"Während du reitest, klicke auf eine Zelle um deinem Reittier zu befehlen dorthin zu "
"gehen oder dort anzugreifen.")
@ -3672,18 +3672,20 @@ S(
"This Orb lets you ride Dragons and other worm-like creatures. "
"Simply move onto such a creature to ride them; while riding, you are protected from dangerous terrains "
"and partially from attacks (they cause you to lose half of your Domination power), "
"but you cannot collect items. When only one charge is left, "
"but you cannot collect items.\n\n"
/* "When only one charge is left, "
"you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
"as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n" "While riding, "
"as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n" */ "While riding, "
"click on a location to order your mount to move or attack there.",
"Ta Sfera pozwala Ci jeździć Smokami i innymi wężopodobnymi stworami. "
"Po prostu wykonaj ruch na pole z takim stworem, by go dosiąść. "
"Podczas jazdy jesteś chronion%y0 przed "
"niebezpiecznym terenem i częściowo przed atakami (które powodują utratę połowy "
"Twojej mocy Dominacji), ale nie możesz zbierać przedmiotów. Kiedy zostanie "
"tylko 1 ładunek, musisz natychmiast zsiąść -- zadbaj o to, by to było "
"możliwe bez zostania zaatakowanym przez Twojego dawnego wierzchowca!\n\n"
"Twojej mocy Dominacji), ale nie możesz zbierać przedmiotów.\n\n"
// "Kiedy zostanie "
// "tylko 1 ładunek, musisz natychmiast zsiąść -- zadbaj o to, by to było "
// "możliwe bez zostania zaatakowanym przez Twojego dawnego wierzchowca!\n\n"
"Podczas jazdy kliknij dowolne pole, by nakazać Twojemu wierzchowcowi "
"tam się ruszyć lub zaatakować."
@ -3814,18 +3814,21 @@ S(
"This Orb lets you ride Dragons and other worm-like creatures. "
"Simply move onto such a creature to ride them; while riding, you are protected from dangerous terrains "
"and partially from attacks (they cause you to lose half of your Domination power), "
"but you cannot collect items. When only one charge is left, "
"you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
"as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n" "While riding, "
"but you cannot collect items.\n\n"
// "When only one charge is left, "
// "you have to dismount this turn -- be very careful to make this possible, "
// "as your mount could attack you immediately!\n\n"
"While riding, "
"click on a location to order your mount to move or attack there.",
"Эта сфера позволяет вас ездить на драконах и других червеобразных существах. "
"Просто пойди на клетку с таким монстром, чтобы оседлать его. "
"Пока ты едешь на существе, на тебя не действуют никакие опасные объекты "
"и, частично, атаки (от которых вы теряете половину силы "
"этой сферы), но вы не можете собирать предметы. Когда остаётся "
"только один заряд, вы должны слезть с существа -- будьте осторожны, "
"ведь оно может сразу же атаковать вас!\n\n"
"этой сферы), но вы не можете собирать предметы.\n\n"
// "Когда остаётся "
// "только один заряд, вы должны слезть с существа -- будьте осторожны, "
// "ведь оно может сразу же атаковать вас!\n\n"
"Нажимайте на клетки, чтобы заставить существо туда пойти или атаковать."
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