mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-02-23 06:20:09 +00:00

tes:: preliminary implementation of (ultra)ideal vertices

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2022-04-10 13:15:05 +02:00
parent 4122c1336c
commit be7e4ce70d
2 changed files with 135 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ inline void print(hstream& hs, const connection_t& conn) { print(hs, tie(conn.si
* note: the tesfile convention is: edge 0, vertex 0, edge 1, vertex 1, ...
/** edge with infinite end on the left */
constexpr ld INFINITE_LEFT = -1;
/** edge with infinite end on the right */
constexpr ld INFINITE_RIGHT = -2;
/** edge with two infinite ends */
constexpr ld INFINITE_BOTH = -3;
struct shape {
/** index in the arbi_tiling::shapes */
int id;
@ -46,6 +53,12 @@ struct shape {
vector<ld> angles;
/** list of edge lengths */
vector<ld> edges;
/** list of input edges */
vector<ld> in_edges;
/** list of input angles */
vector<ld> in_angles;
/** (ultra)ideal markers */
vector<bool> ideal_markers;
/** list of edge connections */
vector<connection_t> connections;
int size() const { return isize(vertices); }
@ -199,16 +212,14 @@ void start_poly_debugger(hr_polygon_error& err) {
void shape::build_from_angles_edges(bool is_comb) {
transmatrix at = Id;
int n = isize(angles);
int n = isize(in_angles);
hyperpoint ctr = Hypc;
vector<transmatrix> matrices;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if(debugflags & DF_GEOM) println(hlog, "at = ", at);
ctr += tC0(at);
at = at * xpush(edges[i]) * spin(angles[i]+M_PI);
at = at * xpush(in_edges[i]) * spin(in_angles[i]+M_PI);
if(is_comb) return;
@ -220,13 +231,56 @@ void shape::build_from_angles_edges(bool is_comb) {
// try to move towards the center
if(debugflags & DF_GEOM) println(hlog, "special case encountered");
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
ctr += at * xpush(edges[i]) * spin((angles[i]+M_PI)/2) * xpush0(.01);
at = at * xpush(edges[i]) * spin(angles[i]);
ctr += at * xpush(in_edges[i]) * spin((in_angles[i]+M_PI)/2) * xpush0(.01);
at = at * xpush(in_edges[i]) * spin(in_angles[i]);
if(debugflags & DF_GEOM) println(hlog, "ctr = ", ctr);
ctr = normalize(ctr);
for(auto& v: vertices) v = gpushxto0(ctr) * v;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if(!ideal_markers[i]) {
vertices.push_back(tC0(gpushxto0(ctr) * matrices[i]));
else {
hyperpoint a1 = tC0(matrices[i]);
hyperpoint t1 = get_column(matrices[i], 0);
hyperpoint a2 = tC0(matrices[i+2]);
hyperpoint t2 = get_column(matrices[i+2], 0);
a1 /= a1[2];
a2 /= a2[2];
t1 -= a1 * t1[2];
t2 -= a2 * t2[2];
ld c1 = a2[0] - a1[0], c2 = a2[1] - a1[1];
ld v1 = t1[0], v2 = t1[1];
ld u1 = t2[0], u2 = t2[1];
ld r = (u2 * c1 - c2 * u1) / (v1 * u2 - v2 * u1);
ld s = (v2 * c1 - c2 * v1) / (v1 * u2 - v2 * u1);
hyperpoint v = a1 + r * t1;
hyperpoint w = a2 + s * t2;
v[2] = 1;
v = gpushxto0(ctr) * v;
v /= v[2];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
bool left = angles[(i+1) % isize(vertices)] == 0;
bool right = angles[i] == 0;
if(left && right) edges[i] = INFINITE_BOTH;
else if(left) edges[i] = INFINITE_LEFT;
else if(right) edges[i] = INFINITE_RIGHT;
EX bool correct_index(int index, int size) { return index >= 0 && index < size; }
@ -248,9 +302,22 @@ EX void load_tile(exp_parser& ep, arbi_tiling& c, bool unit) {
dist = ep.parse(0);
cld angle = ep.parse(0);
cc.edges.push_back(ep.validate_real(dist * ep.extra_params["distunit"]));
cc.angles.push_back(ep.validate_real(angle * ep.extra_params["angleunit"]));
cld angle;
if(ep.eat("[")) {
cc.in_edges.push_back(ep.validate_real(dist * ep.extra_params["distunit"]));
angle = ep.parse(0); ep.force_eat(",");
cc.in_angles.push_back(ep.validate_real(angle * ep.extra_params["angleunit"]));
dist = ep.parse(0); ep.force_eat(",");
angle = ep.parse(0); ep.force_eat("]");
set_flag(ginf[gArbitrary].flags, qIDEAL, true);
angle = ep.parse(0);
cc.in_edges.push_back(ep.validate_real(dist * ep.extra_params["distunit"]));
cc.in_angles.push_back(ep.validate_real(angle * ep.extra_params["angleunit"]));
if(ep.eat(",")) continue;
else if(ep.eat(")")) break;
else throw hr_parse_exception("expecting , or )");
@ -372,6 +439,7 @@ EX void compute_vertex_valence() {
vector<ld> anglelist;
do {
if(at.sid == at1.sid && (at.eid-at1.eid) % ac.shapes[at.sid].cycle_length == 0) pqty = 0;
if(qty && pqty == 0 && !total) break;
ld a = ac.shapes[at.sid].angles[at.eid];
while(a < 0) a += 360 * degree;
while(a > 360 * degree) a -= 360 * degree;
@ -386,6 +454,7 @@ EX void compute_vertex_valence() {
at = ac.shapes[at.sid].connections[at.eid];
while(total < 360*degree - 1e-6);
if(total == 0) qty = OINF;
if(total > 360*degree + 1e-6) throw hr_parse_exception("improper total in compute_stats");
if(at.sid != i) throw hr_parse_exception("ended at wrong type determining vertex_valence");
if((at.eid - k) % ac.shapes[i].cycle_length) {
@ -702,6 +771,8 @@ EX void load(const string& fname, bool after_sliding IS(false)) {
auto con = sh.connections[j];
auto& xsh = c.shapes[con.sid];
ld d2 = xsh.edges[con.eid];
if(abs(d1 - d2) > 1e-6)
throw hr_parse_exception(lalign(0, "connecting ", make_pair(i,j), " to ", con, " of different lengths only possible in a2"));
@ -815,6 +886,27 @@ EX hrmap *current_altmap;
heptagon *build_child(heptspin p, pair<int, int> adj);
/** the point in distance 1 from 'material' to 'ideal' */
EX hyperpoint at1(hyperpoint material, hyperpoint ideal) {
transmatrix T = gpushxto0(material);
hyperpoint id = T * ideal;
return rgpushxto0(material) * rspintox(id) * xpush0(1);
/** get the midedge of lr; it takes infinite vertices into account */
EX hyperpoint get_midedge(ld len, const hyperpoint &l, const hyperpoint &r) {
if(len == INFINITE_BOTH) {
return normalize(kleinize(l) + kleinize(r));
else if(len == INFINITE_LEFT) {
return at1(r, l);
else if(len == INFINITE_RIGHT) {
return at1(l, r);
else return mid(l, r);
EX transmatrix get_adj(arbi_tiling& c, int t, int dl, int t1, int xdl) {
auto& sh = c.shapes[t];
@ -831,13 +923,13 @@ EX transmatrix get_adj(arbi_tiling& c, int t, int dl, int t1, int xdl) {
hyperpoint vl = sh.vertices[dl];
hyperpoint vr = sh.vertices[dr];
hyperpoint vm = mid(vl, vr);
hyperpoint vm = get_midedge(sh.edges[dr], vl, vr);
transmatrix rm = gpushxto0(vm);
hyperpoint xvl = xsh.vertices[xdl];
hyperpoint xvr = xsh.vertices[xdr];
hyperpoint xvm = mid(xvl, xvr);
hyperpoint xvm = get_midedge(sh.edges[xdr], xvl, xvr);
transmatrix xrm = gpushxto0(xvm);
@ -1017,7 +1109,11 @@ struct hrmap_arbi : hrmap {
hyperpoint get_corner(cell *c, int cid, ld cf) override {
auto& sh = arb::current_or_slided().shapes[arb::id_of(c->master)];
return normalize(C0 + (sh.vertices[gmod(cid, c->type)] - C0) * 3 / cf);
int id = gmod(cid, c->type);
if(sh.angles[id] == 0) {
return normalize(C0 + 999 * kleinize(sh.vertices[id]));
return normalize(C0 + (sh.vertices[id] - C0) * 3 / cf);
@ -1391,6 +1487,22 @@ EX void choose() {
EX pair<ld, ld> rep_ideal(ld e) {
ld alpha = 2 * M_PI / e;
hyperpoint h1 = point3(cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), 1);
hyperpoint h2 = point3(1, 0, 1);
hyperpoint h3 = point3(cos(alpha), sin(alpha), 1);
hyperpoint h12 = mid(h1, h2);
hyperpoint h23 = mid(h2, h3);
ld len = hdist(h12, h23);
transmatrix T = gpushxto0(h12);
auto T0 = T * C0;
auto Th23 = T * h23;
ld beta = atan2(T0);
ld gamma = atan2(Th23);
return {len, 90 * degree - (gamma - beta)};
#if MAXMDIM >= 4
auto hooksw = addHook(hooks_swapdim, 100, [] {
for(auto& p: {&current, &slided})

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@ -245,6 +245,16 @@ cld exp_parser::parse(int prio) {
res /= *distunit;
else if(eat("ideal_angle(")) {
ld edges = rparse(0);
return arb::rep_ideal(edges).second;
else if(eat("ideal_edge(")) {
ld edges = rparse(0);
return arb::rep_ideal(edges).first;
else if(eat("regangle(")) {
cld edgelen = parse(0);
if (auto *distunit = hr::at_or_null(extra_params, "distunit")) {