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synced 2025-03-13 23:18:16 +00:00
rogueviz:: reorganized the presentations
This commit is contained in:
@ -558,10 +558,11 @@ int readArgs() {
auto hook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs)
+ addHook(hooks_initgame, 100, bantar)
+ addHook(hooks_frame, 100, bantar_stats)
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 140, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 140, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "mixed") return;
using namespace pres;
tour::slide{"unsorted/Banach-Tarski-like", 62, LEGAL::NONE,
tour::slide{"Banach-Tarski-like", 62, LEGAL::NONE,
"Banach-Tarski-like decomposition. Break a hyperbolic plane into two hyperbolic planes.\n\n"
"Press '5' to show the decomposition. Press any key to stop.\n\n"
"You will see a map of the decomposition. Press '5' again to return.",
@ -313,10 +313,11 @@ int readArgs() {
int ah = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs) +
addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 142, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 42, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "data") return;
using namespace tour;
tour::slide{"unsorted/Collatz conjecture", 51, LEGAL::UNLIMITED | QUICKGEO,
tour::slide{"Collatz conjecture", 51, LEGAL::UNLIMITED | QUICKGEO,
"The following slide is a visualization of the Collatz conjecture. "
"Press '5' for a spiral rendering of the Collatz conjecture visualization.\n\n"
"Note that this, and many other RogueViz visualizations, have "
@ -496,10 +496,11 @@ auto hook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgsG)
+ addHook(hooks_initialize, 100, create_grigorchuk_geometry)
+ addHook(rogueviz::pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 140, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(rogueviz::pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 140, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "mixed") return;
using namespace rogueviz::pres;
"unsorted/Grigorchuk group", 10, tour::LEGAL::NONE,
"Grigorchuk group", 10, tour::LEGAL::NONE,
"This is a visualization of the Grigorchuk group. It is the first known group with "
"intermediate growth (i.e., superpolynomial and subexponential).\n\n"
@ -290,10 +290,11 @@ auto hchook = addHook(hooks_drawcell, 100, draw_ptriangle)
+ addHook(hooks_o_key, 80, o_key)
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 167, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 167, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "noniso") return;
using namespace tour;
tour::slide{"non-isotropic geometries/Impossible architecture in Nil/impossible ring", 18, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO,
tour::slide{"Impossible architecture in Nil/impossible ring", 18, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO,
"Ring with a square cross-section. Cut it in half. Rotate one of the two halves by 90°, "
"keeping one of the two ends connected to the other half. Do this in Nil geometry, so the other pair of ends remains connected too.\n\n"
"Move with mouse/arrows/PgUpDn. Press '5' to enable animation, 'o' to change ring size.\n\n",
@ -84,9 +84,10 @@ auto geoslide(eGeometry g, char canvas, int jhole, int jblock) {
string cap = "non-isotropic geometries/honeycombs/";
string cap = "honeycombs/";
void honey(vector<tour::slide>& v) {
void honey(string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "noniso") return;
using namespace tour;
@ -146,11 +147,13 @@ void honey(vector<tour::slide>& v) {
void start_noniso(vector<tour::slide>& v) {
vector<tour::slide> noniso_slides;
tour::slide *gen_noniso_demo() {
using namespace tour;
slide{"non-isotropic geometries/intro slide", 999, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKSKIP,
"This is a collection of non-isotropic geometry demos.",
slide{"Non-isotropic geometry demo", 999, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKSKIP,
"This is a presentation of non-isotropic geometries.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == pmStart) {
@ -159,9 +162,19 @@ void start_noniso(vector<tour::slide>& v) {
callhooks(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, "noniso", noniso_slides);
return &noniso_slides[0];
auto hooks = addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 163, honey)
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 160, start_noniso);
+ addHook(tour::ss::hooks_extra_slideshows, 120, [] (tour::ss::slideshow_callback cb) {
cb(XLAT("non-isotropic geometries"), &noniso_slides[0], 'n');
} }
@ -347,10 +347,11 @@ auto xhook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs)
+ addHook(hooks_handleKey, 0, handleKey)
+ addHook(hooks_prestats, 0, frame)
+ addHook(hooks_clearmemory, 40, [] () { snubon = false; } )
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 142, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 142, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "mixed") return;
using namespace tour;
tour::slide{"unsorted/Pentagonal Exploration", 62, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO,
tour::slide{"Pentagonal Exploration", 62, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO,
"Pentagonal Exploration explained at: http://www.roguetemple.com/z/sims/snub/\n\n"
"Move the mouse nearer and further away from the X.\n\n"
"Press 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 shift+4 shift+5 shift+6 to change the geometry.",
@ -303,28 +303,48 @@ void compare_projections(presmode mode, eModel a, eModel b) {
/* default RogueViz tour */
vector<slide> rvslides;
vector<slide> rvslides_mixed;
vector<slide> rvslides_data;
extern vector<slide> rvslides_default;
slide *gen_rvtour() {
rvslides = rvslides_default;
callhooks(hooks_build_rvtour, rvslides);
void add_end(vector<slide>& s) {
"Press '5' to leave the presentation.",
[] (presmode mode) {
firstland = specialland = laIce;
if(mode == pmStart) firstland = specialland = laIce;
if(mode == 4) restart_game(rg::tour);
return &rvslides[0];
slide *gen_rvtour_data() {
rvslides_data = rvslides_default;
callhooks(hooks_build_rvtour, "data", rvslides_data);
return &rvslides_data[0];
slide *gen_rvtour_mixed() {
"RogueViz", 999, LEGAL::ANY,
"This presentation is mostly composed from various unsorted demos, mostly posted on Twitter and YouTube. Press Enter to continue, ESC to look at other functions of this presentation.",
[] (presmode mode) {}
callhooks(hooks_build_rvtour, "mixed", rvslides_mixed);
return &rvslides_mixed[0];
vector<slide> rvslides_default = {
{"RogueViz", 999, LEGAL::ANY,
"This is a presentation of RogueViz, which "
"is an adaptation of HyperRogue as a visualization tool "
"rather than a game. Hyperbolic space is great "
{"intro", 999, LEGAL::ANY,
"Hyperbolic space is great "
"for visualizing some kinds of data because of the vast amount "
"of space.\n\n"
"Press '5' to switch to the standard HyperRogue tutorial. "
@ -346,7 +366,7 @@ vector<slide> rvslides_default = {
[] (presmode mode) {
using namespace linepatterns;
slidecommand = "toggle the Palace lines";
if(mode == 4) patPalace.color = 0xFFD500FF;
if(mode == 4) patPalace.color = (patPalace.color == 0xFFD500FF ? 0 : 0xFFD500FF);
if(mode == 3) patPalace.color = 0xFFD50000;
@ -363,15 +383,18 @@ int pres_hooks =
"common HyperRogue tutorial first is useful too, "
"as an introduction to hyperbolic geometry.";
if(mode == 4) {
slides = gen_rvtour();
while(tour::on) restart_game(rg::tour);
}) +
addHook(tour::ss::hooks_extra_slideshows, 100, [] (tour::ss::slideshow_callback cb) {
if(rogueviz::pres::rvslides.empty()) pres::gen_rvtour();
cb(XLAT("RogueViz mixed bag"), &pres::rvslides[0], 'r');
if(rogueviz::pres::rvslides_data.empty()) pres::gen_rvtour_data();
cb(XLAT("non-Euclidean geometry in data analysis"), &pres::rvslides_data[0], 'd');
if(rogueviz::pres::rvslides_mixed.empty()) pres::gen_rvtour_mixed();
cb(XLAT("unsorted RogueViz demos"), &pres::rvslides_mixed[0], 'u');
}) +
@ -208,7 +208,8 @@ auto msc =
total_time = 0;
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 180, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 180, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "mixed") return;
cap+"random walk visualization", 10, tour::LEGAL::NONE | tour::QUICKSKIP,
"Here we see random walk in various geometries.\n"
@ -560,9 +560,10 @@ int ah = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs)
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("SAG mode"), sag::sagmodes[sag::sagmode], 'm');
dialog::add_action([] { sag::sagmode = sag::eSagmode( (1+sag::sagmode) % 3 ); });
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 120, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 120, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "data") return;
using namespace pres;
string sagf = "hyperbolic geometry and data/SAG/";
string sagf = "SAG/";
slide{sagf+"Roguelikes", 63, LEGAL::UNLIMITED | QUICKGEO,
"A visualization of roguelikes, based on discussion on /r/reddit. "
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ bool draw_snow(cell *c, const shiftmatrix& V) {
bool cylanim = false;
string cap = "non-isotropic geometries/non-Euclidean snowballs/";
string cap = "non-Euclidean snowballs/";
void snow_slide(vector<tour::slide>& v, string title, string desc, reaction_t t) {
using namespace tour;
@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ auto hchook = addHook(hooks_drawcell, 100, draw_snow)
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 161, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 161, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "noniso") return;
cap+"snowball visualization", 10, tour::LEGAL::NONE | tour::QUICKSKIP,
"Non-Euclidean visualizations usually show some regular constructions. Could we visualize the geometries themselves? Let's distribute the snowballs randomly."
@ -353,10 +353,11 @@ int phooks = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs)
if(staircase::on) { staircase::showMenu(); return true; }
return false;
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 141, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 141, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "mixed") return;
using namespace tour;
tour::slide{"unsorted/Spiral Staircase", 62, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO,
tour::slide{"Spiral Staircase", 62, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO,
"Spiral Staircase Demo. Press '5' to change the curvature or other parameters.",
[] (presmode mode) {
@ -269,10 +269,11 @@ auto hook = 0
+ addHook(hooks_o_key, 80, o_key)
+ addHook(hooks_drawcell, 100, sunflower_cell)
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 144, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 144, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "mixed") return;
using namespace tour;
tour::slide{"unsorted/sunflower spirals", 18, LEGAL::ANY | QUICKGEO,
tour::slide{"sunflower spirals", 18, LEGAL::ANY | QUICKGEO,
"A sunflower sends out its n-th seed at angle 180° (3-sqrt(5)). "
"As new seeds are created, older seeds are pushed out. Therefore. "
"the distance d(n) of the n-th seed from the center will be such that "
@ -122,10 +122,11 @@ int readArgs() {
int ah = addHook(hooks_args, 120, readArgs)
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 120, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 120, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
if(s != "data") return;
using namespace pres;
tour::slide{"hyperbolic geometry and data/Tree of Life", 61, LEGAL::UNLIMITED | QUICKGEO,
tour::slide{"Tree of Life", 61, LEGAL::UNLIMITED | QUICKGEO,
"Hyperbolic geometry is much better than the Euclidean geometry at visualizing large trees and other hierarchical structures. "
"Here we visualize the data from the Tree of Life project.",
@ -523,10 +523,10 @@ void slide_itri(tour::presmode mode, int id) {
playermoved = false;
string cap = "non-isotropic geometries/Impossible architecture in Nil/";
string cap = "Impossible architecture in Nil/";
auto hchook = addHook(hooks_drawcell, 100, draw_ptriangle)
@ -549,8 +549,9 @@ auto hchook = addHook(hooks_drawcell, 100, draw_ptriangle)
return 0;
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 166, [] (vector<tour::slide>& v) {
+ addHook(pres::hooks_build_rvtour, 166, [] (string s, vector<tour::slide>& v) {
using namespace tour;
if(s != "noniso") return;
tour::slide{cap+"impossible triangle", 18, LEGAL::NONE | QUICKGEO,
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