mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 21:37:02 +00:00
settings for dS (also are now separate from adS)
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void restart() {
gen_terrain(vctr, ci_at[vctr], -2);
forCellEx(c1, vctr) ci_at[c1].type = wtNone;
ci_at[vctr].type = wtNone;
invincibility_pt = how_much_invincibility;
invincibility_pt = ads_how_much_invincibility;
paused = false;
ship_pt = 0;
@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ void run_ads_game_std() {
void change_scale(ld s) {
scale *= s;
ads_scale *= s;
rock_density /= (s * s);
rock_max_rapidity *= s;
simspeed *= s;
ads_simspeed *= s;
pconf.scale /= s;
how_much_invincibility *= s;
max_pdata.oxygen *= s;
tank_pdata.oxygen *= s;
ads_how_much_invincibility *= s;
ads_max_pdata.oxygen *= s;
ads_tank_pdata.oxygen *= s;
crash_particle_life *= s;
fuel_particle_life *= s;
@ -126,18 +126,32 @@ auto shot_hooks =
+ arg::add3("-ads-scale", [] { arg::shift(); ld s = arg::argf(); change_scale(s); })
+ arg::add3("-ads-restart", restart)
+ addHook(hooks_configfile, 100, [] {
param_f(how_much_invincibility, "ads_invinc")
-> editable(0, TAU, TAU/4, "invincibility time", "How long does the period of invincibility after crashing last, in absolute units.", 'i');
param_f(ads_how_much_invincibility, "ads_invinc")
-> editable(0, TAU, TAU/4, "AdS invincibility time", "How long does the period of invincibility after crashing last, in absolute units.", 'i');
param_f(ds_how_much_invincibility, "ads_invinc")
-> editable(0, TAU, TAU/4, "dS invincibility time", "How long does the period of invincibility after crashing last, in absolute units.", 'i');
param_b(auto_angle, "ads_auto_angle")
-> editable("automatically rotate the projection", 'a');
param_f(simspeed, "ads_game_simspeed")
-> editable(0, 2*TAU, TAU/4, "game speed", "Controls the speed of the game.", 's');
param_f(scale, "ads_game_scale")
-> editable(0, 2, 0.1, "game scale", "Controls the scaling of game objects.", 'c');
param_f(accel, "ads_game_accel")
-> editable(0, 30, 1, "acceleration", "Controls the speed of your ship's acceleration.", 'a');
param_f(time_unit, "ads_time_unit")
-> editable(0, 2*TAU, 1, "time unit",
param_f(ads_simspeed, "ads_game_simspeed")
-> editable(0, 2*TAU, TAU/4, "AdS game speed", "Controls the speed of the game.", 's');
param_f(ds_simspeed, "ads_game_simspeed")
-> editable(0, 2*TAU, TAU/4, "dS game speed", "Controls the speed of the game.", 's');
param_f(ads_scale, "ads_game_scale")
-> editable(0, 2, 0.1, "AdS game scale", "Controls the scaling of game objects.", 'c');
param_f(ds_scale, "ds_game_scale")
-> editable(0, 2, 0.1, "dS game scale", "Controls the scaling of game objects.", 'c');
param_f(ads_accel, "ads_game_accel")
-> editable(0, 30, 1, "AdS acceleration", "Controls the speed of your ship's acceleration.", 'a');
param_f(ds_accel, "ads_game_accel")
-> editable(0, 30, 1, "dS acceleration", "Controls the speed of your ship's acceleration.", 'a');
param_f(ads_time_unit, "ads_time_unit")
-> editable(0, 2*TAU, 1, "AdS time unit",
"Controls the unit used when the 'display the proper times' option is on.\n\n"
"It takes tau(=2π) units to go the full circle, so the default time unit is tau. You can also use the absolute units (1).\n\n"
"Times in settings are always specified in absolute units."
, 'a');
param_f(ds_time_unit, "ds_time_unit")
-> editable(0, 2*TAU, 1, "dS time unit",
"Controls the unit used when the 'display the proper times' option is on.\n\n"
"It takes tau(=2π) units to go the full circle, so the default time unit is tau. You can also use the absolute units (1).\n\n"
"Times in settings are always specified in absolute units."
@ -148,8 +162,10 @@ auto shot_hooks =
-> editable(0, 5, 0.05, "rock density", "how many rocks to generate", 'd');
param_f(rock_max_rapidity, "ads_rock_rapidity")
-> editable(0, 5, 0.05, "rock rapidity", "how fast should the rocks be relative to the map", 'w');
param_f(missile_rapidity, "ads_missile_rapidity")
-> editable(0, 5, 0.05, "missile rapidity", "how fast should the missiles go relative to the ship", 'm');
param_f(ads_missile_rapidity, "ads_missile_rapidity")
-> editable(0, 5, 0.05, "AdS missile rapidity", "how fast should the missiles go relative to the ship", 'm');
param_f(ds_missile_rapidity, "ds_missile_rapidity")
-> editable(0, 5, 0.05, "dS missile rapidity", "how fast should the missiles go relative to the ship", 'm');
param_b(auto_rotate, "ads_auto_rotate")
-> editable("automatically rotate the screen", 'r');
param_b(view_proper_times, "ads_display")
@ -173,6 +189,13 @@ auto shot_hooks =
param_i(draw_per_frame, "ads_draw_per_frame")
-> editable(0, 3000, 0.1, "tiles to draw per frame", "reduce if the framerate is low", 'D');
param_i(XSCALE, "ds_xscale")
-> editable(4, 512, 16, "x precision of Earth-de Sitter", "", 'x');
param_i(YSCALE, "ds_yscale")
-> editable(4, 512, 16, "y precision of Earth-de Sitter", "", 'y');
param_i(talpha, "ds_talpha")
-> editable(0, 255, 16, "dS texture intensity", "", 't');
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ void fire() {
ads_matrix S0 = ads_inverse(current * vctrV) * spin(ang*degree);
ads_matrix S1 = S0 * lorentz(0, 2, missile_rapidity);
ads_matrix S1 = S0 * lorentz(0, 2, ads_missile_rapidity);
auto& ro = ci_at[c].rocks;
auto r = std::make_unique<ads_object> (oMissile, c, S1, rsrc_color[rtAmmo]);
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ bool ads_turn(int idelta) {
if(true) {
/* proper time passed */
ld pt = delta * simspeed;
ld pt = delta * ads_simspeed;
ld mul = read_movement();
@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ bool ads_turn(int idelta) {
current = ads_matrix(spin(ang*degree) * xpush(mul*delta*-pause_speed) * spin(-ang*degree), 0) * current;
apply_lorentz(spin(ang*degree) * lorentz(0, 2, -delta*accel*mul) * spin(-ang*degree));
apply_lorentz(spin(ang*degree) * lorentz(0, 2, -delta*ads_accel*mul) * spin(-ang*degree));
if(!paused) {
pdata.fuel -= delta*accel*mul;
gen_particles(rpoisson(delta*accel*mul*fuel_particle_qty), vctr, ads_inverse(current * vctrV) * spin(ang*degree+M_PI) * rots::uxpush(0.06 * scale), rsrc_color[rtFuel], fuel_particle_rapidity, fuel_particle_life, 0.02);
pdata.fuel -= delta*ads_accel*mul;
gen_particles(rpoisson(delta*ads_accel*mul*fuel_particle_qty), vctr, ads_inverse(current * vctrV) * spin(ang*degree+M_PI) * rots::uxpush(0.06 * ads_scale), rsrc_color[rtFuel], fuel_particle_rapidity, fuel_particle_life, 0.02);
ld tc = 0;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void draw_game_cell(const cell_to_draw& cd) {
if(view_proper_times) {
string str = format(tformat, cd.center.shift / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, cd.center.shift / ads_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(rgpushxto0(cd.center.h)), .1, str, 0xFF4040, 8);
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void draw_game_cell(const cell_to_draw& cd) {
auto& shape = *rock.shape;
for(int i=0; i<isize(shape); i += 2) {
auto h = V * rock.at * rots::uxpush(shape[i] * scale) * rots::uypush(shape[i+1] * scale);
auto h = V * rock.at * rots::uxpush(shape[i] * ads_scale) * rots::uypush(shape[i+1] * ads_scale);
cross_result f = cross0(current * h);
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void draw_game_cell(const cell_to_draw& cd) {
0x000000FF, rock.col, obj_prio[rock.type]);
if(view_proper_times && rock.type != oParticle) {
string str = format(tformat, rock.pt_main.shift / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, rock.pt_main.shift / ads_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(rgpushxto0(rock.pt_main.h)), .1, str, 0xFFFFFF, 8);
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ void draw_game_cell(const cell_to_draw& cd) {
auto& shape = shape_ship;
for(int i=0; i<isize(shape); i += 2) {
auto h = V * rock.at * rgpushxto0(normalize(hyperpoint(shape[i] * scale, shape[i+1] * scale, 1, 0)));
auto h = V * rock.at * rgpushxto0(normalize(hyperpoint(shape[i] * ads_scale, shape[i+1] * ads_scale, 1, 0)));
pts.push_back(cross0(current * h).h);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void draw_game_cell(const cell_to_draw& cd) {
queuecurve(shiftless(Id), 0xFF, shipcolor, PPR::MONSTER_FOOT);
string str = format(tformat, (cr.shift + rock.start) / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, (cr.shift + rock.start) / ads_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(rgpushxto0(cr.h)), .1, str, 0xC0C0C0, 8);
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ void view_ads_game() {
for(int u=0; u<30; u++) {
auto bcurrent = current;
transmatrix T = spin(12*degree*u) * xpush(0.5);
transmatrix T = rgpushxto0( spin(12*degree*u) * xpush0(0.5) );
current.T = current.T * T;
auto base1 = findflat(ads_point(C0, 0));
@ -275,20 +275,20 @@ void view_ads_game() {
if(!game_over && !paused) {
poly_outline = 0xFF;
if(ship_pt < invincibility_pt) {
ld u = (invincibility_pt-ship_pt) / how_much_invincibility;
ld u = (invincibility_pt-ship_pt) / ads_how_much_invincibility;
poly_outline = gradient(shipcolor, rsrc_color[rtHull], 0, 0.5 + cos(5*u*TAU), 1);
queuepolyat(shiftless(spin(ang*degree) * Id), shShip, shipcolor, PPR::MONSTER_HAIR);
poly_outline = 0xFF;
if(view_proper_times) {
string str = format(tformat, ship_pt / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, ship_pt / ads_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(Id), .1, str, 0xFFFFFF, 8);
if(paused && view_proper_times) {
string str = format(tformat, view_pt / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, view_pt / ads_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(Id), .1, str, 0xFFFF00, 8);
@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ void set_default_keys();
vector<unique_ptr<ads_object>> rocks;
int ds_rocks = 500;
bool mark_origin = false;
struct rock_generator {
ld cshift;
@ -30,7 +27,7 @@ struct rock_generator {
void report(string s) {
println(hlog, lalign(10, format(tformat, cshift/time_unit)), ": ", s);
println(hlog, lalign(10, format(tformat, cshift/ds_time_unit)), ": ", s);
ld rand_range(ld a, ld b) { return lerp(a, b, randd()); };
@ -135,7 +132,7 @@ struct rock_generator {
int qty = 3 + rand() % 4;
ld rapidity = rand_range(1, 3);
ld step = rand_range(.45, .75);
ld step = rand_range(.45, .75) * ds_scale;
ld alpha = rand_range(0, TAU);
ld spinv = rand_range(0, TAU);
for(int i=0; i<qty; i++) {
@ -149,8 +146,8 @@ struct rock_generator {
void hyperboloid() {
ld alpha = randd() * TAU;
ld range1 = rand_range(0.15, 0.25);
ld range2 = rand_range(0.35, 0.45);
ld range1 = rand_range(0.15, 0.25) * ds_scale;
ld range2 = rand_range(0.35, 0.45) * ds_scale;
cshift += rand_range(2, 3);
ld rapidity = rand_range(-3, 3);
int qty = 20 + rand() % 10;
@ -173,7 +170,7 @@ struct rock_generator {
void add_random() {
int r = rand() % 1000;
int r = rand() % 150;
#define Chance(q) if(r < 0) return; r -= (q); if(r < 0)
Chance(10) death_cross(4);
@ -236,8 +233,8 @@ void init_ds_game() {
/* also create shape_disk */
for(int d=0; d<=360; d += 15) {
shape_disk.push_back(sin(d*degree) * 0.1 * scale);
shape_disk.push_back(cos(d*degree) * 0.1 * scale);
shape_disk.push_back(sin(d*degree) * 0.1 * ds_scale);
shape_disk.push_back(cos(d*degree) * 0.1 * ds_scale);
rockgen.cshift += 2;
@ -295,7 +292,7 @@ void ds_handle_crashes() {
if(!game_over) for(int i=0; i<isize(shape_ship); i+=2) {
hyperpoint h = spin(ang*degree) * hpxyz(shape_ship[i] * scale, shape_ship[i+1] * scale, 1);
hyperpoint h = spin(ang*degree) * hpxyz(shape_ship[i] * ds_scale, shape_ship[i+1] * ds_scale, 1);
for(auto r: drocks) {
if(pointcrash(h, r->pts)) ds_crash_ship();
@ -315,7 +312,7 @@ void ds_fire() {
transmatrix S0 = inverse(current.T) * spin(ang*degree);
transmatrix S1 = S0 * lorentz(0, 3, missile_rapidity);
transmatrix S1 = S0 * lorentz(0, 3, ads_missile_rapidity);
auto r = std::make_unique<ads_object> (oMissile, nullptr, ads_matrix(S1, current.shift), rsrc_color[rtAmmo]);
r->shape = &shape_missile;
@ -354,19 +351,19 @@ bool ds_turn(int idelta) {
if(true) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> g(geometry, gSpace435);
ld pt = delta * simspeed;
ld pt = delta * ds_simspeed;
ld mul = read_movement();
if(paused && a[16+11]) {
current.T = spin(ang*degree) * cspin(0, 2, mul*delta*-pause_speed) * spin(-ang*degree) * current.T;
else {
current.T = spin(ang*degree) * lorentz(0, 3, -delta*accel*mul) * spin(-ang*degree) * current.T;
current.T = spin(ang*degree) * lorentz(0, 3, -delta*ds_accel*mul) * spin(-ang*degree) * current.T;
if(!paused) {
pdata.fuel -= delta*accel*mul;
ds_gen_particles(rpoisson(delta*accel*mul*fuel_particle_qty), inverse(current.T) * spin(ang*degree+M_PI) * rots::uxpush(0.06 * scale), current.shift, rsrc_color[rtFuel], fuel_particle_rapidity, fuel_particle_life, 0.02);
pdata.fuel -= delta*ds_accel*mul;
ds_gen_particles(rpoisson(delta*ds_accel*mul*fuel_particle_qty), inverse(current.T) * spin(ang*degree+M_PI) * rots::uxpush(0.06 * ds_scale), current.shift, rsrc_color[rtFuel], fuel_particle_rapidity, fuel_particle_life, 0.02);
ld tc = 0;
@ -445,7 +442,7 @@ cross_result ds_cross0_light(transmatrix T) {
transmatrix tpt(ld x, ld y) {
return cspin(0, 2, x * scale) * cspin(1, 2, y * scale);
return cspin(0, 2, x * ds_scale) * cspin(1, 2, y * ds_scale);
void view_ds_game() {
@ -501,7 +498,7 @@ void view_ds_game() {
if(view_proper_times && rock.type != oParticle) {
ld t = rock.pt_main.shift;
if(rock.type == oMainRock) t += current.shift;
string str = format(tformat, t / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, t / ds_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(rgpushxto0(rock.pt_main.h)), .1, str, 0xFFFF00, 8);
@ -533,7 +530,7 @@ void view_ds_game() {
queuecurve(shiftless(Id), 0xFF, shipcolor, PPR::MONSTER_FOOT);
if(view_proper_times) {
string str = format(tformat, (cr.shift + ss.start) / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, (cr.shift + ss.start) / ds_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(rgpushxto0(cr.h)), .1, str, 0xC0C0C0, 8);
@ -541,20 +538,20 @@ void view_ds_game() {
if(!game_over && !paused) {
poly_outline = 0xFF;
if(ship_pt < invincibility_pt) {
ld u = (invincibility_pt-ship_pt) / how_much_invincibility;
ld u = (invincibility_pt-ship_pt) / ds_how_much_invincibility;
poly_outline = gradient(shipcolor, rsrc_color[rtHull], 0, 0.5 + cos(5*u*TAU), 1);
queuepolyat(shiftless(spin(ang*degree) * Id), shShip, shipcolor, PPR::MONSTER_HAIR);
poly_outline = 0xFF;
if(view_proper_times) {
string str = format(tformat, ship_pt / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, ship_pt / ds_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(Id), .1, str, 0xFFFFFF, 8);
if(paused && view_proper_times) {
string str = format(tformat, view_pt / time_unit);
string str = format(tformat, view_pt / ds_time_unit);
queuestr(shiftless(Id), .1, str, 0xFFFF00, 8);
@ -587,7 +584,8 @@ void run_ds_game() {
if(true) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> g(geometry, gSpace435);
current = cspin(0, 2, 0.2);
current = cspin(0, 2, 0.2 * ds_scale);
invincibility_pt = ds_how_much_invincibility;
ship_pt = 0;
@ -603,11 +601,11 @@ void run_ds_game() {
void ds_record() {
ld full = anims::period;
anims::period = full * history.back().start / simspeed;
anims::period = full * history.back().start / ds_simspeed;
anims::noframes = anims::period * 60 / 1000;
dynamicval<bool> b(paused, true);
int a = addHook(anims::hooks_anim, 100, [&] {
view_pt = (ticks / full) * simspeed;
view_pt = (ticks / full) * ds_simspeed;
for(auto& ss: history)
if(ss.start + ss.duration > view_pt) {
if(sphere) {
@ -633,8 +631,7 @@ void ds_record() {
auto ds_hooks =
arg::add3("-ds-game", run_ds_game)
+ arg::add3("-ds-record", ds_record)
+ arg::add3("-ds-record", ds_record);
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ ld smoothstep(ld x) {
void draw_texture(texture_to_use& tu) {
if(!talpha) return;
auto& et = *tu.tx;
auto& tex = et.tex;
@ -3,16 +3,21 @@ namespace hr {
namespace ads_game {
/** simulation speed */
ld simspeed = TAU;
ld ads_simspeed = TAU;
ld ds_simspeed = M_PI;
#define DS_(x) (main_rock ? ds_##x : ads_##x)
/** by how much do WAS keys accelerate */
ld accel = 6;
ld ads_accel = 6;
ld ds_accel = 15;
/** cursor movement speed while paused */
ld pause_speed = 5;
/** time unit for time display */
ld time_unit = TAU;
ld ads_time_unit = TAU;
ld ds_time_unit = 1;
/** transform world coordinates to current view coordinates */
ads_matrix current;
@ -61,7 +66,8 @@ void change_scale(ld s);
vector<struct ads_object*> displayed;
/** how much should be the objects scaled */
ld scale = 1;
ld ads_scale = 1;
ld ds_scale = 1;
color_t missile_color = 0xFF0000FF;
@ -75,16 +81,18 @@ struct player_data {
ld oxygen;
ld how_much_invincibility = TAU / 4;
ld ads_how_much_invincibility = TAU / 4;
ld ds_how_much_invincibility = TAU / 4;
player_data pdata, max_pdata, tank_pdata;
player_data pdata, ads_max_pdata, ads_tank_pdata, ds_max_pdata, ds_tank_pdata;
bool auto_angle = true;
ld rock_density = 0.25;
ld rock_max_rapidity = 1.5;
ld missile_rapidity = 3; // speed is tanh(3) = about 0.95c
ld ads_missile_rapidity = 3; // speed is tanh(3) = about 0.95c
ld ds_missile_rapidity = 3; // speed is tanh(3) = about 0.95c
ld crash_particle_rapidity = 1;
ld crash_particle_qty = 8;
@ -101,8 +109,6 @@ int draw_per_frame = 1000;
/* for DS */
ld ds_split_speed = 0.1;
ads_object *main_rock;
int XSCALE = 64;
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ bool pointcrash(hyperpoint h, const vector<cross_result>& vf) {
void common_crash_ship() {
invincibility_pt = ship_pt + how_much_invincibility;
invincibility_pt = ship_pt + DS_(how_much_invincibility);
if(pdata.hitpoints <= 0) game_over = true;
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void handle_crashes() {
if(!game_over) for(int i=0; i<isize(shape_ship); i+=2) {
hyperpoint h = spin(ang*degree) * hpxyz(shape_ship[i] * scale, shape_ship[i+1] * scale, 1);
hyperpoint h = spin(ang*degree) * hpxyz(shape_ship[i] * ads_scale, shape_ship[i+1] * ads_scale, 1);
for(auto r: rocks) {
if(pointcrash(h, r->pts)) ads_crash_ship();
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ namespace hr {
namespace ads_game {
void adjust_for_scale() {
if(scale < 0.3) max_gen_per_frame = 1, draw_per_frame = 30, missile_rapidity = 1;
else if(scale < 0.8) max_gen_per_frame = 2, draw_per_frame = 100, missile_rapidity = 1;
else max_gen_per_frame = 3, draw_per_frame = 1000, missile_rapidity = 3;
if(ads_scale < 0.3) max_gen_per_frame = 1, draw_per_frame = 30, ads_missile_rapidity = 1;
else if(ads_scale < 0.8) max_gen_per_frame = 2, draw_per_frame = 100, ads_missile_rapidity = 1;
else max_gen_per_frame = 3, draw_per_frame = 1000, ads_missile_rapidity = 3;
void edit_difficulty() {
@ -13,33 +13,40 @@ void edit_difficulty() {
dialog::init(XLAT("AdS game parameters"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100);
if(!main_rock) {
dialog::addItem(XLAT("scale everything :2"), '!');
dialog::add_action([] {
dialog::addItem(XLAT("scale everything *2"), '@');
dialog::add_action([] {
if(!main_rock) {
dialog::addItem(XLAT("scale everything :2"), '!');
dialog::add_action([] {
dialog::addItem(XLAT("scale everything *2"), '@');
dialog::add_action([] {
@ -48,7 +55,7 @@ void edit_particles() {
cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK;
dialog::init(XLAT("AdS particle settings"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100);
dialog::init(XLAT("particle/texture settings"), 0xC0C0FFFF, 150, 100);
@ -57,6 +64,13 @@ void edit_particles() {
if(main_rock) {
@ -73,11 +87,11 @@ void game_menu() {
if(!main_rock) add_edit(auto_rotate);
if(!main_rock) add_edit(auto_angle);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("particle settings"), 'p');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("particle/texture settings"), 'p');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("restart game"), 'r');
@ -10,17 +10,29 @@ color_t rsrc_color[6] = { 0x404040FF, 0x40C0C0FF, 0xFFD500FF, 0xFF0000FF, 0x00FF
vector<ld>* rsrc_shape[6] = { &shape_particle, &shape_heart, &shape_gold, &shape_weapon, &shape_fuel, &shape_airtank };
void rsrc_config() {
max_pdata.hitpoints = 3;
max_pdata.score = 0;
max_pdata.ammo = 50;
max_pdata.fuel = 12 * TAU;
max_pdata.oxygen = 20 * TAU;
ads_max_pdata.hitpoints = 3;
ads_max_pdata.score = 0;
ads_max_pdata.ammo = 50;
ads_max_pdata.fuel = 12 * TAU;
ads_max_pdata.oxygen = 20 * TAU;
tank_pdata.hitpoints = 1;
tank_pdata.score = 1;
tank_pdata.ammo = 20;
tank_pdata.fuel = 4 * TAU;
tank_pdata.oxygen = 5 * TAU;
ads_tank_pdata.hitpoints = 1;
ads_tank_pdata.score = 1;
ads_tank_pdata.ammo = 20;
ads_tank_pdata.fuel = 4 * TAU;
ads_tank_pdata.oxygen = 5 * TAU;
ds_max_pdata.hitpoints = 5;
ds_max_pdata.score = 0;
ds_max_pdata.ammo = 10;
ds_max_pdata.fuel = 12 * TAU;
ds_max_pdata.oxygen = 20 * TAU;
ds_tank_pdata.hitpoints = 1;
ds_tank_pdata.score = 1;
ds_tank_pdata.ammo = 2;
ds_tank_pdata.fuel = 8 * TAU;
ds_tank_pdata.oxygen = 15 * TAU;
auto all = [] (player_data& d, string s, string t, string u) {
param_i(d.hitpoints, s+"hp")
@ -33,8 +45,10 @@ void rsrc_config() {
->editable(0, 10, 3, t + (": oxygen"), u + ("Oxygen is drained whenever continuously."), '1');
all(max_pdata, "ads_max_", "maximum", "These control the maximum and initial values of your resources. ");
all(tank_pdata, "ads_tank_", "bonus", "These control the amount of resource in a bonus tank. ");
all(ads_max_pdata, "ads_max_", "AdS maximum", "These control the maximum and initial values of your resources. ");
all(ads_tank_pdata, "ads_tank_", "AdS bonus", "These control the amount of resource in a bonus tank. ");
all(ds_max_pdata, "ads_max_", "dS maximum", "These control the maximum and initial values of your resources. ");
all(ds_tank_pdata, "ads_tank_", "dS bonus", "These control the amount of resource in a bonus tank. ");
void edit_rsrc() {
@ -44,12 +58,12 @@ void edit_rsrc() {
void init_rsrc() {
pdata = max_pdata;
pdata = DS_(max_pdata);
game_over = false;
@ -127,7 +141,7 @@ bool display_rsrc() {
check_cgi(); cgi.require_shapes();
#define D(id, y, field, unit) display(id, y, pdata.field, max_pdata.field, tank_pdata.field, unit)
#define D(id, y, field, unit) display(id, y, pdata.field, DS_(max_pdata).field, DS_(tank_pdata).field, unit)
D(1, 1, hitpoints, 1);
D(3, 2, ammo, 1);
D(4, 3, fuel, TAU);
@ -140,6 +154,8 @@ bool display_rsrc() {
void gain_resource(eResourceType rsrc) {
auto& tank_pdata = DS_(tank_pdata);
auto& max_pdata = DS_(max_pdata);
#define D(id, field) if(rsrc == id) { pdata.field += tank_pdata.field; if(max_pdata.field && pdata.field > max_pdata.field) pdata.field = max_pdata.field; }
println(hlog, "gain resource ", int(rsrc));
D(1, hitpoints)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ vector<ld> shape_airtank = {-0.101054, 0.0134738, -0.0904219, 0.014429, -0.07790
vector<ld> shape_ship = { 0.0699706, 0, 0.0509304, 0.019032, 0.0056909, 0.023788, 0.0318813, 0.0309258, 0.0330715, 0.0368693, 0.00331668, 0.0380512, -0.0630665, 0.0699568, -0.0619577, 0.041535, -0.0678691, 0.0415233, -0.0678946, 0.0261072, -0.0572505, 0.0237463, -0.0572505, -0.0237463, -0.0678946, -0.0261072, -0.0678691, -0.0415233, -0.0619577, -0.041535, -0.0630665, -0.0699568, 0.00331668, -0.0380512, 0.0330715, -0.0368693, 0.0318813, -0.0309258, 0.0056909, -0.023788, 0.0509304, -0.019032 };
void make_shape() {
auto scale = DS_(scale);
if(made_scale == scale) return;
made_scale = scale;
cgi.bshape(shShip, PPR::MONSTER_BODY);
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