mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-01 01:10:10 +00:00

raycasting in VR equidistant, for isotropic geometries

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2021-01-31 15:27:58 +01:00
parent f73bb98a27
commit a76ef1e8da
2 changed files with 95 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -78,13 +78,17 @@ bool need_many_cell_types() {
EX bool available() {
#if CAP_VR
/* would need a completely different implementation */
if(vrhr::active() && vrhr::eyes == vrhr::eEyes::equidistant) return false;
if(vrhr::active() && vrhr::eyes == vrhr::eEyes::equidistant) {
if(reflect_val) return false;
if(nonisotropic) return false;
if(prod) return false;
if(noGUI) return false;
if(!vid.usingGL) return false;
if(GDIM == 2) return false;
if(WDIM == 2 && (kite::in() || bt::in())) return false;
#ifdef GLES_ONLY
if(need_many_cell_types()) return false;
if(hyperbolic && pmodel == mdPerspective && !kite::in())
@ -130,6 +134,7 @@ struct raycaster : glhr::GLprogram {
GLint uToOrig, uFromOrig;
GLint uProjection;
GLint uEyeShift, uAbsUnit;
raycaster(string vsh, string fsh);
@ -173,6 +178,9 @@ raycaster::raycaster(string vsh, string fsh) : GLprogram(vsh, fsh) {
uATOI = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uATOI");
uToOrig = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uToOrig");
uFromOrig = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uFromOrig");
uEyeShift = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uEyeShift");
uAbsUnit = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uAbsUnit");
shared_ptr<raycaster> our_raycaster;
@ -355,8 +363,14 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"return vec2(1, 1);\n"
#if CAP_VR
bool eyes = vrhr::active() && vrhr::eyes == vrhr::eEyes::equidistant;
const bool eyes = false;
bool stepbased = nonisotropic || stretch::in();
bool stepbased = nonisotropic || stretch::in() || eyes;
string fmain = "void main() {\n";
@ -398,6 +412,8 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fmain +=
" at0.xyz = at0.xyz / length(at0.xyz);\n";
if(eyes) fmain += " at0.xyz /= uAbsUnit;\n";
if(hyperbolic) fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return x[3]; }\n";
@ -407,10 +423,13 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
else fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return length(x.xyz); }\n";
ld s = 1;
if(eyes) s *= vrhr::absolute_unit_in_meters;
if(stepbased) fmain +=
" const mediump float maxstep = " + fts(maxstep_current()) + ";\n"
" const mediump float minstep = " + fts(minstep) + ";\n"
" mediump float next = maxstep;\n";
" const mediump float maxstep = " + fts(maxstep_current() * s) + ";\n"
" const mediump float minstep = " + fts(minstep * s) + ";\n"
" mediump float next = maxstep;\n";
if(prod) {
string sgn=in_h2xe() ? "-" : "+";
@ -427,9 +446,16 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" mediump float xspeed = length(at1.xy);\n"
" mediump vec4 tangent = vw * exp(-zpos) * vec4(at1.xy, 0, 0) / xspeed;\n";
else fmain +=
" mediump vec4 position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);\n"
" mediump vec4 tangent = vw * at0;\n";
else if(!eyes) {
fmain +=
" mediump vec4 position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);\n"
" mediump vec4 tangent = vw * at0;\n";
if(eyes) {
fsh += "mediump uniform mat4 uEyeShift;\n";
fsh += "mediump uniform float uAbsUnit;\n";
if(stretch::in()) {
if(stretch::mstretch) {
@ -859,7 +885,26 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fmain += "mediump vec4 sp = uStraighten * nposition;\n";
if(hyperbolic) {
if(eyes) {
fmain +=
" mediump float t = go + dist;\n"
" mediump vec4 v = at0 * t;\n"
" v[3] = 1.;\n"
" mediump vec4 azeq = uEyeShift * v;\n"
" mediump float alen = length(azeq.xyz);\n";
if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
" azeq *= sinh(alen) / alen;\n"
" azeq[3] = cosh(alen);\n";
else if(sphere) fmain +=
" azeq *= sin(alen) / alen;\n"
" azeq[3] = cos(alen);\n";
else /* euclid */ fmain +=
" azeq[3] = 1;\n";
fmain +=
" mediump vec4 nposition = vw * azeq;\n";
else if(hyperbolic) {
fmain +=
" mediump float ch = cosh(dist); mediump float sh = sinh(dist);\n"
" mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
@ -867,7 +912,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" mediump vec4 nposition = v;\n";
if(sphere && !stretch::in()) {
else if(sphere && !stretch::in()) {
fmain +=
" mediump float ch = cos(dist); mediump float sh = sin(dist);\n"
" mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
@ -972,11 +1017,13 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"tangent = tangent + (acc1+2.*acc2+2.*acc3+acc4)/(6.*dist);\n";
else if(nil) fmain +=
"tangent = translatev(position, xt);\n";
else fmain +=
else if(!eyes)
fmain +=
"tangent = ntangent;\n";
fmain +=
if(!eyes) fmain +=
"position = nposition;\n";
else fmain += "vec4 position = nposition;\n";
if((stretch::in() || sl2) && use_christoffel) {
fmain +=
@ -996,16 +1043,18 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
else fmain +=
"position = position + tangent * dist;\n";
if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
"position /= sqrt(position.w*position.w - dot(position.xyz, position.xyz));\n"
"tangent -= dot(vec4(-position.xyz, position.w), tangent) * position;\n"
"tangent /= sqrt(dot(tangent.xyz, tangent.xyz) - tangent.w*tangent.w);\n";
if(in_h2xe()) fmain +=
"position /= sqrt(position.z*position.z - dot(position.xy, position.xy));\n"
"tangent -= dot(vec3(-position.xy, position.z), tangent.xyz) * position;\n"
"tangent /= sqrt(dot(tangent.xy, tangent.xy) - tangent.z*tangent.z);\n";
if(!eyes) {
if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
"position /= sqrt(position.w*position.w - dot(position.xyz, position.xyz));\n"
"tangent -= dot(vec4(-position.xyz, position.w), tangent) * position;\n"
"tangent /= sqrt(dot(tangent.xyz, tangent.xyz) - tangent.w*tangent.w);\n";
if(in_h2xe()) fmain +=
"position /= sqrt(position.z*position.z - dot(position.xy, position.xy));\n"
"tangent -= dot(vec3(-position.xy, position.z), tangent.xyz) * position;\n"
"tangent /= sqrt(dot(tangent.xy, tangent.xy) - tangent.z*tangent.z);\n";
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
fmain +=
@ -1053,9 +1102,14 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" mediump vec2 u = cid + vec2(float(which) / float(uLength), 0);\n"
" mediump vec4 col = texture2D(tWallcolor, u);\n"
" if(col[3] > 0.0) {\n";
fmain += " float gou = go / uAbsUnit;\n";
fmain += " float gou = go;\n";
if(hard_limit < NO_LIMIT)
fmain += " if(go > " + to_glsl(hard_limit) + ") { gl_FragDepth = 1.; return; }\n";
fmain += " if(gou > " + to_glsl(hard_limit) + ") { gl_FragDepth = 1.; return; }\n";
if(!(levellines && disable_texture)) fmain +=
" mediump vec2 inface = map_texture(position, which+walloffset);\n"
@ -1067,11 +1121,11 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" }\n";
fmain += " mediump float d = uExpStart * exp(-go / uExpDecay);\n";
fmain += " mediump float d = uExpStart * exp(-gou / uExpDecay);\n";
fmain +=
" mediump float d = max(1. - go / uLinearSightRange, uExpStart * exp(-go / uExpDecay));\n";
" mediump float d = max(1. - gou / uLinearSightRange, uExpStart * exp(-gou / uExpDecay));\n";
if(!volumetric::on) fmain +=
" col.xyz = col.xyz * d + uFogColor.xyz * (1.-d);\n";
@ -1096,7 +1150,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
else fmain +=
" if(col.w == 1.) {\n";
if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
if(hyperbolic && !eyes) fmain +=
" mediump vec4 t = at0 * sinh(go);\n";
else fmain +=
" mediump vec4 t = at0 * go;\n";
@ -1105,7 +1159,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" t.w = 1.;\n";
if(levellines) {
if(hyperbolic && !eyes)
fmain += "gl_FragColor.xyz *= 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(z/cosh(go) * uLevelLines * 2. * PI);\n";
fmain += "gl_FragColor.xyz *= 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(z * uLevelLines * 2. * PI);\n";
@ -1192,7 +1246,12 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fmain +=
" int mid = int(connection.z * 1024.);\n"
" mediump mat4 m = " GET("uM", "mid") " * " GET("uM", "walloffset+which") ";\n"
" mediump mat4 m = " GET("uM", "mid") " * " GET("uM", "walloffset+which") ";\n";
fmain += " vw = m * vw;\n";
else fmain +=
" position = m * position;\n"
" tangent = m * tangent;\n";
@ -1340,6 +1399,10 @@ EX void cast() {
#if CAP_VR
if(o->uEyeShift != -1) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(o->uEyeShift, 1, 0, glhr::tmtogl_transpose3(vrhr::eyeshift).as_array());
glUniform1f(o->uAbsUnit, vrhr::absolute_unit_in_meters);
if(vrhr::rendering_eye()) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(o->uProjection, 1, 0, glhr::tmtogl_transpose3(vrhr::eyeproj).as_array());

View File

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ vr_framebuffer::vr_framebuffer(int xsize, int ysize) {
EX transmatrix eyeproj;
EX transmatrix eyeproj, eyeshift;
vr_framebuffer::~vr_framebuffer() {
glDeleteRenderbuffers( 1, &m_nDepthBufferId );
@ -976,8 +976,10 @@ EX void render() {
if(eyes == eEyes::equidistant && i != 2) {
hmd_mv = inverse(vrdata.eyepos[i]) * hmd_mv;
eyeshift = vrdata.eyepos[i];
hmd_mv = inverse(eyeshift) * hmd_mv;
else eyeshift = Id;
hmd_mv_for[i] = hmd_mv;
if(i != 2) {
hmd_mvp = vrdata.proj[i] * hmd_mv;