mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 04:17:03 +00:00
ray:: unsuccessful attempt to adjust the raycaster to web
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,6 +136,31 @@ EX void reset_raycaster() { our_raycaster = nullptr; };
int deg;
#ifdef GLES_ONLY
void add(string& tgt, string type, string name, int min_index, int max_index) {
if(min_index + 1 == max_index)
tgt += "{ return " + name + "[" + its(min_index) + "]; }";
else {
int mid = (min_index + max_index) / 2;
tgt += "{ if(i<" + its(mid) + ") ";
add(tgt, type, name, min_index, mid);
tgt += " else ";
add(tgt, type, name, mid, max_index);
tgt += " }";
string build_getter(string type, string name, int index) {
string s = type + " get_" + name + "(int i) \n";
add(s, type, name, 0, index);
return s + "\n";
#define GET(array, index) "get_" array "(" index ")"
#define GET(array, index) array "[" index "]"
void enable_raycaster() {
if(geometry != last_geometry) reset_raycaster();
last_geometry = geometry;
@ -157,7 +182,8 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" }\n";
string rays = its(isize(cgi.raywall));
int irays = isize(cgi.raywall);
string rays = its(irays);
string fsh =
"varying mediump vec4 at;\n"
@ -177,6 +203,13 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"uniform mediump int uWallstart["+its(deg+1)+"];\n"
"uniform mediump float uLinearSightRange, uExpStart, uExpDecay;\n";
#ifdef GLES_ONLY
fsh += build_getter("mediump vec4", "uWallX", irays);
fsh += build_getter("mediump vec4", "uWallY", irays);
fsh += build_getter("mediump int", "uWallstart", deg+1);
fsh += build_getter("mediump mat4", "uM", 84);
if(prod) fsh +=
"uniform mediump float uPLevel;\n"
"uniform mediump mat4 uLP;\n";
@ -191,7 +224,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
if(IN_ODS || hyperbolic) fsh +=
"mat4 xpush(float x) { return mat4("
"mediump mat4 xpush(float x) { return mat4("
"cosh(x), 0., 0., sinh(x),\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 1., 0.,\n"
@ -200,14 +233,14 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
if(IN_ODS) fsh +=
"mat4 xzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"mediump mat4 xzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"cos(x), 0., sin(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"-sin(x), 0., cos(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 0., 1."
"mat4 yzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"mediump mat4 yzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"1., 0., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., cos(x), sin(x), 0.,\n"
"0., -sin(x), cos(x), 0.,\n"
@ -215,7 +248,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fsh +=
"vec2 map_texture(vec4 pos, int which) {\n";
"mediump vec2 map_texture(mediump vec4 pos, int which) {\n";
if(nil) fsh += "if(which == 2 || which == 5) pos.z = 0.;\n";
else if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) fsh +=
"pos = vec4(-log(pos.w-pos.x), pos.y, pos.z, 1);\n"
@ -226,11 +259,11 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"pos = vec4(pos.x/pos.z, pos.y/pos.z, pos.w, 0);\n";
fsh +=
"int s = uWallstart[which];\n"
"int e = uWallstart[which+1];\n"
"int s = " GET("uWallstart", "which") ";\n"
"int e = " GET("uWallstart", "which+1") ";\n"
"for(int ix=0; ix<16; ix++) {\n"
"int i = s+ix; if(i >= e) break;\n"
"vec2 v = vec2(dot(uWallX[i], pos), dot(uWallY[i], pos));\n"
"mediump vec2 v = vec2(dot(" GET("uWallX", "i") ", pos), dot(" GET("uWallY", "i") ", pos));\n"
"if(v.x >= 0. && v.y >= 0. && v.x + v.y <= 1.) return vec2(v.x+v.y, v.x-v.y);\n"
"return vec2(1, 1);\n"
@ -241,57 +274,57 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
if(use_reflect) fmain += " bool depthtoset = true;\n";
if(IN_ODS) fmain +=
" float lambda = at[0];\n" // -PI to PI
" float phi;\n"
" float eye;\n"
" mediump float lambda = at[0];\n" // -PI to PI
" mediump float phi;\n"
" mediump float eye;\n"
" if(at.y < 0.) { phi = at.y + PI/2.; eye = uIPD / 2.; }\n" // right
" else { phi = at.y - PI/2.; eye = -uIPD / 2.; }\n"
" mat4 vw = uStart * xzspin(-lambda) * xpush(eye) * yzspin(phi);\n"
" vec4 at0 = vec4(0., 0., 1., 0.);\n";
" mediump mat4 vw = uStart * xzspin(-lambda) * xpush(eye) * yzspin(phi);\n"
" mediump vec4 at0 = vec4(0., 0., 1., 0.);\n";
else fmain +=
" mat4 vw = uStart;\n"
" vec4 at0 = at;\n"
" mediump mat4 vw = uStart;\n"
" mediump vec4 at0 = at;\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0,0,0,1);\n"
" float left = 1.;\n"
" mediump float left = 1.;\n"
" at0.y = -at.y;\n"
" at0.w = 0.;\n"
" at0.xyz = at0.xyz / length(at0.xyz);\n";
if(hyperbolic) fsh += " float len(vec4 x) { return x[3]; }\n";
else fsh += " float len(vec4 x) { return length(x.xyz); }\n";
if(hyperbolic) fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return x[3]; }\n";
else fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return length(x.xyz); }\n";
if(nonisotropic) fmain +=
" const float maxstep = " + fts(maxstep_current()) + ";\n"
" const float minstep = " + fts(minstep) + ";\n"
" float next = maxstep;\n";
" const mediump float maxstep = " + fts(maxstep_current()) + ";\n"
" const mediump float minstep = " + fts(minstep) + ";\n"
" mediump float next = maxstep;\n";
if(prod) {
string sgn=in_h2xe() ? "-" : "+";
fmain +=
" vec4 position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 1., 0.);\n"
" vec4 at1 = uLP * at0;\n";
" mediump vec4 position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 1., 0.);\n"
" mediump vec4 at1 = uLP * at0;\n";
if(in_e2xe()) fmain +=
" float zpos = log(position.z);\n";
" mediump float zpos = log(position.z);\n";
else fmain +=
" float zpos = log(position.z*position.z"+sgn+"position.x*position.x"+sgn+"position.y*position.y)/2.;\n";
" mediump float zpos = log(position.z*position.z"+sgn+"position.x*position.x"+sgn+"position.y*position.y)/2.;\n";
fmain +=
" position *= exp(-zpos);\n"
" float zspeed = at1.z;\n"
" float xspeed = length(at1.xy);\n"
" vec4 tangent = vw * exp(-zpos) * vec4(at1.xy, 0, 0) / xspeed;\n";
" mediump float zspeed = at1.z;\n"
" mediump float xspeed = length(at1.xy);\n"
" mediump vec4 tangent = vw * exp(-zpos) * vec4(at1.xy, 0, 0) / xspeed;\n";
else fmain +=
" vec4 position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);\n"
" vec4 tangent = vw * at0;\n";
" mediump vec4 position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);\n"
" mediump vec4 tangent = vw * at0;\n";
fmain +=
" float go = 0.;\n"
" vec2 cid = uStartid;\n"
" mediump float go = 0.;\n"
" mediump vec2 cid = uStartid;\n"
" for(int iter=0; iter<" + its(max_iter_current()) + "; iter++) {\n";
fmain +=
" float dist = 100.;\n";
" mediump float dist = 100.;\n";
fmain +=
" int which = -1;\n";
@ -300,9 +333,9 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
if(IN_ODS) fmain +=
" if(go == 0.) {\n"
" float best = len(position);\n"
" mediump float best = len(position);\n"
" for(int i=0; i<"+its(S7)+"; i++) {\n"
" float cand = len(uM[i] * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = len(uM[i] * position);\n"
" if(cand < best - .001) { dist = 0.; best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n";
@ -315,38 +348,38 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fmain += "for(int i="+its(flat1)+"; i<"+its(flat2)+"; i++) {\n";
if(in_h2xe()) fmain +=
" float v = ((position - uM[i] * position)[2] / (uM[i] * tangent - tangent)[2]);\n"
" mediump float v = ((position - uM[i] * position)[2] / (uM[i] * tangent - tangent)[2]);\n"
" if(v > 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n"
" float d = atanh(v);\n"
" vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n"
" mediump float d = atanh(v);\n"
" mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n"
" if(next_tangent[2] < (uM[i] * next_tangent)[2]) continue;\n"
" d /= xspeed;\n";
else if(in_s2xe()) fmain +=
" float v = ((position - uM[i] * position)[2] / (uM[i] * tangent - tangent)[2]);\n"
" float d = atan(v);\n"
" vec4 next_tangent = tangent * cos(d) - position * sin(d);\n"
" mediump float v = ((position - uM[i] * position)[2] / (uM[i] * tangent - tangent)[2]);\n"
" mediump float d = atan(v);\n"
" mediump vec4 next_tangent = tangent * cos(d) - position * sin(d);\n"
" if(next_tangent[2] > (uM[i] * next_tangent)[2]) continue;\n"
" d /= xspeed;\n";
else if(in_e2xe()) fmain +=
" float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*tangent);\n"
" mediump float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*tangent);\n"
" if(deno < 1e-6 && deno > -1e-6) continue;\n"
" float d = (dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n"
" mediump float d = (dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n"
" if(d < 0.) continue;\n"
" vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n"
" mediump vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n"
" if(dot(next_position, tangent) < dot(uM[i]*next_position, uM[i]*tangent)) continue;\n"
" d /= xspeed;\n";
else if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
" float v = ((position - uM[i] * position)[3] / (uM[i] * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n"
" mediump float v = ((position - uM[i] * position)[3] / (uM[i] * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n"
" if(v > 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n"
" float d = atanh(v);\n"
" vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n"
" mediump float d = atanh(v);\n"
" mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n"
" if(next_tangent[3] < (uM[i] * next_tangent)[3]) continue;\n";
else fmain +=
" float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*tangent);\n"
" mediump float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*tangent);\n"
" if(deno < 1e-6 && deno > -1e-6) continue;\n"
" float d = (dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n"
" mediump float d = (dot(uM[i]*position, uM[i]*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n"
" if(d < 0.) continue;\n"
" vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n"
" mediump vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n"
" if(dot(next_position, tangent) < dot(uM[i]*next_position, uM[i]*tangent)) continue;\n";
fmain +=
@ -359,28 +392,28 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
fmain +=
"for(int i=20; i<22; i++) {\n"
"float sgn = i == 20 ? -1. : 1.;\n"
"vec4 zpos = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n"
"vec4 ztan = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n"
"float Mp = zpos.w - zpos.x;\n"
"float Mt = ztan.w - ztan.x;\n"
"float a = (Mp*Mp-Mt*Mt);\n"
"float b = Mp/a;\n"
"float c = (1.+Mt*Mt) / a;\n"
"mediump float sgn = i == 20 ? -1. : 1.;\n"
"mediump vec4 zpos = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n"
"mediump vec4 ztan = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n"
"mediump float Mp = zpos.w - zpos.x;\n"
"mediump float Mt = ztan.w - ztan.x;\n"
"mediump float a = (Mp*Mp-Mt*Mt);\n"
"mediump float b = Mp/a;\n"
"mediump float c = (1.+Mt*Mt) / a;\n"
"if(b*b < c) continue;\n"
"if(sgn < 0. && Mt > 0.) continue;\n"
"float zsgn = (Mt > 0. ? -sgn : sgn);\n"
"float u = sqrt(b*b-c)*zsgn + b;\n"
"float v = -(Mp*u-1.) / Mt;\n"
"float d = asinh(v);\n"
"mediump float zsgn = (Mt > 0. ? -sgn : sgn);\n"
"mediump float u = sqrt(b*b-c)*zsgn + b;\n"
"mediump float v = -(Mp*u-1.) / Mt;\n"
"mediump float d = asinh(v);\n"
"if(d < 0. && abs(log(position.w*position.w-position.x*position.x)) < uBLevel) continue;\n"
"if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n"
if(prod) fmain +=
"if(zspeed > 0.) { float d = (uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = "+its(S7)+"+1; }}\n"
"if(zspeed < 0.) { float d = (-uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = "+its(S7)+"; }}\n";
"if(zspeed > 0.) { mediump float d = (uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = "+its(S7)+"+1; }}\n"
"if(zspeed < 0.) { mediump float d = (-uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = "+its(S7)+"; }}\n";
fmain += "}\n";
@ -396,14 +429,14 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"bool reflect = false;\n";
if(in_h2xe()) fmain +=
" float ch = cosh(dist*xspeed); float sh = sinh(dist*xspeed);\n"
" vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
" mediump float ch = cosh(dist*xspeed); mediump float sh = sinh(dist*xspeed);\n"
" mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
" tangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n"
" position = v;\n"
" zpos += dist * zspeed;\n";
else if(in_s2xe()) fmain +=
" float ch = cos(dist*xspeed); float sh = sin(dist*xspeed);\n"
" vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
" mediump float ch = cos(dist*xspeed); mediump float sh = sin(dist*xspeed);\n"
" mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
" tangent = tangent * ch - position * sh;\n"
" position = v;\n"
" zpos += dist * zspeed;\n";
@ -411,27 +444,27 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" position = position + tangent * dist * xspeed;\n"
" zpos += dist * zspeed;\n";
else if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
" float ch = cosh(dist); float sh = sinh(dist);\n"
" vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
" mediump float ch = cosh(dist); mediump float sh = sinh(dist);\n"
" mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
" tangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n"
" position = v;\n";
else if(nonisotropic) {
if(sol && nih) fsh +=
"vec4 christoffel(vec4 pos, vec4 vel, vec4 tra) {\n"
"mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n"
" return vec4(-(vel.z*tra.x + vel.x*tra.z)*log(2.), (vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z)*log(3.), vel.x*tra.x * exp(2.*log(2.)*pos.z)*log(2.) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*log(3.)*pos.z)*log(3.), 0.);\n"
" }\n";
else if(nih) fsh +=
"vec4 christoffel(vec4 pos, vec4 vel, vec4 tra) {\n"
"mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n"
" return vec4((vel.z*tra.x + vel.x*tra.z)*log(2.), (vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z)*log(3.), -vel.x*tra.x * exp(-2.*log(2.)*pos.z)*log(2.) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*log(3.)*pos.z)*log(3.), 0.);\n"
" }\n";
else if(sol) fsh +=
"vec4 christoffel(vec4 pos, vec4 vel, vec4 tra) {\n"
"mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n"
" return vec4(-vel.z*tra.x - vel.x*tra.z, vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z, vel.x*tra.x * exp(2.*pos.z) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*pos.z), 0.);\n"
" }\n";
else fsh +=
"vec4 christoffel(vec4 pos, vec4 vel, vec4 tra) {\n"
" float x = pos.x;\n"
"mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n"
" mediump float x = pos.x;\n"
" return vec4(x*vel.y*tra.y - 0.5*dot(vel.yz,tra.zy), -.5*x*dot(vel.yx,tra.xy) + .5 * dot(vel.zx,tra.xz), -.5*(x*x-1.)*dot(vel.yx,tra.xy)+.5*x*dot(vel.zx,tra.xz), 0.);\n"
// " return vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);\n"
" }\n";
@ -442,32 +475,32 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" dist = next < minstep ? 2.*next : next;\n";
if(nil) fsh +=
"vec4 translate(vec4 a, vec4 b) {\n"
"mediump vec4 translate(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 b) {\n"
"return vec4(a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2] + a[0] * b[1], b[3]);\n"
"vec4 translatev(vec4 a, vec4 t) {\n"
"mediump vec4 translatev(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 t) {\n"
"return vec4(t[0], t[1], t[2] + a[0] * t[1], 0.);\n"
"vec4 itranslate(vec4 a, vec4 b) {\n"
"mediump vec4 itranslate(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 b) {\n"
"return vec4(-a[0] + b[0], -a[1] + b[1], -a[2] + b[2] - a[0] * (b[1]-a[1]), b[3]);\n"
"vec4 itranslatev(vec4 a, vec4 t) {\n"
"mediump vec4 itranslatev(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 t) {\n"
"return vec4(t[0], t[1], t[2] - a[0] * t[1], 0.);\n"
if(nil) fmain += "tangent = translate(position, itranslate(position, tangent));\n";
if(sn::in()) fmain +=
"vec4 acc = christoffel(position, tangent, tangent);\n"
"vec4 pos2 = position + tangent * dist / 2.;\n"
"vec4 tan2 = tangent + acc * dist / 2.;\n"
"vec4 acc2 = christoffel(pos2, tan2, tan2);\n"
"vec4 nposition = position + tangent * dist + acc2 / 2. * dist * dist;\n";
"mediump vec4 acc = christoffel(position, tangent, tangent);\n"
"mediump vec4 pos2 = position + tangent * dist / 2.;\n"
"mediump vec4 tan2 = tangent + acc * dist / 2.;\n"
"mediump vec4 acc2 = christoffel(pos2, tan2, tan2);\n"
"mediump vec4 nposition = position + tangent * dist + acc2 / 2. * dist * dist;\n";
if(nil) {
fmain +=
"vec4 xp, xt;\n"
"vec4 back = itranslatev(position, tangent);\n"
"mediump vec4 xp, xt;\n"
"mediump vec4 back = itranslatev(position, tangent);\n"
"if(back.x == 0. && back.y == 0.) {\n"
" xp = vec4(0., 0., back.z*dist, 1.);\n"
" xt = back;\n"
@ -477,18 +510,18 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" xt = vec4(back.x, back.y, dist*back.x*back.y, 0.);\n"
" }\n"
"else if(abs(back.z) < 1e-1) {\n"
// we use the midpoint method here, because the formulas below cause glitches due to float precision
" vec4 acc = christoffel(vec4(0,0,0,1), back, back);\n"
" vec4 pos2 = back * dist / 2.;\n"
" vec4 tan2 = back + acc * dist / 2.;\n"
" vec4 acc2 = christoffel(pos2, tan2, tan2);\n"
// we use the midpoint method here, because the formulas below cause glitches due to mediump float precision
" mediump vec4 acc = christoffel(vec4(0,0,0,1), back, back);\n"
" mediump vec4 pos2 = back * dist / 2.;\n"
" mediump vec4 tan2 = back + acc * dist / 2.;\n"
" mediump vec4 acc2 = christoffel(pos2, tan2, tan2);\n"
" xp = vec4(0,0,0,1) + back * dist + acc2 / 2. * dist * dist;\n"
" xt = back + acc * dist;\n"
" }\n"
"else {\n"
" float alpha = atan2(back.y, back.x);\n"
" float w = back.z * dist;\n"
" float c = length(back.xy) / back.z;\n"
" mediump float alpha = atan2(back.y, back.x);\n"
" mediump float w = back.z * dist;\n"
" mediump float c = length(back.xy) / back.z;\n"
" xp = vec4(2.*c*sin(w/2.) * cos(w/2.+alpha), 2.*c*sin(w/2.)*sin(w/2.+alpha), w*(1.+(c*c/2.)*((1.-sin(w)/w)+(1.-cos(w))/w * sin(w+2.*alpha))), 1.);\n"
" xt = back.z * vec4("
@ -496,15 +529,15 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"1. + c*c*2.*sin(w/2.)*sin(alpha+w)*cos(alpha+w/2.),"
" }\n"
"vec4 nposition = translate(position, xp);\n";
"mediump vec4 nposition = translate(position, xp);\n";
if(nil) fmain +=
"float rz = (abs(nposition.x) > abs(nposition.y) ? -nposition.x*nposition.y : 0.) + nposition.z;\n";
"mediump float rz = (abs(nposition.x) > abs(nposition.y) ? -nposition.x*nposition.y : 0.) + nposition.z;\n";
if(asonov) {
fsh += "uniform mediump mat4 uStraighten;\n";
fmain += "vec4 sp = uStraighten * nposition;\n";
fmain += "mediump vec4 sp = uStraighten * nposition;\n";
fmain +=
@ -533,16 +566,16 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"if(sp.x <-1.) which = 10;\n"
"if(sp.y <-1.) which = 11;\n"
"if(sp.z > 1.) {\n"
"float best = 999.;\n"
"mediump float best = 999.;\n"
"for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {\n"
"float cand = len(uStraighten * uM[i] * position);\n"
"mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * uM[i] * position);\n"
"if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n"
"if(sp.z < -1.) {\n"
"float best = 999.;\n"
"mediump float best = 999.;\n"
"for(int i=6; i<10; i++) {\n"
"float cand = len(uStraighten * uM[i] * position);\n"
"mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * uM[i] * position);\n"
"if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n"
@ -600,16 +633,16 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
fmain +=
"if(which == 20) {\n"
" float best = 999.;\n"
" mediump float best = 999.;\n"
" for(int i="+its(flat2)+"; i<"+its(S7)+"; i++) {\n"
" float cand = len(uM[i] * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = len(uM[i] * position);\n"
" if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
"if(which == 21) {\n"
"float best = 999.;\n"
"mediump float best = 999.;\n"
"for(int i=0; i<"+its(flat1)+"; i++) {\n"
" float cand = len(uM[i] * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = len(uM[i] * position);\n"
" if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
// "gl_FragColor = vec4(.5 + .5 * sin((go+dist)*100.), 1, float(which)/3., 1); return;\n"
@ -624,24 +657,24 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
// apply wall color
fmain +=
" vec2 u = cid + vec2(float(which) / float(uLength), 0);\n"
" vec4 col = texture2D(tWallcolor, u);\n"
" mediump vec2 u = cid + vec2(float(which) / float(uLength), 0);\n"
" mediump vec4 col = texture2D(tWallcolor, u);\n"
" if(col[3] > 0.0) {\n";
if(hard_limit < NO_LIMIT)
fmain += " if(go > float(" + fts(hard_limit) + ")) { gl_FragDepth = 1.; return; }\n";
if(!(levellines && disable_texture)) fmain +=
" vec2 inface = map_texture(position, which);\n"
" vec3 tmap = texture2D(tTextureMap, u).rgb;\n"
" mediump vec2 inface = map_texture(position, which);\n"
" mediump vec3 tmap = texture2D(tTextureMap, u).rgb;\n"
" if(tmap.z == 0.) col.xyz *= min(1., (1.-inface.x)/ tmap.x);\n"
" else {\n"
" vec2 inface2 = tmap.xy + tmap.z * inface;\n"
" mediump vec2 inface2 = tmap.xy + tmap.z * inface;\n"
" col.xyz *= texture2D(tTexture, inface2).rgb;\n"
" }\n";
fmain +=
" float d = max(1. - go / uLinearSightRange, uExpStart * exp(-go / uExpDecay));\n"
" mediump float d = max(1. - go / uLinearSightRange, uExpStart * exp(-go / uExpDecay));\n"
" col.xyz = col.xyz * d + uFogColor.xyz * (1.-d);\n";
if(nil) fmain +=
@ -665,11 +698,11 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" if(col.w == 1.) {\n";
if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
" float z = at0.z * sinh(go);\n"
" float w = 1.;\n";
" mediump float z = at0.z * sinh(go);\n"
" mediump float w = 1.;\n";
else fmain +=
" float z = at0.z * go;\n"
" float w = 1.;\n";
" mediump float z = at0.z * go;\n"
" mediump float w = 1.;\n";
if(levellines) {
@ -679,9 +712,11 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fsh += "uniform mediump float uLevelLines;\n";
#ifndef GLES_ONLY
fmain +=
" gl_FragDepth = (-float("+fts(vnear+vfar)+")+w*float("+fts(2*vnear*vfar)+")/z)/float("+fts(vnear-vfar)+");\n"
" gl_FragDepth = (gl_FragDepth + 1.) / 2.;\n";
if(!use_reflect) fmain +=
" return;\n";
@ -697,11 +732,11 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
if(prod) fmain += "if(reflect && which >= "+its(S7)+") { zspeed = -zspeed; continue; }\n";
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) fmain +=
"if(reflect && (which < "+its(flat1)+" || which >= "+its(flat2)+")) {\n"
" float x = -log(position.w - position.x);\n"
" vec4 xtan = xpush(-x) * tangent;\n"
" float diag = (position.y*position.y+position.z*position.z)/2.;\n"
" vec4 normal = vec4(1.-diag, -position.y, -position.z, -diag);\n"
" float mdot = dot(xtan.xyz, normal.xyz) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n"
" mediump float x = -log(position.w - position.x);\n"
" mediump vec4 xtan = xpush(-x) * tangent;\n"
" mediump float diag = (position.y*position.y+position.z*position.z)/2.;\n"
" mediump vec4 normal = vec4(1.-diag, -position.y, -position.z, -diag);\n"
" mediump float mdot = dot(xtan.xyz, normal.xyz) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n"
" xtan = xtan - normal * mdot * 2.;\n"
" tangent = xpush(x) * xtan;\n"
" continue;\n"
@ -715,7 +750,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" }\n";
fsh +=
"uniform mediump vec4 uReflectX, uReflectY;\n"
"vec4 refl(vec4 t, float z, vec4 r) {\n"
"mediump vec4 refl(mediump vec4 t, float z, mediump vec4 r) {\n"
"t.x *= exp(z); t.y /= exp(z);\n"
"t -= dot(t, r) * r;\n"
"t.x /= exp(z); t.y *= exp(z);\n"
@ -745,7 +780,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
// next cell
fmain +=
" vec4 connection = texture2D(tConnections, u);\n"
" mediump vec4 connection = texture2D(tConnections, u);\n"
" cid = connection.xy;\n";
if(prod) fmain +=
@ -754,17 +789,20 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fmain +=
" int mid = int(connection.z * 1024.);\n"
" position = uM[mid] * uM[which] * position;\n"
" tangent = uM[mid] * uM[which] * tangent;\n";
" mediump mat4 m = " GET("uM", "mid") " * " GET("uM", "which") ";\n"
" position = m * position;\n"
" tangent = m * tangent;\n";
fmain +=
" }\n"
" gl_FragColor.xyz += left * uFogColor.xyz;\n";
#ifndef GLES_ONLY
if(use_reflect) fmain +=
" if(depthtoset) gl_FragDepth = 1.;\n";
else fmain +=
" gl_FragDepth = 1.;\n";
fmain +=
" }";
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