rug:: using HyperRogue standard 3D geometry routines

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Zeno Rogue 2020-04-14 16:44:56 +02:00
parent fef6894bbd
commit 9bf1a76a8b
2 changed files with 243 additions and 325 deletions

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@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ bool computed = false;
bool valid;
bool inqueue;
double dist;
hyperpoint h; // point in the represented space
hyperpoint flat; // point in the native space, in azeq
hyperpoint h; // point in the represented space
hyperpoint native; // point in the native space
hyperpoint precompute;
vector<edge> edges;
vector<edge> anticusp_edges;
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ bool computed = false;
rugpoint *getglue() {
return glue ? (glue = glue->getglue()) : this;
hyperpoint& glueflat() {
return glue->flat;
hyperpoint& gluenative() {
return glue->native;
rugpoint() { glue = NULL; }
void glueto(rugpoint *x) {
@ -91,9 +91,14 @@ EX void subdivide();
EX ld modelscale = 1;
EX ld model_distance = 4;
EX eGeometry gwhere = gEuclid;
const eGeometry rgHyperbolic = gSpace534;
const eGeometry rgEuclid = gCubeTiling;
const eGeometry rgSphere = gCell120;
const eGeometry rgElliptic = gECell120;
#define USING_NATIVE_GEOMETRY dynamicval<eGeometry> gw(geometry, gwhere == gElliptic ? gSphere : gwhere)
EX eGeometry gwhere = rgEuclid;
#define USING_NATIVE_GEOMETRY dynamicval<eGeometry> gw(geometry, hr::rug::gwhere)
// hypersian rug datatypes and globals
@ -121,114 +126,24 @@ EX rugpoint *finger_center;
EX ld finger_range = .1;
EX ld finger_force = 1;
EX int rugdim;
// EX eModel rug_model = mdEquidistant;
EX bool rug_perspective = ISANDROID;
// extra geometry functions
// returns a matrix M
// such that inverse(M) * h1 = ( |h1|, 0, 0) and inverse(M) * h2 = ( .., .., 0)
transmatrix orthonormalize(hyperpoint h1, hyperpoint h2) {
hyperpoint vec[3] = {h1, h2, h1 ^ h2};
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) vec[i] -= vec[j] * (vec[i] | vec[j]);
if(zero_d(3, vec[i])) {
// 'random' direction
vec[i] = hpxyz(1.12, 1.512+i, 1.12904+i);
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) vec[i] -= vec[j] * (vec[i] | vec[j]);
vec[i] /= hypot_d(3, vec[i]);
transmatrix M;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
M[i][j] = vec[j][i];
return M;
hyperpoint azeq_to_hyperboloid(hyperpoint h) {
if(abs(h[2])>1e-4) {
println(hlog, "Error: h[2] = ", h[2]);
rug_failure = true;
if(euclid) {
h[2] = 1;
return h;
ld d = hypot(h[0], h[1]);
if(d == 0) {
h[2] = 1;
return h;
if(sphere) {
ld d0 = d ? d : 1;
h[0] = sin(d) * h[0]/d0;
h[1] = sin(d) * h[1]/d0;
h[2] = cos(d);
else {
ld d0 = d ? d : 1;
h[0] = sinh(d) * h[0]/d0;
h[1] = sinh(d) * h[1]/d0;
h[2] = cosh(d);
return h;
hyperpoint hyperboloid_to_azeq(hyperpoint h) {
if(euclid) {
h[2] = 0;
return h;
else {
ld d = hdist0(h);
if(d == 0) { h[2] = 0; return h; }
ld d2 = hypot_d(2, h);
if(d2 == 0) { h[2] = 0; return h; }
h[0] = d * h[0] / d2;
h[1] = d * h[1] / d2;
h[2] = 0;
return h;
struct normalizer {
transmatrix M, Mi;
dynamicval<eGeometry> gw;
normalizer (hyperpoint h1, hyperpoint h2) : gw(geometry, gwhere == gElliptic ? gSphere : gwhere) {
M = orthonormalize(h1, h2);
Mi = inverse(M);
hyperpoint operator() (hyperpoint h) { return azeq_to_hyperboloid(Mi*h); }
hyperpoint operator[] (hyperpoint h) { return M*hyperboloid_to_azeq(h); }
EX bool rug_perspective = false;
void push_point(hyperpoint& h, int coord, ld val) {
if(fast_euclidean && gwhere == gEuclid)
if(fast_euclidean && euclid)
h[coord] += val;
else if(!val) return;
else {
// if(zero_d(3, h)) { h[0] = 1e-9; h[1] = 1e-10; h[2] = 1e-11; }
normalizer n(hpxyz(coord==0,coord==1,coord==2), h);
hyperpoint f = n(h);
h = n[xpush(val) * f];
h = cpush(coord, val) * h;
EX void push_all_points(int coord, ld val) {
if(!val) return;
else for(int i=0; i<isize(points); i++)
push_point(points[i]->flat, coord, val);
push_point(points[i]->native, coord, val);
// construct the graph
@ -236,6 +151,11 @@ EX void push_all_points(int coord, ld val) {
int hyprand;
bool rug_euclid() { USING_NATIVE_GEOMETRY; return euclid; }
bool rug_hyperbolic() { USING_NATIVE_GEOMETRY; return hyperbolic; }
bool rug_sphere() { USING_NATIVE_GEOMETRY; return sphere; }
bool rug_elliptic() { USING_NATIVE_GEOMETRY; return elliptic; }
EX rugpoint *addRugpoint(hyperpoint h, double dist) {
rugpoint *m = new rugpoint;
m->h = h;
@ -269,73 +189,74 @@ EX rugpoint *addRugpoint(hyperpoint h, double dist) {
if(z==0) z = 1;
hpoint = hpoint * hpdist / z;
m->flat = hpxyz(hpoint[0], hpoint[1] * sin(a*2*M_PI), hpoint[1]*cos(a*2*M_PI));
m->native = point31(hpoint[0], hpoint[1] * sin(a*2*M_PI), hpoint[1]*cos(a*2*M_PI));
else if(sphere) {
m->valid = good_shape = true;
ld scale;
if(gwhere == gEuclid) {
if(euclid) {
scale = modelscale;
else if(gwhere == gNormal) {
else if(hyperbolic) {
// sinh(scale) = modelscale
scale = asinh(modelscale);
else /* sphere/elliptic*/ {
else if(sphere) {
if(modelscale >= 1)
// do as good as we can...
scale = M_PI / 2 - 1e-3, good_shape = false, m->valid = false;
else scale = asin(modelscale);
m->flat = h * scale;
scale = 1;
m->native = h * scale;
m->native = hpxy3(m->native[0], m->native[1], m->native[2]);
else if(euclid && gwhere == gEuclid) {
m->flat = h * modelscale;
else if(euclid && rug_euclid()) {
m->native = h * modelscale;
m->native[2] = 0;
m->native[3] = 1;
m->valid = good_shape = true;
else if(gwhere == gNormal && (euclid || (hyperbolic && modelscale >= 1))) {
else if(rug_hyperbolic() && euclid) {
m->valid = good_shape = true;
m->native = tC0(parabolic13(h[0]*modelscale, h[1]*modelscale));
else if(rug_hyperbolic() && hyperbolic && modelscale >= 1) {
m->valid = good_shape = true;
ld d = hdist0(h);
ld d0 = hypot_d(2, h); if(!d0) d0 = 1;
// radius of the equidistant
ld r = acosh(modelscale);
h[3] = h[2]; h[2] = 0;
hyperpoint hpoint;
bool orig_euclid = euclid;
if(orig_euclid) {
d *= modelscale;
// point on a horocycle going through C0, in distance d along the horocycle
hpoint = hpxy(d*d/2, d);
else {
// radius of the equidistant
ld r = acosh(modelscale);
// point on an equdistant going through C0 in distance d along the guiding line
// hpoint = hpxy(cosh(r) * sinh(r) * (cosh(d) - 1), sinh(d) * cosh(r));
hpoint = xpush(r) * ypush(d) * xpush0(-r);
hpoint[0] = -hpoint[0];
ld hpdist = hdist0(hpoint);
ld z = hypot_d(2, hpoint);
if(z==0) z = 1;
m->flat = hpxyz(hpdist * h[0]/d0 * hpoint[1] / z, hpdist * h[1]/d0 * hpoint[1] / z, -hpdist * hpoint[0] / z);
m->native = rgpushxto0(h) * cpush0(2, r);
else {
m->flat = h;
m->native = h;
ld hd = h[LDIM];
for(int d=GDIM; d<rugdim; d++)
m->flat[d] = (hd - .99) * (rand() % 1000 - rand() % 1000) / 1000;
for(int d=GDIM; d<4; d++) {
m->native[d] = (hd - .99) * (rand() % 1000 - rand() % 1000) / 1000;
m->native[3] = 1;
m->native = normalize(m->native);
push_point(m->flat, 2, -model_distance);
push_point(m->native, 2, -model_distance);
// if(rug_perspective && gwhere == gEuclid) m->flat[2] -= 3;
// if(rug_perspective && gwhere == gEuclid) m->native[2] -= 3;
m->inqueue = false;
m->dist = dist;
@ -343,8 +264,9 @@ EX rugpoint *addRugpoint(hyperpoint h, double dist) {
EX rugpoint *findRugpoint(hyperpoint h) {
for(int i=0; i<isize(points); i++)
if(sqhypot_d(rugdim, points[i]->h - h) < 1e-5) return points[i];
if(geo_dist_q(points[i]->h, h) < 1e-5) return points[i];
return NULL;
@ -414,7 +336,7 @@ EX void sort_rug_points() {
void calcLengths() {
for(auto p: points)
for(auto& edge: p->edges)
edge.len = hdist(p->h,>h) * modelscale;
edge.len = geo_dist_q(p->h,>h) * modelscale;
EX void calcparam_rug() {
@ -481,21 +403,26 @@ EX void buildTorusRug() {
ld ax = alpha + 1.124651, bx = beta + 1.214893;
ld x = xfactor * sin(ax), y = xfactor * cos(ax), z = yfactor * sin(bx), t = yfactor * cos(bx);
ld d;
ld hxyz = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
if(1) {
hyperpoint hp = hyperpoint(x, y, z, t);
if(gwhere == gNormal) {
d = hxyz / (1-t) / mx;
d *= .95;
hyperpoint test = hpxy(d, 0);
test = perspective_to_space(test, 1, gcHyperbolic);
d = acosh(test[2]) / hxyz;
else {
d = (gwhere == gSphere) ? acos(t) / hxyz : modelscale * 3 / (1-t) / mx;
r->flat = r->h = hpxyz(x*d, y*d, z*d);
/* spherical coordinates are already good, otherwise... */
if(!sphere) {
/* stereographic projection to get Euclidean conformal torus */
hp[3] += 1;
hp /= hp[3];
hp /= mx;
hp[3] = 1;
/* ... in H^3, use inverse Poincare to get hyperbolic conformal torus */
hp = perspective_to_space(hp, 1, gcHyperbolic);
r->valid = true;
@ -562,14 +489,8 @@ EX void verify() {
auto m2 =;
ld l = e.len;
ld l0;
if(fast_euclidean) l0 = sqhypot_d(rugdim, m->flat - m2->flat);
else {
normalizer n(m->flat, m2->flat);
hyperpoint h1 = n(m->flat);
hyperpoint h2 = n(m2->flat);
l0 = hdist(h1, h2);
ld l0 = geo_dist_q(m->native, m2->native);
ratios.push_back(l0 / l);
@ -668,17 +589,18 @@ EX void enqueue(rugpoint *m) {
bool force_euclidean(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, bool is_anticusp = false, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
if(!m1.valid || !m2.valid) return false;
// double rd = hdist(m1.h, m2.h) * xd;
double t = sqhypot_d(rugdim, m1.flat - m2.flat);
// double rd = geo_dist_q(m1.h, m2.h) * xd;
double t = sqhypot_d(3, m1.native - m2.native);
if(is_anticusp && t > rd*rd) return false;
t = sqrt(t);
current_total_error += (t-rd) * (t-rd);
bool nonzero = abs(t-rd) > err_zero_current;
double force = (t - rd) / t / 2; // 20.0;
for(int i=0; i<rugdim; i++) {
double di = (m2.flat[i] - m1.flat[i]) * force;
m1.flat[i] += di * d1;
m2.flat[i] -= di * d2;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
double di = (m2.native[i] - m1.native[i]) * force;
m1.native[i] += di * d1;
m2.native[i] -= di * d2;
if(nonzero && d2>0) enqueue(&m2);
return nonzero;
@ -686,34 +608,41 @@ bool force_euclidean(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, bool is_anticusp = f
bool force(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, bool is_anticusp=false, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
if(!m1.valid || !m2.valid) return false;
if(gwhere == gEuclid && fast_euclidean) {
if(rug_euclid() && fast_euclidean) {
return force_euclidean(m1, m2, rd, is_anticusp, d1, d2);
normalizer n(m1.flat, m2.flat);
hyperpoint f1 = n(m1.flat);
hyperpoint f2 = n(m2.flat);
ld t = hdist(f1, f2);
ld t = geo_dist_q(m1.native, m2.native);
if(is_anticusp && t > rd) return false;
current_total_error += (t-rd) * (t-rd);
bool nonzero = abs(t-rd) > err_zero_current;
double forcev = (t - rd) / 2; // 20.0;
transmatrix T = gpushxto0(f1);
transmatrix T1 = spintox(T * f2) * T;
println(hlog, normalize(m1.native) - m1.native);
println(hlog, normalize(m1.native) - m2.native);
transmatrix T = gpushxto0(m1.native);
transmatrix T1 = spintox(T * m2.native) * T;
transmatrix iT1 = inverse(T1);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) if(std::isnan(m1.flat[i])) {
println(hlog, sqhypot_d(4, iT1 * C0 - m1.native));
println(hlog, sqhypot_d(4, iT1 * xpush0(t) - m1.native));
for(int i=0; i<MDIM; i++) if(std::isnan(m1.native[i])) {
throw rug_exception();
f1 = iT1 * xpush0(d1*forcev);
f2 = iT1 * xpush0(t-d2*forcev);
m1.flat = n[f1];
m2.flat = n[f2];
print(hlog, tie(m1.native, m2.native));
m1.native = iT1 * xpush0(d1*forcev);
m2.native = iT1 * xpush0(t-d2*forcev);
println(hlog, " -> ", tie(m1.native, m2.native));
if(nonzero && d2>0) enqueue(&m2);
return nonzero;
@ -724,8 +653,8 @@ vector<pair<ld, rugpoint*> > preset_points;
EX void preset(rugpoint *m) {
if(GDIM == 3) return;
int q = 0;
hyperpoint h;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) h[i] = 0;
hyperpoint h = Hypc;
@ -757,10 +686,10 @@ EX void preset(rugpoint *m) {
double ah = sqrt(a1*a1 - az*az + 1e-10);
// c->h = a->h + (b->h-a->h) * cz + ch * ort
hyperpoint ort = (c->flat - a->flat - cz * (b->flat-a->flat)) / ch;
hyperpoint ort = (c->native - a->native - cz * (b->native-a->native)) / ch;
// m->h = a->h + (b->h-a->h) * az - ah * ort
hyperpoint res = a->flat + (b->flat-a->flat) * az - ah * ort;
hyperpoint res = a->native + (b->native-a->native) * az - ah * ort;
h += res;
@ -769,9 +698,9 @@ EX void preset(rugpoint *m) {
if(q>0) m->flat = h/q;
// printf("preset (%d) -> %s\n", q, display(m->flat));
if(std::isnan(m->flat[0]) || std::isnan(m->flat[1]) || std::isnan(m->flat[2]))
if(q>0) m->native = normalize(h);
// printf("preset (%d) -> %s\n", q, display(m->native));
if(std::isnan(m->native[0]) || std::isnan(m->native[1]) || std::isnan(m->native[2]))
throw rug_exception();
@ -779,15 +708,8 @@ ld sse(const hyperpoint& h) {
ld sse = 0;
for(auto& p: preset_points) {
ld l = p.first;
ld l0;
l0 = hypot_d(rugdim, h - p.second->flat);
else {
normalizer n(h, p.second->flat);
hyperpoint h1 = n(h);
hyperpoint h2 = n(p.second->flat);
l0 = hdist(h1, h2);
ld l0 = geo_dist_q(h, p.second->native);
sse += (l0-l) * (l0-l);
@ -801,16 +723,17 @@ EX void optimize(rugpoint *m, bool do_preset) {
// int ed0 = isize(preset_points);
for(auto& e: m->edges) if(>valid)
if(gwhere >= gSphere || GDIM == 3) {
ld cur = sse(m->flat);
if(!rug_euclid()) {
ld cur = sse(m->native);
for(int it=0; it<500; it++) {
ld ex = exp(-it/60);
hyperpoint last = m->flat;
m->flat[(it/2)%rugdim] += ((it&1)?1:-1) * ex;
ld now = sse(m->flat);
hyperpoint last = m->native;
m->native = rgpushxto0(m->native) * cpush0((it/2)%3, (it&1)?ex:-ex);
ld now = sse(m->native);
if(now < cur) { cur = now; ex *= 1.2; goto again; }
else m->flat = last;
else m->native = last;
@ -860,10 +783,9 @@ EX void subdivide() {
rugpoint *mm = addRugpoint(mid(m->h, m2->h), (m->dist+m2->dist)/2);
halves[make_pair(m, m2)] = mm;
if(!good_shape) {
normalizer n(m->flat, m2->flat);
hyperpoint h1 = n(m->flat);
hyperpoint h2 = n(m2->flat);
mm->flat = n[mid(h1, h2)];
mm->native = mid(m->native, m2->native);
println(hlog, "mid of ", m->native, " and ", m2->native, " is ", mm->native);
mm->valid = m->valid && m2->valid;
if(mm->valid) qvalid++;
@ -880,33 +802,9 @@ EX void subdivide() {
println(hlog, "result ", make_tuple(isize(points), isize(triangles)));
EX ld slow_modeldist(const hyperpoint& h1, const hyperpoint& h2) {
normalizer n(h1, h2);
hyperpoint f1 = n(h1);
hyperpoint f2 = n(h2);
return hdist(f1, f2);
typedef array<ld, 4> hyperpoint4;
hyperpoint4 azeq_to_4(const hyperpoint& h) {
array<ld, 4> res;
ld rad = hypot_d(3, h);
res[3] = cos(rad);
ld sr = sin(rad) / rad;
for(int j=0; j<3; j++) res[j] = h[j] * sr;
return res;
EX ld modeldist(const hyperpoint& h1, const hyperpoint& h2) {
if(gwhere == gSphere) {
hyperpoint4 coord[2] = { azeq_to_4(h1), azeq_to_4(h2) };
ld edist = 0;
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) edist += sqr(coord[0][j] - coord[1][j]);
return 2 * asin(sqrt(edist) / 2);
return slow_modeldist(h1, h2);
return geo_dist_q(h1, h2);
typedef long long bincode;
@ -925,8 +823,7 @@ bincode get_bincode(hyperpoint h) {
case gcHyperbolic:
return acd_bin(hypot_d(3, h));
case gcSphere: {
auto p = azeq_to_4(h);
return acd_bin(p[0]) + acd_bin(p[1]) * sY + acd_bin(p[2]) * sZ + acd_bin(p[3]) * sT;
return acd_bin(h[0]) + acd_bin(h[1]) * sY + acd_bin(h[2]) * sZ + acd_bin(h[3]) * sT;
return 0;
@ -946,7 +843,7 @@ void generate_deltas(vector<bincode>& target, int dim, bincode offset) {
int detect_cusp_at(rugpoint *p, rugpoint *q) {
if(hdist(p->h, q->h) * modelscale <= anticusp_dist)
return 0;
else if(modeldist(p->flat, q->flat) > anticusp_dist - err_zero_current)
else if(modeldist(p->native, q->native) > anticusp_dist - err_zero_current)
return 1;
else {
add_anticusp_edge(p, q);
@ -967,7 +864,7 @@ int detect_cusps() {
map<bincode, vector<rugpoint*> > code_to_point;
for(auto p: points) if(p->valid)
vector<bincode> deltas;
generate_deltas(deltas, gwhere == gEuclid ? 3 : gwhere == gNormal ? 1 : 4, 0);
@ -1068,34 +965,15 @@ EX void physics() {
bool use_precompute;
void getco(rugpoint *m, hyperpoint& h, int &spherepoints) {
h = use_precompute ? m->getglue()->precompute : m->getglue()->flat;
if(rug_perspective && gwhere >= gSphere) {
if(h[2] > 0) {
ld rad = hypot_d(3, h);
// turn M_PI to -M_PI
// the only difference between sphere and elliptic is here:
// in elliptic, we subtract PI from the distance
ld rad_to = (gwhere == gSphere ? M_PI + M_PI : M_PI) - rad;
ld r = -rad_to / rad;
h *= r;
extern int besti;
/* these functions are for the ODS projection, used in VR videos */
bool project_ods(hyperpoint azeq, hyperpoint& h1, hyperpoint& h2, bool eye) {
bool project_ods(hyperpoint h, hyperpoint& h1, hyperpoint& h2, bool eye) {
ld d = hypot_d(3, azeq);
ld sindbd = sin_auto(d)/d, cosd = cos_auto(d);
return ods::project(hyperpoint(azeq[0] * sindbd, azeq[1] * sindbd, azeq[2] * sindbd, cosd), h1, h2, eye);
return ods::project(h, h1, h2, eye);
// printf("%10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf ", azeq[0], azeq[1], azeq[2]);
// printf(" => %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf", x, y, z, t);
@ -1126,7 +1004,7 @@ void drawTriangle(triangle& t) {
if(num == 2) return;
for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
pts[i] = t.m[i]->getglue()->flat;
pts[i] = t.m[i]->getglue()->native;
hyperpoint hc = (pts[1] - pts[0]) ^ (pts[2] - pts[0]);
double hch = hypot_d(3, hc);
@ -1178,7 +1056,7 @@ void drawTriangle(triangle& t) {
if(h[s+1][0] > +M_PI || h[s+2][0] > +M_PI) fst--;
for(int x=fst; x<=lst; x++) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
hpxyz(h[s+i][0] + 2*M_PI*x, h[s+i][1], h[s+i][2]),
point31(h[s+i][0] + 2*M_PI*x, h[s+i][1], h[s+i][2]),
t.m[i]->x1, t.m[i]->y1,
@ -1191,7 +1069,10 @@ void drawTriangle(triangle& t) {
int spherepoints = 0;
array<hyperpoint,3> h;
for(int i=0; i<num; i++) getco(t.m[i], h[i], spherepoints);
for(int i=0; i<num; i++) {
h[i] = t.m[i]->native;
// todo if(rug_elliptic() && h[i][3] > 0) { h[i] = -h[i]; spherepoints++; }
if(spherepoints == 1 || spherepoints == 2) return;
ld col = 1;
@ -1311,7 +1192,7 @@ EX void drawRugScene() {
else {
use_precompute = true;
for(auto p: points) {
p->precompute = p->flat;
p->precompute = p->native;
push_point(p->precompute, 0, vid.ipd*ed/2);
@ -1388,7 +1269,6 @@ EX void ensure_glbuf() {
EX void reopen() {
if(rugged) return;
rugdim = 2 * GDIM - 1;
when_enabled = 0;
GLERR("before init");
@ -1476,7 +1356,7 @@ EX void apply_rotation(const transmatrix& t) {
if(in_crystal()) crystal::apply_rotation(t);
for(auto p: points) p->flat = t * p->flat;
for(auto p: points) p->native = t * p->native;
EX void move_forward(ld distance) {
@ -1487,6 +1367,7 @@ EX void move_forward(ld distance) {
EX bool handlekeys(int sym, int uni) {
if(NUMBERKEY == '1') {
ld bdist = 1e12;
@ -1547,7 +1428,7 @@ EX bool handlekeys(int sym, int uni) {
EX void finger_on(int coord, ld val) {
for(auto p: points) {
ld d = hdist(finger_center->h, p->getglue()->h);
push_point(p->flat, coord, val * finger_force * exp( - sqr(d / finger_range)));
push_point(p->native, coord, val * finger_force * exp( - sqr(d / finger_range)));
enqueue(finger_center), good_shape = false;
@ -1646,6 +1527,7 @@ EX void actDraw() {
push_all_points(1, strafey * ruggospeed);
else {
else {
@ -1676,18 +1558,6 @@ EX void actDraw() {
int besti;
void getco_pers(rugpoint *r, hyperpoint& p, int& spherepoints, bool& error) {
getco(r, p, spherepoints);
if(rug_perspective) {
if(p[2] >= 0)
error = true;
else {
p[0] /= p[2];
p[1] /= p[2];
static const ld RADAR_INF = 1e12;
ld radar_distance = RADAR_INF;
@ -1709,9 +1579,22 @@ EX hyperpoint gethyper(ld x, ld y) {
hyperpoint p0, p1, p2;
bool error = false;
int spherepoints = 0;
getco_pers(r0, p0, spherepoints, error);
getco_pers(r1, p1, spherepoints, error);
getco_pers(r2, p2, spherepoints, error);
if(1) {
// dynamicval<eModel> m(pmodel, mdEquidistant);
if(elliptic && pmodel == mdDisk) {
int sp =
(r0->native[3] < 0) + (r1->native[3] < 0) + (r2->native[3] < 0);
if(sp == 1 || sp == 2) continue;
applymodel(r0->native, p0);
applymodel(r1->native, p1);
applymodel(r2->native, p2);
if(error || spherepoints == 1 || spherepoints == 2) continue;
double dx1 = p1[0] - p0[0];
double dy1 = p1[1] - p0[1];
@ -1786,6 +1669,27 @@ void change_texturesize() {
ld old_distance;
EX void rug_geometry_choice() {
cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK;
dialog::init(XLAT("hypersian rug mode"), iinf[itPalace].color, 150, 100);
dialog::addBoolItem("Euclidean", rug_euclid(), 'a');
dialog::add_action([] { gwhere = rgEuclid; popScreen(); });
dialog::addBoolItem("hyperbolic", rug_hyperbolic(), 'b');
dialog::add_action([] { gwhere = rgHyperbolic; popScreen(); });
dialog::addBoolItem("spherical", rug_sphere() && !rug_elliptic(), 'c');
dialog::add_action([] { gwhere = rgSphere; popScreen(); });
dialog::addBoolItem("elliptic", rug_elliptic(), 'd');
dialog::add_action([] { gwhere = rgElliptic; popScreen(); });
EX void show() {
cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK;
@ -1808,7 +1712,7 @@ EX void show() {
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("model distance"), fts(model_distance), 'd');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("projection"), rug_perspective, 'p');
dialog::lastItem().value = XLAT(rug_perspective ? "perspective" :
gwhere == gEuclid ? "orthogonal" : "azimuthal equidistant");
rug_euclid() ? "orthogonal" : "azimuthal equidistant");
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("native geometry"), geometry_name(gwhere), 'n');
@ -1830,11 +1734,10 @@ EX void show() {
if(hyperbolic) {
if(gwhere == gEuclid)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("smooth surfaces"), 'c');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(hyperbolic && rug_euclid())
dialog::addItem(XLAT("smooth surfaces"), 'c');
@ -1914,7 +1817,7 @@ EX void show() {
if(!camera_center) push_all_points(2, model_distance);
for(auto p:points) {
if(adjust_edges) for(auto& e: p->edges) e.len *= modelscale / last;
if(adjust_points) p->flat *= modelscale / last;
if(adjust_points) p->native *= modelscale / last;
if(adjust_distance) model_distance = model_distance * modelscale / last;
@ -1956,7 +1859,7 @@ EX void show() {
else if(uni == 'f')
else if(uni == 'n' && !rug::rugged)
gwhere = eGeometry((gwhere+1) % 4);
else if(uni == 'g' && !rug::rugged && CAP_SDL)
rendernogl = !rendernogl;
else if(uni == 's') {
@ -1989,6 +1892,10 @@ int rugArgs() {
else if(argis("-ruggeo")) {
shift(); gwhere = (eGeometry) argi();
if(gwhere == gEuclid) gwhere = rgEuclid;
if(gwhere == gSphere) gwhere = rgSphere;
if(gwhere == gNormal) gwhere = rgHyperbolic;
if(gwhere == gElliptic) gwhere = rgElliptic;
else if(argis("-rugpers")) {

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
namespace hr {
#define USING_NATIVE_GEOMETRY dynamicval<eGeometry> gw(geometry, hr::rug::gwhere)
EX namespace surface {
ld sech(ld d) { return 1 / cosh(d); }
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ string shape_name[] = { "hypersian rug", "tractricoid", "Dini's surface", "Kuen
EX eShape sh;
hyperpoint unit_vector[3] = {hpxyz(1,0,0), hpxyz(0,1,0), hpxyz(0,0,1)};
hyperpoint unit_vector[3] = {point3(1,0,0), point3(0,1,0), point3(0,0,1)};
ld last_int_of = 0, last_int = 0;
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ hyperpoint coord(hyperpoint h) {
ld r = 1 / cosh(t);
ld x = t - tanh(t);
return hpxyz( r * sin(v), r * cos(v), x );
return point31( r * sin(v), r * cos(v), x );
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ hyperpoint coord(hyperpoint h) {
ld a = sqrt(1-dini_b*dini_b);
return hpxyz( a * sin(v) * sin(t), a * cos(v) * sin(t), a * (cos(t) + log(tan(t/2))) + dini_b * v );
return point31( a * sin(v) * sin(t), a * cos(v) * sin(t), a * (cos(t) + log(tan(t/2))) + dini_b * v );
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ hyperpoint coord(hyperpoint h) {
ld deno = 1 / (1 + u * u * sin(v) * sin(v));
return hpxyz(
return point31(
2 * (cos(u) + u * sin(u)) * sin(v) * deno,
2 * (sin(u) - u * cos(u)) * sin(v) * deno,
log(tan(v/2)) + 2 * cos(v) * deno
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ hyperpoint coord(hyperpoint h) {
ld phi = hyper_b * cosh(v);
ld psi = integral(v);
return hpxyz( phi * cos(u), phi * sin(u), psi );
return point31( phi * cos(u), phi * sin(u), psi );
@ -122,10 +124,10 @@ hyperpoint coord_derivative(hyperpoint h, int cc) {
ld v = h[1];
if(cc == 0) {
ld phi = hyper_b * cosh(v);
return hpxyz( phi * -sin(u), phi * cos(u), 0 );
return point3( phi * -sin(u), phi * cos(u), 0 );
else {
return hpxyz( hyper_b * sinh(v) * cos(u), hyper_b * sinh(v) * sin(u), f(v) );
return point3( hyper_b * sinh(v) * cos(u), hyper_b * sinh(v) * sin(u), f(v) );
case dsKuen: {
@ -134,12 +136,12 @@ hyperpoint coord_derivative(hyperpoint h, int cc) {
ld denom = pow(sin(v),2)*(u*u)+1;
ld denom2 = denom * denom;
if(cc == 1)
return hpxyz (
return point3(
else return hpxyz (
else return point3(
@ -166,13 +168,13 @@ ld compute_curvature(hyperpoint at) {
hyperpoint shape_origin() {
switch(sh) {
case dsDini:
return hpxyz(M_PI * .82, 0, 0);
return point31(M_PI * .82, 0, 0);
case dsTractricoid:
return hpxyz(1, 0, 0);
return point31(1, 0, 0);
case dsKuen:
return hpxyz(M_PI * .500001, M_PI * 1, 0);
return point31(M_PI * .500001, M_PI * 1, 0);
case dsHyperlike:
return hpxyz(0,0,0);
return point31(0,0,0);
return Hypc;
@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ transmatrix create_M_matrix(hyperpoint zero, hyperpoint v1) {
transmatrix T = build_matrix(Te0, Te1, Hypc, C03);
v1 = v1 / hypot_d(3, T*v1);
hyperpoint v2 = hpxyz(1e-3, 1e-4, 0);
hyperpoint v2 = point3(1e-3, 1e-4, 0);
v2 = v2 - v1 * ((T*v1) | (T*v2)) / hypot_d(3, T*v1);
v2 = v2 / hypot_d(3, T*v2);
@ -307,9 +309,9 @@ dexp_origin at_zero(hyperpoint zero, transmatrix start) {
println(hlog, "zero = ", zero);
println(hlog, "curvature at zero = ", compute_curvature(zero));
println(hlog, "curvature at X1 = ", compute_curvature(zero + hpxyz(.3, 0, 0)));
println(hlog, "curvature at X2 = ", compute_curvature(zero + hpxyz(0, .3, 0)));
println(hlog, "curvature at X3 = ", compute_curvature(zero + hpxyz(.4, .3, 0)));
println(hlog, "curvature at X1 = ", compute_curvature(zero + point3(.3, 0, 0)));
println(hlog, "curvature at X2 = ", compute_curvature(zero + point3(0, .3, 0)));
println(hlog, "curvature at X3 = ", compute_curvature(zero + point3(.4, .3, 0)));
return {start, create_M_matrix(zero, unit_vector[0]), zero};
@ -338,14 +340,14 @@ void addTriangleV(rug::rugpoint *t1, rug::rugpoint *t2, rug::rugpoint *t3, ld le
hyperpoint kuen_cross(ld v, ld u) {
auto du = coord_derivative(hpxyz(v,u,0), 0);
auto dv = coord_derivative(hpxyz(v,u,0), 1);
auto du = coord_derivative(point3(v,u,0), 0);
auto dv = coord_derivative(point3(v,u,0), 1);
return du^dv;
ld kuen_hypot(ld v, ld u) {
auto du = coord_derivative(hpxyz(v,u,0), 0);
auto dv = coord_derivative(hpxyz(v,u,0), 1);
auto du = coord_derivative(point3(v,u,0), 0);
auto dv = coord_derivative(point3(v,u,0), 1);
auto n = hypot_d(3, du^dv);
return n;
@ -385,8 +387,8 @@ void draw_kuen_map() {
for(int h=0; h<512; h++) {
ld v = M_PI * (r+.5) / 512;
ld u = 2 * M_PI * (h+.5) / 512;
auto du = coord_derivative(hpxyz(v,u,0), 0);
auto dv = coord_derivative(hpxyz(v,u,0), 1);
auto du = coord_derivative(point3(v,u,0), 0);
auto dv = coord_derivative(point3(v,u,0), 1);
auto n = hypot_d(3, du^dv);
if(n > nmax) nmax = n;
@ -459,7 +461,8 @@ void run_hyperlike() {
int sgn = y > 0 ? 1 : -1;
ld phi = hyper_b * cosh(y);
int pt = y * precision * sgn / hyperlike_bound();
p->flat = hpxyz(phi * cos(x), phi * sin(x), sgn * integral_table[pt]);
p->native = point31(phi * cos(x), phi * sin(x), sgn * integral_table[pt]);
p->valid = true;
@ -520,7 +523,8 @@ void run_kuen() {
np->inqueue = false;
np->dist = 0;
np->h = p->h;
np->flat = coord(px.params);
np->native = coord(px.params);
np->surface_point = px;
np->dexp_id = p->dexp_id;
coverages[p->dexp_id] |= pid[part];
@ -534,9 +538,11 @@ void run_kuen() {
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
if(!r[i]) looks_good = false;
if(!looks_good) continue;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
if(hypot_d(3, r[i]->flat - r[(i+1)%3]->flat) > .2)
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
if(hypot_d(3, r[i]->native - r[(i+1)%3]->native) > .2)
looks_good = false;
addTriangleV(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
@ -557,9 +563,11 @@ void run_kuen() {
template<class T> void run_function(T f) {
for(auto p: rug::points)
p->flat = f(p->h),
for(auto p: rug::points) {
p->native = f(p->h),
p->valid = true;
void run_other() {
@ -572,7 +580,10 @@ void run_other() {
auto h = p->h;
p->surface_point = map_to_surface(h, dp);
p->flat = coord(p->surface_point.params);
if(1) {
p->native = coord(p->surface_point.params);
history::progress(XLAT("solving the geodesics on: %1, %2/%3", XLAT(shape_name[sh]), its(it), its(isize(rug::points))));
if(p->surface_point.remaining_distance == 0)
coverage.emplace_back(h, rchar(it) + 256 * 7);
@ -641,8 +652,8 @@ EX void run_shape(eShape s) {
ld minx = 1e9, maxx = -1e9;
for(auto p: rug::points) if(p->valid) {
minx = min(p->flat[2], minx);
maxx = max(p->flat[2], maxx);
minx = min(p->native[2], minx);
maxx = max(p->native[2], maxx);
@ -650,7 +661,7 @@ EX void run_shape(eShape s) {
ld shift = -(minx + maxx) / 2;
for(auto p: rug::points) if(p->valid)
p->flat[2] += shift;
p->native[2] += shift;
@ -747,7 +758,7 @@ EX void show_surfaces() {
else if(uni == 'x')
for(auto p: rug::points)
p->flat = p->surface_point.params;
p->native = p->surface_point.params;
else if(uni == '#')
dialog::editNumber(dini_b, -1, 1, .05, .15, XLAT("parameter"),
XLAT("The larger the number, the more twisted it is.")