mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-11 14:08:18 +00:00

shmup:: rewritten shmup configuration in OOP style

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2018-11-18 03:18:11 +01:00
parent 97c405fc87
commit 8e2727882e
7 changed files with 254 additions and 229 deletions

View File

@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ bool have_current_settings() {
return true;
if(pmodel != mdDisk || vid.monmode != DEFAULT_MONMODE || vid.wallmode != DEFAULT_WALLMODE)
return true;
if(firstland != laIce || vid.scfg.players != 1 || rug::rugged)
if(firstland != laIce || multi::players != 1 || rug::rugged)
return true;
if(modecount > 1)
return true;
@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ void resetModes(char leave) {
if(yendor::on != (leave == rg::yendor)) stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::yendor);
if(tactic::on != (leave == rg::tactic)) stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::tactic);
if(randomPatternsMode != (leave == rg::randpattern)) stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::randpattern);
if(vid.scfg.players != 1) {
vid.scfg.players = 1; stop_game_and_switch_mode();
if(multi::players != 1) {
stop_game_and_switch_mode(); multi::players = 1;
if(firstland != laIce || specialland != laIce) {
@ -997,10 +997,8 @@ void showBasicConfig() {
if(xuni == 'g') pushScreen(showCustomizeChar);
if(xuni == 'p') {
multi::shmupcfg = shmup::on;
if(xuni == 'p')
if(uni == 'r') vid.revcontrol = !vid.revcontrol;
@ -1777,8 +1775,8 @@ int read_gamemode_args() {
if(argis("-P")) {
PHASE(2); shift();
vid.scfg.players = argi();
multi::players = argi();
TOGGLE('C', chaosmode, stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::chaos))
TOGGLE('S', shmup::on, stop_game_and_switch_mode(rg::shmup))

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ bool holdmouse;
int getcstat, lgetcstat; ld getcshift; bool inslider;
function <void(int sym, int uni)> keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {};
function <bool(SDL_Event &ev)> joyhandler = [] (SDL_Event &ev) {return false;};
// is the player using mouse? (used for auto-cross)
bool mousing = true;
@ -613,30 +615,7 @@ void handle_event(SDL_Event& ev) {
bool shmupconf = cmode & sm::SHMUPCONFIG;
if(ev.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN && shmupconf && vid.scfg.setwhat) {
int joyid = ev.jbutton.which;
int button = ev.jbutton.button;
if(joyid < 8 && button < 32)
vid.scfg.joyaction[joyid][button] = vid.scfg.setwhat;
vid.scfg.setwhat = 0;
else if(ev.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION && shmupconf && vid.scfg.setwhat) {
int joyid = ev.jhat.which;
int hat = ev.jhat.hat;
int dir = 4;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_UP) dir = 0;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_RIGHT) dir = 1;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_DOWN) dir = 2;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_LEFT) dir = 3;
printf("%d %d %d\n", joyid, hat, dir);
if(joyid < 8 && hat < 4 && dir < 4) {
vid.scfg.hataction[joyid][hat][dir] = vid.scfg.setwhat;
vid.scfg.setwhat = 0;
if(joyhandler && joyhandler(ev)) ;
else if(ev.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION && !normal) {
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_UP) sym = SDLK_UP;

View File

@ -5720,6 +5720,9 @@ void drawscreen() {
cmode = 0;
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) { return false; };
joyhandler = [] (SDL_Event& ev) { return false; };
if(!isize(screens)) pushScreen(normalscreen);

View File

@ -766,7 +766,6 @@ void loadcs(FILE *f, charstyle& cs, int vernum);
namespace multi {
extern bool shmupcfg;
extern bool alwaysuse;
void recall();
extern cell *origpos[MAXPLAYER], *origtarget[MAXPLAYER];
@ -786,9 +785,6 @@ namespace multi {
extern int treasures[MAXPLAYER], kills[MAXPLAYER], deaths[MAXPLAYER];
struct config {
int players;
int subconfig;
int setwhat;
char keyaction[512];
char joyaction[MAXJOY][MAXBUTTON];
char axeaction[MAXJOY][MAXAXE];
@ -807,7 +803,7 @@ namespace multi {
cell *multiPlayerTarget(int i);
void checklastmove();
void leaveGame(int i);
void showShmupConfig();
void configure();
template<class T> class hookset : public map<int, function<T>> {};
@ -2474,6 +2470,9 @@ extern bool leftclick;
void clearMemory();
extern function <void(int sym, int uni)> keyhandler;
extern function <bool(SDL_Event &ev)> joyhandler;
void gmodekeys(int sym, int uni);
void switchGL();

View File

@ -557,8 +557,7 @@ void showChangeMode() {
multi::shmupcfg = shmup::on;
else if(xuni == 'h' && !shmup::on)
@ -762,10 +761,8 @@ void showStartMenu() {
stampbase = ticks;
if(uni == 's') {
multi::shmupcfg = shmup::on;
if(uni == 's')
else if(uni == 'Z') {
@ -931,7 +928,7 @@ int read_menu_args() {
PHASEFROM(2); launch_dialog(showChangeMode);
else if(argis("-d:shmup")) {
PHASEFROM(2); launch_dialog(shmup::showShmupConfig);
PHASEFROM(2); launch_dialog(); shmup::configure();
else return 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace multi {
static const int CMDS = 15;
static const int CMDS_PAN = 11;
const char* playercmds_shmup[15] = {
vector<string> playercmds_shmup = {
"forward", "backward", "turn left", "turn right",
"move up", "move right", "move down", "move left",
"throw a knife", "face the pointer", "throw at the pointer",
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ namespace multi {
"Orb power (target: facing)"
const char* playercmds_turn[15] = {
vector<string> playercmds_turn = {
"move up-right", "move up-left", "move down-right", "move down-left",
"move up", "move right", "move down", "move left",
"stay in place (left + right)", "cancel move", "leave the game",
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace multi {
const char* pancmds[11] = {
vector<string> pancmds = {
"pan up", "pan right", "pan down", "pan left",
"rotate left", "rotate right", "home",
"world overview", "review your quest", "inventory", "main menu"
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace multi {
#define SHMUPAXES_CUR ((SHMUPAXES_BASE) + 4 * vid.scfg.players)
#define SHMUPAXES_CUR ((SHMUPAXES_BASE) + 4 * playercfg)
const char* axemodes[SHMUPAXES] = {
"do nothing",
@ -132,9 +132,6 @@ const char* axemodes[SHMUPAXES] = {
int centerplayer = -1;
int shmupnumkeys;
const char** shmupcmdtable;
char* axeconfigs[24]; int numaxeconfigs;
int* dzconfigs[24];
@ -178,28 +175,112 @@ void resetScores() {
multi::treasures[i] = multi::kills[i] = multi::deaths[i] = 0;
bool shmupcfg;
bool configdead;
void handleConfig(int sym, int uni);
void showShmupConfig() {
cmode = sm::SHMUPCONFIG;
string player_count_name(int p) {
return XLAT(
p == 2 ? "two players" :
p == 3 ? "three players" :
p == 4 ? "four players" :
p == 5 ? "five players" :
p == 6 ? "six players" :
p == 7 ? "seven players" :
"one player");
int sc = vid.scfg.subconfig;
struct key_configurer {
if(sc == 1 || sc == 2 || sc == 4 || sc == 5 || sc == 6 || sc == 7 || sc == 8) {
shmupnumkeys = CMDS;
shmupcmdtable = shmup::on ? playercmds_shmup : playercmds_turn;
else if(sc == 3) {
shmupnumkeys = CMDS_PAN;
shmupcmdtable = pancmds;
int sc;
vector<string>& shmupcmdtable;
int setwhat;
key_configurer(int sc, vector<string>& sct) : sc(sc), shmupcmdtable(sct), setwhat(0) {}
void operator() () {
XLAT(sc == 1 ? "configure player 1" :
sc == 2 ? "configure player 2" :
sc == 3 ? "configure panning" :
sc == 4 ? "configure player 3" :
sc == 5 ? "configure player 4" :
sc == 6 ? "configure player 5" :
sc == 7 ? "configure player 6" :
sc == 8 ? "configure player 7" : ""
getcstat = ' ';
for(int i=0; i<isize(shmupcmdtable); i++) if(shmupcmdtable[i][0])
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT(shmupcmdtable[i]), listkeys(16*sc+i),
setwhat ? (setwhat>1 && i == (setwhat&15) ? '?' : 0) : 'a'+i);
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(setwhat == 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key to unassign"), 0);
else if(setwhat)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key for '%1'", XLAT(shmupcmdtable[setwhat&15])), 0);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("unassign a key"), 'z');
keyhandler = [this] (int sym, int uni) {
if(!setwhat) dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(sym) {
if(setwhat) {
vid.scfg.keyaction[sym] = setwhat;
setwhat = 0;
else if(uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a' + isize(shmupcmdtable) && shmupcmdtable[uni-'a'][0])
setwhat = 16*sc+uni - 'a';
else if(uni == 'z')
setwhat = 1;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni))
joyhandler = [this] (SDL_Event& ev) {
if(ev.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN && setwhat) {
int joyid = ev.jbutton.which;
int button = ev.jbutton.button;
if(joyid < 8 && button < 32)
vid.scfg.joyaction[joyid][button] = setwhat;
setwhat = 0;
return true;
else if(ev.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION && setwhat) {
int joyid = ev.jhat.which;
int hat = ev.jhat.hat;
int dir = 4;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_UP) dir = 0;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_RIGHT) dir = 1;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_DOWN) dir = 2;
if(ev.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_LEFT) dir = 3;
printf("%d %d %d\n", joyid, hat, dir);
if(joyid < 8 && hat < 4 && dir < 4) {
vid.scfg.hataction[joyid][hat][dir] = setwhat;
setwhat = 0;
return true;
return false;
else if(sc == SCJOY) {
struct joy_configurer {
bool shmupcfg, racecfg;
int playercfg;
joy_configurer(int playercfg) : playercfg(playercfg) {}
void operator() () {
getcstat = ' ';
numaxeconfigs = 0;
@ -227,231 +308,201 @@ void showShmupConfig() {
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Configure dead zones"), (configdead), 'z');
keyhandler = [this] (int sym, int uni) {
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(sym) {
char xuni = uni | 96;
if(xuni >= 'a' && xuni < 'a' + numaxeconfigs) {
if(configdead) {
int& dz = (*dzconfigs[xuni - 'a']);
dz += int(shiftmul * 100);
if(dz < 0) dz = 0;
if(dz > 65000) dz = 65000;
else {
int v = (*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']);
v += (shiftmul>0?1:-1);
(*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']) = v;
else if(xuni == 'z')
configdead = !configdead;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni))
else if(sc == 0) {
struct shmup_configurer {
bool shmupcfg;
int playercfg;
shmup_configurer() { shmupcfg = shmup::on; players = multi::players; }
void operator()() {
cmode = sm::SHMUPCONFIG;
vid.scfg.players == 2 ? "two players" :
vid.scfg.players == 3 ? "three players" :
vid.scfg.players == 4 ? "four players" :
vid.scfg.players == 5 ? "five players" :
vid.scfg.players == 6 ? "six players" :
vid.scfg.players == 7 ? "seven players" :
"one player"), 'n');
dialog::addItem(player_count_name(playercfg), 'n');
dialog::addItem(XLAT(shmupcfg ? "shoot'em up mode" : "turn-based mode"), 's');
dialog::addItem(XLAT(shmup::on == shmupcfg && players == vid.scfg.players ?
dialog::addItem(XLAT(shmup::on == shmupcfg && players == playercfg ?
"continue playing"
: "start a new game"), '0');
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1)
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || playercfg > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 1") + dsc(0), '1');
if(vid.scfg.players > 1)
if(playercfg > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 2") + dsc(1), '2');
else if(vid.scfg.players == 1 && !shmupcfg)
else if(playercfg == 1 && !shmupcfg)
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("input"), XLAT(multi::alwaysuse ? "config" : "default"), 'a');
if(vid.scfg.players > 2)
if(playercfg > 2)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 3") + dsc(2), '3');
else if(vid.scfg.players == 1 && !shmupcfg && !shmupcfg && !multi::alwaysuse)
else if(playercfg == 1 && !shmupcfg && !shmupcfg && !multi::alwaysuse)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("old style joystick configuration"), 'b');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 3)
if(playercfg > 3)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 4") + dsc(3), '4');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 4)
if(playercfg > 4)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 5") + dsc(4), '5');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 5)
if(playercfg > 5)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 6") + dsc(5), '6');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.players > 6)
if(playercfg > 6)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure player 7") + dsc(6), '7');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1)
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || playercfg > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure panning and general keys"), 'p');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(numsticks > 0) {
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || vid.scfg.players > 1)
if(shmupcfg || multi::alwaysuse || playercfg > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("configure joystick axes"), 'j');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(multi::players > 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("reset per-player statistics"), 'r');
else dialog::addBreak(100);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("save the configuration"), 'c');
if(sc >= 1 && sc <= MAXPLAYER + 1) {
XLAT(sc == 1 ? "configure player 1" :
sc == 2 ? "configure player 2" :
sc == 3 ? "configure panning" :
sc == 4 ? "configure player 3" :
sc == 5 ? "configure player 4" :
sc == 6 ? "configure player 5" :
sc == 7 ? "configure player 6" :
sc == 8 ? "configure player 7" : ""
getcstat = ' ';
for(int i=0; i<shmupnumkeys; i++) if(shmupcmdtable[i][0])
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT(shmupcmdtable[i]), listkeys(16*sc+i),
vid.scfg.setwhat ? (vid.scfg.setwhat>1 && i == (vid.scfg.setwhat&15) ? '?' : 0) : 'a'+i);
else dialog::addBreak(100);
if(vid.scfg.setwhat == 1)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key to unassign"), 0);
else if(vid.scfg.setwhat)
dialog::addItem(XLAT("press a key for '%1'", XLAT(shmupcmdtable[vid.scfg.setwhat&15])), 0);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("unassign a key"), 'z');
keyhandler = [this] (int sym, int uni) { return handleConfig(sym, uni); };
keyhandler = handleConfig;
void handleConfig(int sym, int uni) {
if(!vid.scfg.setwhat) dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
int sc = vid.scfg.subconfig;
if(sc == 0) {
if(uni == '1') vid.scfg.subconfig = 1;
else if(uni == '2') vid.scfg.subconfig = 2;
else if(uni == 'p') vid.scfg.subconfig = 3;
else if(uni == '3') vid.scfg.subconfig = 4;
else if(uni == '4') vid.scfg.subconfig = 5;
else if(uni == '5') vid.scfg.subconfig = 6;
else if(uni == '6') vid.scfg.subconfig = 7;
else if(uni == '7') vid.scfg.subconfig = 8;
else if(uni == 'j') vid.scfg.subconfig = SCJOY;
void handleConfig(int sym, int uni) {
auto& cmdlist = shmupcfg ? playercmds_shmup : playercmds_turn;
if(uni == '1') pushScreen(key_configurer(1, cmdlist));
else if(uni == '2') pushScreen(key_configurer(2, cmdlist));
else if(uni == 'p') pushScreen(key_configurer(3, pancmds));
else if(uni == '3') pushScreen(key_configurer(4, cmdlist));
else if(uni == '4') pushScreen(key_configurer(5, cmdlist));
else if(uni == '5') pushScreen(key_configurer(6, cmdlist));
else if(uni == '6') pushScreen(key_configurer(7, cmdlist));
else if(uni == '7') pushScreen(key_configurer(8, cmdlist));
else if(uni == 'j') pushScreen(joy_configurer(playercfg));
else if(uni == 'a') multi::alwaysuse = !multi::alwaysuse;
else if(uni == 'b') pushScreen(showJoyConfig);
else if(uni == 'r')
for(int i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++)
kills[i] = deaths[i] = treasures[i] = 0;
else if(uni == 's' || uni == 't')
shmupcfg = !shmupcfg;
else if(uni == 'c')
else if(uni == 'n' || uni == 'N') {
vid.scfg.players += shiftmul > 0 ? 1 : -1;
vid.scfg.players %= MAXPLAYER;
if(vid.scfg.players <= 0) vid.scfg.players += MAXPLAYER;
playercfg += shiftmul > 0 ? 1 : -1;
playercfg %= MAXPLAYER;
if(playercfg <= 0) playercfg += MAXPLAYER;
else if(sym == SDLK_F1 || uni == '?' || uni == 'h') {
help =
"Shmup (shoot'em up) mode: You can play a hyperbolic shoot'em up game. The game is based "
"on the usual turn-based grid-based HyperRogue, but there are some changes. You fight by "
"throwing knives, and you have three extra lives. There are no allies, so all Orbs "
"related to allies give you extra lives instead (up to 5). Some other rules have been "
"adapted too.\n\n");
help += XLAT(
"Multiplayer: Play cooperatively (locally); treasures, kills, and deaths are calculated "
"for each player too, for more competitive play. Orbs and treasures are shared, orbs drain "
"faster, knives recharge slower, and player characters are not allowed to separate.\n\n");
help += XLAT(
"Turn-based multiplayer: Turns are executed in parallel. A player can leave the game "
"by pressing a designated key (useful when about to get killed or lost). The following "
"Orbs work to bring such players back: ");
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbLife].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbFriend].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbUndeath].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbTeleport].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbSafety].name); help += "\n\n";
help += XLAT("This menu can be also used to configure keys.\n\n");
help = XLAT(
"Shmup (shoot'em up) mode: You can play a hyperbolic shoot'em up game. The game is based "
"on the usual turn-based grid-based HyperRogue, but there are some changes. You fight by "
"throwing knives, and you have three extra lives. There are no allies, so all Orbs "
"related to allies give you extra lives instead (up to 5). Some other rules have been "
"adapted too.\n\n");
help += XLAT(
"Multiplayer: Play cooperatively (locally); treasures, kills, and deaths are calculated "
"for each player too, for more competitive play. Orbs and treasures are shared, orbs drain "
"faster, knives recharge slower, and player characters are not allowed to separate.\n\n");
help += XLAT(
"Turn-based multiplayer: Turns are executed in parallel. A player can leave the game "
"by pressing a designated key (useful when about to get killed or lost). The following "
"Orbs work to bring such players back: ");
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbLife].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbFriend].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbUndeath].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbTeleport].name); help += ", ";
help += XLATN(iinf[itOrbSafety].name); help += "\n\n";
help += XLAT("This menu can be also used to configure keys.\n\n");
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) {
if(shmup::on != shmupcfg) { restart_game(rg::shmup); resetScores(); }
else if(vid.scfg.players != players) { restart_game(); resetScores(); }
else if(sc == SCJOY) {
if(sym) {
char xuni = uni | 96;
if(xuni >= 'a' && xuni < 'a' + numaxeconfigs) {
if(configdead) {
int& dz = (*dzconfigs[xuni - 'a']);
dz += int(shiftmul * 100);
if(dz < 0) dz = 0;
if(dz > 65000) dz = 65000;
else {
int v = (*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']);
v += (shiftmul>0?1:-1);
(*axeconfigs[xuni - 'a']) = v;
if(shmup::on != shmupcfg) {
else if(xuni == 'z')
configdead = !configdead;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni))
vid.scfg.subconfig = 0;
else {
if(sym) {
if(vid.scfg.setwhat) {
vid.scfg.keyaction[sym] = vid.scfg.setwhat;
vid.scfg.setwhat = 0;
if(playercfg != players) {
players = playercfg;
else if(uni >= 'a' && uni < 'a' + shmupnumkeys && shmupcmdtable[uni-'a'][0])
vid.scfg.setwhat = 16*sc+uni - 'a';
else if(uni == 'z')
vid.scfg.setwhat = 1;
else if(uni || sym == SDLK_F10)
vid.scfg.subconfig = 0;
void configure() {
#define NUMACT 128
@ -479,7 +530,6 @@ bool notremapped(int sym) {
void initConfig() {
vid.scfg.players = 1;
char* t = vid.scfg.keyaction;
@ -577,7 +627,7 @@ void initConfig() {
multi::scs[5].uicolor = 0x00C0C0FF;
multi::scs[6].uicolor = 0xC0C0C0FF;
addsaver(vid.scfg.players, "mode-number of players");
addsaver(multi::players, "mode-number of players");
addsaver(alwaysuse, "use configured keys");
// unfortunately we cannot use key names here because SDL is not yet initialized
for(int i=0; i<512; i++)
@ -606,9 +656,9 @@ void scanchar(FILE *f, char& c) {
void loadConfig(FILE *f) {
int xvernum;
int err = fscanf(f, "%d %d", &xvernum, &vid.scfg.players);
if(vid.scfg.players < 1 || vid.scfg.players > MAXPLAYER)
vid.scfg.players = 1;
int err = fscanf(f, "%d %d", &xvernum, &multi::players);
if(multi::players < 1 || multi::players > MAXPLAYER)
multi::players = 1;
if(err != 2) return;
if(xvernum >= 8990) { int b=alwaysuse; err=fscanf(f, " %d", &b); alwaysuse = b; }
for(int i=0; i<512; i++) scanchar(f, vid.scfg.keyaction[i]);

View File

@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ void initgame() {
DEBB(DF_INIT, (debugfile,"initGame\n"));
if(!safety) multi::players = vid.scfg.players;
if(multi::players < 1 || multi::players > MAXPLAYER)
multi::players = 1;
multi::whereto[0].d = MD_UNDECIDED;