mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 19:29:18 +00:00
nilv:: Nil shader, and improved geodesics
This commit is contained in:
@ -233,10 +233,12 @@ void display_data::set_projection(int ed) {
shaderside_projection = true, glhr::new_shader_projection = glhr::shader_projection::halfplane3;
if(DIM == 3 && hyperbolic && apply_models && pmodel == mdPerspective)
shaderside_projection = true, glhr::new_shader_projection = glhr::shader_projection::standardH3, pers3 = true;
if(DIM == 3 && (euclid || sol || nil) && apply_models && pmodel == mdPerspective)
if(DIM == 3 && translatable && apply_models && pmodel == mdPerspective)
shaderside_projection = true, glhr::new_shader_projection = glhr::shader_projection::standardR3, pers3 = true;
if(DIM == 3 && apply_models && pmodel == mdGeodesic)
if(DIM == 3 && apply_models && pmodel == mdGeodesic && sol)
shaderside_projection = true, glhr::new_shader_projection = glhr::shader_projection::standardSolv, pers3 = true;
if(DIM == 3 && apply_models && pmodel == mdGeodesic && nil)
shaderside_projection = true, glhr::new_shader_projection = glhr::shader_projection::standardNil, pers3 = true;
if(DIM == 3 && sphere && apply_models && pmodel == mdPerspective) {
shaderside_projection = true; pers3 = true;
int sp = spherephase & 3;
@ -793,20 +793,6 @@ void debug_this() { }
void dqi_poly::draw() {
if(flags & POLY_DEBUG) debug_this();
if(nil && vid.usingGL && pmodel == mdPerspective && (current_display->set_all(global_projection), shaderside_projection)) {
auto npoly = *this;
for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)
glcoords.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(nisot::inverse_exp(V * glhr::gltopoint( (*tab)[offset+i]), nisot::iTable)));
npoly.offset = 0;
npoly.tab = &glcoords;
npoly.V = Id;
dynamicval<ld> bs(hr::band_shift, band_shift);
if(!hyperbolic && among(pmodel, mdPolygonal, mdPolynomial)) {
bool any = false;
@ -5057,16 +5057,26 @@ void drawcell(cell *c, transmatrix V, int spinv, bool mirrored) {
if(pmodel == mdGeodesic) {
if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && sol) {
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
hyperpoint H = tC0(V);
if(abs(H[0]) <= 2 && abs(H[1]) <= 2 && abs(H[2]) <= 2) ;
if(abs(H[0]) <= 3 && abs(H[1]) <= 3 && abs(H[2]) <= 3 ) ;
else {
hyperpoint H2 = nisot::inverse_exp(H, nisot::iLazy);
for(hyperpoint& cpoint: clipping_planes) if((H2|cpoint) < -.2) return;
if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && nil) {
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
hyperpoint H = tC0(V);
if(abs(H[0]) <= 3 && abs(H[1]) <= 3 && abs(H[2]) <= 3 ) ;
else {
hyperpoint H2 = nisot::inverse_exp(H, nisot::iLazy);
for(hyperpoint& cpoint: clipping_planes) if((H2|cpoint) < -2) return;
@ -4038,7 +4038,7 @@ namespace glhr {
enum class shader_projection { standard, band, halfplane, standardH3, standardR3,
standardS30, standardS31, standardS32, standardS33,
ball, halfplane3, band3, flatten, standardSolv,
ball, halfplane3, band3, flatten, standardSolv, standardNil,
@ -5663,6 +5663,7 @@ namespace solv {
namespace nilv {
extern string nilshader;
extern array<vector<hyperpoint>, 22> facevertices;
void software_renderer(dqi_poly *p);
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ namespace nilv {
// v[1] = c sin alpha
// v[2] = w
if(v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 0) return v;
if(v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 0) return point31(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
if(v[2] == 0) return point31(v[0], v[1], v[0] * v[1] / 2);
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ namespace nilv {
ld side = h[2] - h[0] * h[1] / 2;
if(hypot_d(2, h) < 1e-6) return h;
if(hypot_d(2, h) < 1e-6) return point3(h[0], h[1], h[2]);
else if(side > 1e-6) {
wmin = 0, wmax = 2 * M_PI;
@ -370,23 +370,23 @@ namespace nilv {
else return point3(h[0], h[1], 0);
ld alpha_total = atan2(h[1], h[0]);
ld alpha_total = h[0] ? atan(h[1] / h[0]) : M_PI/2;
ld cmul;
ld b;
if(abs(h[0]) > abs(h[1]))
cmul = h[0] / 2 / cos(alpha_total);
b = h[0] / 2 / cos(alpha_total);
cmul = h[1] / 2 / sin(alpha_total);
b = h[1] / 2 / sin(alpha_total);
ld sa = sin(2 * alpha_total);
ld s = sin(2 * alpha_total);
for(int it=0;; it++) {
ld w = (wmin + wmax) / 2;
ld c = cmul / sin(w/2);
ld z = w * (1 + (c*c/2) * ((1 - sin(w)/w) + (1-cos(w))/w * sa));
ld w = (wmin + wmax) / 2;
ld z = b * b * (s + (sin(w) - w)/(cos(w) - 1)) + w;
if(it == iterations) {
ld alpha = alpha_total - w/2;
ld c = b / sin(w/2);
return point3(c * w * cos(alpha), c * w * sin(alpha), w);
if(h[2] > z) wmin = w;
@ -394,6 +394,36 @@ namespace nilv {
string nilshader =
"vec4 inverse_exp(vec4 h) {"
"float wmin, wmax;"
"float side = h[2] - h[0] * h[1] / 2.;"
"if(h[0]*h[0] + h[1]*h[1] < 1e-12) return vec4(h[0], h[1], h[2], 1);"
"if(side > 1e-6) { wmin = 0.; wmax = 2.*PI; }"
"else if(side < -1e-6) { wmin = -2.*PI; wmax = 0.; }"
"else return vec4(h[0], h[1], 0., 1.);"
"float at = h[0] != 0. ? atan(h[1] / h[0]) : PI/2.;"
"float b = abs(h[0]) > abs(h[1]) ? h[0] / 2. / cos(at) : h[1] / 2. / sin(at);"
"float s = sin(2. * at);"
"for(int it=0; it<50; it++) {"
"float w = (wmin + wmax) / 2.;"
"float z = b * b * (s + (sin(w) - w)/(cos(w) - 1.)) + w;"
"if(h[2] > z) wmin = w;"
"else wmax = w;"
"float w = (wmin + wmax) / 2.;"
"float alpha = at - w/2.;"
"float c = b / sin(w/2.);"
"return vec4(c*w*cos(alpha), c*w*sin(alpha), w, 1.);"
/* "float w = atan(side) * 4.;"
"float alpha = at - w/2.;"
"float c = b / sin(w/2.);"
"return vec4(c*w*cos(alpha), c*w*sin(alpha), w, 1.);" */
struct mvec : array<int, 3> {
mvec() { }
@ -562,6 +562,7 @@ void init() {
bool hp = among(sp, shader_projection::halfplane, shader_projection::halfplane3);
bool sh3 = (sp == shader_projection::standardH3);
bool ssol = (sp == shader_projection::standardSolv);
bool snil = (sp == shader_projection::standardNil);
bool sr3 = (sp == shader_projection::standardR3);
bool ss30 = (sp == shader_projection::standardS30);
bool ss31 = (sp == shader_projection::standardS31);
@ -569,13 +570,14 @@ void init() {
bool ss33 = (sp == shader_projection::standardS33);
bool ss3 = ss30 || ss31 || ss32 || ss33;
bool s3 = (sh3 || sr3 || ss3 || ssol);
bool s3 = (sh3 || sr3 || ss3 || ssol || snil);
bool dim3 = s3 || among(sp, shader_projection::ball, shader_projection::halfplane3, shader_projection::band3);
bool dim2 = !dim3;
bool ball = (sp == shader_projection::ball);
bool flatten = (sp == shader_projection::flatten);
programs[i][j] = new GLprogram(stringbuilder(
1, "#define PI 3.14159265358979324\n",
1, "attribute mediump vec4 aPosition;",
texture, "attribute mediump vec2 aTexture;",
@ -621,6 +623,7 @@ void init() {
1, " }",
ssol, solv::solshader,
snil, nilv::nilshader,
1, "void main() {",
texture, "vTexCoord = aTexture;",
@ -659,9 +662,10 @@ void init() {
ssol, "float d = sqrt(t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1] + t[2] * t[2]);",
ssol, "float ad = (d == 0.) ? 0. : (d < 1.) ? min(atanh(d), 10.) : 10.; ",
ssol, "float m = ad / d / 11.; t[0] *= m; t[1] *= m; t[2] *= m; ",
snil, "t = inverse_exp(t);",
sh3, "float fogs = (uFogBase - acosh(t[3]) / uFog);",
sr3, "float fogs = (uFogBase - sqrt(t[0]*t[0] + t[1]*t[1] + t[2]*t[2]) / uFog);",
sr3||snil, "float fogs = (uFogBase - sqrt(t[0]*t[0] + t[1]*t[1] + t[2]*t[2]) / uFog);",
ssol, "float fogs = (uFogBase - ad / uFog);",
ss30, "float fogs = (uFogBase - (6.284 - acos(t[3])) / uFog); t = -t; ",
@ -1154,9 +1154,9 @@ void set_geometry(eGeometry target) {
if(binarytiling || WDIM == 3 || penrose) variation = eVariation::pure;
if(DIM == 3 && old_DIM == 2 && pmodel == mdDisk) pmodel = mdPerspective;
if(sol && old_DIM == 2) pmodel = mdSolPerspective;
if(DIM == 2 && among(pmodel, mdPerspective, mdSolPerspective)) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(sol && old_DIM == 2 && vid.texture_step < 4) vid.texture_step = 4;
if(nonisotropic && old_DIM == 2) pmodel = mdGeodesic;
if(DIM == 2 && among(pmodel, mdPerspective, mdGeodesic)) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(nonisotropic && old_DIM == 2 && vid.texture_step < 4) vid.texture_step = 4;
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