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clarify Water Elemental special case

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2023-10-29 07:58:00 +01:00
parent 669814efce
commit 85fc2773b1
7 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ MONSTER( 'T', 0x00FFFF, "Fjord Troll", moFjordTroll, CF_FACE_UP | CF_TROLL, RESE
MONSTER( 'E', 0x0000FF, "Water Elemental", moWaterElemental, CF_FACE_UP | CF_NOBLOW | CF_NONLIVING | CF_HIGH_THREAT, RESERVED, moWaterElemental,
"Wherever this powerful being goes, the living fjord "
"sinks below water, non-magical boats are destroyed, and fires are extinguished.\n\n"
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water, without drowning immediately."
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water with your blade, without drowning immediately."
MONSTER( 'M', 0xD0D0D0, "Mouse", moMouseMoved, CF_FACE_SIDE | CF_NOGHOST | CF_GOK | CF_FRIENDLY | CF_FACING | CF_UNARMED | CF_MOVED, RESERVED, moNone, princessdesc)

View File

@ -2145,7 +2145,7 @@ S("Mighty warriors from the Fjord, who can use boats.",
N("Water Elemental", GEN_M, "Elementál Vody", "Elementálové Vody", "Elementála Vody", "Elementálem Vody")
S("Wherever this powerful being goes, the living fjord "
"sinks below water, non-magical boats are destroyed, and fires are extinguished.\n\n"
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water, without drowning immediately.",
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water with your blade, without drowning immediately.",
"Kamkoli se vydá tato mocná bytost, tam se Živoucí fjord potápí pod vodu, všechny čluny kromě magických "
"jsou zničeny a veškerý oheň je uhašen.\n\n"
"Na Elementála Vody můžeš zaútočit z vody, aniž by ses okamžitě utopil; to je speciální případ.")

View File

@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@ S("Mighty warriors from the Fjord, who can use boats.",
N("Water Elemental", GEN_M, "Wasserelementar", "Wasserelementare", "Wasserelementar")
S("Wherever this powerful being goes, the living fjord "
"sinks below water, non-magical boats are destroyed, and fires are extinguished.\n\n"
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water, without drowning immediately.",
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water with your blade, without drowning immediately.",
"Wohin auch immer sich dieses Wesen bewegt sinkt der lebende Fjord. "
"Dadurch werden nicht magische Boote zerstört und Feuer gelöscht.\n\n"
"Die Besonderheit ist: du kannst den Wasserelementar vom Wasser aus angreifen ohne sofort zu ertrinken.")

View File

@ -2010,7 +2010,7 @@ S("Mighty warriors from the Fjord, who can use boats.",
N("Water Elemental", GEN_M | GENF_ELISION, "Élémental d'Eau", "Élémentaux d'Eau", "Élémental d'Eau")
S("Wherever this powerful being goes, the living fjord "
"sinks below water, non-magical boats are destroyed, and fires are extinguished.\n\n"
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water, without drowning immediately.",
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water with your blade, without drowning immediately.",
"Là où cet être puissant va, le fjord vivant est submergé d'eau, les bateaux non-magiques détruits, "
"et les feux éteints.\n\n"
"Cas particulier : vous pouvez attaquer l'Élemental depuis l'eau sans vous noyer immédiatement.")

View File

@ -2097,10 +2097,10 @@ S("Mighty warriors from the Fjord, who can use boats.",
N("Water Elemental", GEN_M, "Wodny Żywiołak", "Wodne Żywiołaki", "Wodnego Żywiołaka", "Wodnym Żywiołakiem")
S("Wherever this powerful being goes, the living fjord "
"sinks below water, non-magical boats are destroyed, and fires are extinguished.\n\n"
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water, without drowning immediately.",
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental with your blade from the water, without drowning immediately.",
"Gdziekolwiek przejdzie ta potężna istota, żywy fiord tonie, niemagiczne łódki są niszczone, a "
"ogień gaśnie.\n\n"
"Jako szczególny przypadek, możesz atakować Wodnego Żywiołaka z wody, nie topiąc się.")
"Jako szczególny przypadek, możesz atakować Wodnego Żywiołaka mieczem z wody, nie topiąc się.")
N("Garnet", GEN_O, "Granat", "Granaty", "Granat", "Granatem")

View File

@ -2083,7 +2083,7 @@ S("Mighty warriors from the Fjord, who can use boats.",
N("Water Elemental", GEN_M, "Водный элементаль", "Водные элементали", "Водного элементаля", "Водным элементалем")
S("Wherever this powerful being goes, the living fjord "
"sinks below water, non-magical boats are destroyed, and fires are extinguished.\n\n"
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water, without drowning immediately.",
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water with your blade, without drowning immediately.",
"Где бы ни шло это могущественное существо, фьорды расступаются перед ним, "
"обычные лодки уничтожаются, огонь гаснет.\n\n"
"Однако, если Вы атакуете его, находясь в воде, Вас не затянет сразу в воду.")

View File

@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ S("Mighty warriors from the Fjord, who can use boats.",
N("Water Elemental", GEN_M, "Su Özütü", "Su Özütleri", "Su Özütünü", "Su Özütüyle")
S("Wherever this powerful being goes, the living fjord "
"sinks below water, non-magical boats are destroyed, and fires are extinguished.\n\n"
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water, without drowning immediately.",
"As a special case, you can attack the Water Elemental from the water with your blade, without drowning immediately.",
"Bu güçlü yaratığın geçtiği her yerde Yaşayan Fiyort su altına gömülür, sihirli olmayan kayıklar yok olur ve ateşler söner. \n\n "
"İstisna bir durum olarak Su Özütüne suyun içerisinden hemen boğulmadan vurursan onu öldürebilirsin. ")