mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-03 02:10:09 +00:00

add_function in raygen

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2021-10-03 10:55:07 +02:00
parent 6fea0c31e4
commit 80ce840b3d

View File

@ -296,13 +296,14 @@ int max_celltype = 64;
struct raygen {
string fsh, vsh, fmain;
void add_if(const string& seek, const string& function);
int deg, irays;
bool asonov;
bool use_reflect;
bool many_cell_types;
bool eyes;
bool stepbased;
int flat1, flat2;
string getM(string s) {
@ -325,17 +326,26 @@ struct raygen {
return "uWallstart[" + s + "]";
void compute_which_and_dist();
void apply_reflect();
void compute_which_and_dist(int flat1, int flat2);
void apply_reflect(int flat1, int flat2);
void move_forward();
void emit_intra_portal(int gid1, int gid2);
void emit_iterate(int gid1);
void create();
string f_xpush() { return hyperbolic ? "xpush_h" : "xpush_s"; }
string f_len() { return hyperbolic ? "len_h" : (sphere && rotspace) ? "len_sr" : sl2 ? "len_sl2" : sphere ? "len_s" : "len_x"; }
void add_functions();
raygen our_raygen;
void raygen::compute_which_and_dist() {
void raygen::add_if(const string& seek, const string& function) {
if(fsh.find(seek) != string::npos || fmain.find(seek) != string::npos)
fsh = function + fsh;
void raygen::compute_which_and_dist(int flat1, int flat2) {
using glhr::to_glsl;
if(!stepbased) {
@ -411,8 +421,8 @@ void raygen::compute_which_and_dist() {
fmain +=
"for(int i=20; i<22; i++) {\n"
"mediump float sgn = i == 20 ? -1. : 1.;\n"
"mediump vec4 zpos = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n"
"mediump vec4 ztan = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n"
"mediump vec4 zpos = xpush_h(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n"
"mediump vec4 ztan = xpush_h(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n"
"mediump float Mp = zpos.w - zpos.x;\n"
"mediump float Mt = ztan.w - ztan.x;\n"
"mediump float a = (Mp*Mp-Mt*Mt);\n"
@ -779,20 +789,19 @@ void raygen::move_forward() {
bool reg = hyperbolic || sphere || euclid || sl2 || prod;
if(reg) {
fsh += "mediump float len_h(vec4 h) { return 1. - h[3]; }\n";
string s = (rotspace || prod) ? "-2" : "";
fmain +=
" mediump float best = len(nposition);\n"
" mediump float best = "+f_len()+"(nposition);\n"
" for(int i=0; i<sides"+s+"; i++) {\n"
" mediump float cand = len(" + getM("walloffset+i") + " * nposition);\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(" + getM("walloffset+i") + " * nposition);\n"
" if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n";
if(rotspace) fmain +=
" if(which == -1) {\n"
" best = len_h(nposition);\n"
" mediump float cand1 = len_h(" + getM("walloffset+sides-2") + "*nposition);\n"
" best = len_rotspace(nposition);\n"
" mediump float cand1 = len_rotspace(" + getM("walloffset+sides-2") + "*nposition);\n"
" if(cand1 < best) { best = cand1; which = sides-2; }\n"
" mediump float cand2 = len_h(" + getM("walloffset+sides-1") + "*nposition);\n"
" mediump float cand2 = len_rotspace(" + getM("walloffset+sides-1") + "*nposition);\n"
" if(cand2 < best) { best = cand2; which = sides-1; }\n"
" }\n";
if(prod) {
@ -837,14 +846,14 @@ void raygen::move_forward() {
"if(sp.z > 1.) {\n"
"mediump float best = 999.;\n"
"for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {\n"
"mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
"mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
"if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n"
"if(sp.z < -1.) {\n"
"mediump float best = 999.;\n"
"for(int i=6; i<10; i++) {\n"
"mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
"mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
"if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n"
@ -912,17 +921,17 @@ void raygen::move_forward() {
"position = position + tangent * dist;\n";
void raygen::apply_reflect() {
void raygen::apply_reflect(int flat1, int flat2) {
if(prod) fmain += "if(reflect && which >= sides-2) { zspeed = -zspeed; continue; }\n";
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) fmain +=
"if(reflect && (which < "+its(flat1)+" || which >= "+its(flat2)+")) {\n"
" mediump float x = -log(position.w - position.x);\n"
" mediump vec4 xtan = xpush(-x) * tangent;\n"
" mediump vec4 xtan = xpush_h(-x) * tangent;\n"
" mediump float diag = (position.y*position.y+position.z*position.z)/2.;\n"
" mediump vec4 normal = vec4(1.-diag, -position.y, -position.z, -diag);\n"
" mediump float mdot = dot(xtan.xyz, normal.xyz) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n"
" xtan = xtan - normal * mdot * 2.;\n"
" tangent = xpush(x) * xtan;\n"
" tangent = xpush_h(x) * xtan;\n"
" continue;\n"
" }\n";
if(asonov) {
@ -1109,6 +1118,20 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
if(intra::in && prod)
fmain += " const mediump float uPLevel = " + to_glsl(cgi.plevel/2) + ";\n";
int flat1 = 0, flat2 = deg;
if(prod || rotspace) flat2 -= 2;
#if CAP_BT
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
fmain += "mediump float uBLevel = " + to_glsl(log(bt::expansion()) / 2) + ";\n";
fsh += "uniform mediump float uBLevel;\n";
flat1 = bt::dirs_outer();
flat2 -= bt::dirs_inner();
fmain +=
" mediump float dist = 100.;\n";
@ -1121,14 +1144,14 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
if(IN_ODS) fmain +=
" if(go == 0.) {\n"
" mediump float best = len(position);\n"
" mediump float best = "+f_len()+"(position);\n"
" for(int i=0; i<sides; i++) {\n"
" mediump float cand = len(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" if(cand < best - .001) { dist = 0.; best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n";
compute_which_and_dist(flat1, flat2);
vid.fixed_yz = false;
@ -1155,14 +1178,14 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
"if(which == 20) {\n"
" mediump float best = 999.;\n"
" for(int i="+its(flat2)+"; i<"+its(S7)+"; i++) {\n"
" mediump float cand = len(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
"if(which == 21) {\n"
"mediump float best = 999.;\n"
"for(int i=0; i<"+its(flat1)+"; i++) {\n"
" mediump float cand = len(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
// "gl_FragColor = vec4(.5 + .5 * sin((go+dist)*100.), 1, float(which)/3., 1); return;\n"
@ -1295,7 +1318,7 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
" }\n";
apply_reflect(flat1, flat2);
// next cell
fmain +=
@ -1333,119 +1356,6 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
if(!intra::in) fmain += no_intra_portal;
else {
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 minkowski_to_bt(mediump vec4 h) {\n"
" h /= (1. + h[3]);\n"
" h[0] -= 1.;\n"
" h /= h.x*h.x + h.y*h.y + h.z * h.z;\n"
" h[0] += .5;\n"
" float co = " + to_glsl(vid.binary_width / log(2) / 8) + ";\n"
" mediump vec4 res;\n"
" res.x = h.y / co;\n"
" res.y = h.z / co;\n"
" res.z = (log(2.) + log(-h.x)) / (log(2.)/2.);\n"
" res.w = 1.;\n"
" return res;\n"
" }\n\n"
"mediump vec4 bt_to_minkowski(mediump vec4 h) {\n"
" h.z = h.z * " + to_glsl(log(2)/2) + ";\n"
" mediump vec4 res;\n"
" float co = " + to_glsl(vid.binary_width / log(2) / 4) + ";\n"
" h.x *= co; h.y *= co;\n"
" float diag = (h.x*h.x + h.y*h.y)/2.;\n"
" float px = sinh(h.z);\n"
" float pw = cosh(h.z);\n"
" res.x = (1.-diag) * px + diag * pw;\n"
" res.y = (-h.x) * px + h.x * pw;\n"
" res.z = (-h.y) * px + h.y * pw;\n"
" res.w = (-diag) * px + (1.+diag) * pw;\n"
" return res;\n"
" }\n\n";
else if(hyperbolic) {
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 to_poco_h3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return pos / pos[3];\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 from_poco_h3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. - dot(pos.xyz, pos.xyz);\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n";
if(sphere) {
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 to_poco_s3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return pos / pos[3];\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 from_poco_s3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. + dot(pos.xyz, pos.xyz);\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n";
if(prod) {
if(in_h2xe()) {
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 from_poco_h2xr_h(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. - pos.x*pos.x - pos.y * pos.y;\n"
" pos.z = 1.;\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 to_poco_h2xr_h(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" pos /= pos[2];\n"
" pos.w = 1.;\n"
" return pos;\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 from_poco_h2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return vec4(sinh(pos[2]) * cosh(pos[0]), sinh(pos[0]), cosh(pos[0]) * cosh(pos[2]), 0);\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 to_poco_h2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" mediump float x = asinh(pos[1]);\n"
" return vec4(x, 0, asinh(pos[0] / cosh(x)), 1);\n"
" }\n\n";
else {
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 from_poco_s2xr_s(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. + pos.x*pos.x + pos.y * pos.y;\n"
" pos.z = 1.;\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 to_poco_s2xr_s(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" pos /= pos[2];\n"
" pos.w = 1.;\n"
" return pos;\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 from_poco_s2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return vec4(sin(pos[2]) * cos(pos[0]), sin(pos[0]), cos(pos[0]) * cos(pos[2]), 0);\n"
" }\n\n";
fsh +=
"mediump vec4 to_poco_s2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" mediump float x = asin_clamp(pos[1]);\n"
" return vec4(x, 0, asin_clamp(pos[0] / cos(x)), 1);\n"
" }\n\n";
if(intra::in) {
int q = isize(intra::data);
fmain +=" mediump vec4 pconnection = texture2D(tPortalConnections, u);\n";
@ -1500,6 +1410,158 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
void raygen::add_functions() {
"mediump mat4 xpush_h(float x) { return mat4("
"cosh(x), 0., 0., sinh(x),\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 1., 0.,\n"
"sinh(x), 0., 0., cosh(x)"
"mediump mat4 xpush(float x) { return mat4("
"cos(x), 0., 0., sin(x),\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 1., 0.,\n"
"-sin(x), 0., 0., cos(x)"
"mediump mat4 xzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"cos(x), 0., sin(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"-sin(x), 0., cos(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 0., 1."
"mediump mat4 yzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"1., 0., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., cos(x), sin(x), 0.,\n"
"0., -sin(x), cos(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 0., 1."
"mediump vec4 minkowski_to_bt(mediump vec4 h) {\n"
" h /= (1. + h[3]);\n"
" h[0] -= 1.;\n"
" h /= h.x*h.x + h.y*h.y + h.z * h.z;\n"
" h[0] += .5;\n"
" float co = " + glhr::to_glsl(vid.binary_width / log(2) / 8) + ";\n"
" mediump vec4 res;\n"
" res.x = h.y / co;\n"
" res.y = h.z / co;\n"
" res.z = (log(2.) + log(-h.x)) / (log(2.)/2.);\n"
" res.w = 1.;\n"
" return res;\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 bt_to_minkowski(mediump vec4 h) {\n"
" h.z = h.z * " + glhr::to_glsl(log(2)/2) + ";\n"
" mediump vec4 res;\n"
" float co = " + glhr::to_glsl(vid.binary_width / log(2) / 4) + ";\n"
" h.x *= co; h.y *= co;\n"
" float diag = (h.x*h.x + h.y*h.y)/2.;\n"
" float px = sinh(h.z);\n"
" float pw = cosh(h.z);\n"
" res.x = (1.-diag) * px + diag * pw;\n"
" res.y = (-h.x) * px + h.x * pw;\n"
" res.z = (-h.y) * px + h.y * pw;\n"
" res.w = (-diag) * px + (1.+diag) * pw;\n"
" return res;\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 to_poco_h3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return pos / pos[3];\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 from_poco_h3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. - dot(pos.xyz, pos.xyz);\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 to_poco_s3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return pos / pos[3];\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 from_poco_s3(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. + dot(pos.xyz, pos.xyz);\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 from_poco_h2xr_h(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. - pos.x*pos.x - pos.y * pos.y;\n"
" pos.z = 1.;\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 to_poco_h2xr_h(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" pos /= pos[2];\n"
" pos.w = 1.;\n"
" return pos;\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 from_poco_h2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return vec4(sinh(pos[2]) * cosh(pos[0]), sinh(pos[0]), cosh(pos[0]) * cosh(pos[2]), 0);\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 to_poco_h2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" mediump float x = asinh(pos[1]);\n"
" return vec4(x, 0, asinh(pos[0] / cosh(x)), 1);\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 from_poco_s2xr_s(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" float s = 1. + pos.x*pos.x + pos.y * pos.y;\n"
" pos.z = 1.;\n"
" return pos / sqrt(s);\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 to_poco_s2xr_s(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" pos /= pos[2];\n"
" pos.w = 1.;\n"
" return pos;\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 from_poco_s2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" return vec4(sin(pos[2]) * cos(pos[0]), sin(pos[0]), cos(pos[0]) * cos(pos[2]), 0);\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 to_poco_s2xr_e(mediump vec4 pos) {\n"
" mediump float x = asin_clamp(pos[1]);\n"
" return vec4(x, 0, asin_clamp(pos[0] / cos(x)), 1);\n"
" }\n\n");
add_if("len_rotspace", "mediump float len_rotspace(vec4 h) { return 1. - h[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_h", " mediump float len_h(mediump vec4 x) { return x[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_sr", " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.+x.x*x.x+x.y*x.y-x.z*x.z-x.w*x.w; }\n");
add_if("len_sl2"," mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.+x.x*x.x+x.y*x.y; }\n");
add_if("len_s", " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.-x[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_x", " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return length(x.xyz); }\n");
void raygen::create() {
using glhr::to_glsl;
currentmap->wall_offset(centerover); /* so raywall is not empty and deg is not zero */
@ -1607,51 +1669,6 @@ void raygen::create() {
if(many_cell_types) fsh +=
"uniform int uWallOffset, uSides;\n";
flat1 = 0, flat2 = deg;
if(prod || rotspace) flat2 -= 2;
#if CAP_BT
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
fsh += "uniform mediump float uBLevel;\n";
flat1 = bt::dirs_outer();
flat2 -= bt::dirs_inner();
if(hyperbolic) fsh +=
"mediump mat4 xpush(float x) { return mat4("
"cosh(x), 0., 0., sinh(x),\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 1., 0.,\n"
"sinh(x), 0., 0., cosh(x)"
if(sphere) fsh +=
"mediump mat4 xpush(float x) { return mat4("
"cos(x), 0., 0., sin(x),\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 1., 0.,\n"
"-sin(x), 0., 0., cos(x)"
if(IN_ODS) fsh +=
"mediump mat4 xzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"cos(x), 0., sin(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"-sin(x), 0., cos(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 0., 1."
"mediump mat4 yzspin(float x) { return mat4("
"1., 0., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., cos(x), sin(x), 0.,\n"
"0., -sin(x), cos(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 0., 1."
if(many_cell_types) {
fsh += "int walloffset, sides;\n";
@ -1688,7 +1705,7 @@ void raygen::create() {
" mediump float eye;\n"
" if(at.y < 0.) { phi = at.y + PI/2.; eye = uIPD / 2.; }\n" // right
" else { phi = at.y - PI/2.; eye = -uIPD / 2.; }\n"
" mediump mat4 vw = uStart * xzspin(-lambda) * xpush(eye) * yzspin(phi);\n"
" mediump mat4 vw = uStart * xzspin(-lambda) * "+f_xpush()+"(eye) * yzspin(phi);\n"
" mediump vec4 at0 = vec4(0., 0., 1., 0.);\n";
else {
@ -1738,13 +1755,6 @@ void raygen::create() {
if(eyes) fmain += " at0.xyz /= uAbsUnit;\n";
if(hyperbolic) fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return x[3]; }\n";
else if(sphere && rotspace) fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.+x.x*x.x+x.y*x.y-x.z*x.z-x.w*x.w; }\n";
else if(sl2) fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.+x.x*x.x+x.y*x.y; }\n";
else if(sphere) fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.-x[3]; }\n";
else fsh += " mediump float len(mediump vec4 x) { return length(x.xyz); }\n";
ld s = 1;
#if CAP_VR
if(eyes) s *= vrhr::absolute_unit_in_meters;
@ -1857,6 +1867,8 @@ void raygen::create() {
fmain +=
" }";
void bind_array(vector<array<float, 4>>& v, GLint t, GLuint& tx, int id, int length) {
@ -2036,6 +2048,8 @@ struct raycast_map {
if(p) c2 = p->tcw.at;
if(intra::in && !intra::intra_id.count(c2)) intra::intra_id[c2] = intra::current;
if(rays_generate) setdist(c2, 7, c);
/* if(!cl.listed(c2))
legaldir.push_back(legaldir[i] &~ (1<<((d+3)%6)) ); */