mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-18 09:28:17 +00:00

improved ranged Orb error messages

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2021-08-09 02:07:32 +02:00
parent f8c13ea531
commit 77f6d2db14

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@ -1244,6 +1244,8 @@ EX int check_vault(cell *cf, cell *ct, flagtype flags, cell*& jumpthru) {
EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
if(!haveRangedOrb()) {
addMessage(XLAT("You have no ranged Orbs!"));
return itNone;
@ -1251,7 +1253,7 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
int r = rosemap[cwt.at];
int r2 = rosemap[c];
if(r2 <= r && !markOrb(itOrbBeauty)) {
if(a == roKeyboard || a == roMouseForce )
if(a == roKeyboard || a == roMouseForce)
addMessage(XLAT("Those roses smell too nicely. You can only target cells closer to them!"));
return itNone;
@ -1275,14 +1277,20 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
return itNone;
vector<string> orb_error_messages;
#define CHKV(b, v) ((b) ? true : (v, false))
#define CHK(b, s) CHKV(b, orb_error_messages.push_back(s))
// (0-) strong wind
if(items[itStrongWind] && c->cpdist == 2 && cwt.at == whirlwind::jumpFromWhereTo(c, true)) {
&& CHK(c->cpdist == 2 && cwt.at == whirlwind::jumpFromWhereTo(c, true), XLAT("Strong wind can only take you to a specific place!"))) {
if(jumpTo(a, c, itStrongWind)) return itStrongWind;
// (0x) control
if(haveMount() && items[itOrbDomination] && dragon::whichturn != turncount) {
if(items[itOrbDomination] && haveMount() && dragon::whichturn != turncount) {
if(!isCheck(a)) {
dragon::target = c;
dragon::whichturn = turncount;
@ -1293,8 +1301,15 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
// (0) telekinesis
if(c->item && !itemHiddenFromSight(c) && !cwt.at->item && items[itOrbSpace] >= fixpower(spacedrain(c).first) && !cantGetGrimoire(c, !isCheck(a))
&& c->item != itBarrow) {
&& CHK(c->item && !itemHiddenFromSight(c), XLAT("%The1 can only be used on items!", itOrbSpace))
&& CHK(!cwt.at->item, XLAT("Cannot use %the1 here!", itOrbSpace))
&& CHK(!saved_tortoise_on(c), XLAT("No, that would be heartless!"))
&& CHK(items[itOrbSpace] >= fixpower(spacedrain(c).first), XLAT("Not enough power for telekinesis!"))
&& CHK(!cantGetGrimoire(c, !isCheck(a)), XLAT("Cannot use %the1 here!", itOrbSpace))
&& CHK(c->item != itBarrow, XLAT("%The1 is protected from this kind of magic!", c->item))
) {
if(!isCheck(a)) {
bool saf = c->item == itOrbSafety;
@ -1304,11 +1319,14 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
// (0') air blow
bool nowhereToBlow = false;
if(items[itOrbAir] && (isBlowableMonster(c->monst) || isPushable(c->wall) || c->wall == waBigStatue || isBoat(c))) {
&& CHK(isBlowableMonster(c->monst) || isPushable(c->wall) || c->wall == waBigStatue || isBoat(c),
c->monst ? XLAT("%The1 is immune to wind!", c->monst) : XLAT("Nothing to blow here!"))
) {
int di = NODIR;
movei mi = blowoff_destination(c, di);
auto& c2 = mi.t;
bool nowhereToBlow = false;
if(!mi.op()) nowhereToBlow = true;
else if(isBoat(c) && !isWatery(c2) && c2->wall != waNone) nowhereToBlow = true;
else if(c->wall == waBigStatue && !canPushStatueOn(c2, P_BLOW)) nowhereToBlow = true;
@ -1316,35 +1334,39 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
if(!isCheck(a)) blowoff(mi), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbAir;
CHK(!nowhereToBlow, isBlowableMonster(c->monst) ? XLAT("Nowhere to blow %the1!", c->monst) : XLAT("Nowhere to blow %the1!", c->wall));
int jumpstate = 0;
// nature
if(items[itOrbNature] && numplayers() == 1 && c->monst != moFriendlyIvy) {
&& CHK(numplayers() == 1, XLAT("Cannot be used in multiplayer"))
&& CHK(c->monst != moFriendlyIvy, XLAT("You cannot grow on yourself!"))
) {
vector<int> dirs;
forCellIdCM(cf, d, c)
if(cf->monst == moFriendlyIvy) {
if(c->monst) {
if(!canAttack(cf, moFriendlyIvy, c, c->monst, 0)) continue;
if(monstersnear(cwt.at, moPlayer)) continue;
else {
if(!passable(c, cf, P_ISPLAYER | P_MONSTER)) continue;
if(strictlyAgainstGravity(c, cf, false, MF_IVY)) continue;
if(monstersnear(cwt.at, moPlayer)) continue;
if(c->monst ? (
CHK(canAttack(cf, moFriendlyIvy, c, c->monst, 0), XLAT("Cannot attack there!")) &&
CHKV(!monstersnear(cwt.at, moPlayer), jumpstate = 99)
) : (
CHK(passable(c, cf, P_ISPLAYER | P_MONSTER), XLAT("Cannot grow there!")) &&
CHK(!strictlyAgainstGravity(c, cf, false, MF_IVY), XLAT("Cannot grow against gravity!")) &&
CHKV(!monstersnear(cwt.at, moPlayer), jumpstate = 99))
int di = hrand_elt(dirs, -1);
if(di != -1) {
if(CHK(di != -1, XLAT("You cannot grow there from any adjacent cell!"))) {
if(!isCheck(a)) growIvyTo(movei(c, di).rev()), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbNature;
// (0'') jump
int jumpstate = 0;
cell *jumpthru = NULL;
// orb of vaulting
@ -1408,20 +1430,29 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
// (1) switch with an illusion
if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->monst == moIllusion && !cwt.at->monst && teleportAction() == 1) {
if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->monst == moIllusion
&& CHK(!cwt.at->monst, XLAT("You need to move to give space to %the1!", cwt.at->monst))
&& CHK(teleportAction() == 1, XLAT("All players are in the game!"))) {
if(!isCheck(a)) teleportTo(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbTeleport;
// (2) place illusion
if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbIllusion] && c->monst == moNone && c->item == itNone && passable(c, NULL, P_MIRROR)) {
if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbIllusion]
&& CHK(c->monst == moNone, XLAT("Cannot cast illusion on a monster!"))
&& CHK(c->item == itNone, XLAT("Cannot cast illusion on an item!"))
&& CHK(passable(c, NULL, P_MIRROR), XLAT("Cannot cast illusion here!"))) {
if(!isCheck(a)) placeIllusion(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbIllusion;
// (3) teleport
if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->monst == moNone && (c->item == itNone || itemHidden(c)) &&
passable(c, NULL, P_ISPLAYER | P_TELE) && teleportAction() && shmup::verifyTeleport()) {
&& CHK(c->monst == moNone, XLAT("Cannot teleport on a monster!"))
&& CHK(c->item == itNone || itemHidden(c), XLAT("Cannot teleport on an item!"))
&& CHK(passable(c, NULL, P_ISPLAYER | P_TELE), XLAT("Cannot teleport here!"))
&& CHK(teleportAction(), XLAT("All players are in the game!"))
&& shmup::verifyTeleport()) {
if(!isCheck(a)) teleportTo(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbTeleport;
@ -1438,7 +1469,10 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
// (4a) colt
if(!shmup::on && items[itRevolver] && c->monst && canAttack(cwt.at, moPlayer, c, c->monst, AF_GUN)) {
if(items[itRevolver] && !shmup::on
&& CHK(c->monst, XLAT("Can only use %the1 on a monster!", itRevolver))
&& CHK(canAttack(cwt.at, moPlayer, c, c->monst, AF_GUN), XLAT("%The1 is immune to %the2!", c->monst, itRevolver))
) {
bool inrange = false;
for(cell *c1: gun_targets(cwt.at)) if(c1 == c) inrange = true;
if(inrange) {
@ -1448,50 +1482,66 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
// (5) psi blast (non-shmup variant)
if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbPsi] && c->monst && (isDragon(c->monst) || !isWorm(c)) && c->monst != moShadow && c->monst != moKrakenH) {
if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbPsi]
&& CHK(c->monst, XLAT("Can only use %the1 on a monster!", itOrbPsi))
&& CHK((isDragon(c->monst) || !isWorm(c)) && c->monst != moShadow && c->monst != moKrakenH, XLAT("%The1 is immune to mental blasts!", c->monst))
) {
if(!isCheck(a)) psi_attack(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbPsi;
// (5a) summoning
if(items[itOrbSummon] && summonedAt(c)) {
&& CHK(summonedAt(c), c->monst ? XLAT("Cannot summon on a monster!") : XLAT("No summoning possible here!"))
) {
if(!isCheck(a)) summonAt(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbSummon;
// (5b) matter
if(items[itOrbMatter] && tempWallPossibleAt(c)) {
&& CHK(tempWallPossibleAt(c),
c->monst ? XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter on a monster!") :
c->item ? XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter on an item!") :
XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter here!"))
) {
if(!isCheck(a)) tempWallAt(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbMatter;
// (5c) stun
if(items[itOrbStunning] && c->monst && !isMultitile(c->monst) && c->monst != moMimic && c->stuntime < 3 && !shmup::on) {
if(items[itOrbStunning] && !shmup::on
&& CHK(c->monst, XLAT("%The1 can only be used on monsters.", itOrbStunning))
&& CHK(!isMultitile(c->monst),XLAT("%The1 cannot be used on big monsters.", itOrbStunning))
&& CHK(c->monst != moMimic, XLAT("%The1 cannot be used on %the2.", itOrbStunning, c->monst))
&& CHK(c->stuntime < 3, XLAT("%The1 is already stunned!", c->monst))
) {
if(!isCheck(a)) stun_attack(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbStunning;
// (5d) poly
if(items[itOrbMorph] && c->monst && !isMultitile(c->monst) && !shmup::on) {
if(items[itOrbMorph] && !shmup::on
&& CHK(c->monst, XLAT("%The1 can only be used on monsters.", itOrbMorph))
&& CHK(!isMultitile(c->monst), XLAT("%The1 cannot be used on big monsters.", itOrbMorph))
) {
if(!isCheck(a)) poly_attack(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbMorph;
// (6) place fire (non-shmup variant)
if(!shmup::on && items[itOrbDragon] && makeflame(c, 20, true)) {
if(items[itOrbDragon] && !shmup::on
&& CHK(makeflame(c, 20, true), XLAT("Cannot throw fire there!"))
) {
if(!isCheck(a)) useOrbOfDragon(c), apply_impact(c);
return itOrbDragon;
if(isWeakCheck(a)) return itNone;
if(nowhereToBlow && isBlowableMonster(c->monst)) {
addMessage(XLAT("Nowhere to blow %the1!", c->monst));
else if(nowhereToBlow) {
addMessage(XLAT("Nowhere to blow %the1!", c->wall));
else if(jumpstate == 1 && jumpthru && jumpthru->monst) {
for(string s: orb_error_messages) addMessage(s);
if(jumpstate == 1 && jumpthru && jumpthru->monst) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot jump through %the1!", jumpthru->monst));
else if(jumpstate == 1 && jumpthru) {
@ -1505,58 +1555,13 @@ EX eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a) {
else if(jumpstate == 3)
wouldkill("%The1 would get you there!");
else if(items[itOrbAir] && c->monst) {
addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is immune to wind!", c->monst));
else if(items[itOrbPsi] && c->monst) {
addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is immune to mental blasts!", c->monst));
else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->monst) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot teleport on a monster!"));
else if(items[itOrbSpace] && c->item == itBarrow)
addMessage(XLAT("%The1 is protected from this kind of magic!", c->item));
else if(items[itOrbSpace] && saved_tortoise_on(c))
addMessage(XLAT("No, that would be heartless!"));
else if(c->item && items[itOrbSpace] && !itemHiddenFromSight(c)) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot use %the1 here!", itOrbSpace));
addMessage(XLAT("Not enough power for telekinesis!"));
else if(items[itOrbIllusion] && c->item)
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot cast illusion on an item!"));
else if(items[itOrbIllusion] && c->monst)
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot cast illusion on a monster!"));
else if(items[itOrbIllusion] && !passable(c, NULL, P_MIRROR))
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot cast illusion here!"));
else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && teleportAction() == 0) {
addMessage(XLAT("All players are in the game!"));
else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && !passable(c, NULL, P_TELE | P_ISPLAYER)) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot teleport here!"));
else if(items[itOrbMatter] && !tempWallPossibleAt(c)) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter on a monster!"));
else if(c->item)
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter on an item!"));
else addMessage(XLAT("Cannot create temporary matter here!"));
else if(items[itOrbSummon] && !summonedAt(c)) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot summon on a monster!"));
addMessage(XLAT("No summoning possible here!"));
else if(items[itOrbTeleport] && c->item) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot teleport on an item!"));
else if(items[itOrbDragon] && !makeflame(c, 20, true)) {
addMessage(XLAT("Cannot throw fire there!"));
else return eItem(0);
else if(jumpstate == 99)
wouldkill("%The1 would get you if you grew there!");
#undef CHK
#undef CHKV
return eItem(-1);
return itNone;
EX int orbcharges(eItem it) {