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synced 2024-12-30 03:50:34 +00:00
rulegen:: tests:: more stats available
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@ -543,6 +543,214 @@ int max_valence() {
return res;
bool same_shape_at(const arb::shape& s1, const arb::shape& s2, int i) {
auto N = s1.size();
for(int j=0; j<N; j++) {
if(abs(s1.edges[j] - s2.edges[(i+j)%N]) > 1e-6)
return false;
if(abs(s1.angles[j] - s2.angles[(i+j)%N]) > 1e-6)
return false;
return true;
bool same_shape_inv_at(const arb::shape& s1, const arb::shape& s2, int i) {
auto N = s1.size();
for(int j=0; j<N; j++) {
if(abs(s1.edges[N-1-j] - s2.edges[(i+j)%N]) > 1e-6)
return false;
if(abs(s1.angles[(N*2-2-j) % N] - s2.angles[(i+j)%N]) > 1e-6)
return false;
return true;
bool same_shape(arb::shape& s1, arb::shape& s2, bool sym) {
if(s1.size() != s2.size()) return false;
for(int i=0; i<s1.size(); i++)
if(same_shape_at(s1, s2, i))
return true;
if(sym) for(int i=0; i<s1.size(); i++)
if(same_shape_inv_at(s1, s2, i))
return true;
return false;
int count_different_shapes(bool sym) {
vector<arb::shape*> dsi;
for(auto& sh: arb::current.shapes) {
for(auto& ksh: dsi) if(same_shape(sh, *ksh, sym)) goto next;
next: ;
return isize(dsi);
int count_vertex_orbits() {
double t = 0;
for(auto& sh: arb::current.shapes) {
for(int i=0; i<sh.cycle_length; i++)
t += 1. / sh.vertex_period[i];
int res = int(t + .5);
if(abs(t - res) > .01) throw hr_exception("count_vertex_orbits error");
return res;
int count_edge_orbits() {
int eo = 0;
for(auto& sh: arb::current.shapes)
eo += sh.cycle_length;
return eo;
vector<ld> normalize_anglelist(vector<ld> v, bool sym) {
for(auto& va: v) va = int(va * 1000000 + .5);
vector<ld> res = v;
for(int r=0; r<2; r++) {
for(int u=0; u<isize(v); u++) {
if(v < res) res = v;
std::rotate(v.begin(), v.begin()+1, v.end());
if(!sym) break;
reverse(v.begin(), v.end());
return res;
int count_different_vertices(bool sym) {
set<vector<ld>> seen;
for(auto& sh: arb::current.shapes)
for(auto& al: sh.vertex_angles) {
al = normalize_anglelist(al, sym);
return isize(seen);
int count_different_edges() {
vector<ld> seen;
for(auto& sh: arb::current.shapes)
for(auto& e: sh.edges)
sort(seen.begin(), seen.end());
int res = 1;
for(int i=1; i<isize(seen); i++)
if(seen[i] > seen[i-1] + 1e-5) res++;
return res;
string count_uniform() {
auto& sh = arb::current.shapes;
int N = sh.size();
vector<int> starts;
int qty = 0;
for(auto& s: sh) { starts.push_back(qty); qty += s.cycle_length * 2; }
// for(auto s: sh) println(hlog, "CSV;clen: ", s.cycle_length);
// println(hlog, "CSV;size: ", starts, " N=", N);
vector<int> rtile(qty), rvert(qty, -4), redge(qty), rangle(qty);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<sh[i].cycle_length; j++) {
auto c = sh[i].cycle_length;
int a = starts[i]+2*j;
int b = a+1;
int jp = gmod(j+1, c);
int jn = gmod(j-1, c);
rtile[a] = starts[i] + 2*jp;
rtile[b] = starts[i] + 2*jn + 1;
rangle[a] = rangle[b] = int(sh[i].angles[j] * 100000 + .5);
redge[a] = int(sh[i].edges[jp] * 100000 + .5);
redge[b] = int(sh[i].edges[j] * 100000 + .5);
// rvert[a]: go through the edge and through the tile
auto co = sh[i].connections[jp];
// println(hlog, "CSV; for ", tie(i,j), " got ", tie(co.sid, co.eid), "with jp=", jp);
auto res = starts[co.sid] + 2 * gmod(co.eid, sh[co.sid].cycle_length);
rvert[a] = res;
co = sh[i].connections[j];
res = starts[co.sid] + 2 * gmod(co.eid-1, sh[co.sid].cycle_length) + 1;
// println(hlog, "CSV; for ", tie(i,j), " got ", tie(co.sid, co.eid), " .. ", sh[i].connections);
rvert[b] = res;
println(hlog, "CSV;tile=", rtile);
println(hlog, "CSV;vert=", rvert);
println(hlog, "CSV;", rangle);
println(hlog, "CSV;", redge);
std::vector<int> eq_class(qty, 0);
int num_eq_class = 1;
int last_num_eq_class = 0;
while (num_eq_class > last_num_eq_class) {
// println(hlog, "CSV;", eq_class);
using vertex_data = std::array<int, 6>;
std::vector<std::pair<vertex_data, int > > data(qty);
last_num_eq_class = num_eq_class;
for (int i = 0; i < qty; i++) {
data[i].first[0] = eq_class[i];
data[i].first[1] = rangle[i];
data[i].first[2] = redge[i];
data[i].first[3] = eq_class[rtile[i]];
data[i].first[4] = eq_class[rvert[i]];
data[i].first[5] = eq_class[i^1];
data[i].second = i;
sort(data.begin(), data.end());
eq_class[data[0].second] = 0;
num_eq_class = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < qty; i++) {
if (data[i].first != data[i - 1].first) num_eq_class++;
eq_class[data[i].second] = num_eq_class;
std::vector<int> reps(num_eq_class, -1);
for(int i=0; i<qty; i++) reps[eq_class[i]] = i;
int num_edges = num_eq_class;
int num_vert = 0, num_tile = 0, num_vert_sym = 0, num_tile_sym = 0, num_edges_sym = 0, num_edges_ev = 0, num_edges_et = 0, num_edges_ez = 0;
for(int i: reps) {
int i1 = reps[eq_class[rvert[i] ^ 1]];
int i2 = reps[eq_class[rtile[i] ^ 1]];
int i3 = reps[eq_class[rtile[i1] ^ 1]];
// println(hlog, "CSV; ", i, " with ", tie(i1, i2, i3));
if(i >= i1 && i >= i2 && i >= i3) num_edges_sym++;
if(i >= i1) num_edges_ev++;
if(i >= i2) num_edges_et++;
if(i >= i3) num_edges_ez++;
for (int i: reps) {
if(rtile[i] >= 0) {
int maxj = i;
int j = i; while(rtile[j] >= 0) maxj = max(maxj, j), tie(j, rtile[j]) = make_pair(reps[eq_class[rtile[j]]], -1);
if(maxj&1) num_tile_sym++;
// println(hlog, "CSV;found ", i);
if(rvert[i] >= 0) {
int maxj = i;
int j = i; while(rvert[j] >= 0) maxj = max(maxj, j), tie(j, rvert[j]) = make_pair(reps[eq_class[rvert[j]]], -1);
if(maxj&1) num_vert_sym++;
// println(hlog, "CSV;eq_class = ", eq_class);
// println(hlog, "CSV;", lalign(0, num_tile, ";", num_vert, ";", num_tile_sym, ";", num_vert_sym, ";", num_edges), " = tv/stv/e");
return lalign(0, num_tile, ";", num_vert, ";", num_edges, ";", num_tile_sym, ";", num_vert_sym, ";", num_edges_sym,";", num_edges_ev, ";", num_edges_et, ";", num_edges_ez);
void test_current(string tesname) {
disable_bigstuff = true;
@ -758,6 +966,12 @@ void test_current(string tesname) {
case 'h': Out("shapes", isize(arb::current.shapes));
case 'e': Out("edges", shape_edges());
case 'W': Out("max_valence;max_edge", lalign(0, max_valence(), ";", max_edge()));
case 'D': Out("dshapes;dverts;dedges;bshapes;bverts", lalign(0, count_different_shapes(true), ";", count_different_vertices(true), ";", count_different_edges(), ";", count_different_shapes(false), ";", count_different_vertices(false)));
case 'O': Out("overts;oedges", lalign(0, count_vertex_orbits(), ";", count_edge_orbits()));
case 'U': Out("vshapes;vverts;ushapes;uverts;uedges;xea;xeb;xec", count_uniform());
case 'L': Out("mirror_rules", arb::current.mirror_rules);
case 'f': Out("file", tesname);
case 'l': Out("shortcut", longest_shortcut());
case '3': Out("shqty", longest_shortcut().first);
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