mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 10:57:03 +00:00
more work on the patterns
This commit is contained in:
@ -674,6 +674,7 @@ namespace patterns {
static const int SPF_SYM03 = 8;
static const int SPF_CHANGEROT = 16;
static const int SPF_TWOCOL = 32;
static const int SPF_EXTRASYM = 64;
static const int SPF_SYM0123 = 14;
@ -687,11 +688,12 @@ namespace patterns {
int id;
int dir;
bool reflect;
int symmetries;
patterninfo getpatterninfo(cell *c, char pat, int sub);
patterninfo getpatterninfo0(cell *c) {
inline patterninfo getpatterninfo0(cell *c) {
return getpatterninfo(c, whichPattern, subpattern_flags);
@ -2366,3 +2368,7 @@ extern ld tessf, crossf, hexf, hcrossf, hexhexdist, hexvdist, hepvdist, rhexf;
unsigned char& part(int& col, int i);
transmatrix applyPatterndir(cell *c, const patterns::patterninfo& si);
int pattern_threecolor(cell *c);
int fiftyval200(cell *c);
@ -129,7 +129,21 @@ int elhextable[28][3] = {
int fiftyval049(cell *c) {
if(c->type != 6 || euclid) return fiftyval(c) / 32;
if(euclid) return fiftyval(c) / 32;
else if(ctof(c)) {
int i = fiftyval(c) / 32;
if(i <= 7) return i;
vector<int> allcodes;
for(int k=0; k<7; k++) {
cell *c2 = createStep(c->master, k)->c7;
if(polara50(c2) == polara50(c) && polarb50(c2) == polarb50(c))
int d = allcodes[1] - allcodes[0];
if(d == -1 || d == 6) swap(allcodes[0], allcodes[1]);
// printf("%d,%d: %d\n", allcodes[0], allcodes[1], allcodes[0] + 7);
return allcodes[0] + 7;
else if(sphere) return 0;
else {
int a[3], qa=0;
@ -144,18 +158,34 @@ int fiftyval049(cell *c) {
if(qa == 1) return 43+a[0]-1;
if(qa == 2 && a[1] == a[0]+7) return 36+a[0]-1;
if(qa == 2 && a[1] != a[0]+7) return 29+a[0]-1;
if(a[1] == 1 && a[2] == 7)
return 15 + 6;
if(a[2] >= 1 && a[2] <= 7)
return 15 + a[1]-1;
// 3: zgodnie
// 1: zgodnie
// 0: przeciwnie
// 2: przeciwnie
// 168:
if(a[1] == 1 && a[2] == 7)
return 15 + 6; // (polarb50(c) ? 0 : 6);
if(a[2] >= 1 && a[2] <= 7) {
return 15 + a[1] - 1; // (polarb50(c) ? a[1]%7 : a[1]-1);
if(a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 7 && a[2] == 8)
return 22;
if(a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 7 && a[2] == 14)
return 22;
if(a[1] <= 7 && a[2] >= 8)
return 22 + a[1]-1;
return 0;
int fiftyval200(cell *c) {
int i = fiftyval049(c);
i *= 4;
if(polara50(c)) i|=1;
if(polarb50(c)) i|=2;
return i;
{0,1,2} 15+0..15+6
@ -393,6 +423,10 @@ namespace patterns {
int d = c->mov[i*2]->master->fieldval;
if(!(ids & (1<<siblings[d]))) si.dir = 2*i;
/* if(!(sub & SPF_ROT)) {
int d0 = c->mov[(si.dir+2)%c->type]->master->fieldval;
if(d0 < siblings[d0]) si.id += 8;
} */
si.reflect = false;
else {
@ -404,6 +438,7 @@ namespace patterns {
di %= S7;
if(di<0) di += S7;
si.reflect = di > S7/2;
if(sub & SPF_ROT) si.symmetries = 2;
@ -424,28 +459,38 @@ namespace patterns {
if(sym03 && (i&2)) i ^= 3;
void val46(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) {
int bits = (sub & SPF_CHANGEROT) ? 1 : 2;
void val46(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub, int pat) {
if(ctof(c)) {
si.id = c->master->emeraldval >> 1;
applySym0123(si.id, sub);
int b = c->master->emeraldval & bits;
si.dir = (b&1) ^ (b & 2 ? 1 : 0);
si.dir = (c->master->emeraldval&1) ^ (c->master->emeraldval>>1);
si.symmetries = 2;
/* printf("[%3d] ", c->master->emeraldval);
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) printf("%2d", val46(createMov(c, i)));
printf("\n"); */
else {
if(sub & SPF_TWOCOL) si.id = 4;
si.id = ((c->master->emeraldval & 1) ^ ((c->master->emeraldval & 2)>>1) ^ (c->spin(0)&1)) ? 8 : 4;
si.id = ((c->master->emeraldval & 1) ^ ((c->master->emeraldval & 2)>>1) ^ (c->spin(0)&1)) ? 8 : 4;
si.dir = ((c->mov[0]->master->emeraldval + c->spin(0)) & 1) ? 2 : 0;
if(createMov(c, si.dir)->master->emeraldval & 4)
si.dir += 4;
if((sub & SPF_TWOCOL) && (pat == PAT_COLORING)) si.id = 4;
else if(si.id == 4) si.dir++;
if(sub & SPF_SYM01) si.symmetries = 2;
else if(sub & SPF_SYM03) si.symmetries = 2;
else if(sub & SPF_SYM02) si.symmetries = 4;
// if(a46) return patterndir46(c, w == PAT_ZEBRA ? 3 : w == PAT_PALACE ? 2 : 1);
int inr(int a, int b, int c) { return a >= b && a < c; }
void val457(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) {
si.id = zebra40(c);
if(inr(si.id, 8, 12)) si.symmetries = 4;
applySym0123(si.id, sub);
if(sub & SPF_ROT) {
if(si.id >= 4 && si.id < 7) si.id -= 4;
@ -463,42 +508,53 @@ namespace patterns {
void val38(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) {
void val38(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub, int pat) {
bool symRotation = sub & SPF_ROT;
bool sym01 = sub & SPF_TWOCOL;
if(ctof(c)) {
si.id = (c->master->fiftyval >> 1) & 3;
si.dir = c->master->fiftyval | (c->master->fiftyval & 8 ? 0 : 2);
si.id = 0;
si.id *= 4;
si.id += 4;
si.dir = (pat == PAT_COLORING ? 1 : 0) + (c->master->fiftyval | (c->master->fiftyval & 8 ? 0 : 2));
si.symmetries = 2;
else {
si.id = 4;
si.id = 4 ^ (c->master->fiftyval & 1) ^ (c->spin(0) & 1);
si.id = 8 * ((c->master->fiftyval & 1) ^ (c->spin(0) & 1));
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i+=2) {
int fv = (createMov(c, i)->master->fiftyval >> 1) & 3;
if(fv == 0) si.dir = (si.id == 8 && pat == PAT_COLORING ? 1 : 0) + i;
if(symRotation) si.symmetries = 2;
void valEuclid(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) {
bool symRotation = sub & SPF_ROT;
si.id = ishept(c) ? 1 : ishex1(c) ? 2 : 0;
si.id = ishept(c) ? 4 : ishex1(c) ? 8 : 0;
if(sub & SPF_CHANGEROT) {
si.dir = (zebra40(c)*4) % 6;
if(symRotation) si.id = 0;
void val_all(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub) {
if(a46) val46(c, si, sub);
else if(a38) val38(c, si, sub);
void val_all(cell *c, patterninfo &si, int sub, int pat) {
if(a46) val46(c, si, sub, pat);
else if(a38) val38(c, si, sub, pat);
else if(sphere) valSibling(c, si, sub);
else if(euclid) valEuclid(c, si, sub);
else if(a4) val457(c, si, sub);
else si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2;
void val_warped(cell *c, patterninfo& si) {
void val_warped(cell *c, patterninfo& si, int sub) {
// use val_all for nicer rotation
val_all(c, si, 0);
val_all(c, si, 0, 0);
// get id:
if(stdhyperbolic && isWarped(c)) {
@ -565,19 +621,58 @@ namespace patterns {
else {
si.id = ishept(c) ? 1 : 0;
if(euclid) si.dir = ishex1(c) ? 3 : 0;
if(euclid) {
si.dir = ishex1(c) ? 3 : 0;
if(ctof(c)) si.symmetries = 3;
if(subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM)
si.symmetries /= 3;
if(sphere && !(nontruncated) && !(S7 == 3))
si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2;
si.symmetries = (ctof(c) && !nontruncated) ? 1 : 2;
if(a457) {
si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2;
if(!ctof(c)) si.dir = 0;
if(a46) {
si.symmetries = ctof(c) ? 1 : 2;
char whichPattern = 0;
int subpattern_flags;
// also works with 38
void val_threecolors(cell *c, patterninfo& si, int sub) {
int pcol = pattern_threecolor(c);
si.id = pcol * 4;
pcol = (pcol+1) % 3;
si.dir = -1;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(pattern_threecolor(createMov(c, i)) == pcol) {
if(si.dir == -1) si.dir = i;
else {
si.symmetries = i - si.dir;
if(euclid && (sub & SPF_CHANGEROT)) si.dir = 0;
if(sub & SPF_ROT) si.id = 0;
if(!(sub & SPF_EXTRASYM)) {
if(euclid) si.symmetries = 6;
patterninfo getpatterninfo(cell *c, char pat, int sub) {
bool symRotation = sub & SPF_ROT;
// bool sym0 = sub & (SPF_SYM01 | SPF_SYM02 | SPF_SYM03);
patterninfo si;
si.dir = 0; si.reflect = false; si.id = ctof(c);
si.symmetries = c->type;
if(pat == PAT_ZEBRA && stdhyperbolic) {
@ -604,6 +699,12 @@ namespace patterns {
if(si.id >= 32 && si.id < 36) si.id -= 4;
if(si.id >= 36 && si.id < 40) si.id -= 8;
if(si.id >= 40 && si.id < 44 && symRotation)
si.symmetries = 2;
if(si.id >= 40 && si.id < 44 && (sub & (SPF_SYM02 | SPF_SYM03)))
si.symmetries = 2;
else if(pat == PAT_EMERALD && (stdhyperbolic || a38)) {
@ -621,35 +722,50 @@ namespace patterns {
si.dir = tcdir;
applySym0123(si.id, sub);
if(si.id >= 44 && si.id < 48)
si.symmetries = 2;
else if(pat == PAT_PALACE && stdhyperbolic) {
int i = fiftyval049(c);
i *= 4;
if(polara50(c)) i|=1;
if(polarb50(c)) i|=2;
si.id = i;
si.id = fiftyval200(c);
int tcdir = -1, tbest = -1;
int pa = polara50(c);
int pb = polarb50(c);
si.reflect = pb;
si.reflect = polara50(c);
int look_for = -1;
int shft = 0;
if(inr(si.id, 0, 4)) {
look_for = si.id + (nontruncated ? 4 : 60);
if(symRotation) si.symmetries = 1;
else if(inr(si.id, 4, 32)) look_for = si.id + (nontruncated ? 28 : 168);
else if(inr(si.id, 32, 60)) look_for = si.id + (nontruncated ? -28 : 112);
else if(inr(si.id, 60, 88)) look_for = si.id - 56, shft = si.reflect ? 1 : 5;
else if(inr(si.id, 88, 116)) look_for = si.id - 84, shft = 3;
else if(inr(si.id, 116, 144)) look_for = si.id + 56;
else if(inr(si.id, 144, 172)) look_for = si.id + 28;
else if(inr(si.id, 172, 200)) look_for = si.id - 28;
si.dir = -1;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
cell *c2 = c->mov[i];
if(c2 && polara50(c2) == pa && polarb50(c2) == pb) {
int t2 = fiftyval049(c2);
if(t2 > tbest) tbest = t2, tcdir = i;
cell *c2 = createMov(c, i);
if(fiftyval200(c2) == look_for)
si.dir = (i + shft) % c->type;
si.dir = tcdir;
if(si.dir == -1) {
si.dir = 0;
if(c->cpdist <= 1) printf("Not found for ID = %d (lf=%d)\n", si.id, look_for);
c->item = itBuggy;
applySym0123(si.id, sub);
if(symRotation && si.id >= 3)
if(symRotation && si.id >= 4)
si.id -= ((si.id/4-1) % 7) * 4;
else if(pat == PAT_PALACE && euclid) {
si.id = fiftyval049(c);
si.symmetries = 6;
else if(pat == PAT_DOWN) {
@ -671,19 +787,23 @@ namespace patterns {
else if(sphere && pat == PAT_SIBLING) {
val_all(c, si, sub);
val_all(c, si, sub, pat);
else if(a457 && pat == PAT_ZEBRA) {
val_all(c, si, sub);
val_all(c, si, sub, pat);
else if(pat == PAT_COLORING && (a46 || euclid)) {
val_all(c, si, sub);
else if(pat == PAT_COLORING && (S7 == 4 || euclid)) {
val_threecolors(c, si, sub);
else if(pat == PAT_COLORING && (a46 || a38)) {
val_all(c, si, sub, pat);
val_warped(c, si);
val_warped(c, si, sub);
return si;
@ -711,14 +831,14 @@ int geosupport_graveyard() {
int pattern_threecolor(cell *c) {
if(a38) {
patterns::patterninfo si;
patterns::val38(c, si, 0);
patterns::val38(c, si, 0, patterns::PAT_COLORING);
int i = si.id;
if(nontruncated) return i;
else return i < 4 ? 0 : (1+(i&1));
if(a46 && !nontruncated) {
patterns::patterninfo si;
patterns::val46(c, si, 0);
patterns::val46(c, si, 0, patterns::PAT_COLORING);
int i = si.id;
return i >> 2;
@ -956,7 +1076,7 @@ namespace patterns {
if(stdhyperbolic || euclid)
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Palace Pattern"), (whichPattern == PAT_PALACE), PAT_PALACE);
if(a38 || a46 || euclid)
if(a38 || a46 || euclid || S3 == 4)
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("coloring"), (whichPattern == PAT_COLORING), PAT_COLORING);
@ -979,15 +1099,14 @@ namespace patterns {
if((euclid && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) ||
(a38 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING))
(a38 && nontruncated && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING) ||
(S3 == 4 && nontruncated && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING))
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("edit all three colors"), subpattern_flags & SPF_ROT, '0');
if(euclid && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING)
if(euclid && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING)
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("rotate the color groups"), subpattern_flags & SPF_CHANGEROT, '4');
if((a38 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING && !nontruncated) ||
(a46 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING && !nontruncated)
if(a46 && whichPattern == PAT_COLORING && !nontruncated)
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("edit both truncated colors"), subpattern_flags & SPF_TWOCOL, '5');
@ -1001,6 +1120,8 @@ namespace patterns {
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("symmetry 0-2"), subpattern_flags & SPF_SYM02, '2');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("symmetry 0-3"), subpattern_flags & SPF_SYM03, '3');
if(euclid && among(whichPattern, PAT_COLORING, 0))
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("extra symmetries"), subpattern_flags & SPF_EXTRASYM, '=');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("display pattern codes (full)"), (displaycodes == 1), 'd');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("display pattern codes (simplified)"), (displaycodes == 2), 's');
@ -1027,6 +1148,9 @@ namespace patterns {
else if(uni >= '0' && uni <= '5')
subpattern_flags ^= (1 << (uni - '0'));
else if(uni >= '=')
subpattern_flags ^= SPF_EXTRASYM;
else if(uni == '6' || uni == '7' || uni == '8') {
if(whichShape == uni) whichShape = 0;
else whichShape = uni;
@ -1318,7 +1442,7 @@ namespace linepatterns {
int val46(cell *c) {
patterns::patterninfo si;
patterns::val46(c, si, 0);
patterns::val46(c, si, 0, 0);
return si.id;
Reference in New Issue
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