mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-28 06:17:03 +00:00

shmup for product: player movement

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2019-08-26 09:06:39 +02:00
parent a6951d1dbb
commit 61ea588ffb
6 changed files with 80 additions and 48 deletions

@ -810,7 +810,8 @@ EX transmatrix face_the_player(const transmatrix V) {
if(GDIM == 2) return V;
if(sl2) return V * zpush(cos(ptick(750)) * cgi.plevel / 16);
if(prod) return mscale(V, cos(ptick(750)) * cgi.plevel / 16);
if(nonisotropic) return spin_towards(V, C0, 2, 0);
transmatrix dummy; /* used only in prod anyways */
if(nonisotropic) return spin_towards(V, dummy, C0, 2, 0);
return rgpushxto0(tC0(V));
@ -7182,14 +7183,16 @@ EX transmatrix actual_view_transform;
EX ld wall_radar(cell *c, transmatrix T, transmatrix LPe, ld max) {
if(!in_perspective() || !vid.use_wall_radar) return max;
transmatrix ori;
if(prod) ori = inverse(LPe);
ld step = max / 20;
ld fixed_yshift = 0;
for(int i=0; i<20; i++) {
T = solmul_pt(T, LPe, ztangent(-step));
T = parallel_transport(T, ori, ztangent(-step));
virtualRebase(c, T, true);
color_t col;
if(isWall3(c, col) || (WDIM == 2 && GDIM == 3 && tC0(T)[2] > cgi.FLOOR)) {
T = solmul_pt(T, LPe, ztangent(step));
T = parallel_transport(T, ori, ztangent(step));
step /= 2; i = 17;
if(step < 1e-3) break;

@ -239,11 +239,13 @@ EX ld volume_auto(ld r) {
EX ld asin_clamp(ld x) { return x>1 ? M_PI/2 : x<-1 ? -M_PI/2 : std::isnan(x) ? 0 : asin(x); }
EX ld asin_auto_clamp(ld x) {
switch(cgclass) {
case gcEuclid: return x;
case gcHyperbolic: return asinh(x);
case gcSphere: return x>1 ? M_PI/2 : x<-1 ? -M_PI/2 : std::isnan(x) ? 0 : asin(x);
case gcSphere: return asin_clamp(x);
default: return x;
@ -980,21 +982,43 @@ bool asign(ld y1, ld y2) { return signum(y1) != signum(y2); }
ld xcross(ld x1, ld y1, ld x2, ld y2) { return x1 + (x2 - x1) * y1 / (y1 - y2); }
EX transmatrix solmul_pt(const transmatrix Position, const transmatrix T) {
if(nonisotropic) return nisot::parallel_transport(Position, Id, tC0(T));
else return Position * T;
EX transmatrix parallel_transport(const transmatrix Position, const transmatrix& ori, const hyperpoint direction) {
if(nonisotropic) return nisot::parallel_transport(Position, direction);
else if(prod) {
hyperpoint h = product::direct_exp(ori * direction);
return Position * rgpushxto0(h);
else return Position * rgpushxto0(direct_exp(direction, 100));
EX transmatrix solmul_pt(const transmatrix Position, const transmatrix LPe, const hyperpoint h) {
if(nonisotropic || prod) return nisot::parallel_transport(Position, LPe, h);
else return Position * rgpushxto0(direct_exp(h, 100));
EX void apply_parallel_transport(transmatrix& Position, const transmatrix orientation, const hyperpoint direction) {
Position = parallel_transport(Position, orientation, direction);
EX transmatrix spin_towards(const transmatrix Position, const hyperpoint goal, int dir, int back) {
transmatrix T =
nonisotropic ? nisot::spin_towards(Position, goal) :
rspintox(inverse(Position) * goal);
if(back < 0) T = T * spin(M_PI);
EX void rotate_object(transmatrix& Position, transmatrix& orientation, transmatrix R) {
if(prod) orientation = orientation * R;
else Position = Position * R;
EX transmatrix spin_towards(const transmatrix Position, transmatrix& ori, const hyperpoint goal, int dir, int back) {
transmatrix T;
ld alpha = 0;
T = nisot::spin_towards(Position, goal);
else {
hyperpoint U = inverse(Position) * goal;
if(prod) {
hyperpoint h = product::inverse_exp(U);
alpha = asin_clamp(h[2] / hypot_d(3, h));
U = product_decompose(U).second;
T = rspintox(U);
if(back < 0) T = T * spin(M_PI), alpha = -alpha;
if(prod) {
if(dir == 0) ori = cspin(2, 0, alpha);
if(dir == 2) ori = cspin(2, 0, alpha - M_PI/2), dir = 0;
if(dir) T = T * cspin(dir, 0, -M_PI/2);
T = Position * T;
return T;

@ -1315,6 +1315,7 @@ EX void centerpc(ld aspd) {
int sl = snakelevel(cwt.at);
if(sl && WDIM == 2) T = T * zpush(cgi.SLEV[sl] - cgi.FLOOR);
View = inverse(T);
if(prod) nisot::local_perspective = inverse(pc->ori);
if(WDIM == 2) rotate_view( cspin(0, 1, M_PI) * cspin(2, 1, M_PI/2 + shmup::playerturny[id]) * spin(-M_PI/2) );
@ -2086,7 +2087,7 @@ EX transmatrix get_shift_view_of(const hyperpoint H, const transmatrix V) {
return V1 * eupush(IV * eupush(H) * V1 * C0);
else {
return inverse(nisot::parallel_transport(inverse(V), Id, -H));
return inverse(nisot::parallel_transport(inverse(V), -H));

@ -1193,15 +1193,11 @@ EX namespace nisot {
T = push * gtl;
EX transmatrix parallel_transport(const transmatrix Position, const transmatrix LPe, const hyperpoint h) {
if(prod) {
hyperpoint h = product::direct_exp(inverse(LPe) * product::inverse_exp(h));
return Position * rgpushxto0(h);
EX transmatrix parallel_transport(const transmatrix Position, const hyperpoint direction) {
auto P = Position;
if(!geodesic_movement) return inverse(eupush(Position * translate(-h) * inverse(Position) * C0)) * Position;
return parallel_transport_bare(P, h);
if(!geodesic_movement) return inverse(eupush(Position * translate(-direction) * inverse(Position) * C0)) * Position;
return parallel_transport_bare(P, direction);
EX transmatrix spin_towards(const transmatrix Position, const hyperpoint goal) {

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ struct monster {
// butterflies: last position
transmatrix at;
transmatrix pat;
/** orientation for the product geometry */
transmatrix ori;
eMonster stk;
bool dead;
bool notpushed;
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ struct monster {
monster() {
dead = false; inBoat = false; parent = NULL; nextshot = 0;
stunoff = 0; blowoff = 0; footphase = 0; no_targetting = false;
swordangle = 0; inertia = Hypc;
swordangle = 0; inertia = Hypc; if(prod) ori = Id;
void store();
@ -363,6 +365,7 @@ void shootBullet(monster *m) {
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
if(WDIM == 3) bullet->at = bullet->at * cpush(2, 0.15 * SCALE);
if(prod) bullet->ori = m->ori;
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = m->pid;
@ -381,6 +384,7 @@ void shootBullet(monster *m) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at * cspin(0, WDIM-1, M_PI/4*i);
if(prod) bullet->ori = m->ori;
if(WDIM == 3) bullet->at = bullet->at * cpush(2, 0.15 * SCALE);
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
@ -831,7 +835,7 @@ void movePlayer(monster *m, int delta) {
if(playerturn[cpid] && canmove && !blown && WDIM == 2) {
m->swordangle -= playerturn[cpid];
nat = nat * spin(playerturn[cpid]);
rotate_object(nat, m->ori, spin(playerturn[cpid]));
if(inertia_based) m->inertia = spin(-playerturn[cpid]) * m->inertia;
transmatrix nat0 = nat;
@ -976,19 +980,20 @@ void movePlayer(monster *m, int delta) {
if(inertia_based) {
if(igo) { go = false; break; }
ld r = hypot_d(WDIM, avg_inertia);
nat = solmul_pt(nat, rspintox(avg_inertia) * xpush(r * delta)) * spintox(avg_inertia);
if(WDIM == 3) nat = nat * cspin(0, 2, playerturn[cpid]) * cspin(1, 2, playerturny[cpid]);
apply_parallel_transport(nat, m->ori, rspintox(avg_inertia) * xtangent(r * delta));
if(WDIM == 3) rotate_object(nat, m->ori, cspin(0, 2, playerturn[cpid]) * cspin(1, 2, playerturny[cpid]));
m->vel = r * (600/SCALE);
else if(WDIM == 3) {
nat = solmul_pt(nat1, cpush(0, playerstrafe[cpid]) * cpush(2, playergo[cpid])) * cspin(0, 2, playerturn[cpid]) * cspin(1, 2, playerturny[cpid]);
nat = parallel_transport(nat1, m->ori, point3(playerstrafe[cpid], 0, playergo[cpid]));
rotate_object(nat, m->ori, cspin(0, 2, playerturn[cpid]) * cspin(1, 2, playerturny[cpid]));
m->inertia[0] = playerstrafe[cpid] / delta;
m->inertia[1] = 0;
m->inertia[2] = playergo[cpid] / delta;
else if(playergo[cpid]) {
nat = solmul_pt(nat1, spin(playergoturn[cpid]) * xpush(playergo[cpid])) * spin(-playergoturn[cpid]);
m->inertia = spin(playergoturn[cpid]) * xpush0(playergo[cpid] / delta);
nat = parallel_transport(nat1, m->ori, spin(playergoturn[cpid]) * xtangent(playergo[cpid]));
m->inertia = spin(playergoturn[cpid]) * xtangent(playergo[cpid] / delta);
// spin(span[igo]) * xpush(playergo[cpid]) * spin(-span[igo]);
@ -1417,6 +1422,7 @@ void shoot(eItem it, monster *m) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at * rspintox(inverse(m->pat) * mouseh);
/* ori */
if(WDIM == 3) bullet->at = bullet->at * cpush(2, 0.15 * SCALE);
bullet->type = it == itOrbDragon ? moFireball : it == itOrbAir ? moAirball : moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
@ -1509,9 +1515,9 @@ int bulletdir() {
return (WDIM == 2) ? 0 : 2;
transmatrix frontpush(ld x) {
if(WDIM == 2) return xpush(x);
else return cpush(2, x);
hyperpoint fronttangent(ld x) {
if(WDIM == 2) return xtangent(x);
else return ztangent(x);
ld collision_distance(monster *bullet, monster *target) {
@ -1530,6 +1536,7 @@ void spawn_asteroids(monster *bullet, monster *target) {
monster* child = new monster;
child->base = target->base;
child->at = target->at;
child->ori = target->ori;
child->type = target->type;
child->parent = NULL;
child->pid = target->pid;
@ -1564,7 +1571,7 @@ void moveBullet(monster *m, int delta) {
m->vel -= delta / speedfactor() / 600000.0;
if(m->vel < 0 && m->parent) {
// return to the flailer!
nat = spin_towards(m->pat, m->parent->pat * C0, bulletdir(), -1);
nat = spin_towards(m->pat, m->ori, m->parent->pat * C0, bulletdir(), -1);
else m->vel = bullet_velocity(m->type);
@ -1573,11 +1580,10 @@ void moveBullet(monster *m, int delta) {
m->dead = true;
if(inertia_based) {
ld r = hypot_d(WDIM, m->inertia);
nat = solmul_pt(nat, rspintox(m->inertia) * xpush(r * delta) * spintox(m->inertia));
nat = parallel_transport(nat, m->ori, m->inertia * delta);
nat = solmul_pt(nat, frontpush(delta * SCALE * m->vel / speedfactor()));
nat = parallel_transport(nat, m->ori, fronttangent(delta * SCALE * m->vel / speedfactor()));
cell *c2 = m->findbase(nat);
if(m->parent && isPlayer(m->parent) && markOrb(itOrbLava) && c2 != m->base && !isPlayerOn(m->base))
@ -1682,7 +1688,7 @@ void moveBullet(monster *m, int delta) {
if((m2->type == moPalace || m2->type == moFatGuard || m2->type == moSkeleton ||
m2->type == moVizier || isMetalBeast(m2->type) || m2->type == moTortoise || m2->type == moBrownBug ||
m2->type == moReptile || m2->type == moSalamander || m2->type == moTerraWarrior) && m2->hitpoints > 1 && !slayer) {
m2->rebasePat(spin_towards(m2->pat, nat0 * C0, 0, 1));
m2->rebasePat(spin_towards(m2->pat, m->ori, nat0 * C0, 0, 1));
if(m2->type != moSkeleton && !isMetalBeast(m2->type) && m2->type != moReptile && m2->type != moSalamander && m2->type != moBrownBug)
m->dead = true;
@ -1733,7 +1739,7 @@ void moveBullet(monster *m, int delta) {
// Knights reflect bullets
if(m2->type == moKnight) {
if(m->parent && m->parent != &arrowtrap_fakeparent) {
nat = spin_towards(nat, tC0(m->parent->pat), bulletdir(), 1);
nat = spin_towards(nat, m->ori, tC0(m->parent->pat), bulletdir(), 1);
m->parent = m2;
@ -1769,7 +1775,7 @@ EX bool dragonbreath(cell *dragon) {
int randplayer = hrand(numplayers());
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = dragon;
bullet->at = spin_towards(Id, inverse(gmatrix[dragon]) * tC0(pc[randplayer]->pat), bulletdir(), 1);
bullet->at = spin_towards(Id, bullet->ori, inverse(gmatrix[dragon]) * tC0(pc[randplayer]->pat), bulletdir(), 1);
bullet->type = moFireball;
bullet->parent = bullet;
bullet->pid = randplayer;
@ -2003,7 +2009,7 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
if(h[0] < fabsl(h[1])) return;
else if(!peace::on) {
nat = spin_towards(m->pat, tC0(goal), 0, 1);
nat = spin_towards(m->pat, m->ori, tC0(goal), 0, 1);
@ -2051,15 +2057,14 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
if(inertia_based) {
if(igo) return;
ld r = hypot_d(WDIM, m->inertia);
nat = solmul_pt(nat, rspintox(m->inertia) * xpush(r * delta) * spintox(m->inertia));
nat = parallel_transport(nat, m->ori, m->inertia * delta);
else if(WDIM == 3 && igo) {
ld fspin = rand() % 1000;
nat = solmul_pt(nat0, cspin(1,2,fspin) * spin(igospan[igo]) * xpush(step) * spin(-igospan[igo]) * cspin(2,1,fspin));
nat = parallel_transport(nat0, m->ori, cspin(1,2,fspin) * spin(igospan[igo]) * xtangent(step));
else {
nat = solmul_pt(nat0, spin(igospan[igo]) * xpush(step) * spin(-igospan[igo])); // * spintox(wherePC);
nat = parallel_transport(nat0, m->ori, spin(igospan[igo]) * xtangent(step));
if(m->type != moRagingBull && !peace::on)
@ -2134,6 +2139,7 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->ori = m->ori;
bullet->type = moTongue;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->parenttype = m->type;
@ -2287,6 +2293,7 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->ori = m->ori;
bullet->type = moFireball;
bullet->parent = m;
@ -2300,6 +2307,7 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->ori = m->ori;
bullet->type = moBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->parenttype = moOutlaw;
@ -2312,6 +2320,7 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->ori = m->ori;
bullet->type = moAirball;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = i;
@ -2331,6 +2340,7 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->ori = m->ori;
bullet->type = moFlailBullet;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->vel = 1/400.0;
@ -2344,6 +2354,7 @@ void moveMonster(monster *m, int delta) {
monster* bullet = new monster;
bullet->base = m->base;
bullet->at = m->at;
bullet->ori = m->ori;
bullet->type = moCrushball;
bullet->parent = m;
bullet->pid = i;

@ -1189,7 +1189,6 @@ EX void set_geometry(eGeometry target) {
if(GDIM == 2 && among(pmodel, mdPerspective, mdGeodesic)) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(nonisotropic && old_DIM == 2 && vid.texture_step < 4) vid.texture_step = 4;
if(prod) { pmodel = mdPerspective; if(vid.texture_step < 4) vid.texture_step = 4; }
if(prod && shmup::on) shmup::on = false;
@ -1288,7 +1287,6 @@ EX void switch_game_mode(char switchWhat) {
chaosmode = false;
princess::challenge = false;
if(sol || bounded) set_geometry(gNormal);
if(prod) set_geometry(hybrid::underlying);
@ -1310,7 +1308,6 @@ EX void switch_game_mode(char switchWhat) {
shmup::on = !shmup::on;
princess::challenge = false;
if(!shmup::on) racing::on = false;
if(prod) set_geometry(hybrid::underlying);
case rg::randpattern: