mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-26 05:17:03 +00:00

fixed some missing ends; fixed many spherical glitches

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2017-11-01 01:02:40 +01:00
parent 64a3191946
commit 5bb9d545b0

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
// HyperRogue, shapes used for the vector graphics
// Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
// draw the lines
static const int POLY_DRAWLINES = 1;
// draw the area
static const int POLY_DRAWAREA = 2;
// draw the inverse -- useful in stereographic projection
static const int POLY_INVERSE = 4;
// never draw in inverse
static const int POLY_ISSIDE = 8;
// there are points behind the camera
static const int POLY_BEHIND = 16;
// some coordinates are too large -- best not to draw to avoid glitches
static const int POLY_TOOLARGE = 32;
// on the sphere (orthogonal projection), do not draw without any points in front
static const int POLY_INFRONT = 64;
#define QHPC 512000
int qhpc, prehpc;
@ -24,8 +40,10 @@ extern long double polydata[];
struct hpcshape {
int s, e, prio;
int flags;
hpcshape *last = NULL;
vector<polytodraw> ptds;
@ -40,7 +58,7 @@ bool ptdsort(const polytodraw& p1, const polytodraw& p2) {
void hpcpush(hyperpoint h) {
if(sphere) h = mid(h,h);
if(vid.usingGL && !first && intval(hpc[qhpc-1], h) > (sphere ? .0001 : 0.25)) {
if(/*vid.usingGL && */!first && intval(hpc[qhpc-1], h) > (sphere ? .0001 : 0.25)) {
hyperpoint md = mid(hpc[qhpc-1], h);
@ -70,6 +88,7 @@ void chasmifyPoly(double fac, double fac2, int k) {
hpc[qhpc++] = H;
hpc[qhpc++] = hpc[last->s];
last->flags |= POLY_ISSIDE;
void shift(hpcshape& sh, double dx, double dy, double dz) {
@ -148,56 +167,65 @@ int polyi;
int polyx[POLYMAX], polyxr[POLYMAX], polyy[POLYMAX];
int poly_flags;
hyperpoint gltopoint(GLfloat t[3]) {
hyperpoint h;
h[0] = t[0]; h[1] = t[1]; h[2] = t[2];
return h;
void add1(const hyperpoint& H) {
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) glcoords[qglcoords][i] = H[i];
int spherespecial;
void addpoint(const hyperpoint& H) {
#if CAP_GL
if(vid.usingGL) {
if(polyi >= POLYMAX) return;
if(pmodel) {
hyperpoint Hscr;
applymodel(H, Hscr);
glcoords[qglcoords][0] = Hscr[0] * vid.radius;
glcoords[qglcoords][1] = Hscr[1] * vid.radius;
glcoords[qglcoords][2] = Hscr[2] * vid.radius;
else if(euclid) {
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) glcoords[qglcoords][i] = H[i];
glcoords[qglcoords][2] *= EUCSCALE;
glcoords[qglcoords][2] += vid.alpha;
// glcoords[qglcoords][2] = 1; // EUCSCALE;
else {
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) glcoords[qglcoords][i] = H[i];
glcoords[qglcoords][2] += vid.alpha;
if(0) {}
else {
if(polyi >= POLYMAX) return;
hyperpoint Hscr;
if(qglcoords >= POLYMAX) return;
if(true) {
hyperpoint Hscr;
applymodel(H, Hscr);
ld x = vid.xcenter + Hscr[0] * vid.radius;
ld y = vid.ycenter + Hscr[1] * vid.radius;
if(vid.alphax + H[2] <= BEHIND_LIMIT) poly_flags |= POLY_BEHIND;
if(spherespecial) {
double curnorm = H[0]*H[0]+H[1]*H[1]+H[2]*H[2];
double horizon = curnorm / vid.alphax;
if((spherespecial>0) ^ (H[2] <= -horizon)) poly_flags |= POLY_INFRONT;
else {
double coef =
(sqrt(curnorm - horizon*horizon) / (vid.alpha - horizon)) /
(sqrt(curnorm - H[2]*H[2]) / (vid.alpha+H[2]));
// double coef = (vid.alphax + horizon) / (vid.alphax + H[2]); -< that one has a funny effect, seriously
Hscr[0] *= coef;
Hscr[1] *= coef;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) Hscr[i] *= vid.radius;
} /*
else {
if(euclid) glcoords[qglcoords][2] *= EUCSCALE;
glcoords[qglcoords][2] += vid.alpha;
// glcoords[qglcoords][2] = 1; // EUCSCALE;
} */
if(x < -vid.xres) x = -vid.xres;
if(y < -vid.yres) y = -vid.yres;
if(x > 2*vid.xres) x = 2*vid.xres;
if(y > 2*vid.yres) y = 2*vid.yres;
ld xe = Hscr[2] * vid.radius * vid.eye;
polyx[polyi] = x-xe;
polyxr[polyi] = x+xe;
polyy[polyi] = y;
void coords_to_poly() {
polyi = qglcoords;
for(int i=0; i<polyi; i++) {
// printf("%lf %lf\n", double(glcoords[i][0]), double(glcoords[i][1]));
ld x = vid.xcenter + glcoords[i][0];
ld y = vid.ycenter + glcoords[i][1];
ld xe = glcoords[i][2] * vid.eye;
polyx[i] = x-xe;
polyxr[i] = x+xe;
polyy[i] = y;
@ -261,9 +289,11 @@ void glapplymatrix(const transmatrix& V) {
void gldraw(int useV, const transmatrix& V, int ps, int pq, int col, int outline) {
void gldraw(int useV, const transmatrix& V, int ps, int pq, int col, int outline, int flags) {
for(int ed = vid.goteyes ? -1 : 0; ed<2; ed+=2) {
if(ed) selectEyeGL(ed);
bool draw = col;
if(useV == 1) {
@ -284,7 +314,7 @@ void gldraw(int useV, const transmatrix& V, int ps, int pq, int col, int outline
if(col) {
if(draw) {
@ -292,13 +322,33 @@ void gldraw(int useV, const transmatrix& V, int ps, int pq, int col, int outline
glStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 0x1, 0x1 );
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, ps, pq);
glStencilOp( GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO);
glStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 1, 1);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, ps, pq);
if(flags & POLY_INVERSE) {
glStencilOp( GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO);
glStencilFunc( GL_NOTEQUAL, 1, 1);
GLfloat xx = vid.xres;
GLfloat yy = vid.yres;
GLfloat scr[12] = {
-xx, -yy, vid.scrdist, +xx, -yy, vid.scrdist,
+xx, +yy, vid.scrdist, -xx, +yy, vid.scrdist
GLfloat *cur = currentvertices;
activateVertexArray(scr, 4);
if(useV) glPopMatrix();
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
activateVertexArray(cur, 0);
draw = false; goto again;
else {
glStencilOp( GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO);
glStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 1, 1);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, ps, pq);
@ -326,43 +376,100 @@ double linewidthat(const hyperpoint& h, double minwidth) {
return vid.linewidth;
void drawpolyline(const polytodraw& p) {
void drawpolyline(polytodraw& p) {
auto pp = p.u.poly;
#if CAP_GL
if(vid.usingGL) {
if(pmodel == mdDisk) {
const int pq = pp.cnt;
if(currentvertices != pp.tab)
activateVertexArray(pp.tab, pq);
const int ps=0;
glLineWidth(linewidthat(tC0(pp.V), pp.minwidth));
gldraw(1, pp.V, ps, pq, p.col, pp.outline);
else {
qglcoords = 0;
addpoly(pp.V, pp.tab, pp.cnt);
gldraw(2, Id, 0, qglcoords, p.col, pp.outline);
if(vid.usingGL && pmodel == mdDisk && !spherespecial) {
const int pq = pp.cnt;
if(currentvertices != pp.tab)
activateVertexArray(pp.tab, pq);
const int ps=0;
glLineWidth(linewidthat(tC0(pp.V), pp.minwidth));
gldraw(1, pp.V, ps, pq, p.col, pp.outline, 0);
polyi = 0;
qglcoords = 0;
poly_flags = pp.flags;
double d = 0, curradius = 0;
if(sphere) {
d = det(pp.V);
curradius = pow(abs(d), 1/3.);
/* pp.outline = 0x80808080;
p.col = 0; */
addpoly(pp.V, pp.tab, pp.cnt);
int poly_limit = max(vid.xres, vid.yres) * 2;
if(poly_flags & POLY_BEHIND) return;
for(int i=0; i<qglcoords; i++) {
if(abs(glcoords[i][0]) > poly_limit || abs(glcoords[i][1]) > poly_limit)
return; // too large!
if(sphere && vid.alphax > 1) {
if(!hiliteclick && !(poly_flags & POLY_INFRONT)) return;
if(spherespecial > 0 && !(poly_flags & POLY_ISSIDE)) {
double rarea = 0;
for(int i=0; i<qglcoords-1; i++)
rarea += glcoords[i][0] * glcoords[i+1][1] - glcoords[i][1] * glcoords[i+1][0];
if(d < 0) poly_flags ^= POLY_INVERSE;
poly_flags ^= POLY_INVERSE;
if(poly_flags & POLY_INVERSE) {
if(curradius < vid.alphax - 1e-6) return;
else poly_flags &=~ POLY_INVERSE;
#if CAP_GL
if(vid.usingGL) {
if(pmodel == 0) for(int i=0; i<qglcoords; i++) glcoords[i][2] = vid.scrdist;
gldraw(2, Id, 0, qglcoords, p.col, pp.outline, poly_flags);
#if CAP_SVG==1
if(svg::in) {
svg::polygon(polyx, polyy, polyi, p.col, pp.outline, pp.minwidth);
int col = p.col;
if(poly_flags & POLY_INVERSE) col = 0;
svg::polygon(polyx, polyy, polyi, col, pp.outline, pp.minwidth);
#if CAP_XGD==1
gdpush(1); gdpush(p.col); gdpush(pp.outline); gdpush(polyi);
for(int i=0; i<polyi; i++) gdpush(polyx[i]), gdpush(polyy[i]);
#elif CAP_SDLGFX==1
filledPolygonColorI(s, polyx, polyy, polyi, p.col);
if(poly_flags & POLY_INVERSE) {
int i = polyi;
polyx[i] = 0; polyy[i] = 0; i++;
polyx[i] = vid.xres; polyy[i] = 0; i++;
polyx[i] = vid.xres; polyy[i] = vid.yres; i++;
polyx[i] = 0; polyy[i] = vid.yres; i++;
polyx[i] = 0; polyy[i] = 0; i++;
filledPolygonColorI(s, polyx, polyy, polyi+5, p.col);
filledPolygonColorI(s, polyx, polyy, polyi, p.col);
if(vid.goteyes) filledPolygonColorI(aux, polyxr, polyy, polyi, p.col);
((vid.antialias & AA_NOGL) ?aapolylineColor:polylineColor)(s, polyx, polyy, polyi, pp.outline);
@ -487,6 +594,7 @@ void sortquickqueue() {
void quickqueue() {
spherespecial = 0;
int siz = size(ptds);
for(int i=0; i<siz; i++) drawqueueitem(ptds[i]);
@ -562,7 +670,36 @@ void drawqueue() {
SDL_BlitSurface(s, NULL, aux, NULL);
spherespecial = 0;
// on the sphere, parts on the back are drawn first
if(sphere && !vid.eye && pmodel == 0) {
spherespecial = vid.alphax > 1 ? 1 : -1;
#ifndef STLSORT
reverse(&ptds2[qp0[p]], &ptds2[qp[p]]);
for(int i=siz-1; i>=0; i--) {
#ifdef STLSORT
polytodraw& ptd (ptds[i]);
polytodraw& ptd (*ptds2[i]);
if(ptd.kind == pkPoly) {
unsigned c = ptd.col;
ptd.col = ((c & 0xFCFCFC00) >> 2) | (c & 0xFF);
ptd.col = c;
#ifndef STLSORT
reverse(&ptds2[qp0[p]], &ptds2[qp[p]]);
spherespecial *= -1;
for(int i=0; i<siz; i++) {
#ifdef STLSORT
polytodraw& ptd (ptds[i]);
@ -571,7 +708,7 @@ void drawqueue() {
#if CAP_GL
if(vid.goteyes && vid.usingGL) selectEyeGL(0), selectEyeMask(0);
@ -707,6 +844,7 @@ void drawTentacle(hpcshape &h, ld rad, ld var, ld divby) {
hpcpush(ddi(S21, rad + var * sin(i * M_PI/divby)) * ddi(0, tlength * i/20.) * C0);
for(int i=20; i>=0; i--)
hpcpush(ddi(S21*3, rad - var * sin(i * M_PI/divby)) * ddi(0, tlength * i/20.) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(S21, rad + var * sin(0 * M_PI/divby)) * ddi(0, tlength * 0/20.) * C0);
hyperpoint hpxd(ld d, ld x, ld y, ld z) {
@ -729,10 +867,22 @@ hyperpoint turtlevertex(int u, double x, double y, double z) {
void finishshape() {
last->e = qhpc;
double area = 0;
for(int i=last->s; i<last->e-1; i++)
area += hpc[i][0] * hpc[i+1][1] - hpc[i+1][0] * hpc[i][1];
if(area >= 0) last->flags |= POLY_INVERSE;
if(isnan(area)) ;
else if(intval(hpc[last->s], hpc[last->e-1]) > 1e-6)
printf("bad end\n");
void bshape(hpcshape& sh, int p) {
if(last) last->e = qhpc;
if(last) finishshape();
last = &sh;
last->s = qhpc, last->prio = p;
last->flags = 0;
first = true;
@ -820,7 +970,7 @@ void zoomShape(hpcshape& old, hpcshape& newsh, double factor, int lev) {
void bshapeend() {
if(last) last->e = qhpc;
if(last) finishshape();
last = NULL;
@ -856,9 +1006,9 @@ void buildpolys() {
qhpc = 0;
bshape(shMovestar, PPR_MOVESTAR);
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
for(int i=0; i<=8; i++) {
hpcpush(spin(M_PI * i/4) * xpush(crossf) * spin(M_PI * i/4) * C0);
hpcpush(spin(M_PI * i/4 + M_PI/8) * xpush(crossf/4) * spin(M_PI * i/4 + M_PI/8) * C0);
if(i != 8) hpcpush(spin(M_PI * i/4 + M_PI/8) * xpush(crossf/4) * spin(M_PI * i/4 + M_PI/8) * C0);
// scales
@ -964,7 +1114,7 @@ void buildpolys() {
for(int t=0; t<=S6; t++) hpcpush(ddi(S7 + t*S14, floorrad0) * C0);
bshape(shCircleFloor, PPR_FLOOR);
for(int t=0; t<=84; t+=2) hpcpush(ddi(t, shexf*.7*spzoom) * C0);
for(int t=0; t<=S84; t+=2) hpcpush(ddi(t, shexf*.7*spzoom) * C0);
bshape(shFloor[1], PPR_FLOOR);
for(int t=0; t<=S7; t++) hpcpush(ddi(t*S12 + td, floorrad1) * C0);
@ -1106,7 +1256,7 @@ void buildpolys() {
bshape(shWall[0], PPR_WALL);
for(int t=0; t<=S6; t++) {
hpcpush(ddi(S7 + t*S14, shexf*fac80) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(S14 + t*S14, shexf*.2) * C0);
if(t != S6) hpcpush(ddi(S14 + t*S14, shexf*.2) * C0);
bshape(shWall[1], PPR_WALL);
@ -1128,29 +1278,29 @@ void buildpolys() {
bshape(shGem[0], PPR_ITEM);
for(int t=0; t<=S6; t++) {
hpcpush(ddi(S7 + t*S14, shexf*.4) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(S14 + t*S14, shexf*.1) * C0);
if(t != S6) hpcpush(ddi(S14 + t*S14, shexf*.1) * C0);
bshape(shGem[1], PPR_ITEM);
if(S7 == 6) {
for(int t=0; t<=S6; t++) {
hpcpush(ddi(S7 + t*S14, shexf*.4) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(S14 + t*S14, shexf*.1) * C0);
if(t != S6) hpcpush(ddi(S14 + t*S14, shexf*.1) * C0);
for(int t=0; t<=S7; t++) hpcpush(ddi(t*S36, shexf*.5) * C0);
bshape(shStar, PPR_ITEM);
for(int t=0; t<S84; t+=S6) {
for(int t=0; t<=S84; t+=S6) {
hpcpush(ddi(t, shexf*.2) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(t+3, shexf*.6) * C0);
if(t != S84) hpcpush(ddi(t+3, shexf*.6) * C0);
bshape(shDaisy, PPR_ITEM);
for(int t=0; t<=S6; t++) {
hpcpush(ddi(t*S14, shexf*.8*3/4) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(t*S14+S7, shexf*-.5*3/4) * C0);
if(t != S6) hpcpush(ddi(t*S14+S7, shexf*-.5*3/4) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(0, shexf*.6) * C0);
@ -1175,8 +1325,10 @@ void buildpolys() {
bshape(shDiskS, PPR_ITEM);
for(int i=0; i<=S84; i+=S21) {
hpcpush(ddi(i, disksize * .2) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(i+S21/3, disksize * .1) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(i+S21-S21/3, disksize * .1) * C0);
if(i != S84) {
hpcpush(ddi(i+S21/3, disksize * .1) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(i+S21-S21/3, disksize * .1) * C0);
bshape(shDiskM, PPR_ITEM);
@ -1296,6 +1448,7 @@ void buildpolys() {
hpcpush(ddi(0, crossf * .29) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(S21, crossf * .04) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(-S21, crossf * .04) * C0);
hpcpush(ddi(0, crossf * .29) * C0);
/* bshape(shBranch, 32);
hpcpush(ddi(21, crossf/5) * C0);
@ -1351,11 +1504,11 @@ void buildpolys() {
for(int t=0; t<=S3; t++) hpcpush(ddi(S14+t*S28, -shexf*1.3) * C0); */
bshape(shRose, PPR_ITEM);
for(int t=0; t<S84; t++)
for(int t=0; t<=S84; t++)
hpcpush(spin(M_PI * t / (S42+.0)) * xpush(crossf * (0.2 + .15 * sin(M_PI * t / (S42+.0) * 3))) * C0);
bshape(shThorns, PPR_THORNS);
for(int t=0; t<60; t++)
for(int t=0; t<=60; t++)
hpcpush(spin(M_PI * t / 30.0) * xpush(crossf * ((t&1) ? 0.3 : 0.6)) * C0);
for(int i=0; i<16; i++) {
@ -1454,7 +1607,7 @@ void buildpolys() {
bshape(shCaveSeabed[1], PPR_FLOOR, scalef*spzoom6 * SCA45(.5) * SCA46(.6) * SCA47(.725), 339, ROT46(-.3));
bshape(shCaveSeabed[2], PPR_FLOOR, scalef*spzoom6*(euclid?1.2:1), 54);
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
if(false) for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
hpcshape& sh = shWave[i][1];
bshape(sh, PPR_FLOOR, scalef*spzoom6, 340);
for(int t=sh.s; t<sh.e; t++)
@ -1881,6 +2034,7 @@ void queuepolyat(const transmatrix& V, const hpcshape& h, int col, int prio) {
ptd.prio = prio << PSHIFT;
ptd.u.poly.outline = poly_outline;
ptd.u.poly.minwidth = minwidth_global;
ptd.u.poly.flags = h.flags;
void addfloats(vector<GLfloat>& v, hyperpoint h) {
@ -1905,6 +2059,7 @@ void queuetable(const transmatrix& V, GLfloat *f, int cnt, int linecol, int fill
ptd.prio = prio << PSHIFT;
ptd.u.poly.outline = linecol;
ptd.u.poly.minwidth = minwidth_global;
ptd.u.poly.flags = 0;
void queuepoly(const transmatrix& V, const hpcshape& h, int col) {