mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-09 13:08:18 +00:00

horospherical rug for Euclidean IN Hyperbolic

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2017-12-27 10:52:54 +01:00
parent f6fa051eab
commit 540f0678ee
2 changed files with 141 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ const hyperpoint Cx1 = { {1,0,1.41421356237} };
// through the interior, not on the surface)
// also used to verify whether a point h1 is on the hyperbolic plane by using Hypc for h2
bool zero2(hyperpoint h) { return h[0] == 0 && h[1] == 0; }
bool zero3(hyperpoint h) { return h[0] == 0 && h[1] == 0 && h[2] == 0; }
ld intval(const hyperpoint &h1, const hyperpoint &h2) {
if(elliptic) {
double d1 = squar(h1[0]-h2[0]) + squar(h1[1]-h2[1]) + squar(h1[2]-h2[2]);
@ -86,10 +90,22 @@ ld intvalxyz(const hyperpoint &h1, const hyperpoint &h2) {
return squar(h1[0]-h2[0]) + squar(h1[1]-h2[1]) + squar(h1[2]-h2[2]);
ld hypot2(const hyperpoint& h) {
return sqrt(h[0]*h[0]+h[1]*h[1]);
ld hypot3(const hyperpoint& h) {
return sqrt(h[0]*h[0]+h[1]*h[1]+h[2]*h[2]);
ld sqhypot2(const hyperpoint& h) {
return h[0]*h[0]+h[1]*h[1];
ld sqhypot3(const hyperpoint& h) {
return h[0]*h[0]+h[1]*h[1]+h[2]*h[2];
ld zlevel(const hyperpoint &h) {
if(euclid) return h[2];
else if(sphere) return sqrt(intval(h, Hypc));

View File

@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ GLAPI void APIENTRY glDeleteFramebuffers (GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers)
namespace rug {
bool fast_euclidean = true;
bool keep_torus = false;
bool keep_shape = true;
bool good_shape;
int torus_precision = 2;
ld modelscale = 1;
eGeometry gwhere = gEuclid;
@ -47,15 +48,16 @@ bool rugged = false;
bool genrug = false;
bool glew = false;
int vertex_limit = 20000;
bool renderonce = false;
bool rendernogl = false;
int texturesize = 1024;
ld scale = 1;
ld err_zero = 1e-3, err_zero_current;
ld err_zero = 1e-3, err_zero_current, current_total_error;
int queueiter, qvalid, dt;
double err;
struct edge {
struct rugpoint *target;
@ -103,29 +105,21 @@ bool rug_perspective = false;
// returns a matrix M
// such that inverse(M) * h1 = ( |h1|, 0, 0) and inverse(M) * h2 = ( .., .., 0)
bool zero2(hyperpoint h) { using namespace hyperpoint_vec; return !(h|h); }
transmatrix orthonormalize(hyperpoint h1, hyperpoint h2) {
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
hyperpoint vec[3];
vec[2] = (h1 ^ h2);
if(zero2(vec[2])) vec[2] = hpxyz(.519, .4619, .136);
vec[2] = vec[2] / sqrt(vec[2]|vec[2]);
vec[0] = h1 - vec[2] * (h1|vec[2]);
if(zero2(vec[0])) {
vec[0] = hpxyz(1.641,2,3);
vec[0] = vec[0] - vec[2] * (vec[0]|vec[2]);
vec[0] = vec[0] / sqrt(vec[0]|vec[0]);
vec[1] = h2 - vec[2] * (h2|vec[2]) - vec[0] * (h2|vec[0]);
if(zero2(vec[1])) {
vec[1] = hpxyz(1.713,3,5);
vec[1] = vec[1] - vec[2] * (vec[1]|vec[2]) - vec[0] * (vec[1]|vec[0]);
vec[1] = vec[1] / sqrt(vec[1]|vec[1]);
hyperpoint vec[3] = {h1, h2, h1 ^ h2};
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) vec[i] -= vec[j] * (vec[i] | vec[j]);
if(zero3(vec[i])) {
// 'random' direction
vec[i] = hpxyz(1.12, 1.512+i, 1.12904+i);
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) vec[i] -= vec[j] * (vec[i] | vec[j]);
vec[i] /= hypot3(vec[i]);
transmatrix M;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
M[i][j] = vec[j][i];
@ -145,13 +139,15 @@ hyperpoint azeq_to_hyperboloid(hyperpoint h) {
return h;
if(sphere) {
h[0] = sin(d) * h[0]/d;
h[1] = sin(d) * h[1]/d;
ld d0 = d ? d : 1;
h[0] = sin(d) * h[0]/d0;
h[1] = sin(d) * h[1]/d0;
h[2] = cos(d);
else {
h[0] = sinh(d) * h[0]/d;
h[1] = sinh(d) * h[1]/d;
ld d0 = d ? d : 1;
h[0] = sinh(d) * h[0]/d0;
h[1] = sinh(d) * h[1]/d0;
h[2] = cosh(d);
return h;
@ -165,7 +161,7 @@ hyperpoint hyperboloid_to_azeq(hyperpoint h) {
else {
ld d = hdist0(h);
if(d == 0) { h[2] = 0; return h; }
ld d2 = hypot(h[0], h[1]);
ld d2 = hypot2(h);
if(d2 == 0) { h[2] = 0; return h; }
h[0] = d * h[0] / d2;
h[1] = d * h[1] / d2;
@ -174,19 +170,24 @@ hyperpoint hyperboloid_to_azeq(hyperpoint h) {
void push_point(hyperpoint& h, int coord, ld val) {
if(fast_euclidean && gwhere == gEuclid)
h[coord] += val;
else if(!val) return;
else {
// if(zero3(h)) { h[0] = 1e-9; h[1] = 1e-10; h[2] = 1e-11; }
dynamicval<eGeometry> gw(geometry, gwhere);
transmatrix M = orthonormalize(hpxyz(coord==0,coord==1,coord==2), h);
transmatrix Mi = inverse(M);
hyperpoint f = azeq_to_hyperboloid(Mi * h);
h = M * hyperboloid_to_azeq(xpush(val) * f);
void push_all_points(int coord, ld val) {
if(!val) return;
else if(fast_euclidean && gwhere == gEuclid) {
for(int i=0; i<size(points); i++)
points[i]->flat[coord] += val;
else for(int i=0; i<size(points); i++) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> gw(geometry, gwhere);
transmatrix M = orthonormalize(hpxyz(coord==0,coord==1,coord==2), points[i]->flat);
transmatrix Mi = inverse(M);
hyperpoint f = azeq_to_hyperboloid(Mi * points[i]->flat);
points[i]->flat = M * hyperboloid_to_azeq(xpush(val) * f);
else for(int i=0; i<size(points); i++)
push_point(points[i]->flat, coord, val);
// construct the graph
@ -208,12 +209,27 @@ rugpoint *addRugpoint(hyperpoint h, double dist) {
applymodel(m->h, onscreen);
m->x1 = (1 + onscreen[0] * vid.scale) / 2;
m->y1 = (1 + onscreen[1] * vid.scale) / 2;
m->valid = false;
m->flat = // hpxyz(h[0], h[1], sin(atan2(h[0], h[1]) * 3 + hyprand) * (h[2]-1) / 1000);
if(euclid && gwhere == gNormal) {
m->valid = good_shape = true;
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
h *= modelscale;
ld d = hypot2(h);
// point on a horocycle going through C0 in distance d along the horocycle
hyperpoint horocycle_point = hpxy(d*d/2, d);
ld horodist = hdist0(horocycle_point);
ld z = hypot2(horocycle_point);
if(z==0) z = 1;
if(d==0) d = 1;
m->flat =
hpxyz(horodist * h[0]/d * horocycle_point[1] / z, horodist * h[1]/d * horocycle_point[1] / z, -horodist * horocycle_point[0] / z);
else m->flat = // hpxyz(h[0], h[1], sin(atan2(h[0], h[1]) * 3 + hyprand) * (h[2]-1) / 1000);
hpxyz(h[0], h[1], (h[2]-1) * (rand() % 1000 - rand() % 1000) / 1000);
if(rug_perspective && gwhere == gEuclid) m->flat[2] -= 3;
m->valid = false;
// if(rug_perspective && gwhere == gEuclid) m->flat[2] -= 3;
m->inqueue = false;
m->dist = dist;
@ -232,9 +248,9 @@ rugpoint *findOrAddRugpoint(hyperpoint h, double dist) {
void addNewEdge(rugpoint *e1, rugpoint *e2, ld len = 1) {
edge e; e.target = e2; e1->edges.push_back(e);
edge e; e.len = len;
e.target = e2; e1->edges.push_back(e);
e.target = e1; e2->edges.push_back(e);
e.len = len;
void addEdge(rugpoint *e1, rugpoint *e2, ld len = 1) {
@ -250,10 +266,17 @@ void addTriangle(rugpoint *t1, rugpoint *t2, rugpoint *t3, ld len = 1) {
map<pair<rugpoint*, rugpoint*>, rugpoint*> halves;
rugpoint* findhalf(rugpoint *r1, rugpoint *r2) {
if(r1 > r2) swap(r1, r2);
return halves[{r1,r2}];
void addTriangle1(rugpoint *t1, rugpoint *t2, rugpoint *t3) {
rugpoint *t12 = findOrAddRugpoint(mid(t1->h, t2->h), (t1->dist+ t2->dist)/2);
rugpoint *t23 = findOrAddRugpoint(mid(t2->h, t3->h), (t1->dist+ t2->dist)/2);
rugpoint *t31 = findOrAddRugpoint(mid(t3->h, t1->h), (t1->dist+ t2->dist)/2);
rugpoint *t12 = findhalf(t1, t2);
rugpoint *t23 = findhalf(t2, t3);
rugpoint *t31 = findhalf(t3, t1);
addTriangle(t1, t12, t31);
addTriangle(t12, t2, t23);
addTriangle(t23, t3, t31);
@ -264,8 +287,6 @@ bool psort(rugpoint *a, rugpoint *b) {
return hdist0(a->h) < hdist0(b->h);
ld modelscale = 1;
void calcLengths() {
for(int i=0; i<size(points); i++) for(int j=0; j<size(points[i]->edges); j++) {
ld d = hdist(points[i]->h, points[i]->edges[j].target->h);
@ -356,14 +377,18 @@ void buildTorusRug() {
double beta = -h2[1] * 2 * M_PI;
// r->flat = {alpha, beta, 0};
double sc = (factor+1)/4;
r->flat = hpxyz((factor+cos(alpha)) * cos(beta) * sc, (factor+cos(alpha)) * sin(beta) * sc, -sin(alpha) * sc);
r->flat = r->h = hpxyz((factor+cos(alpha)) * cos(beta) * sc, (factor+cos(alpha)) * sin(beta) * sc, -sin(alpha) * sc);
r->valid = true;
rugpoint *r2 = findRugpoint(r->flat);
printf("(%lf %lf) %p .. %p\n", x, y, r, r2);
if(r2 && r2 != r) r->glueto(r2);
return r;
int rugmax = (int) sqrt(vertex_limit / qty);
if(rugmax < 1) rugmax = 1;
if(rugmax > 16) rugmax = 16;
int rugmax = min(torus_precision, 16);
ld rmd = rugmax;
for(int i=0; i<qty; i++) {
@ -375,8 +400,8 @@ void buildTorusRug() {
for(int yy=0; yy<rugmax; yy++)
for(int xx=0; xx<rugmax; xx++)
addTriangle(rugarr[yy][xx], rugarr[yy+1][xx], rugarr[yy+1][xx+1], 1./rugmax),
addTriangle(rugarr[yy][xx], rugarr[yy][xx+1], rugarr[yy+1][xx+1], 1./rugmax);
addTriangle(rugarr[yy][xx], rugarr[yy+1][xx], rugarr[yy+1][xx+1], modelscale/rugmax),
addTriangle(rugarr[yy][xx], rugarr[yy][xx+1], rugarr[yy+1][xx+1], modelscale/rugmax);
double maxz = 0;
@ -401,6 +426,7 @@ void buildTorusRug() {
void buildRug() {
if(torus) {
good_shape = true;
@ -443,15 +469,17 @@ void enqueue(rugpoint *m) {
m->inqueue = true;
void force_euclidean(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
if(!m1.valid || !m2.valid) return;
bool force_euclidean(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
if(!m1.valid || !m2.valid) return false;
// double rd = hdist(m1.h, m2.h) * xd;
// if(rd > rdz +1e-6 || rd< rdz-1e-6) printf("%lf %lf\n", rd, rdz);
double t = 0;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) t += (m1.flat[i] - m2.flat[i]) * (m1.flat[i] - m2.flat[i]);
t = sqrt(t);
// printf("%lf %lf\n", t, rd);
err += (t-rd) * (t-rd);
/* printf("%s ", display(m1.flat));
printf("%s ", display(m2.flat));
printf("%lf/%lf\n", t, rd); */
current_total_error += (t-rd) * (t-rd);
bool nonzero = abs(t-rd) > err_zero_current;
double force = (t - rd) / t / 2; // 20.0;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
@ -460,13 +488,13 @@ void force_euclidean(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, double d1=1, double
m2.flat[i] -= di * d2;
if(nonzero && d2>0) enqueue(&m2);
return nonzero;
void force(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
if(!m1.valid || !m2.valid) return;
bool force(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
if(!m1.valid || !m2.valid) return false;
if(gwhere == gEuclid && fast_euclidean) {
force_euclidean(m1, m2, rd, d1, d2);
return force_euclidean(m1, m2, rd, d1, d2);
// double rd = hdist(m1.h, m2.h) * xd;
// if(rd > rdz +1e-6 || rd< rdz-1e-6) printf("%lf %lf\n", rd, rdz);
@ -478,7 +506,7 @@ void force(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
hyperpoint f2 = azeq_to_hyperboloid(Mi * m2.flat);
ld t = hdist(f1, f2);
err += (t-rd) * (t-rd);
current_total_error += (t-rd) * (t-rd);
bool nonzero = abs(t-rd) > err_zero_current;
double forcev = (t - rd) / 2; // 20.0;
@ -514,6 +542,7 @@ void force(rugpoint& m1, rugpoint& m2, double rd, double d1=1, double d2=1) {
m2.flat = M * hyperboloid_to_azeq(f2);
if(nonzero && d2>0) enqueue(&m2);
return nonzero;
void preset(rugpoint *m) {
@ -567,11 +596,17 @@ void preset(rugpoint *m) {
int divides = 0;
bool stop = false;
bool subdivide_further() {
if(torus) return false;
return size(points) * 4 < vertex_limit;
void subdivide() {
int N = size(points);
// if(euclid && gwhere == gEuclid) return;
if(N >= 8000 || torus) {
err_zero /= 2;
if(!subdivide_further()) {
err_zero_current /= 2;
printf("increasing precision to %lg\n", err_zero_current);
for(auto p: points) enqueue(p);
@ -580,12 +615,16 @@ void subdivide() {
vector<triangle> otriangles = triangles;
// subdivide edges
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
rugpoint *m = points[i];
for(int j=0; j<size(m->edges); j++) {
rugpoint *m2 = m->edges[j].target;
if(m2 < m) continue;
rugpoint *mm = addRugpoint(mid(m->h, m2->h), (m->dist+m2->dist)/2);
halves[{m, m2}] = mm;
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
mm->flat = (m->flat + m2->flat) / 2;
mm->valid = true; qvalid++;
@ -621,23 +660,24 @@ void addNewPoints() {
if(i > 7) preset(&m);
for(int it=0; it<50; it++)
if(good_shape) ;
else for(int it=0; it<50; it++)
for(int j=0; j<size(m.edges); j++)
force(m, *m.edges[j].target, m.edges[j].len, 1, 0);
if(qvalid != oqvalid) { printf("%4d %4d %4d %.9lf %9d %9d\n", oqvalid, qvalid, size(points), dist, dt, queueiter); }
if(qvalid != oqvalid) { printf("adding new points %4d %4d %4d %.9lf %9d %9d\n", oqvalid, qvalid, size(points), dist, dt, queueiter); }
void physics() {
if(keep_torus && torus) return;
if(keep_shape && good_shape) return;
auto t = SDL_GetTicks();
int t = SDL_GetTicks();
err = 0;
current_total_error = 0;
while(SDL_GetTicks() < t + 5 && !stop)
for(int it=0; it<50; it++)
@ -647,11 +687,14 @@ void physics() {
rugpoint *m = pqueue.front();
m->inqueue = false;
bool moved = false;
for(int j=0; j<size(m->edges); j++)
force(*m, *m->edges[j].target, m->edges[j].len);
moved = force(*m, *m->edges[j].target, m->edges[j].len) || moved;
if(moved) enqueue(m);
if(!stop) printf("%5d %10.7lf D%d Q%3d Qv%5d\n", queueiter, err, divides, size(pqueue), qvalid);
if(!stop) printf("%5d %10.7lf D%d Q%3d Qv%5d\n", queueiter, current_total_error, divides, size(pqueue), qvalid);
// drawing the Rug
@ -930,9 +973,10 @@ void init() {
genrug = false;
qvalid = 0; dt = 0; queueiter = 0;
err_zero = err_zero_current;
err_zero_current = err_zero;
while(good_shape && subdivide_further()) subdivide();
push_all_points(2, -1);
@ -963,7 +1007,6 @@ void actDraw() {
transmatrix t = Id;
if(rug_perspective) {
int qms = 0;
if(keystate[SDLK_HOME]) qm++, t = t * rotmatrix(alpha, 0, 1);
if(keystate[SDLK_END]) qm++, t = t * rotmatrix(alpha, 1, 0);
@ -1079,9 +1122,7 @@ void show() {
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("render texture without OpenGL"), (rendernogl), 'g');
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("texture size"), its(texturesize)+"x"+its(texturesize), 's');
if(torus) {
if(torus_precision < 1) torus_precision = 1;
if(torus_precision > 16) torus_precision = 16;
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("precision"), its(torus_precision), 'p');
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("vertex_limit"), its(vertex_limit), 'p');
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
@ -1109,8 +1150,8 @@ void show() {
else if(uni == 'o')
renderonce = !renderonce;
else if(uni == 'p' && torus_precision)
dialog::editNumber(torus_precision, 0, 16, 1, 2, "precision", "precision");
else if(uni == 'p')
dialog::editNumber(vertex_limit, 0, 16, 1, 2, "vertex limit", "vertex limit");
else if(uni == 'g')
rendernogl = !rendernogl;
@ -1150,7 +1191,11 @@ int rugArgs() {
else if(argis("-rugerr")) {
err_zero = argf();
shift(); err_zero = argf();
else if(argis("-rugv")) {
shift(); vertex_limit = argi();
else return 1;