mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-22 11:27:03 +00:00

RogueViz fixes

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2018-05-18 17:34:12 +02:00
parent c5c5f966dd
commit 530c689c98
8 changed files with 342 additions and 9 deletions

@ -830,6 +830,8 @@ namespace mapeditor {
void showDrawEditor();
struct renderbuffer;
namespace rug {
extern bool rugged;
extern bool computed;
@ -921,6 +923,12 @@ namespace rug {
void addTriangle(rugpoint *t1, rugpoint *t2, rugpoint *t3, ld len = 1);
rugpoint *addRugpoint(hyperpoint h, double dist);
void buildRug();
extern renderbuffer *glbuf;
extern eGeometry gwhere;
extern bool no_fog;
extern ld lowrug, hirug, ruggospeed;
extern GLuint alternate_texture;

rogueviz-staircase.cpp Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
// Hyperbolic Rogue: staircase simulation in RogueViz
// Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno and Tehora Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
// Kohonen's self-organizing networks.
// This is a part of RogueViz, not a part of HyperRogue.
namespace staircase {
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
ld scurvature = 0;
ld acurvature = 0;
ld global_r;
ld szoom = 5;
ld progress = 0;
ld strafex, strafey;
hyperpoint spcoord(hyperpoint h) {
ld phi = h[0], y = h[1], z = h[2], r = global_r;
dynamicval<eGeometry> gw(geometry, rug::gwhere == gElliptic ? gSphere : rug::gwhere);
hyperpoint inh = xpush(-acurvature*(y + r - frac(progress))/szoom) * spin(M_PI/2) * xpush(acurvature*z) * C0;
hyperpoint i = inh * (hdist0(inh) / hypot2(inh));
ld aphi = (r+phi + floor(progress))*M_PI/6;
return hpxyz(i[1] * sin(aphi), i[1] * cos(aphi), i[0]);
rug::rugpoint *pt(hyperpoint h, hyperpoint c) {
auto r = rug::addRugpoint(C0, -1);
r->flat = spcoord(h);
r->x1 = c[0];
r->y1 = c[1];
r->valid = true;
return r;
void addRect(hyperpoint h, hyperpoint hx, hyperpoint hy, hyperpoint v, hyperpoint vx, hyperpoint vy, int ix, int iy) {
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
vector<vector<rug::rugpoint*> > rps(iy+1, vector<rug::rugpoint*> (ix+1));
for(int y=0; y<=iy; y++)
for(int x=0; x<=ix; x++) {
rps[y][x] = pt(h+hx*x/ix+hy*y/iy, v+vx*x/ix+vy*y/iy);
for(int y=0; y<iy; y++)
for(int x=0; x<ix; x++)
rug::addTriangle(rps[y][x], rps[y+1][x], rps[y][x+1]),
rug::addTriangle(rps[y+1][x+1], rps[y][x+1], rps[y+1][x]);
void addTri(hyperpoint h, hyperpoint hx, hyperpoint hy, hyperpoint v, hyperpoint vx, hyperpoint vy, int i) {
using namespace hyperpoint_vec;
vector<vector<rug::rugpoint*> > rps(i+1, vector<rug::rugpoint*> (i+1));
for(int y=0; y<=i; y++)
for(int x=0; x<=i; x++) {
if(x+y <= i)
rps[y][x] = pt(h+hx*x/i+hy*y/i, v+vx*x/i+vy*y/i);
for(int y=0; y<i; y++)
for(int x=0; x<i; x++) {
if(x+y < i)
rug::addTriangle(rps[y][x], rps[y+1][x], rps[y][x+1]);
if(x+y+2 <= i)
rug::addTriangle(rps[y+1][x+1], rps[y][x+1], rps[y+1][x]);
bool need_texture = true;
texture::texture_data tdata; // = texture::config.data;
void make_texture() {
printf("make texture\n");
need_texture = false;
int tw = tdata.twidth;
printf("tw = %d\n", tw);
int fw = tw / 4;
auto pix = [&] (int k, int x, int y) -> unsigned& {
return tdata.texture_pixels[y * tw + x + (k&3) * fw + (k>>2) * fw * tw];
for(int y=0; y<tw; y++)
for(int x=0; x<tw; x++)
pix(0,x,y) = rand();
for(int y=0; y<=fw; y++)
for(int x=0; x<=fw; x++) {
typedef long long ll;
pix(0,x,y) = 0xFF000000 + 0x10101 * ((x*ll(fw-x)*y*(fw-y)*255)/ll(fw/2)/(fw/2)/(fw-fw/2)/(fw-fw/2));
pix(2,x,y) = 0xFF400000 + 0x10000 * (y * 63 / fw);
pix(8,x,y) = 0xFF101010;
pix(10,x,y) = 0xFF000000 + gradient(0, 0xFFD500, 0, x*(fw-x), fw*fw/4);
pix(5,x,y) = 0xFF000000 + gradient(0, 0x804000, -1, sin(2*M_PI*8*y/fw), 1);
pix(7,x,y) = 0xFF000000 + gradient(0, 0x808080, 0, x*ll(fw-x)*y*(fw-y), ll(fw/2)*(fw/2)*(fw-fw/2)*(fw-fw/2));
int savetex;
int prec = 4;
int maxr = 1000;
bool on;
void make_staircase() {
// stereo::mode = stereo::sODS;
// stereo::set_viewport(0);
rug::no_fog = true;
printf("scurvature = %lf progress = %lf strafe=%lf,%lf\n", scurvature, progress, strafex, strafey);
rug::renderonce = true;
rug::rug_perspective = true;
if(scurvature > -1e-6 && scurvature < 1e-6) {
rug::gwhere = gEuclid;
acurvature = 1;
else if(scurvature < 0) {
rug::gwhere = gNormal;
acurvature = -scurvature;
else {
rug::gwhere = gSphere;
acurvature = scurvature;
rug::ruggospeed = acurvature;
stereo::ipd = 0.15 * acurvature;
if(!rug::rugged || !staircase::on) {
staircase::on = true;
if(need_texture) {
rug::alternate_texture = tdata.textureid;
for(int r=-maxr; r<maxr; r++) {
if(scurvature < -1e-6 && abs(r * acurvature) > 7*12) continue;
if(scurvature > 1e-6 && abs(acurvature*r/szoom) > M_PI) continue;
global_r = r;
// step
addRect(hpxyz(0,0,1), hpxyz(0,0,1), hpxyz(1,0,0), hpxy(0,0), hpxy(.25,0), hpxy(0,.25), prec, prec);
// step connection
addRect(hpxyz(1,0,1), hpxyz(0,0,1), hpxyz(0,1,0), hpxy(0.75,0.25), hpxy(.25,0), hpxy(0,.25), prec, prec);
// triangle inner side
addTri(hpxyz(1,0,1), hpxyz(0,1,0), hpxyz(-1,0,0), hpxy(.5,0), hpxy(.125,.125), hpxy(0,.125), prec);
// rectangle under triangle
addRect(hpxyz(0,0,1), hpxyz(1,1,0), hpxyz(0,1,0), hpxy(.5,.125), hpxy(.125,0), hpxy(0,.125), prec, prec);
// barrier post
addRect(hpxyz(.45,0,1.1), hpxyz(.1,.1,0), hpxyz(0,-3,0), hpxy(0,.5), hpxy(.25,0), hpxy(0,.25), 2, prec);
// barrier
addRect(hpxyz(.45,-3,1), hpxyz(0,0,.2), hpxyz(1,1,0), hpxy(.5,.5), hpxy(.25,0), hpxy(0,.25), 1, prec);
// outer wall
addRect(hpxyz(0,0,2), hpxyz(1,1,0), hpxyz(0,12,0), hpxy(.25,.25), hpxy(.25,0), hpxy(0,.25), prec, prec);
// lower wall
addRect(hpxyz(0,1,1), hpxyz(1,1,0), hpxyz(0,0,1), hpxy(.5,0), hpxy(.25,0), hpxy(0,.25), prec, prec);
rug::push_all_points(0, strafex * acurvature);
rug::push_all_points(1, strafey * acurvature);
for(auto p: rug::points) p->valid = true;
rug::good_shape = true;
printf("done (%d points)\n", size(rug::points));
rug::lowrug = 1e-2 * acurvature;
rug::hirug = 1e3 * acurvature;
// -0.50 .. 0.16
int ctick;
void check() {
if(ctick && ctick < ticks) {
ctick = 0;
if(on && !rug::rugged) {
on = false;
rug::alternate_texture = 0;
rug::no_fog = false;
rug::ruggospeed = 1;
staircase::on = false;
void showMenu() {
cmode = sm::SIDE;
dialog::init(XLAT("Spiral Staircase"), iinf[itPalace].color, 150, 0);
dialog::addSelItem(" " + XLAT("X"), fts(strafex), 'x');
dialog::addSelItem(" " + XLAT("Y"), fts(strafey), 'y');
dialog::addSelItem(" " + XLAT("curvature"), fts(scurvature), 'c');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("disable menu"), SDLK_ESCAPE);
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("low quality"), prec == 1, '1');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("medium quality"), prec == 2, '2');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("high quality"), prec == 4, '3');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("take me back"), 'q');
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(uni == 'x') {
dialog::editNumber(strafex, -1, 1, .05, 1, XLAT("X"),
XLAT("Also changed with keys A/D")
dialog::reaction = [] () { ctick = ticks + 500; };
else if(uni == 'y') {
dialog::editNumber(strafey, -1, 1, .05, 1, XLAT("Y"),
XLAT("Also changed with keys W/S")
dialog::reaction = [] () { ctick = ticks + 500; };
else if(uni == 'c') {
dialog::editNumber(scurvature, -1, 1, .05, 1, XLAT("curvature"),
XLAT("Also changed with keys K/L. Press G for the golden spiral")
dialog::reaction = [] () { ctick = ticks + 500; };
else if(uni == 'w') {
strafey += .1;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == 's') {
strafey -= .1;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == 'd') {
strafex += .1;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == 'a') {
strafex -= .1;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == 'k') {
scurvature += .02;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == 'l') {
scurvature -= .02;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == 'p') {
progress += .1;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == 'g') {
scurvature = -4 * log((sqrt(5)+1)/2) / 2.4;
ctick = ticks + 200;
else if(uni == '1') {
prec = 1, maxr = 100;
else if(uni == '2') {
prec = 2, maxr = 300;
else if(uni == '3') {
prec = 4, maxr = 1000;
else if(uni == 'q') {
ctick = 0;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) popScreen();
int readArgs() {
using namespace arg;
// #1: load the samples
if(argis("-stair")) {
showstartmenu = false;
ctick = ticks + 2000;
else return 1;
return 0;
int phooks = addHook(hooks_args, 100, readArgs)
+ addHook(hooks_fixticks, 100, check);

@ -914,7 +914,8 @@ bool edgecmp(edgeinfo *e1, edgeinfo *e2) {
return e1->weight > e2->weight;
#include "kohonen.cpp"
#include "rogueviz-kohonen.cpp"
#include "rogueviz-staircase.cpp"
void describe(cell *c) {
if(kind == kKohonen) return kohonen::describe(c);
@ -1704,6 +1705,7 @@ int readArgs() {
void showMenu() {
if(staircase::on) { staircase::showMenu(); return; }
cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK | sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X;
@ -1799,6 +1801,7 @@ template<class T> function<void(presmode)> roguevizslide(char c, T t) {
slidecommand = "toggle the player";
if(mode == 4)
mapeditor::drawplayer = !mapeditor::drawplayer;
centerover.c = NULL; pd_from = NULL;
@ -1880,7 +1883,7 @@ slide rvslides[] = {
{"Roguelikes", 63, LEGAL_UNLIMITED,
"A visualization of roguelikes, based on disccusion on /r/reddit. "
"A visualization of roguelikes, based on discussion on /r/reddit. "
"See: http://www.roguetemple.com/z/hyper/reddit.php",
roguevizslide('0', [] () {
rogueviz::dftcolor = 0x282828FF;
@ -1957,6 +1960,15 @@ slide rvslides[] = {
rogueviz::tree::read(RVPATH "treeoflife/tol.txt");
{"Spiral Staircase", 62, LEGAL_NONE,
"Spiral Staircase Demo. Press '5' to change the curvature or other parameters.",
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == 1) staircase::make_staircase();
if(mode == 3) rug::close();
slidecommand = "staircase menu";
if(mode == 4) pushScreen(staircase::showMenu);
"Press '5' to leave the presentation.",
[] (presmode mode) {


@ -1244,8 +1244,12 @@ bool no_fog;
ld lowrug = 1e-2, hirug = 1e3;
GLuint alternate_texture;
void drawRugScene() {
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, alternate_texture);
if(backcolor == 0)
@ -1478,6 +1482,8 @@ void finger_on(int coord, ld val) {
transmatrix last_orientation;
ld ruggospeed = 1;
void actDraw() {
try {
@ -1560,9 +1566,9 @@ void actDraw() {
model_distance -= push;
push_all_points(2, push);
push_all_points(0, strafex);
push_all_points(1, strafey);
push_all_points(2, push * ruggospeed);
push_all_points(0, strafex * ruggospeed);
push_all_points(1, strafey * ruggospeed);
else {
@ -1574,8 +1580,8 @@ void actDraw() {
if(keystate[SDLK_UP]) qm++, t = t * rotmatrix(alpha, 2, 1);
if(keystate[SDLK_LEFT]) qm++, t = t * rotmatrix(alpha, 0, 2);
if(keystate[SDLK_RIGHT]) qm++, t = t * rotmatrix(alpha, 2, 0);
if(keystate[SDLK_PAGEUP]) model_distance /= exp(alpha);
if(keystate[SDLK_PAGEDOWN]) model_distance *= exp(alpha);
if(keystate[SDLK_PAGEUP]) model_distance /= exp(alpha * ruggospeed);
if(keystate[SDLK_PAGEDOWN]) model_distance *= exp(alpha * ruggospeed);
if(qm) {

@ -3422,7 +3422,8 @@ transmatrix &ggmatrix(cell *c) {
t = ggmatrix(c2) * eumovedir(3+i);
else if(euclid) {
t = gmatrix[centerover.c] * eumove(cell_to_vec(c) - cellwalker_to_vec(centerover));
if(!centerover.c) centerover = cwt;
t = View * eumove(cell_to_vec(c) - cellwalker_to_vec(centerover));
t = actualV(viewctr, cview()) * calc_relative_matrix(c, viewctr.h->c7);

@ -1009,6 +1009,7 @@ namespace gamestack {
struct gamedata {
hrmap *hmap;
cellwalker cwt;
cellwalker ctover;
heptspin viewctr;
transmatrix View;
eGeometry geometry;
@ -1033,6 +1034,7 @@ namespace gamestack {
gdn.geometry = geometry;
gdn.shmup = shmup::on;
gdn.hepta = nonbitrunc;
gdn.ctover = centerover;
@ -1048,6 +1050,7 @@ namespace gamestack {
shmup::on = gdn.shmup;
centerover = gdn.ctover;

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ bool texture_data::loadTextureGL() {
if(textureid == 0) glGenTextures(1, &textureid);
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, config.data.textureid);
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureid);