mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2024-12-28 11:00:34 +00:00

fog is now affected by the background color

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2019-06-13 17:56:25 +02:00
parent 57470eafe4
commit 3da305b4ca
3 changed files with 23 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ void display_data::set_projection(int ed) {
if(pers3) {
glhr::fog_max(1/sightranges[geometry], darkena(backcolor, 0, 0xFF));
if(glhr::new_shader_projection == glhr::shader_projection::ball)

View File

@ -1393,7 +1393,8 @@ void drawRugScene() {
no_fog ? 1000 :
gwhere == gSphere && rug_perspective ? 10 :
gwhere == gElliptic && rug_perspective ? 4 :
darkena(backcolor, 0, 0xFF)
for(int t=0; t<isize(triangles); t++)

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ struct GLprogram {
GLuint _program;
GLuint vertShader, fragShader;
GLint uMVP, uFog, uColor, tTexture, uMV, uProjection, uAlpha, uFogBase;
GLint uMVP, uFog, uFogColor, uColor, tTexture, uMV, uProjection, uAlpha, uFogBase;
GLprogram(string vsh, string fsh) {
_program = glCreateProgram();
@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ struct GLprogram {
uProjection = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uP");
uMVP = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uMVP");
uFog = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uFog");
uFogColor = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uFogColor");
uFogBase = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uFogBase");
uAlpha = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uAlpha");
uColor = glGetUniformLocation(_program, "uColor");
@ -467,9 +468,13 @@ void switch_mode(eMode m, shader_projection sp) {
else glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); */
void fog_max(ld fogmax) {
void fog_max(ld fogmax, color_t fogcolor) {
glUniform1f(current->uFog, 1 / fogmax);
GLfloat cols[4];
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) cols[i] = part(fogcolor, 3-i) / 255.0;
glUniform4f(current->uFogColor, cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], cols[3]);
glFogf(GL_FOG_END, fogmax);
@ -547,6 +552,7 @@ void init() {
mps, "uniform mediump mat4 uP;",
1, "uniform mediump float uFog;",
1, "uniform mediump float uFogBase;",
1, "uniform mediump vec4 uFogColor;",
ball, "uniform mediump float uAlpha;",
!varcol, "uniform mediump vec4 uColor;",
@ -578,7 +584,8 @@ void init() {
texture, "vTexCoord = aTexture;",
varcol, "vColor = aColor;",
!varcol, "vColor = uColor;",
lfog, "vColor = vColor * clamp(1.0 + aPosition.z * uFog, 0.0, 1.0);",
lfog, "float fogx = clamp(1.0 + aPosition.z * uFog, 0.0, 1.0);",
lfog, "vColor = vColor * fogx + uFogColor * (1.0-fogx);",
!mps && !flatten, "gl_Position = uMVP * aPosition;",
!mps && flatten, "vec4 pos = aPosition; pos[3] = 1.0; gl_Position = uMVP * pos;",
ball, "vec4 t = uMV * aPosition; t /= (t[3] + uAlpha); ",
@ -606,17 +613,20 @@ void init() {
hp && dim3, "t.x /= -rads; t.y /= -rads; t.z /= -rads; t[3] = 1.0;",
s3, "vec4 t = uMV * aPosition;",
sh3, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (uFogBase - acosh(t[3]) / uFog);",
sr3, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (uFogBase - sqrt(t[0]*t[0] + t[1]*t[1] + t[2]*t[2]) / uFog);",
sh3, "float fogs = (uFogBase - acosh(t[3]) / uFog);",
sr3, "float fogs = (uFogBase - sqrt(t[0]*t[0] + t[1]*t[1] + t[2]*t[2]) / uFog);",
ss30, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (uFogBase - (6.284 - acos(t[3])) / uFog); t = -t; ",
ss31, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (uFogBase - (6.284 - acos(t[3])) / uFog); t.xyz = -t.xyz; ",
ss32, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (uFogBase - acos(t[3]) / uFog); t.w = -t.w; ", // 2pi
ss33, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (uFogBase - acos(t[3]) / uFog); ",
ss30, "float fogs = (uFogBase - (6.284 - acos(t[3])) / uFog); t = -t; ",
ss31, "float fogs = (uFogBase - (6.284 - acos(t[3])) / uFog); t.xyz = -t.xyz; ",
ss32, "float fogs = (uFogBase - acos(t[3]) / uFog); t.w = -t.w; ", // 2pi
ss33, "float fogs = (uFogBase - acos(t[3]) / uFog); ",
s3, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * fogs + uFogColor.xyz * (1.0-fogs);",
sh3 || sr3 || ball,"t[3] = 1.0;",
band || hp || s3 || ball,"gl_Position = uP * t;",
dim3 && !s3, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (0.5 - gl_Position.z / 2.0);",
dim3 && !s3, "vColor.xyz = vColor.xyz * (0.5 - gl_Position.z / 2.0) + uFogColor.xyz * (0.5 + gl_Position.z / 2.0);",
1, "}"),