diff --git a/raycaster.cpp b/raycaster.cpp index 1bb1a262..c1dfb0c6 100644 --- a/raycaster.cpp +++ b/raycaster.cpp @@ -92,8 +92,12 @@ ld& maxstep_current() { eGeometry last_geometry; +vector> used_sample_list() { + return hybrid::gen_sample_list(); + } + bool need_many_cell_types() { - return isize(hybrid::gen_sample_list()) > 2; + return isize(used_sample_list()) > 2; } /** is the raycaster available? */ @@ -232,8 +236,6 @@ raycaster::raycaster(string vsh, string fsh) : GLprogram(vsh, fsh) { shared_ptr our_raycaster; -int deg, irays; - #ifdef GLES_ONLY void add(string& tgt, string type, string name, int min_index, int max_index) { if(min_index >= max_index) ; @@ -285,6 +287,913 @@ ld ray_scale = 8; int max_wall_offset = 512; int max_celltype = 64; +struct raygen { + string fsh, vsh, fmain; + + int deg, irays; + bool asonov; + bool use_reflect; + bool many_cell_types; + bool eyes; + bool stepbased; + int flat1, flat2; + + string getM(string s) { + if(m_via_texture) + return "getM(" + s + ")"; + else + return "uM[" + s + "]"; + }; + + string getWall(string s, int coord) { + if(wall_via_texture) + return "getWall(" + s + "," + its(coord) + ")"; + else + return "uWall" + string(coord?"Y" : "X") + "[" + s + "]"; + }; + + string getWallstart(string s) { + if(wall_via_texture) + return "getWallstart(" + s + ")"; + else + return "uWallstart[" + s + "]"; + }; + + void compute_which_and_dist(); + void apply_reflect(); + void move_forward(); + void emit_iterate(); + void create(); + }; + +raygen our_raygen; + +void raygen::compute_which_and_dist() { + using glhr::to_glsl; + + if(!stepbased) { + + fmain += + " if(which == -1) {\n"; + + fmain += "for(int i="+its(flat1)+"; i<"+(prod ? "sides-2" : (WDIM == 2 || is_subcube_based(variation)) ? "sides" : its(flat2))+"; i++) {\n"; + + // fmain += "int woi = walloffset+i;\n"; + + if(in_h2xe()) fmain += + " mediump float v = ((position - " + getM("woi") + " * position)[2] / (" + getM("woi") + " * tangent - tangent)[2]);\n" + " if(v > 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n" + " mediump float d = atanh(v);\n" + " mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n" + " if(next_tangent[2] < (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[2]) continue;\n" + " d /= xspeed;\n"; + else if(in_s2xe()) fmain += + " mediump float v = ((position - " + getM("woi") + " * position)[2] / (" + getM("woi") + " * tangent - tangent)[2]);\n" + " mediump float d = atan(v);\n" + " mediump vec4 next_tangent = tangent * cos(d) - position * sin(d);\n" + " if(next_tangent[2] > (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[2]) continue;\n" + " d /= xspeed;\n"; + else if(in_e2xe()) fmain += + " mediump float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent);\n" + " if(deno < 1e-6 && deno > -1e-6) continue;\n" + " mediump float d = (dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n" + " if(d < 0.) continue;\n" + " mediump vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n" + " if(dot(next_position, tangent) < dot(" + getM("woi") + "*next_position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent)) continue;\n" + " d /= xspeed;\n"; + else if(hyperbolic) fmain += + " mediump float v = ((position - " + getM("woi") + " * position)[3] / (" + getM("woi") + " * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n" + " if(v > 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n" + " mediump float d = atanh(v);\n" + " mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n" + " if(next_tangent[3] < (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[3]) continue;\n"; + else if(sphere) fmain += + " mediump float v = ((position - " + getM("woi") + " * position)[3] / (" + getM("woi") + " * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n" + " mediump float d = atan(v);\n" + " mediump vec4 next_tangent = -position * sin(d) + tangent * cos(d);\n" + " if(next_tangent[3] > (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[3]) continue;\n"; + else fmain += + " mediump float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent);\n" + " if(deno < 1e-6 && deno > -1e-6) continue;\n" + " mediump float d = (dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n" + " if(d < 0.) continue;\n" + " mediump vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n" + " if(dot(next_position, tangent) < dot(" + getM("woi") + "*next_position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent)) continue;\n"; + + replace_str(fmain, "[woi]", "[walloffset+i]"); + replace_str(fmain, "(woi)", "(walloffset+i)"); + + fmain += + " if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n" + "}\n"; + + if(hyperbolic && reg3::ultra_mirror_in()) { + fmain += "for(int i="+its(S7*2)+"; i<"+its(S7*2+isize(cgi.heptshape->vertices_only))+"; i++) {\n"; + fmain += "mat4 uMi = " + getM("i") + ";"; + fmain += + " mediump float v = ((position - uMi * position)[3] / (uMi * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n" + " if(v > 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n" + " mediump float d = atanh(v);\n" + " mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n" + " if(next_tangent[3] < (uMi * next_tangent)[3]) continue;\n" + " if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n" + "}\n"; + } + + // 20: get to horosphere +uBLevel (take smaller root) + // 21: get to horosphere -uBLevel (take larger root) + + if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) { + fmain += + "for(int i=20; i<22; i++) {\n" + "mediump float sgn = i == 20 ? -1. : 1.;\n" + "mediump vec4 zpos = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n" + "mediump vec4 ztan = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n" + "mediump float Mp = zpos.w - zpos.x;\n" + "mediump float Mt = ztan.w - ztan.x;\n" + "mediump float a = (Mp*Mp-Mt*Mt);\n" + "mediump float b = Mp/a;\n" + "mediump float c = (1.+Mt*Mt) / a;\n" + "if(b*b < c) continue;\n" + "if(sgn < 0. && Mt > 0.) continue;\n" + "mediump float zsgn = (Mt > 0. ? -sgn : sgn);\n" + "mediump float u = sqrt(b*b-c)*zsgn + b;\n" + "mediump float v = -(Mp*u-1.) / Mt;\n" + "mediump float d = asinh(v);\n" + "if(d < 0. && abs(log(position.w*position.w-position.x*position.x)) < uBLevel) continue;\n" + "if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n" + "}\n"; + } + + if(prod) fmain += + "if(zspeed > 0.) { mediump float d = (uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = sides-1; }}\n" + "if(zspeed < 0.) { mediump float d = (-uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = sides-2; }}\n"; + + fmain += "}\n"; + + fmain += + " if(dist < 0.) { dist = 0.; }\n"; + + fmain += + " if(which == -1 && dist == 0.) return;\n"; + } + } + +void raygen::move_forward() { + using glhr::to_glsl; + if(in_h2xe() && !stepbased) fmain += + " mediump float ch = cosh(dist*xspeed); mediump float sh = sinh(dist*xspeed);\n" + " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" + " tangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n" + " position = v;\n" + " zpos += dist * zspeed;\n"; + else if(in_s2xe() && !stepbased) fmain += + " mediump float ch = cos(dist*xspeed); mediump float sh = sin(dist*xspeed);\n" + " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" + " tangent = tangent * ch - position * sh;\n" + " position = v;\n" + " zpos += dist * zspeed;\n"; + else if(in_e2xe() && !stepbased) fmain += + " position = position + tangent * dist * xspeed;\n" + " zpos += dist * zspeed;\n"; + else if(hyperbolic && !stepbased) fmain += + " mediump float ch = cosh(dist); mediump float sh = sinh(dist);\n" + " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" + " tangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n" + " position = v;\n"; + else if(sphere && !stepbased) fmain += + " mediump float ch = cos(dist); mediump float sh = sin(dist);\n" + " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" + " tangent = tangent * ch - position * sh;\n" + " position = v;\n"; + else if(stepbased) { + + bool use_christoffel = true; + + if(sol && nih) fsh += + "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" + " return vec4(-(vel.z*tra.x + vel.x*tra.z)*log(2.), (vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z)*log(3.), vel.x*tra.x * exp(2.*log(2.)*pos.z)*log(2.) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*log(3.)*pos.z)*log(3.), 0.);\n" + " }\n"; + else if(nih) fsh += + "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" + " return vec4((vel.z*tra.x + vel.x*tra.z)*log(2.), (vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z)*log(3.), -vel.x*tra.x * exp(-2.*log(2.)*pos.z)*log(2.) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*log(3.)*pos.z)*log(3.), 0.);\n" + " }\n"; + else if(sol) fsh += + "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" + " return vec4(-vel.z*tra.x - vel.x*tra.z, vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z, vel.x*tra.x * exp(2.*pos.z) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*pos.z), 0.);\n" + " }\n"; + else if(nil) { + fsh += + "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" + " mediump float x = pos.x;\n" + " return vec4(x*vel.y*tra.y - 0.5*dot(vel.yz,tra.zy), -.5*x*dot(vel.yx,tra.xy) + .5 * dot(vel.zx,tra.xz), -.5*(x*x-1.)*dot(vel.yx,tra.xy)+.5*x*dot(vel.zx,tra.xz), 0.);\n" +// " return vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);\n" + " }\n"; + use_christoffel = false; + } + else if(sl2 || stretch::in()) { + if(sl2) { + fsh += "mediump mat4 s_translate(vec4 h) {\n" + "return mat4(h.w,h.z,h.y,h.x,-h.z,h.w,-h.x,h.y,h.y,-h.x,h.w,-h.z,h.x,h.y,h.z,h.w);\n" + "}\n"; + } + else { + fsh += "mediump mat4 s_translate(vec4 h) {\n" + "return mat4(h.w,h.z,-h.y,-h.x,-h.z,h.w,h.x,-h.y,h.y,-h.x,h.w,-h.z,h.x,h.y,h.z,h.w);\n" + "}\n"; + } + fsh += "mediump mat4 s_itranslate(vec4 h) {\n" + "h.xyz = -h.xyz; return s_translate(h);\n" + "}\n"; + if(stretch::mstretch) { + fsh += "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" + "vel = s_itranslate(toOrig * pos) * toOrig * vel;\n" + "tra = s_itranslate(toOrig * pos) * toOrig * tra;\n" + "return fromOrig * s_translate(toOrig * pos) * vec4(\n"; + + for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { + auto &c = stretch::ms_christoffel; + fsh += " 0."; + for(int j=0; j<3; j++) + for(int k=0; k<3; k++) + if(c[i][j][k]) + fsh += " + vel["+its(j)+"]*tra["+its(k)+"]*" + to_glsl(c[i][j][k]); + fsh += " ,\n"; + } + fsh += " 0);\n" + "}\n"; + } + else + use_christoffel = false; + } + else use_christoffel = false; + + if(use_christoffel) fsh += "mediump vec4 get_acc(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel) {\n" + " return christoffel(pos, vel, vel);\n" + " }\n"; + + if(sn::in() && !asonov) fsh += "uniform mediump float uBinaryWidth;\n"; + + fmain += + " dist = next < minstep ? 2.*next : next;\n"; + + if(nil && !use_christoffel) fsh += + "mediump vec4 translate(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 b) {\n" + "return vec4(a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2] + a[0] * b[1], b[3]);\n" + "}\n" + "mediump vec4 translatev(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 t) {\n" + "return vec4(t[0], t[1], t[2] + a[0] * t[1], 0.);\n" + "}\n" + "mediump vec4 itranslate(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 b) {\n" + "return vec4(-a[0] + b[0], -a[1] + b[1], -a[2] + b[2] - a[0] * (b[1]-a[1]), b[3]);\n" + "}\n" + "mediump vec4 itranslatev(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 t) {\n" + "return vec4(t[0], t[1], t[2] - a[0] * t[1], 0.);\n" + "}\n"; + + // if(nil) fmain += "tangent = translate(position, itranslate(position, tangent));\n"; + + if(use_christoffel) fmain += + "mediump vec4 vel = tangent * dist;\n" + "mediump vec4 acc1 = get_acc(position, vel);\n" + "mediump vec4 acc2 = get_acc(position + vel / 2., vel + acc1/2.);\n" + "mediump vec4 acc3 = get_acc(position + vel / 2. + acc1/4., vel + acc2/2.);\n" + "mediump vec4 acc4 = get_acc(position + vel + acc2/2., vel + acc3/2.);\n" + "mediump vec4 nposition = position + vel + (acc1+acc2+acc3)/6.;\n"; + + if((sl2 || stretch::in()) && use_christoffel) { + if(sl2) fmain += + "nposition = nposition / sqrt(dot(position.zw, position.zw) - dot(nposition.xy, nposition.xy));\n"; + + else if(stretch::in()) fmain += + "nposition = nposition / sqrt(dot(nposition, nposition));\n"; + } + + if((sl2 || stretch::in()) && !use_christoffel) { + ld SV = stretch::not_squared(); + ld mul = (sphere?1:-1)-1/SV/SV; + fmain += + "vec4 vel = s_itranslate(position) * tangent * dist;\n" + "vec4 vel1 = vel; vel1.z *= " + to_glsl(stretch::not_squared()) + ";\n" + "mediump float vlen = length(vel1.xyz);\n" + "if(vel.z<0.) vlen=-vlen;\n" + "float z_part = vel1.z/vlen;\n" + "float x_part = sqrt(1.-z_part*z_part);\n" + "const float SV = " + to_glsl(SV) + ";\n" + "float rparam = x_part / z_part / SV;\n" + "float beta = atan2(vel.y,vel.x);\n" + "if(vlen<0.) beta += PI;\n" + "mediump vec4 nposition, ntangent;\n"; + + if(sl2) fmain += + "if(rparam > 1.) {\n" + "float cr = 1./sqrt(rparam*rparam-1.);\n" + "float sr = rparam*cr;\n" + "float z = cr * " + to_glsl(mul) + ";\n" + "float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n" + "float k = -a;\n" + "float u = z*a;\n" + "float xy = sr * sinh(k);\n" + "float zw = cr * sinh(k);\n" + "nposition = vec4(" + "-xy*cos(u+beta)," + "-xy*sin(u+beta)," + "zw*cos(u)-cosh(k)*sin(u)," + "zw*sin(u)+cosh(k)*cos(u)" + ");\n" + + "ntangent = vec4(" + "-sr*cosh(k)*k*cos(u+beta) + u*xy*sin(u+beta)," + "-sr*cosh(k)*k*sin(u+beta) - u*xy*cos(u+beta)," + "k*cr*cosh(k)*cos(u)-zw*sin(u)*u-k*sinh(k)*sin(u)-u*cosh(k)*cos(u)," + "k*cr*cosh(k)*sin(u)+u*zw*cos(u)+k*sinh(k)*cos(u)-u*cosh(k)*sin(u)" + ");\n" + "}\n" + "else {\n" + "float r = atanh(rparam);\n" + "float cr = cosh(r);\n" + "float sr = sinh(r);\n" + "float z = cr * "+to_glsl(mul)+";\n" + "float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n" + "float k = -a;\n" + "float u = z*a;\n" + "float xy = sr * sin(k);\n" + "float zw = cr * sin(k);\n" + "ntangent = vec4(" + "-sr*cos(k)*k*cos(u+beta) + u*xy*sin(u+beta)," + "-sr*cos(k)*k*sin(u+beta) - u*xy*cos(u+beta)," + "k*cr*cos(k)*cos(u)-zw*sin(u)*u+k*sin(k)*sin(u)-u*cos(k)*cos(u)," + "k*cr*cos(k)*sin(u)+zw*cos(u)*u-k*sin(k)*cos(u)-u*cos(k)*sin(u)" + ");\n" + "nposition = vec4(" + "-xy * cos(u+beta)," + "-xy * sin(u+beta)," + "zw * cos(u) - cos(k) * sin(u)," + "zw * sin(u) + cos(k)*cos(u)" + ");\n" + "}\n"; + + else fmain += + "if(true) {\n" + "float r = atan(rparam);\n" + "float cr = cos(r);\n" + "float sr = sin(r);\n" + "float z = cr * "+to_glsl(mul)+";\n" + "float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n" + "float k = a;\n" + "float u = z*a;\n" + "float xy = sr * sin(k);\n" + "float zw = cr * sin(k);\n" + "ntangent = vec4(" + "sr*cos(k)*k*cos(u+beta) - u*xy*sin(u+beta)," + "sr*cos(k)*k*sin(u+beta) + u*xy*cos(u+beta)," + "k*cr*cos(k)*cos(u)-zw*sin(u)*u+k*sin(k)*sin(u)-u*cos(k)*cos(u)," + "k*cr*cos(k)*sin(u)+zw*cos(u)*u-k*sin(k)*cos(u)-u*cos(k)*sin(u)" + ");\n" + "nposition = vec4(" + "xy * cos(u+beta)," + "xy * sin(u+beta)," + "zw * cos(u) - cos(k) * sin(u)," + "zw * sin(u) + cos(k)*cos(u)" + ");\n" + "}\n"; + + fmain += + "ntangent = ntangent / dist;\n" + "ntangent = s_translate(position) * ntangent;\n" + "nposition = s_translate(position) * nposition;\n"; + } + + if(nil && !use_christoffel && !eyes) { + fmain += + "mediump vec4 xp, xt;\n" + "mediump vec4 back = itranslatev(position, tangent);\n" + "if(back.x == 0. && back.y == 0.) {\n" + " xp = vec4(0., 0., back.z*dist, 1.);\n" + " xt = back;\n" + " }\n" + "else if(abs(back.z) == 0.) {\n" + " xp = vec4(back.x*dist, back.y*dist, back.x*back.y*dist*dist/2., 1.);\n" + " xt = vec4(back.x, back.y, dist*back.x*back.y, 0.);\n" + " }\n" + "else if(abs(back.z) < 1e-1) {\n" +// we use the midpoint method here, because the formulas below cause glitches due to mediump float precision + " mediump vec4 acc = christoffel(vec4(0,0,0,1), back, back);\n" + " mediump vec4 pos2 = back * dist / 2.;\n" + " mediump vec4 tan2 = back + acc * dist / 2.;\n" + " mediump vec4 acc2 = christoffel(pos2, tan2, tan2);\n" + " xp = vec4(0,0,0,1) + back * dist + acc2 / 2. * dist * dist;\n" + " xt = back + acc * dist;\n" + " }\n" + "else {\n" + " mediump float alpha = atan2(back.y, back.x);\n" + " mediump float w = back.z * dist;\n" + " mediump float c = length(back.xy) / back.z;\n" + " xp = vec4(2.*c*sin(w/2.) * cos(w/2.+alpha), 2.*c*sin(w/2.)*sin(w/2.+alpha), w*(1.+(c*c/2.)*((1.-sin(w)/w)+(1.-cos(w))/w * sin(w+2.*alpha))), 1.);\n" + " xt = back.z * vec4(" + "c*cos(alpha+w)," + "c*sin(alpha+w)," + "1. + c*c*2.*sin(w/2.)*sin(alpha+w)*cos(alpha+w/2.)," + "0.);\n" + " }\n" + "mediump vec4 nposition = translate(position, xp);\n"; + } + + if(asonov) { + fsh += "uniform mediump mat4 uStraighten;\n"; + fmain += "mediump vec4 sp = uStraighten * nposition;\n"; + } + + if(eyes) { + fmain += + " mediump float t = go + dist;\n"; + fmain += prod ? + " mediump vec4 v = at1 * t;\n" : + " mediump vec4 v = at0 * t;\n"; + fmain += + " v[3] = 1.;\n" + " mediump vec4 azeq = uEyeShift * v;\n"; + if(nil) fmain += + " mediump float alpha = atan2(azeq.y, azeq.x);\n" + " mediump float w = azeq.z;\n" + " mediump float c = length(azeq.xy) / azeq.z;\n" + " mediump vec4 xp = vec4(2.*c*sin(w/2.) * cos(w/2.+alpha), 2.*c*sin(w/2.)*sin(w/2.+alpha), w*(1.+(c*c/2.)*((1.-sin(w)/w)+(1.-cos(w))/w * sin(w+2.*alpha))), 1.);\n" + " mediump vec4 orig_position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);\n" + " mediump vec4 nposition = translate(orig_position, xp);\n"; + else if(prod) { + fmain += + " mediump float alen_xy = length(azeq.xy);\n"; + fmain += " mediump float nzpos = zpos + azeq.z;\n"; + if(in_h2xe()) { + fmain += " azeq.xy *= sinh(alen_xy) / alen_xy;\n"; + fmain += " azeq.z = cosh(alen_xy);\n"; + } + else if(in_s2xe()) { + fmain += " azeq.xy *= sin (alen_xy) / alen_xy;\n"; + fmain += " azeq.z = cos(alen_xy);\n"; + } + else { + /* euclid */ + fmain += " azeq.z = 1.;\n"; + } + fmain += "azeq.w = 0.;\n"; + fmain += + " mediump vec4 nposition = vw * azeq;\n"; + } + else { + fmain += + " mediump float alen = length(azeq.xyz);\n"; + if(hyperbolic) fmain += + " azeq *= sinh(alen) / alen;\n" + " azeq[3] = cosh(alen);\n"; + else if(sphere) fmain += + " azeq *= sin(alen) / alen;\n" + " azeq[3] = cos(alen);\n"; + else /* euclid */ fmain += + " azeq[3] = 1;\n"; + fmain += + " mediump vec4 nposition = vw * azeq;\n"; + } + } + + else if(hyperbolic) { + fmain += + " mediump float ch = cosh(dist); mediump float sh = sinh(dist);\n" + " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" + " mediump vec4 ntangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n" + " mediump vec4 nposition = v;\n"; + } + + else if(sphere && !stretch::in()) { + fmain += + " mediump float ch = cos(dist); mediump float sh = sin(dist);\n" + " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" + " mediump vec4 ntangent = tangent * ch - position * sh;\n" + " mediump vec4 nposition = v;\n"; + } + + bool reg = hyperbolic || sphere || euclid || sl2 || prod; + + if(reg) { + fsh += "mediump float len_h(vec4 h) { return 1. - h[3]; }\n"; + string s = (rotspace || prod) ? "-2" : ""; + fmain += + " mediump float best = len(nposition);\n" + " for(int i=0; i uPLevel) which = sides-1;\n" + "if(nzpos <-uPLevel) which = sides-2;\n"; + } + } + + if(nil) fmain += + "mediump float rz = (abs(nposition.x) > abs(nposition.y) ? -nposition.x*nposition.y : 0.) + nposition.z;\n"; + + fmain += + "if(next >= minstep) {\n"; + + string hnilw = to_glsl(nilv::nilwidth / 2); + string hnilw2 = to_glsl(nilv::nilwidth * nilv::nilwidth / 2); + + if(reg) fmain += "if(which != -1) {\n"; + else if(asonov) fmain += + "if(abs(sp.x) > 1. || abs(sp.y) > 1. || abs(sp.z) > 1.) {\n"; + else if(nih) fmain += + "if(abs(nposition.x) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.y) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.z) > .5) {\n"; + else if(sol) fmain += + "if(abs(nposition.x) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.y) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.z) > log(2.)/2.) {\n"; + else fmain += + "if(abs(nposition.x) > "+hnilw+" || abs(nposition.y) > "+hnilw+" || abs(rz) > "+hnilw2+") {\n"; + + fmain += + "next = dist / 2.; continue;\n" + "}\n" + "if(next < maxstep) next = next / 2.;\n" + "}\n" + "else {\n"; + + if(sn::in()) { + if(asonov) fmain += + "if(sp.x > 1.) which = 4;\n" + "if(sp.y > 1.) which = 5;\n" + "if(sp.x <-1.) which = 10;\n" + "if(sp.y <-1.) which = 11;\n" + "if(sp.z > 1.) {\n" + "mediump float best = 999.;\n" + "for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {\n" + "mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n" + "if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n" + "}\n" + "}\n" + "if(sp.z < -1.) {\n" + "mediump float best = 999.;\n" + "for(int i=6; i<10; i++) {\n" + "mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n" + "if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n" + "}\n" + "}\n"; + else if(sol && !nih) fmain += + "if(nposition.x > uBinaryWidth) which = 0;\n" + "if(nposition.x <-uBinaryWidth) which = 4;\n" + "if(nposition.y > uBinaryWidth) which = 1;\n" + "if(nposition.y <-uBinaryWidth) which = 5;\n"; + if(nih) fmain += + "if(nposition.x > uBinaryWidth) which = 0;\n" + "if(nposition.x <-uBinaryWidth) which = 2;\n" + "if(nposition.y > uBinaryWidth) which = 1;\n" + "if(nposition.y <-uBinaryWidth) which = 3;\n"; + if(sol && nih) fmain += + "if(nposition.z > .5) which = nposition.x > 0. ? 5 : 4;\n" + "if(nposition.z <-.5) which = nposition.y > uBinaryWidth/3. ? 8 : nposition.y < -uBinaryWidth/3. ? 6 : 7;\n"; + if(nih && !sol) fmain += + "if(nposition.z > .5) which = 4;\n" + "if(nposition.z < -.5) which = (nposition.y > uBinaryWidth/3. ? 9 : nposition.y < -uBinaryWidth/3. ? 5 : 7) + (nposition.x>0.?1:0);\n"; + if(sol && !nih && !asonov) fmain += + "if(nposition.z > log(2.)/2.) which = nposition.x > 0. ? 3 : 2;\n" + "if(nposition.z <-log(2.)/2.) which = nposition.y > 0. ? 7 : 6;\n"; + } + else if(nil) fmain += + "if(nposition.x > "+hnilw+") which = 3;\n" + "if(nposition.x <-"+hnilw+") which = 0;\n" + "if(nposition.y > "+hnilw+") which = 4;\n" + "if(nposition.y <-"+hnilw+") which = 1;\n" + "if(rz > "+hnilw2+") which = 5;\n" + "if(rz <-"+hnilw2+") which = 2;\n"; + + fmain += + "next = maxstep;\n" + "}\n"; + + if(use_christoffel) fmain += + "tangent = tangent + (acc1+2.*acc2+2.*acc3+acc4)/(6.*dist);\n"; + else if(nil && !eyes) fmain += + "tangent = translatev(position, xt);\n"; + else if(!eyes) + fmain += + "tangent = ntangent;\n"; + + if(!eyes) fmain += + "position = nposition;\n"; + else fmain += "vec4 position = nposition;\n"; + + if((stretch::in() || sl2) && use_christoffel) { + fmain += + "tangent = s_itranslate(toOrig * position) * toOrig * tangent;\n" + "tangent[3] = 0.;\n"; + if(stretch::mstretch) + fmain += + "float nvelsquared = dot(tangent.xyz, (uATOI * tangent).xyz);\n"; + else + fmain += + "float nvelsquared = tangent.x * tangent.x + tangent.y * tangent.y + " + + to_glsl(stretch::squared()) + " * tangent.z * tangent.z;\n"; + fmain += + "tangent /= sqrt(nvelsquared);\n" + "tangent = fromOrig * s_translate(toOrig * position) * tangent;\n"; + } + } + else fmain += + "position = position + tangent * dist;\n"; + } + +void raygen::apply_reflect() { + if(prod) fmain += "if(reflect && which >= sides-2) { zspeed = -zspeed; continue; }\n"; + if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) fmain += + "if(reflect && (which < "+its(flat1)+" || which >= "+its(flat2)+")) {\n" + " mediump float x = -log(position.w - position.x);\n" + " mediump vec4 xtan = xpush(-x) * tangent;\n" + " mediump float diag = (position.y*position.y+position.z*position.z)/2.;\n" + " mediump vec4 normal = vec4(1.-diag, -position.y, -position.z, -diag);\n" + " mediump float mdot = dot(xtan.xyz, normal.xyz) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n" + " xtan = xtan - normal * mdot * 2.;\n" + " tangent = xpush(x) * xtan;\n" + " continue;\n" + " }\n"; + if(asonov) { + fmain += + " if(reflect) {\n" + " if(which == 4 || which == 10) tangent = refl(tangent, position.z, uReflectX);\n" + " else if(which == 5 || which == 11) tangent = refl(tangent, position.z, uReflectY);\n" + " else tangent.z = -tangent.z;\n" + " }\n"; + fsh += + "uniform mediump vec4 uReflectX, uReflectY;\n" + "mediump vec4 refl(mediump vec4 t, float z, mediump vec4 r) {\n" + "t.x *= exp(z); t.y /= exp(z);\n" + "t -= dot(t, r) * r;\n" + "t.x /= exp(z); t.y *= exp(z);\n" + "return t;\n" + "}\n"; + } + else if(sol && !nih && !asonov) fmain += + " if(reflect) {\n" + " if(which == 0 || which == 4) tangent.x = -tangent.x;\n" + " else if(which == 1 || which == 5) tangent.y = -tangent.y;\n" + " else tangent.z = -tangent.z;\n" + " continue;\n" + " }\n"; + else if(nih) fmain += + " if(reflect) {\n" + " if(which == 0 || which == 2) tangent.x = -tangent.x;\n" + " else if(which == 1 || which == 3) tangent.y = -tangent.y;\n" + " else tangent.z = -tangent.z;\n" + " continue;\n" + " }\n"; + else { + fmain += + " if(reflect) {\n" + " tangent = " + getM("uMirrorShift+walloffset+which") + " * tangent;\n" + " continue;\n" + " }\n"; + fsh += "uniform int uMirrorShift;\n"; + } + } + +void raygen::emit_iterate() { + using glhr::to_glsl; + + fmain += + " mediump float dist = 100.;\n"; + + fmain += + " int which = -1;\n"; + + if(in_e2xe() && !eyes) fmain += "tangent.w = position.w = 0.;\n"; + + if(IN_ODS) fmain += + " if(go == 0.) {\n" + " mediump float best = len(position);\n" + " for(int i=0; i 0. && go < " + to_glsl(hard_limit) + ") {\n" + " if(dist > "+to_glsl(hard_limit)+" - go) dist = "+to_glsl(hard_limit)+" - go;\n" + " mediump vec4 col = texture2D(tVolumetric, cid);\n" + " mediump float factor = col.w; col.w = 1.;\n" + " mediump float frac = exp(-(factor + 1. / uExpDecay) * dist);\n" + " gl_FragColor += left * (1.-frac) * col;\n" + " left *= frac;\n" + " }\n;"; + + fmain += " go = go + dist;\n"; + + fmain += "if(which == -1) continue;\n"; + + if(prod && eyes) fmain += "position.w = -nzpos;\n"; + else if(prod) fmain += "position.w = -zpos;\n"; + + if(reg3::ultra_mirror_in()) fmain += + "if(which >= " + its(S7) + ") {" + " tangent = " + getM("which") + " * tangent;\n" + " continue;\n" + " }\n"; + + // apply wall color + fmain += + " mediump vec2 u = cid + vec2(float(which) / float(uLength), 0);\n" + " mediump vec4 col = texture2D(tWallcolor, u);\n" + " if(col[3] > 0.0) {\n"; + + if(eyes) + fmain += " mediump float gou = go / uAbsUnit;\n"; + else + fmain += " mediump float gou = go;\n"; + + if(hard_limit < NO_LIMIT) + fmain += " if(gou > " + to_glsl(hard_limit) + ") { gl_FragDepth = 1.; return; }\n"; + + if(!(levellines && disable_texture)) { + fmain += " mediump vec4 pos = position;\n"; + if(nil) fmain += "if(which == 2 || which == 5) pos.z = 0.;\n"; + else if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) fmain += + "pos = vec4(-log(pos.w-pos.x), pos.y, pos.z, 1);\n" + "pos.yz *= exp(pos.x);\n"; + else if(hyperbolic || sphere) fmain += + "pos /= pos.w;\n"; + else if(prod) fmain += + "pos = vec4(pos.x/pos.z, pos.y/pos.z, pos.w, 0);\n"; + fmain += + " mediump vec2 inface = map_texture(pos, which+walloffset);\n" + " mediump vec3 tmap = texture2D(tTextureMap, u).rgb;\n" + " if(tmap.z == 0.) col.xyz *= min(1., (1.-inface.x)/ tmap.x);\n" + " else {\n" + " mediump vec2 inface2 = tmap.xy + tmap.z * inface;\n" + " col.xyz *= texture2D(tTexture, inface2).rgb;\n" + " }\n"; + } + + if(volumetric::on) + fmain += " mediump float d = uExpStart * exp(-gou / uExpDecay);\n"; + + else + fmain += + " mediump float d = max(1. - gou / uLinearSightRange, uExpStart * exp(-gou / uExpDecay));\n"; + + if(!volumetric::on) fmain += + " col.xyz = col.xyz * d + uFogColor.xyz * (1.-d);\n"; + + if(nil) fmain += + " if(abs(abs(position.x)-abs(position.y)) < .005) col.xyz /= 2.;\n"; + + if(use_reflect) fmain += + " if(col.w == 1.) {\n" + " col.w = " + to_glsl(1-reflect_val)+";\n" + " reflect = true;\n" + " }\n"; + + ld vnear = glhr::vnear_default; + ld vfar = glhr::vfar_default; + + fmain += + " gl_FragColor.xyz += left * col.xyz * col.w;\n"; + + if(use_reflect) fmain += + " if(reflect && depthtoset) {\n"; + else fmain += + " if(col.w == 1.) {\n"; + + if(hyperbolic && !eyes) fmain += + " mediump vec4 t = at0 * sinh(go);\n"; + else fmain += + " mediump vec4 t = at0 * go;\n"; + + fmain += + " t.w = 1.;\n"; + + if(levellines) { + if(hyperbolic && !eyes) + fmain += "gl_FragColor.xyz *= 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(z/cosh(go) * uLevelLines * 2. * PI);\n"; + else + fmain += "gl_FragColor.xyz *= 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(z * uLevelLines * 2. * PI);\n"; + fsh += "uniform mediump float uLevelLines;\n"; + } + + if(panini_alpha) + fmain += panini_shader(); + + else if(stereo_alpha) + fmain += stereo_shader(); + + #ifndef GLES_ONLY + fmain += + " gl_FragDepth = (" + to_glsl(-vnear-vfar)+"+t.w*" + to_glsl(2*vnear*vfar)+"/t.z)/" + to_glsl(vnear-vfar)+";\n" + " gl_FragDepth = (gl_FragDepth + 1.) / 2.;\n"; + #endif + + if(!use_reflect) fmain += + " return;\n"; + else fmain += + " depthtoset = false;\n"; + + fmain += + " }\n" + " left *= (1. - col.w);\n" + " }\n"; + + if(use_reflect) + apply_reflect(); + + // next cell + fmain += + " mediump vec4 connection = texture2D(tConnections, u);\n" + " cid = connection.xy;\n"; + + if(many_cell_types) + fmain += "int nwalloffset = int(connection.w * " + to_glsl(max_wall_offset) + ");\n"; + + fmain += " int mid = int(connection.z * 1024.);\n"; + + string no_intra_portal = ""; + + no_intra_portal += + " mediump mat4 m = " + getM("mid") + " * " + getM("walloffset+which") + ";\n"; + + if(eyes) + no_intra_portal += " vw = m * vw;\n"; + + else no_intra_portal += + " position = m * position;\n" + " tangent = m * tangent;\n"; + + if(prod) no_intra_portal = + " if(which == sides-2) { zpos += uPLevel+uPLevel; }\n" + " else if(which == sides-1) { zpos -= uPLevel+uPLevel; }\n" + " else {\n" + no_intra_portal + "}\n"; + + if(stretch::mstretch) no_intra_portal += + " m = s_itranslate(m*vec4(0,0,0,1)) * m;" + " fromOrig = m * fromOrig;\n" + " m[0][1] = -m[0][1]; m[1][0] = -m[1][0];\n" // inverse + " toOrig = toOrig * m;\n"; + + fmain += no_intra_portal; + + if(many_cell_types) { + fmain += + "walloffset = nwalloffset;\n" + "sides = int(connection.w * " + to_glsl(max_wall_offset * max_celltype) + ") - " + its(max_celltype) + " * walloffset;\n"; + + // fmain += "if(sides != 8) { gl_FragColor = vec4(.5,float(sides)/8.,.5,1); return; }"; + } + } + void enable_raycaster() { using glhr::to_glsl; auto state = raycaster_state(); @@ -293,54 +1202,47 @@ void enable_raycaster() { saved_state = state; } - auto getM = [] (string s) { - if(m_via_texture) - return "getM(" + s + ")"; - else - return "uM[" + s + "]"; - }; + last_geometry = geometry; - auto getWall = [] (string s, int coord) { - if(wall_via_texture) - return "getWall(" + s + "," + its(coord) + ")"; - else - return "uWall" + string(coord?"Y" : "X") + "[" + s + "]"; - }; + if(!our_raycaster) { + auto& g = our_raygen; + g.create(); - auto getWallstart = [] (string s) { - if(wall_via_texture) - return "getWallstart(" + s + ")"; - else - return "uWallstart[" + s + "]"; - }; - + g.fsh += g.fmain; + callhooks(hooks_rayshader, g.vsh, g.fsh); + our_raycaster = make_shared (g.vsh, g.fsh); + } + full_enable(our_raycaster); + } + +void raygen::create() { + using glhr::to_glsl; currentmap->wall_offset(centerover); /* so raywall is not empty and deg is not zero */ deg = 0; - auto samples = hybrid::gen_sample_list(); + auto samples = used_sample_list(); for(int i=0; i 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n" - " mediump float d = atanh(v);\n" - " mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n" - " if(next_tangent[2] < (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[2]) continue;\n" - " d /= xspeed;\n"; - else if(in_s2xe()) fmain += - " mediump float v = ((position - " + getM("woi") + " * position)[2] / (" + getM("woi") + " * tangent - tangent)[2]);\n" - " mediump float d = atan(v);\n" - " mediump vec4 next_tangent = tangent * cos(d) - position * sin(d);\n" - " if(next_tangent[2] > (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[2]) continue;\n" - " d /= xspeed;\n"; - else if(in_e2xe()) fmain += - " mediump float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent);\n" - " if(deno < 1e-6 && deno > -1e-6) continue;\n" - " mediump float d = (dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n" - " if(d < 0.) continue;\n" - " mediump vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n" - " if(dot(next_position, tangent) < dot(" + getM("woi") + "*next_position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent)) continue;\n" - " d /= xspeed;\n"; - else if(hyperbolic) fmain += - " mediump float v = ((position - " + getM("woi") + " * position)[3] / (" + getM("woi") + " * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n" - " if(v > 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n" - " mediump float d = atanh(v);\n" - " mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n" - " if(next_tangent[3] < (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[3]) continue;\n"; - else if(sphere) fmain += - " mediump float v = ((position - " + getM("woi") + " * position)[3] / (" + getM("woi") + " * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n" - " mediump float d = atan(v);\n" - " mediump vec4 next_tangent = -position * sin(d) + tangent * cos(d);\n" - " if(next_tangent[3] > (" + getM("woi") + " * next_tangent)[3]) continue;\n"; - else fmain += - " mediump float deno = dot(position, tangent) - dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent);\n" - " if(deno < 1e-6 && deno > -1e-6) continue;\n" - " mediump float d = (dot(" + getM("woi") + "*position, " + getM("woi") + "*position) - dot(position, position)) / 2. / deno;\n" - " if(d < 0.) continue;\n" - " mediump vec4 next_position = position + d * tangent;\n" - " if(dot(next_position, tangent) < dot(" + getM("woi") + "*next_position, " + getM("woi") + "*tangent)) continue;\n"; - - replace_str(fmain, "[woi]", "[walloffset+i]"); - replace_str(fmain, "(woi)", "(walloffset+i)"); - - fmain += - " if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n" - "}\n"; - if(hyperbolic && reg3::ultra_mirror_in()) { - fmain += "for(int i="+its(S7*2)+"; i<"+its(S7*2+isize(cgi.heptshape->vertices_only))+"; i++) {\n"; - fmain += "mat4 uMi = " + getM("i") + ";"; - fmain += - " mediump float v = ((position - uMi * position)[3] / (uMi * tangent - tangent)[3]);\n" - " if(v > 1. || v < -1.) continue;\n" - " mediump float d = atanh(v);\n" - " mediump vec4 next_tangent = position * sinh(d) + tangent * cosh(d);\n" - " if(next_tangent[3] < (uMi * next_tangent)[3]) continue;\n" - " if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n" - "}\n"; - } - - - // 20: get to horosphere +uBLevel (take smaller root) - // 21: get to horosphere -uBLevel (take larger root) - - if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) { - fmain += - "for(int i=20; i<22; i++) {\n" - "mediump float sgn = i == 20 ? -1. : 1.;\n" - "mediump vec4 zpos = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n" - "mediump vec4 ztan = xpush(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n" - "mediump float Mp = zpos.w - zpos.x;\n" - "mediump float Mt = ztan.w - ztan.x;\n" - "mediump float a = (Mp*Mp-Mt*Mt);\n" - "mediump float b = Mp/a;\n" - "mediump float c = (1.+Mt*Mt) / a;\n" - "if(b*b < c) continue;\n" - "if(sgn < 0. && Mt > 0.) continue;\n" - "mediump float zsgn = (Mt > 0. ? -sgn : sgn);\n" - "mediump float u = sqrt(b*b-c)*zsgn + b;\n" - "mediump float v = -(Mp*u-1.) / Mt;\n" - "mediump float d = asinh(v);\n" - "if(d < 0. && abs(log(position.w*position.w-position.x*position.x)) < uBLevel) continue;\n" - "if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n" - "}\n"; - } - - if(prod) fmain += - "if(zspeed > 0.) { mediump float d = (uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = sides-1; }}\n" - "if(zspeed < 0.) { mediump float d = (-uPLevel - zpos) / zspeed; if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = sides-2; }}\n"; - - fmain += "}\n"; - - fmain += - " if(dist < 0.) { dist = 0.; }\n"; - - fmain += - " if(which == -1 && dist == 0.) return;"; - } - - // shift d units - if(use_reflect) fmain += - "bool reflect = false;\n"; - - if(in_h2xe() && !stepbased) fmain += - " mediump float ch = cosh(dist*xspeed); mediump float sh = sinh(dist*xspeed);\n" - " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" - " tangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n" - " position = v;\n" - " zpos += dist * zspeed;\n"; - else if(in_s2xe() && !stepbased) fmain += - " mediump float ch = cos(dist*xspeed); mediump float sh = sin(dist*xspeed);\n" - " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" - " tangent = tangent * ch - position * sh;\n" - " position = v;\n" - " zpos += dist * zspeed;\n"; - else if(in_e2xe() && !stepbased) fmain += - " position = position + tangent * dist * xspeed;\n" - " zpos += dist * zspeed;\n"; - else if(hyperbolic && !stepbased) fmain += - " mediump float ch = cosh(dist); mediump float sh = sinh(dist);\n" - " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" - " tangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n" - " position = v;\n"; - else if(sphere && !stepbased) fmain += - " mediump float ch = cos(dist); mediump float sh = sin(dist);\n" - " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" - " tangent = tangent * ch - position * sh;\n" - " position = v;\n"; - else if(stepbased) { - - bool use_christoffel = true; - - if(sol && nih) fsh += - "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" - " return vec4(-(vel.z*tra.x + vel.x*tra.z)*log(2.), (vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z)*log(3.), vel.x*tra.x * exp(2.*log(2.)*pos.z)*log(2.) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*log(3.)*pos.z)*log(3.), 0.);\n" - " }\n"; - else if(nih) fsh += - "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" - " return vec4((vel.z*tra.x + vel.x*tra.z)*log(2.), (vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z)*log(3.), -vel.x*tra.x * exp(-2.*log(2.)*pos.z)*log(2.) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*log(3.)*pos.z)*log(3.), 0.);\n" - " }\n"; - else if(sol) fsh += - "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" - " return vec4(-vel.z*tra.x - vel.x*tra.z, vel.z*tra.y + vel.y * tra.z, vel.x*tra.x * exp(2.*pos.z) - vel.y * tra.y * exp(-2.*pos.z), 0.);\n" - " }\n"; - else if(nil) { - fsh += - "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" - " mediump float x = pos.x;\n" - " return vec4(x*vel.y*tra.y - 0.5*dot(vel.yz,tra.zy), -.5*x*dot(vel.yx,tra.xy) + .5 * dot(vel.zx,tra.xz), -.5*(x*x-1.)*dot(vel.yx,tra.xy)+.5*x*dot(vel.zx,tra.xz), 0.);\n" -// " return vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);\n" - " }\n"; - use_christoffel = false; - } - else if(sl2 || stretch::in()) { - if(sl2) { - fsh += "mediump mat4 s_translate(vec4 h) {\n" - "return mat4(h.w,h.z,h.y,h.x,-h.z,h.w,-h.x,h.y,h.y,-h.x,h.w,-h.z,h.x,h.y,h.z,h.w);\n" - "}\n"; - } - else { - fsh += "mediump mat4 s_translate(vec4 h) {\n" - "return mat4(h.w,h.z,-h.y,-h.x,-h.z,h.w,h.x,-h.y,h.y,-h.x,h.w,-h.z,h.x,h.y,h.z,h.w);\n" - "}\n"; - } - fsh += "mediump mat4 s_itranslate(vec4 h) {\n" - "h.xyz = -h.xyz; return s_translate(h);\n" - "}\n"; - if(stretch::mstretch) { - fsh += "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n" - "vel = s_itranslate(toOrig * pos) * toOrig * vel;\n" - "tra = s_itranslate(toOrig * pos) * toOrig * tra;\n" - "return fromOrig * s_translate(toOrig * pos) * vec4(\n"; - - for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { - auto &c = stretch::ms_christoffel; - fsh += " 0."; - for(int j=0; j<3; j++) - for(int k=0; k<3; k++) - if(c[i][j][k]) - fsh += " + vel["+its(j)+"]*tra["+its(k)+"]*" + to_glsl(c[i][j][k]); - fsh += " ,\n"; - } - fsh += " 0);\n" - "}\n"; - } - else - use_christoffel = false; - } - else use_christoffel = false; - - if(use_christoffel) fsh += "mediump vec4 get_acc(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel) {\n" - " return christoffel(pos, vel, vel);\n" - " }\n"; - - if(sn::in() && !asonov) fsh += "uniform mediump float uBinaryWidth;\n"; - - fmain += - " dist = next < minstep ? 2.*next : next;\n"; - - if(nil && !use_christoffel) fsh += - "mediump vec4 translate(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 b) {\n" - "return vec4(a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2] + a[0] * b[1], b[3]);\n" - "}\n" - "mediump vec4 translatev(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 t) {\n" - "return vec4(t[0], t[1], t[2] + a[0] * t[1], 0.);\n" - "}\n" - "mediump vec4 itranslate(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 b) {\n" - "return vec4(-a[0] + b[0], -a[1] + b[1], -a[2] + b[2] - a[0] * (b[1]-a[1]), b[3]);\n" - "}\n" - "mediump vec4 itranslatev(mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 t) {\n" - "return vec4(t[0], t[1], t[2] - a[0] * t[1], 0.);\n" - "}\n"; - - // if(nil) fmain += "tangent = translate(position, itranslate(position, tangent));\n"; - - if(use_christoffel) fmain += - "mediump vec4 vel = tangent * dist;\n" - "mediump vec4 acc1 = get_acc(position, vel);\n" - "mediump vec4 acc2 = get_acc(position + vel / 2., vel + acc1/2.);\n" - "mediump vec4 acc3 = get_acc(position + vel / 2. + acc1/4., vel + acc2/2.);\n" - "mediump vec4 acc4 = get_acc(position + vel + acc2/2., vel + acc3/2.);\n" - "mediump vec4 nposition = position + vel + (acc1+acc2+acc3)/6.;\n"; - - if((sl2 || stretch::in()) && use_christoffel) { - if(sl2) fmain += - "nposition = nposition / sqrt(dot(position.zw, position.zw) - dot(nposition.xy, nposition.xy));\n"; - - else if(stretch::in()) fmain += - "nposition = nposition / sqrt(dot(nposition, nposition));\n"; - } - - if((sl2 || stretch::in()) && !use_christoffel) { - ld SV = stretch::not_squared(); - ld mul = (sphere?1:-1)-1/SV/SV; - fmain += - "vec4 vel = s_itranslate(position) * tangent * dist;\n" - "vec4 vel1 = vel; vel1.z *= " + to_glsl(stretch::not_squared()) + ";\n" - "mediump float vlen = length(vel1.xyz);\n" - "if(vel.z<0.) vlen=-vlen;\n" - "float z_part = vel1.z/vlen;\n" - "float x_part = sqrt(1.-z_part*z_part);\n" - "const float SV = " + to_glsl(SV) + ";\n" - "float rparam = x_part / z_part / SV;\n" - "float beta = atan2(vel.y,vel.x);\n" - "if(vlen<0.) beta += PI;\n" - "mediump vec4 nposition, ntangent;\n"; - - if(sl2) fmain += - "if(rparam > 1.) {\n" - "float cr = 1./sqrt(rparam*rparam-1.);\n" - "float sr = rparam*cr;\n" - "float z = cr * " + to_glsl(mul) + ";\n" - "float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n" - "float k = -a;\n" - "float u = z*a;\n" - "float xy = sr * sinh(k);\n" - "float zw = cr * sinh(k);\n" - "nposition = vec4(" - "-xy*cos(u+beta)," - "-xy*sin(u+beta)," - "zw*cos(u)-cosh(k)*sin(u)," - "zw*sin(u)+cosh(k)*cos(u)" - ");\n" - - "ntangent = vec4(" - "-sr*cosh(k)*k*cos(u+beta) + u*xy*sin(u+beta)," - "-sr*cosh(k)*k*sin(u+beta) - u*xy*cos(u+beta)," - "k*cr*cosh(k)*cos(u)-zw*sin(u)*u-k*sinh(k)*sin(u)-u*cosh(k)*cos(u)," - "k*cr*cosh(k)*sin(u)+u*zw*cos(u)+k*sinh(k)*cos(u)-u*cosh(k)*sin(u)" - ");\n" - "}\n" - "else {\n" - "float r = atanh(rparam);\n" - "float cr = cosh(r);\n" - "float sr = sinh(r);\n" - "float z = cr * "+to_glsl(mul)+";\n" - "float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n" - "float k = -a;\n" - "float u = z*a;\n" - "float xy = sr * sin(k);\n" - "float zw = cr * sin(k);\n" - "ntangent = vec4(" - "-sr*cos(k)*k*cos(u+beta) + u*xy*sin(u+beta)," - "-sr*cos(k)*k*sin(u+beta) - u*xy*cos(u+beta)," - "k*cr*cos(k)*cos(u)-zw*sin(u)*u+k*sin(k)*sin(u)-u*cos(k)*cos(u)," - "k*cr*cos(k)*sin(u)+zw*cos(u)*u-k*sin(k)*cos(u)-u*cos(k)*sin(u)" - ");\n" - "nposition = vec4(" - "-xy * cos(u+beta)," - "-xy * sin(u+beta)," - "zw * cos(u) - cos(k) * sin(u)," - "zw * sin(u) + cos(k)*cos(u)" - ");\n" - "}\n"; - - else fmain += - "if(true) {\n" - "float r = atan(rparam);\n" - "float cr = cos(r);\n" - "float sr = sin(r);\n" - "float z = cr * "+to_glsl(mul)+";\n" - "float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n" - "float k = a;\n" - "float u = z*a;\n" - "float xy = sr * sin(k);\n" - "float zw = cr * sin(k);\n" - "ntangent = vec4(" - "sr*cos(k)*k*cos(u+beta) - u*xy*sin(u+beta)," - "sr*cos(k)*k*sin(u+beta) + u*xy*cos(u+beta)," - "k*cr*cos(k)*cos(u)-zw*sin(u)*u+k*sin(k)*sin(u)-u*cos(k)*cos(u)," - "k*cr*cos(k)*sin(u)+zw*cos(u)*u-k*sin(k)*cos(u)-u*cos(k)*sin(u)" - ");\n" - "nposition = vec4(" - "xy * cos(u+beta)," - "xy * sin(u+beta)," - "zw * cos(u) - cos(k) * sin(u)," - "zw * sin(u) + cos(k)*cos(u)" - ");\n" - "}\n"; - - fmain += - "ntangent = ntangent / dist;\n" - "ntangent = s_translate(position) * ntangent;\n" - "nposition = s_translate(position) * nposition;\n"; - } - - if(nil && !use_christoffel && !eyes) { - fmain += - "mediump vec4 xp, xt;\n" - "mediump vec4 back = itranslatev(position, tangent);\n" - "if(back.x == 0. && back.y == 0.) {\n" - " xp = vec4(0., 0., back.z*dist, 1.);\n" - " xt = back;\n" - " }\n" - "else if(abs(back.z) == 0.) {\n" - " xp = vec4(back.x*dist, back.y*dist, back.x*back.y*dist*dist/2., 1.);\n" - " xt = vec4(back.x, back.y, dist*back.x*back.y, 0.);\n" - " }\n" - "else if(abs(back.z) < 1e-1) {\n" -// we use the midpoint method here, because the formulas below cause glitches due to mediump float precision - " mediump vec4 acc = christoffel(vec4(0,0,0,1), back, back);\n" - " mediump vec4 pos2 = back * dist / 2.;\n" - " mediump vec4 tan2 = back + acc * dist / 2.;\n" - " mediump vec4 acc2 = christoffel(pos2, tan2, tan2);\n" - " xp = vec4(0,0,0,1) + back * dist + acc2 / 2. * dist * dist;\n" - " xt = back + acc * dist;\n" - " }\n" - "else {\n" - " mediump float alpha = atan2(back.y, back.x);\n" - " mediump float w = back.z * dist;\n" - " mediump float c = length(back.xy) / back.z;\n" - " xp = vec4(2.*c*sin(w/2.) * cos(w/2.+alpha), 2.*c*sin(w/2.)*sin(w/2.+alpha), w*(1.+(c*c/2.)*((1.-sin(w)/w)+(1.-cos(w))/w * sin(w+2.*alpha))), 1.);\n" - " xt = back.z * vec4(" - "c*cos(alpha+w)," - "c*sin(alpha+w)," - "1. + c*c*2.*sin(w/2.)*sin(alpha+w)*cos(alpha+w/2.)," - "0.);\n" - " }\n" - "mediump vec4 nposition = translate(position, xp);\n"; - } - - if(asonov) { - fsh += "uniform mediump mat4 uStraighten;\n"; - fmain += "mediump vec4 sp = uStraighten * nposition;\n"; - } - - if(eyes) { - fmain += - " mediump float t = go + dist;\n"; - fmain += prod ? - " mediump vec4 v = at1 * t;\n" : - " mediump vec4 v = at0 * t;\n"; - fmain += - " v[3] = 1.;\n" - " mediump vec4 azeq = uEyeShift * v;\n"; - if(nil) fmain += - " mediump float alpha = atan2(azeq.y, azeq.x);\n" - " mediump float w = azeq.z;\n" - " mediump float c = length(azeq.xy) / azeq.z;\n" - " mediump vec4 xp = vec4(2.*c*sin(w/2.) * cos(w/2.+alpha), 2.*c*sin(w/2.)*sin(w/2.+alpha), w*(1.+(c*c/2.)*((1.-sin(w)/w)+(1.-cos(w))/w * sin(w+2.*alpha))), 1.);\n" - " mediump vec4 orig_position = vw * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);\n" - " mediump vec4 nposition = translate(orig_position, xp);\n"; - else if(prod) { - fmain += - " mediump float alen_xy = length(azeq.xy);\n"; - fmain += " mediump float nzpos = zpos + azeq.z;\n"; - if(in_h2xe()) { - fmain += " azeq.xy *= sinh(alen_xy) / alen_xy;\n"; - fmain += " azeq.z = cosh(alen_xy);\n"; - } - else if(in_s2xe()) { - fmain += " azeq.xy *= sin (alen_xy) / alen_xy;\n"; - fmain += " azeq.z = cos(alen_xy);\n"; - } - else { - /* euclid */ - fmain += " azeq.z = 1.;\n"; - } - fmain += "azeq.w = 0.;\n"; - fmain += - " mediump vec4 nposition = vw * azeq;\n"; - } - else { - fmain += - " mediump float alen = length(azeq.xyz);\n"; - if(hyperbolic) fmain += - " azeq *= sinh(alen) / alen;\n" - " azeq[3] = cosh(alen);\n"; - else if(sphere) fmain += - " azeq *= sin(alen) / alen;\n" - " azeq[3] = cos(alen);\n"; - else /* euclid */ fmain += - " azeq[3] = 1;\n"; - fmain += - " mediump vec4 nposition = vw * azeq;\n"; - } - } - - else if(hyperbolic) { - fmain += - " mediump float ch = cosh(dist); mediump float sh = sinh(dist);\n" - " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" - " mediump vec4 ntangent = tangent * ch + position * sh;\n" - " mediump vec4 nposition = v;\n"; - } - - else if(sphere && !stretch::in()) { - fmain += - " mediump float ch = cos(dist); mediump float sh = sin(dist);\n" - " mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n" - " mediump vec4 ntangent = tangent * ch - position * sh;\n" - " mediump vec4 nposition = v;\n"; - } - - bool reg = hyperbolic || sphere || euclid || sl2 || prod; - - if(reg) { - fsh += "mediump float len_h(vec4 h) { return 1. - h[3]; }\n"; - string s = (rotspace || prod) ? "-2" : ""; - fmain += - " mediump float best = len(nposition);\n" - " for(int i=0; i uPLevel) which = sides-1;\n" - "if(nzpos <-uPLevel) which = sides-2;\n"; - } - } - - if(nil) fmain += - "mediump float rz = (abs(nposition.x) > abs(nposition.y) ? -nposition.x*nposition.y : 0.) + nposition.z;\n"; - - fmain += - "if(next >= minstep) {\n"; - - string hnilw = to_glsl(nilv::nilwidth / 2); - string hnilw2 = to_glsl(nilv::nilwidth * nilv::nilwidth / 2); - - if(reg) fmain += "if(which != -1) {\n"; - else if(asonov) fmain += - "if(abs(sp.x) > 1. || abs(sp.y) > 1. || abs(sp.z) > 1.) {\n"; - else if(nih) fmain += - "if(abs(nposition.x) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.y) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.z) > .5) {\n"; - else if(sol) fmain += - "if(abs(nposition.x) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.y) > uBinaryWidth || abs(nposition.z) > log(2.)/2.) {\n"; - else fmain += - "if(abs(nposition.x) > "+hnilw+" || abs(nposition.y) > "+hnilw+" || abs(rz) > "+hnilw2+") {\n"; - - fmain += - "next = dist / 2.; continue;\n" - "}\n" - "if(next < maxstep) next = next / 2.;\n" - "}\n" - "else {\n"; - - if(sn::in()) { - if(asonov) fmain += - "if(sp.x > 1.) which = 4;\n" - "if(sp.y > 1.) which = 5;\n" - "if(sp.x <-1.) which = 10;\n" - "if(sp.y <-1.) which = 11;\n" - "if(sp.z > 1.) {\n" - "mediump float best = 999.;\n" - "for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {\n" - "mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n" - "if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n" - "}\n" - "}\n" - "if(sp.z < -1.) {\n" - "mediump float best = 999.;\n" - "for(int i=6; i<10; i++) {\n" - "mediump float cand = len(uStraighten * " + getM("i") + " * position);\n" - "if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i;}\n" - "}\n" - "}\n"; - else if(sol && !nih) fmain += - "if(nposition.x > uBinaryWidth) which = 0;\n" - "if(nposition.x <-uBinaryWidth) which = 4;\n" - "if(nposition.y > uBinaryWidth) which = 1;\n" - "if(nposition.y <-uBinaryWidth) which = 5;\n"; - if(nih) fmain += - "if(nposition.x > uBinaryWidth) which = 0;\n" - "if(nposition.x <-uBinaryWidth) which = 2;\n" - "if(nposition.y > uBinaryWidth) which = 1;\n" - "if(nposition.y <-uBinaryWidth) which = 3;\n"; - if(sol && nih) fmain += - "if(nposition.z > .5) which = nposition.x > 0. ? 5 : 4;\n" - "if(nposition.z <-.5) which = nposition.y > uBinaryWidth/3. ? 8 : nposition.y < -uBinaryWidth/3. ? 6 : 7;\n"; - if(nih && !sol) fmain += - "if(nposition.z > .5) which = 4;\n" - "if(nposition.z < -.5) which = (nposition.y > uBinaryWidth/3. ? 9 : nposition.y < -uBinaryWidth/3. ? 5 : 7) + (nposition.x>0.?1:0);\n"; - if(sol && !nih && !asonov) fmain += - "if(nposition.z > log(2.)/2.) which = nposition.x > 0. ? 3 : 2;\n" - "if(nposition.z <-log(2.)/2.) which = nposition.y > 0. ? 7 : 6;\n"; - } - else if(nil) fmain += - "if(nposition.x > "+hnilw+") which = 3;\n" - "if(nposition.x <-"+hnilw+") which = 0;\n" - "if(nposition.y > "+hnilw+") which = 4;\n" - "if(nposition.y <-"+hnilw+") which = 1;\n" - "if(rz > "+hnilw2+") which = 5;\n" - "if(rz <-"+hnilw2+") which = 2;\n"; - - fmain += - "next = maxstep;\n" - "}\n"; - - if(use_christoffel) fmain += - "tangent = tangent + (acc1+2.*acc2+2.*acc3+acc4)/(6.*dist);\n"; - else if(nil && !eyes) fmain += - "tangent = translatev(position, xt);\n"; - else if(!eyes) - fmain += - "tangent = ntangent;\n"; - - if(!eyes) fmain += - "position = nposition;\n"; - else fmain += "vec4 position = nposition;\n"; - - if((stretch::in() || sl2) && use_christoffel) { - fmain += - "tangent = s_itranslate(toOrig * position) * toOrig * tangent;\n" - "tangent[3] = 0.;\n"; - if(stretch::mstretch) - fmain += - "float nvelsquared = dot(tangent.xyz, (uATOI * tangent).xyz);\n"; - else - fmain += - "float nvelsquared = tangent.x * tangent.x + tangent.y * tangent.y + " - + to_glsl(stretch::squared()) + " * tangent.z * tangent.z;\n"; - fmain += - "tangent /= sqrt(nvelsquared);\n" - "tangent = fromOrig * s_translate(toOrig * position) * tangent;\n"; - } - } - else fmain += - "position = position + tangent * dist;\n"; - - if(!eyes) { - if(hyperbolic) fmain += - "position /= sqrt(position.w*position.w - dot(position.xyz, position.xyz));\n" - "tangent -= dot(vec4(-position.xyz, position.w), tangent) * position;\n" - "tangent /= sqrt(dot(tangent.xyz, tangent.xyz) - tangent.w*tangent.w);\n"; - - if(in_h2xe()) fmain += - "position /= sqrt(position.z*position.z - dot(position.xy, position.xy));\n" - "tangent -= dot(vec3(-position.xy, position.z), tangent.xyz) * position;\n" - "tangent /= sqrt(dot(tangent.xy, tangent.xy) - tangent.z*tangent.z);\n"; - } - - if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) { - fmain += - "if(which == 20) {\n" - " mediump float best = 999.;\n" - " for(int i="+its(flat2)+"; i<"+its(S7)+"; i++) {\n" - " mediump float cand = len(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n" - " if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n" - " }\n" - "}\n" - "if(which == 21) {\n" - "mediump float best = 999.;\n" - "for(int i=0; i<"+its(flat1)+"; i++) {\n" - " mediump float cand = len(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n" - " if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n" - " }\n" -// "gl_FragColor = vec4(.5 + .5 * sin((go+dist)*100.), 1, float(which)/3., 1); return;\n" - "}\n"; - } - - if(volumetric::on) fmain += - "if(dist > 0. && go < " + to_glsl(hard_limit) + ") {\n" - " if(dist > "+to_glsl(hard_limit)+" - go) dist = "+to_glsl(hard_limit)+" - go;\n" - " mediump vec4 col = texture2D(tVolumetric, cid);\n" - " mediump float factor = col.w; col.w = 1.;\n" - " mediump float frac = exp(-(factor + 1. / uExpDecay) * dist);\n" - " gl_FragColor += left * (1.-frac) * col;\n" - " left *= frac;\n" - " }\n;"; - - fmain += " go = go + dist;\n"; - - fmain += "if(which == -1) continue;\n"; - - if(prod && eyes) fmain += "position.w = -nzpos;\n"; - else if(prod) fmain += "position.w = -zpos;\n"; - - if(reg3::ultra_mirror_in()) fmain += - "if(which >= " + its(S7) + ") {" - " tangent = " + getM("which") + " * tangent;\n" - " continue;\n" - " }\n"; - - // apply wall color - fmain += - " mediump vec2 u = cid + vec2(float(which) / float(uLength), 0);\n" - " mediump vec4 col = texture2D(tWallcolor, u);\n" - " if(col[3] > 0.0) {\n"; - - if(eyes) - fmain += " mediump float gou = go / uAbsUnit;\n"; - else - fmain += " mediump float gou = go;\n"; - - if(hard_limit < NO_LIMIT) - fmain += " if(gou > " + to_glsl(hard_limit) + ") { gl_FragDepth = 1.; return; }\n"; - - if(!(levellines && disable_texture)) fmain += - " mediump vec2 inface = map_texture(position, which+walloffset);\n" - " mediump vec3 tmap = texture2D(tTextureMap, u).rgb;\n" - " if(tmap.z == 0.) col.xyz *= min(1., (1.-inface.x)/ tmap.x);\n" - " else {\n" - " mediump vec2 inface2 = tmap.xy + tmap.z * inface;\n" - " col.xyz *= texture2D(tTexture, inface2).rgb;\n" - " }\n"; - - if(volumetric::on) - fmain += " mediump float d = uExpStart * exp(-gou / uExpDecay);\n"; - - else - fmain += - " mediump float d = max(1. - gou / uLinearSightRange, uExpStart * exp(-gou / uExpDecay));\n"; - - if(!volumetric::on) fmain += - " col.xyz = col.xyz * d + uFogColor.xyz * (1.-d);\n"; - - if(nil) fmain += - " if(abs(abs(position.x)-abs(position.y)) < .005) col.xyz /= 2.;\n"; - - if(use_reflect) fmain += - " if(col.w == 1.) {\n" - " col.w = " + to_glsl(1-reflect_val)+";\n" - " reflect = true;\n" - " }\n"; - - ld vnear = glhr::vnear_default; - ld vfar = glhr::vfar_default; + emit_iterate(); fmain += - " gl_FragColor.xyz += left * col.xyz * col.w;\n"; - - if(use_reflect) fmain += - " if(reflect && depthtoset) {\n"; - else fmain += - " if(col.w == 1.) {\n"; - - if(hyperbolic && !eyes) fmain += - " mediump vec4 t = at0 * sinh(go);\n"; - else fmain += - " mediump vec4 t = at0 * go;\n"; - - fmain += - " t.w = 1.;\n"; - - if(levellines) { - if(hyperbolic && !eyes) - fmain += "gl_FragColor.xyz *= 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(z/cosh(go) * uLevelLines * 2. * PI);\n"; - else - fmain += "gl_FragColor.xyz *= 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(z * uLevelLines * 2. * PI);\n"; - fsh += "uniform mediump float uLevelLines;\n"; - } - - if(panini_alpha) - fmain += panini_shader(); - - else if(stereo_alpha) - fmain += stereo_shader(); - - #ifndef GLES_ONLY - fmain += - " gl_FragDepth = (" + to_glsl(-vnear-vfar)+"+t.w*" + to_glsl(2*vnear*vfar)+"/t.z)/" + to_glsl(vnear-vfar)+";\n" - " gl_FragDepth = (gl_FragDepth + 1.) / 2.;\n"; - #endif - - if(!use_reflect) fmain += - " return;\n"; - else fmain += - " depthtoset = false;\n"; - - fmain += - " }\n" - " left *= (1. - col.w);\n" - " }\n"; - - if(use_reflect) { - if(prod) fmain += "if(reflect && which >= sides-2) { zspeed = -zspeed; continue; }\n"; - if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) fmain += - "if(reflect && (which < "+its(flat1)+" || which >= "+its(flat2)+")) {\n" - " mediump float x = -log(position.w - position.x);\n" - " mediump vec4 xtan = xpush(-x) * tangent;\n" - " mediump float diag = (position.y*position.y+position.z*position.z)/2.;\n" - " mediump vec4 normal = vec4(1.-diag, -position.y, -position.z, -diag);\n" - " mediump float mdot = dot(xtan.xyz, normal.xyz) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n" - " xtan = xtan - normal * mdot * 2.;\n" - " tangent = xpush(x) * xtan;\n" - " continue;\n" - " }\n"; - if(asonov) { - fmain += - " if(reflect) {\n" - " if(which == 4 || which == 10) tangent = refl(tangent, position.z, uReflectX);\n" - " else if(which == 5 || which == 11) tangent = refl(tangent, position.z, uReflectY);\n" - " else tangent.z = -tangent.z;\n" - " }\n"; - fsh += - "uniform mediump vec4 uReflectX, uReflectY;\n" - "mediump vec4 refl(mediump vec4 t, float z, mediump vec4 r) {\n" - "t.x *= exp(z); t.y /= exp(z);\n" - "t -= dot(t, r) * r;\n" - "t.x /= exp(z); t.y *= exp(z);\n" - "return t;\n" - "}\n"; - } - else if(sol && !nih && !asonov) fmain += - " if(reflect) {\n" - " if(which == 0 || which == 4) tangent.x = -tangent.x;\n" - " else if(which == 1 || which == 5) tangent.y = -tangent.y;\n" - " else tangent.z = -tangent.z;\n" - " continue;\n" - " }\n"; - else if(nih) fmain += - " if(reflect) {\n" - " if(which == 0 || which == 2) tangent.x = -tangent.x;\n" - " else if(which == 1 || which == 3) tangent.y = -tangent.y;\n" - " else tangent.z = -tangent.z;\n" - " continue;\n" - " }\n"; - else { - fmain += - " if(reflect) {\n" - " tangent = " + getM("uMirrorShift+walloffset+which") + " * tangent;\n" - " continue;\n" - " }\n"; - fsh += "uniform int uMirrorShift;\n"; - } - } - - // next cell - fmain += - " mediump vec4 connection = texture2D(tConnections, u);\n" - " cid = connection.xy;\n"; - - if(prod) fmain += - " if(which == sides-2) { zpos += uPLevel+uPLevel; }\n" - " if(which == sides-1) { zpos -= uPLevel+uPLevel; }\n"; - - fmain += - " int mid = int(connection.z * 1024.);\n" - " mediump mat4 m = " + getM("mid") + " * " + getM("walloffset+which") + ";\n"; - - if(eyes) - fmain += " vw = m * vw;\n"; - - else fmain += - " position = m * position;\n" - " tangent = m * tangent;\n"; - - if(stretch::mstretch) fmain += - " m = s_itranslate(m*vec4(0,0,0,1)) * m;" - " fromOrig = m * fromOrig;\n" - " m[0][1] = -m[0][1]; m[1][0] = -m[1][0];\n" // inverse - " toOrig = toOrig * m;\n"; - - if(many_cell_types) { - fmain += - "walloffset = int(connection.w * " + to_glsl(max_wall_offset) + ");\n" - "sides = int(connection.w * " + to_glsl(max_wall_offset * max_celltype) + ") - " + its(max_celltype) + " * walloffset;\n"; - - // fmain += "if(sides != 8) { gl_FragColor = vec4(.5,float(sides)/8.,.5,1); return; }"; - } - - fmain += " }\n" " gl_FragColor.xyz += left * uFogColor.xyz;\n"; @@ -1465,16 +1535,9 @@ void enable_raycaster() { " gl_FragDepth = 1.;\n"; #endif - fmain += + fmain += " }"; - - fsh += fmain; - - callhooks(hooks_rayshader, vsh, fsh); - - our_raycaster = make_shared (vsh, fsh); } - full_enable(our_raycaster); } void bind_array(vector>& v, GLint t, GLuint& tx, int id, int length) { @@ -1553,13 +1616,14 @@ struct raycast_map { vector ms; - int length, per_row, rows, mirror_shift; + int length, per_row, rows, mirror_shift, deg; vector> connections, wallcolor, texturemap, volumetric; void apply_shape() { length = 4096; - per_row = length / deg; + deg = our_raygen.deg; + per_row = length / deg; rows = next_p2((isize(lst)+per_row-1) / per_row); int q = length * rows; connections.resize(q); @@ -1569,7 +1633,7 @@ struct raycast_map { } void generate_initial_ms(cell *cs) { - auto sa = hybrid::gen_sample_list(); + auto sa = used_sample_list(); ms.clear(); ms.resize(sa.back().first, Id); @@ -1815,12 +1879,26 @@ EX void reset_raycaster_map() { rmap = nullptr; } +EX void load_walls(vector& wallx, vector& wally, vector& wallstart) { + int q = 0; + if(isize(wallx)) { + q = isize(wallx); + wallstart.pop_back(); + } + for(auto i: cgi.wallstart) wallstart.push_back(q + i); + dynamicval g(geometry, gCubeTiling); + for(auto& m: cgi.raywall) { + wallx.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(m[0])); + wally.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(m[1])); + } + } + EX void cast() { // may call itself recursively in case of bugs -- just in case... dynamicval dn(nesting, nesting+1); if(nesting > 10) return; - if(isize(cgi.raywall) > irays) reset_raycaster(); + if(isize(cgi.raywall) > our_raygen.irays) reset_raycaster(); enable_raycaster(); @@ -1909,8 +1987,7 @@ EX void cast() { } goto back; } - if(ray_fixes) println(hlog, "ray error x", ray_fixes); - + if(ray_fixes) println(hlog, "ray error x", ray_fixes, " centerover = ", centerover, " -> ", cs); glUniformMatrix4fv(o->uStart, 1, 0, glhr::tmtogl_transpose3(T).as_array()); if(o->uLP != -1) glUniformMatrix4fv(o->uLP, 1, 0, glhr::tmtogl_transpose3(inverse(NLP)).as_array()); @@ -1934,11 +2011,10 @@ EX void cast() { } vector wallx, wally; - for(auto& m: cgi.raywall) { - wallx.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(m[0])); - wally.push_back(glhr::pointtogl(m[1])); - } - + vector wallstart; + + load_walls(wallx, wally, wallstart); + if(wall_via_texture) { int wlength = next_p2(isize(wallx)); vector> w_map; @@ -1955,14 +2031,12 @@ EX void cast() { } } // println(hlog, "wallrange = ", tie(minval, maxval), " wallx = ", isize(wallx), " wallstart = ", isize(cgi.wallstart)); - for(int i=0; itWall, txWall, 8, wlength); glUniform1f(o->uInvLengthWall, 1. / wlength); } else { - vector wallstart; - for(auto i: cgi.wallstart) wallstart.push_back(i); glUniform1iv(o->uWallstart, isize(wallstart), &wallstart[0]); glUniform4fv(o->uWallX, isize(wallx), &wallx[0][0]); glUniform4fv(o->uWallY, isize(wally), &wally[0][0]);