mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-02-22 22:10:20 +00:00

saver enums

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2021-02-01 01:35:34 +01:00
parent 044518e18e
commit 298c051beb
4 changed files with 214 additions and 150 deletions

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@ -30,19 +30,56 @@ typedef vector<shared_ptr<supersaver>> saverlist;
extern saverlist savers;
struct float_setting {
struct setting {
string parameter_name;
ld *value;
string config_name;
string menu_item_name;
string help_text;
char default_key;
virtual bool affects(void *v) { return false; }
virtual void add_as_saver() {}
void show_edit_option() { show_edit_option(default_key); }
virtual void show_edit_option(char key) {
println(hlog, "default called!"); }
virtual string search_key() {
return parameter_name + "|" + config_name + "|" + menu_item_name;
virtual cld get_cld() = 0;
EX map<string, std::unique_ptr<setting>> params;
EX void show_edit_option_enum(char* value, const string& name, const vector<pair<string, string>>& options, char key, setting *s);
#if HDR
struct list_setting : setting {
virtual int get_value() = 0;
virtual void set_value(int i) = 0;
vector<pair<string, string> > options;
list_setting* editable(const vector<pair<string, string> >& o, string menu_item_name, char key) {
options = o;
this->menu_item_name = menu_item_name;
default_key = key;
return this;
virtual void show_edit_option(char key) override;
template<class T> struct enum_setting : list_setting {
T *value;
T dft;
int get_value() override { return (int) *value; }
void set_value(int i) override { *value = (T) i; }
virtual bool affects(void* v) override { return v == value; }
virtual void add_as_saver();
virtual cld get_cld() { return get_value(); }
struct float_setting : public setting {
ld *value;
ld dft;
ld min_value, max_value, step;
char default_key;
void add_as_saver();
void show_edit_option(char key);
void show_edit_option() { show_edit_option(default_key); }
float_setting *editable(ld min_value, ld max_value, ld step, string menu_item_name, string help_text, char key) {
this->min_value = min_value;
this->max_value = max_value;
@ -57,6 +94,10 @@ struct float_setting {
float_setting *set_extra(const reaction_t& r) { extra = r; return this; }
float_setting *set_reaction(const reaction_t& r) { reaction = r; return this; }
float_setting *modif(const function<void(float_setting*)>& r) { modify_me = r; return this; }
void add_as_saver();
virtual bool affects(void *v) override { return v == value; }
virtual void show_edit_option(char key) override;
virtual cld get_cld() { return *value; }
@ -162,7 +203,7 @@ template<> struct saver<ld> : dsaver<ld> {
void float_setting::add_as_saver() {
addsaver(*value, config_name);
addsaver(*value, config_name, dft);
@ -189,18 +230,42 @@ EX float_setting *addparamsaver(ld& val, const string p, const string s, ld dft)
u->dft = dft;
val = dft;
return &* (params[s] = std::move(u));
auto f = &*u;
params[s] = std::move(u);
return f;
EX float_setting *addparamsaver(ld& val, const string s) {
#if HDR
template<class T> void enum_setting<T>::add_as_saver() {
addsaverenum(*value, config_name, dft);
template<class T> enum_setting<T> *addparamsaver_enum(T& val, const string p, const string s, T dft) {
unique_ptr<enum_setting<T>> u ( new enum_setting<T> );
u->parameter_name = p;
u->config_name = s;
u->menu_item_name = s;
u->value = &val;
u->dft = dft;
val = dft;
auto f = &*u;
params[s] = std::move(u);
return f;
EX float_setting* addparamsaver(ld& val, const string s) {
return addparamsaver(val, s, s, val);
EX float_setting *addparamsaver(ld& val, const string p, const string s) {
EX float_setting* addparamsaver(ld& val, const string p, const string s) {
return addparamsaver(val, p, s, val);
EX float_setting *addparamsaver(ld& val, const string s, ld dft) {
EX float_setting* addparamsaver(ld& val, const string s, ld dft) {
return addparamsaver(val, s, s, dft);
@ -355,7 +420,9 @@ EX void initConfig() {
// basic config
addsaver(vid.flashtime, "flashtime", 8);
addsaver(vid.msgleft, "message style", 2);
addparamsaver_enum(vid.msgleft, "message_style", "message style", 2)
-> editable({{"centered", ""}, {"left-aligned", ""}, {"line-broken", ""}}, "message style", 'a');
addsaver(vid.msglimit, "message limit", 5);
addsaver(vid.timeformat, "message log time format", 0);
addsaver(fontscale, "fontscale", 100);
@ -377,7 +444,15 @@ EX void initConfig() {
addsaver(music_out_of_focus, "music out of focus", false);
addsaver(effvolume, "sound effect volume");
addsaverenum(glyphsortorder, "glyph sort order");
addparamsaver_enum(glyphsortorder, "glyph_sort", "glyph sort order", glyphsortorder)
{"first on top", ""},
{"first on bottom", ""},
{"last on top", ""},
{"last on bottom", ""},
{"by land", ""},
{"by number", ""}
}, "inventory/kill sorting", 'k');
// basic graphics
@ -393,7 +468,9 @@ EX void initConfig() {
addsaver(vid.full, "fullscreen", false);
addsaver(vid.aurastr, "aura strength", ISMOBILE ? 0 : 128);
addsaver(vid.aurasmoothen, "aura smoothen", 5);
addsaver(vid.graphglyph, "graphical items/kills", 1);
addparamsaver_enum(vid.graphglyph, "graphglyph", "graphical items/kills", 1)
-> editable({{"letters", ""}, {"auto", ""}, {"images", ""}}, "inventory/kill mode", 'd');
addsaver(vid.particles, "extra effects", 1);
addsaver(vid.framelimit, "frame limit", 75);
addsaver(vid.xres, "xres");
@ -494,7 +571,13 @@ EX void initConfig() {
addparamsaver(vid.anaglyph_eyewidth, "anaglyph", "eyewidth-anaglyph", 0.1);
addparamsaver(vid.fov, "fov", "field-of-vision", 90);
addsaver(vid.desaturate, "desaturate", 0);
addsaverenum(vid.stereo_mode, "stereo-mode");
addparamsaver_enum(vid.stereo_mode, "stereo_mode", "stereo-mode", vid.stereo_mode)
->editable({{"OFF", "no"}, {"anaglyph", ""}, {"side-by-side", ""}
, {"ODS", ""}
}, "stereo mode", 'm');
addsaver(vid.plevel_factor, "plevel_factor", 0.7);
@ -640,7 +723,12 @@ EX void initConfig() {
addsaver(nilv::nilperiod[1], "nilperiod_y");
addsaver(nilv::nilperiod[2], "nilperiod_z");
addsaverenum(neon_mode, "neon_mode");
addparamsaver_enum(neon_mode, "neon_mode", "neon_mode", neon_mode)
{{"OFF", ""}, {"standard", ""}, {"no boundary mode", ""}, {"neon mode II", ""}, {"illustration mode", ""}},
"neon mode", 'M'
addsaverenum(neon_nofill, "neon_nofill");
addsaver(noshadow, "noshadow");
addsaver(bright, "bright");
@ -1216,15 +1304,7 @@ EX void showGraphConfig() {
else dialog::addBreak(100);
auto neon_option = [&] (string s, eNeon val, char key) {
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT(s), neon_mode == val, key);
dialog::add_action([val] { neon_mode = (neon_mode == val) ? eNeon::none : val; });
neon_option("neon mode", eNeon::neon, 'B');
neon_option("no boundary mode", eNeon::no_boundary, 'C');
neon_option("neon mode II", eNeon::neon2, 'D');
neon_option("illustration mode", eNeon::illustration, 'E');
dialog::addInfo(XLAT("hint: press Alt while testing modes"));
@ -1368,12 +1448,7 @@ EX void configureInterface() {
const char* msgstyles[3] = {"centered", "left-aligned", "line-broken"};
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("message style"), XLAT(msgstyles[vid.msgleft]), 'a');
dialog::add_action([] {
vid.msgleft = (1+vid.msgleft) % 3;
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("font scale"), its(fontscale), 'b');
dialog::add_action([] {
@ -1383,21 +1458,8 @@ EX void configureInterface() {
const char *glyphsortnames[6] = {
"first on top", "first on bottom",
"last on top", "last on bottom",
"by land", "by number"
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("inventory/kill sorting"), XLAT(glyphsortnames[glyphsortorder]), 'k');
dialog::add_action([] {
glyphsortorder = eGlyphsortorder((glyphsortorder+6+(shiftmul>0?1:-1)) % gsoMAX);
const char *glyphmodenames[3] = {"letters", "auto", "images"};
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("inventory/kill mode"), XLAT(glyphmodenames[vid.graphglyph]), 'd');
dialog::add_action([] {
vid.graphglyph = (1+vid.graphglyph)%3;
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("draw crosshair"), crosshair_size > 0 ? fts(crosshair_size) : ONOFF(false), 'x');
dialog::add_action([] () {
@ -1569,9 +1631,8 @@ EX void showStereo() {
dialog::init(XLAT("stereo vision config"));
string modenames[4] = { "OFF", "anaglyph", "side-by-side", "ODS" };
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("stereo mode"), XLAT(modenames[vid.stereo_mode]), 'm');
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("pupillary distance"), fts(vid.ipd), 'e');
switch(vid.stereo_mode) {
@ -1927,86 +1988,81 @@ EX int config3 = addHook(hooks_config, 100, [] {
"with parameter %2.", fts(current_camera_level), fts(tan_auto(vid.depth) / tan_auto(current_camera_level)));
else if(uni == 'E' && WDIM == 2 && GDIM == 3)
vid.tc_depth = ticks,
dialog::editNumber(vid.eye, -5, 5, .1, 0, XLAT("eye level"), ""),
dialog::dialogflags |= sm::CENTER,
dialog::extra_options = [] {
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("In the FPP mode, the camera will be set at this altitude (before applying shifts)."));
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("auto-adjust to eyes on the player model"), vid.auto_eye, 'O');
dialog::reaction = [] { vid.auto_eye = false; };
dialog::add_action([] () {
vid.auto_eye = !vid.auto_eye;
else if(uni == 'p' && WDIM == 2)
else if(uni == 'w' && WDIM == 2) {
dialog::editNumber(vid.wall_height, 0, 1, .1, .3, XLAT("Height of walls"), "");
dialog::extra_options = [] () {
addparamsaver(vid.camera, "camera", "3D camera level", 1)
->editable(0, 5, .1, "", "", 'c')
->modif([] (float_setting* x) { x->menu_item_name = (GDIM == 2 ? "Camera level above the plane" : "Z shift"); })
->set_extra([] {
vid.tc_camera = ticks;
if(GDIM == 2)
"Camera is placed %1 absolute units above a plane P in a three-dimensional "
"world. Ground level is actually an equidistant surface, %2 absolute units "
"below the plane P. The plane P (as well as the ground level or any "
"other equidistant surface below it) is viewed at an angle of %3 "
"(the tangent of the angle between the point in "
"the center of your vision and a faraway location is 1/cosh(c) = %4).",
if(GDIM == 3)
dialog::addHelp(XLAT("Look from behind."));
if(GDIM == 3 && pmodel == mdPerspective)
dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("reduce if walls on the way"), vid.use_wall_radar, 'R');
addparamsaver(vid.wall_height, "wall_height", "3D wall height", .3)
->editable(0, 1, .1, "Height of walls", "", 'w')
->set_extra([] () {
dialog::addHelp(GDIM == 3 ? "" : XLAT(
"The height of walls, in absolute units. For the current values of g and c, "
"wall height of %1 absolute units corresponds to projection value of %2.",
fts(actual_wall_height()), fts(factor_to_projection(cgi.WALL))));
fts(geom3::actual_wall_height()), fts(geom3::factor_to_projection(cgi.WALL))));
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("auto-adjust in Goldberg grids"), vid.gp_autoscale_heights, 'O');
dialog::add_action([] () {
vid.gp_autoscale_heights = !vid.gp_autoscale_heights;
else if(uni == 'l' && WDIM == 2)
dialog::editNumber(vid.lake_top, 0, 1, .1, .25, XLAT("Level of water surface"), "");
else if(uni == 'k' && WDIM == 2)
dialog::editNumber(vid.lake_bottom, 0, 1, .1, .9, XLAT("Level of water bottom"), "");
else if(uni == 'r' && WDIM == 2)
dialog::editNumber(vid.rock_wall_ratio, 0, 1, .1, .9, XLAT("Rock-III to wall ratio"), ""),
dialog::extra_options = [] { dialog::addHelp(XLAT(
addparamsaver(vid.rock_wall_ratio, "rock_wall_ratio", "3D rock-wall ratio", .9)
->editable(0, 1, .1, "Rock-III to wall ratio", "", 'r')
->set_extra([] { dialog::addHelp(XLAT(
"The ratio of Rock III to walls is %1, so Rock III are %2 absolute units high. "
"Length of paths on the Rock III level is %3 of the corresponding length on the "
"ground level.",
fts(vid.rock_wall_ratio), fts(vid.wall_height * vid.rock_wall_ratio),
fts(cosh(vid.depth - vid.wall_height * vid.rock_wall_ratio) / cosh(vid.depth))));
else if(uni == 'h' && WDIM == 2)
dialog::editNumber(vid.human_wall_ratio, 0, 1, .1, .7, XLAT("Human to wall ratio"), ""),
dialog::extra_options = [] { dialog::addHelp(XLAT(
addparamsaver(vid.human_wall_ratio, "human_wall_ratio", "3D human-wall ratio", .7)
->editable(0, 1, .1, "Human to wall ratio", "", 'h')
->set_extra([] { dialog::addHelp(XLAT(
"Humans are %1 "
"absolute units high. Your head travels %2 times the distance travelled by your "
fts(vid.wall_height * vid.human_wall_ratio),
fts(cosh(vid.depth - vid.wall_height * vid.human_wall_ratio) / cosh(vid.depth)))
else if(uni == 'h' && WDIM == 3)
dialog::editNumber(vid.height_width, 0, 1, .1, .7, XLAT("Height to width"), "");
else if(uni == 'c' && WDIM == 3)
dialog::editNumber(vid.creature_scale, 0, 1, .1, .7, XLAT("Creature scale"), "");
else if(uni == 'C' && WDIM == 2 && scale_used())
dialog::editNumber(vid.creature_scale, 0, 1, .1, .7, XLAT("Creature scale"), "");
else if(uni == 'e')
else if(uni == 'y') {
dialog::editNumber(vid.yshift, 0, 1, .1, 0, XLAT("Y shift"),
XLAT("Don't center on the player character.")
if(WDIM == 3 && pmodel == mdPerspective) dialog::extra_options = [] () {
dialog::addBoolItem_action(XLAT("reduce if walls on the way"), vid.use_wall_radar, 'R');
else if(uni == 'b')
else if(uni == 'M')
else if(doexiton(sym, uni))
addparamsaver(vid.lake_top, "lake_top", "3D lake top", .25)
->editable(0, 1, .1, "Level of water surface", "", 'l');
addparamsaver(vid.lake_bottom, "lake_bottom", "3D lake bottom", .9)
->editable(0, 1, .1, "Level of water bottom", "", 'k');
addsaver(vid.tc_depth, "3D TC depth", 1);
addsaver(vid.tc_camera, "3D TC camera", 2);
addsaver(vid.tc_alpha, "3D TC alpha", 3);
addparamsaver(vid.highdetail, "highdetail", "3D highdetail", 8)
->editable(0, 5, .5, "High detail range", "", 'n')
->set_reaction([] {
if(vid.highdetail > vid.middetail) vid.middetail = vid.highdetail;
addparamsaver(vid.middetail, "middetail", "3D middetail", 8)
->editable(0, 5, .5, "Mid detail range", "", 'm')
->set_reaction([] {
if(vid.highdetail > vid.middetail) vid.highdetail = vid.middetail;
addsaver(vid.gp_autoscale_heights, "3D Goldberg autoscaling", true);
EX void switchcolor(unsigned int& c, unsigned int* cs) {
dialog::openColorDialog(c, cs);
@ -2371,9 +2427,9 @@ EX void configureMouse() {
vector<float_setting*> last_changed;
vector<setting*> last_changed;
EX void add_to_changed(float_setting *f) {
EX void add_to_changed(setting *f) {
for(int i=0; i<isize(last_changed); i++) {
if(last_changed[i] == f)
@ -2382,12 +2438,20 @@ EX void add_to_changed(float_setting *f) {
EX void add_edit(ld& val) {
EX void add_edit_ptr(void *val) {
int found = 0;
for(auto& fs: params)
if(fs.second->value == &val)
fs.second->show_edit_option(), found++;
if(found != 1) println(hlog, "found = ", found);
#if HDR
template<class T> void add_edit(T& val) {
EX void find_setting() {
cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK | sm::DIALOG_STRICT_X;
@ -2395,11 +2459,11 @@ EX void find_setting() {
dialog::init(XLAT("find setting"));
if(dialog::infix != "") mouseovers = dialog::infix;
vector<float_setting*> found;
vector<setting*> found;
for(auto& p: params) {
auto& fs = p.second;
string key = fs->parameter_name + "|" + fs->config_name + "|" + fs->menu_item_name;
string key = fs->search_key();
@ -2437,6 +2501,28 @@ EX void edit_all_settings() {
void list_setting::show_edit_option(char key) {
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT(menu_item_name), XLAT(options[get_value()].first), key);
dialog::add_action_push([this] {
int q = isize(options);
for(int i=0; i<q; i++) {
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT(options[i].first), get_value() == i, 'a'+i);
dialog::add_action([this, i] { set_value(i); popScreen(); });
if(options[i].second != "") {
EX void showSettings() {
@ -2749,7 +2835,4 @@ EX int read_gamemode_args() {
auto ah_config = addHook(hooks_args, 0, read_config_args) + addHook(hooks_args, 0, read_gamemode_args) + addHook(hooks_args, 0, read_color_args);
EX map<string, std::unique_ptr<float_setting>> params;

View File

@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ void list_animated_parameters() {
for(auto& ap: aps) {
string what = "?";
for(auto& p: params) if(p.second->value == ap.value) what = p.first;
for(auto& p: params) if(p.second->affects(ap.value)) what = p.first;
dialog::addInfo(what + " = " + ap.formula);

View File

@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ cld exp_parser::parse(int prio) {
else {
string number = next_token();
if(extra_params.count(number)) res = extra_params[number];
else if(params.count(number)) res = params.at(number);
else if(params.count(number)) res = params[number]->get_cld();
else if(number == "e") res = exp(1);
else if(number == "i") res = cld(0, 1);
else if(number == "p" || number == "pi") res = M_PI;

View File

@ -1035,26 +1035,6 @@ EX void render() {
state = 1;
template<class T>
void show_choice(string name, T& value, char key, vector<pair<string, string>> options) {
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT(name), XLAT(options[int(value)].first), key);
dialog::add_action_push([&value, name, options] {
int q = isize(options);
for(int i=0; i<q; i++) {
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT(options[i].first), int(value) == i, 'a'+i);
dialog::add_action([&value, i] { value = T(i); popScreen(); });
EX void show_vr_demos() {
cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK;
@ -1220,9 +1200,7 @@ EX void show_vr_settings() {
show_choice("headset movement", hsm, 'h', headset_desc);
show_choice("binocular vision", eyes, 'b', eyes_desc);
show_choice("computer screen", cscr, 'c', comp_desc);
add_edit(hsm); add_edit(eyes); add_edit(cscr);
dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("absolute unit in meters"), fts(absolute_unit_in_meters), 'a');
dialog::add_action([] {
@ -1351,9 +1329,12 @@ void addconfig() {
addparamsaver(vrhr::ui_depth, "vr_ui_depth");
addparamsaver(vrhr::ui_size, "vr_ui_size");
addsaverenum(vrhr::hsm, "vr-headset-mode");
addsaverenum(vrhr::eyes, "vr-eyes-mode");
addsaverenum(vrhr::cscr, "vr-screen-mode");
addsaverenum(vrhr::hsm, "vr_headset_mode")
->editable(headset_desc, "VR headset movement", 'h');
addsaverenum(vrhr::eyes, "vr_eyes_mode");
->editable(eyes_desc, "VR binocular vision", 'b');
addsaverenum(vrhr::cscr, "vr_screen_mode");
->editable(comp_desc, "VR computer screen", 'c');
auto hookc = addHook(hooks_configfile, 100, addconfig);