mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-26 05:17:03 +00:00

frustum culling in VR

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2021-03-09 16:04:53 +01:00
parent 26b53f0db7
commit 16143f3c9f
2 changed files with 99 additions and 38 deletions


@ -3730,64 +3730,108 @@ EX ld mousedist(shiftmatrix T) {
return sqhypot_d(2, h1) + (point_behind(T1) ? 1e10 : 0);
vector<hyperpoint> clipping_planes;
vector<vector<hyperpoint>> clipping_plane_sets;
EX int noclipped;
EX bool frustum_culling = true;
EX ld threshold, xyz_threshold;
EX bool clip_checked = false;
void make_clipping_planes() {
#if MAXMDIM >= 4
clip_checked = false;
if(!frustum_culling || PIU(sphere) || experimental || vid.stereo_mode == sODS || panini_alpha) return;
#if CAP_VR
if(vrhr::active()) return;
auto add_clipping_plane = [] (ld x1, ld y1, ld x2, ld y2) {
if(WDIM == 3 && pmodel == mdPerspective && !nonisotropic && !in_s2xe())
threshold = sin_auto(cgi.corner_bonus), xyz_threshold = 0, clip_checked = true;
else if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && sn::in())
threshold = .6, xyz_threshold = 3, clip_checked = true;
else if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && nil)
threshold = 2, xyz_threshold = 3, clip_checked = true;
else return;
auto add_clipping_plane_txy = [] (transmatrix T, const transmatrix& nlp, ld x1, ld y1, ld x2, ld y2) {
ld z1 = 1, z2 = 1;
hyperpoint sx = point3(y1 * z2 - y2 * z1, z1 * x2 - z2 * x1, x1 * y2 - x2 * y1);
sx /= hypot_d(3, sx);
sx[3] = 0;
if(nisot::local_perspective_used()) sx = ortho_inverse(NLP) * sx;
sx = T * sx;
if(nisot::local_perspective_used()) sx = ortho_inverse(nlp) * sx;
ld tx = current_display->tanfov;
ld ty = tx * current_display->ysize / current_display->xsize;
add_clipping_plane(+tx, +ty, -tx, +ty);
add_clipping_plane(-tx, +ty, -tx, -ty);
add_clipping_plane(-tx, -ty, +tx, -ty);
add_clipping_plane(+tx, -ty, +tx, +ty);
auto add_clipping_plane_proj = [&] (transmatrix T, const transmatrix& nlp, const transmatrix& iproj, ld x1, ld y1, ld x2, ld y2) {
hyperpoint h1 = iproj * point31(x1, y1, .5);
hyperpoint h2 = iproj * point31(x2, y2, .5);
h1 /= h1[2]; h2 /= h2[2];
add_clipping_plane_txy(T, nlp, h1[0], h1[1], h2[0], h2[1]);
auto clipping_planes_screen = [&] (const transmatrix& T, const transmatrix& nlp) {
ld tx = current_display->tanfov;
ld ty = tx * current_display->ysize / current_display->xsize;
add_clipping_plane_txy(T, nlp, +tx, +ty, -tx, +ty);
add_clipping_plane_txy(T, nlp, -tx, +ty, -tx, -ty);
add_clipping_plane_txy(T, nlp, -tx, -ty, +tx, -ty);
add_clipping_plane_txy(T, nlp, +tx, -ty, +tx, +ty);
bool stdview = true;
#if CAP_VR
if(vrhr::active()) {
for(auto p: vrhr::frusta) {
clipping_planes_screen(inverse(p.pre), p.nlp);
else {
auto iproj = inverse(p.proj);
auto ipre = inverse(p.pre);
add_clipping_plane_proj(ipre, p.nlp, iproj, 1, 1, 0, 1);
add_clipping_plane_proj(ipre, p.nlp, iproj, 0, 1, 0, 0);
add_clipping_plane_proj(ipre, p.nlp, iproj, 0, 0, 1, 0);
add_clipping_plane_proj(ipre, p.nlp, iproj, 1, 0, 1, 1);
stdview = false;
if(stdview) clipping_planes_screen(Id, NLP);
bool clipped_by(const hyperpoint& H, const vector<hyperpoint>& v) {
for(auto& cpoint: v) if((H|cpoint) < -threshold) return true;
return false;
bool clipped_by(const hyperpoint& H, const vector<vector<hyperpoint>>& vv) {
for(auto& cps: vv) if(!clipped_by(H, cps)) return false;
return true;
bool celldrawer::cell_clipped() {
if(WDIM == 3 && pmodel == mdPerspective && !nonisotropic && !in_s2xe()) {
hyperpoint H = unshift(tC0(V));
if(prod) H = product::inverse_exp(H);
for(hyperpoint& cpoint: clipping_planes) if((H|cpoint) < -sin_auto(cgi.corner_bonus)) {
return true;
if(!clip_checked) return false;
hyperpoint H = unshift(tC0(V));
if(xyz_threshold && abs(H[0]) <= xyz_threshold && abs(H[1]) <= xyz_threshold && abs(H[2]) <= xyz_threshold) {
return false;
if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && sn::in()) {
hyperpoint H = unshift(tC0(V));
if(abs(H[0]) <= 3 && abs(H[1]) <= 3 && abs(H[2]) <= 3 ) ;
else {
hyperpoint H2 = inverse_exp(shiftless(H), pQUICK);
for(hyperpoint& cpoint: clipping_planes) if((H2|cpoint) < -.6) return true;
if(pmodel == mdGeodesic && nil) {
hyperpoint H = unshift(tC0(V));
if(abs(H[0]) <= 3 && abs(H[1]) <= 3 && abs(H[2]) <= 3 ) ;
else {
hyperpoint H2 = inverse_exp(shiftless(H), pQUICK);
for(hyperpoint& cpoint: clipping_planes) if((H2|cpoint) < -2) return true;
if(clipped_by(H, clipping_plane_sets)) {
return true;
return false;


@ -236,6 +236,17 @@ EX int ui_xmin, ui_ymin, ui_xmax, ui_ymax;
EX reaction_t change_ui_bounds;
#if HDR
struct frustum_info {
transmatrix pre;
transmatrix nlp;
bool screen;
transmatrix proj;
EX vector<frustum_info> frusta;
EX void set_ui_bounds() {
ui_xmin = 0;
ui_ymin = 0;
@ -1011,6 +1022,7 @@ EX void render() {
resetbuffer rb;
state = 2;
// cscr = lshiftclick ? eCompScreen::eyes : eCompScreen::single;
@ -1042,6 +1054,11 @@ EX void render() {
hmd_pre = hmd_pre_for[i] = cview().T * inverse(master_cview.T);
radar_transform = trt.backup * inverse(hmd_pre);
if(i < 2)
frusta.push_back(frustum_info{hmd_pre, NLP, false, vrdata.proj[i]});
frusta.push_back(frustum_info{hmd_pre, NLP, true, Id});
if(1) {