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2023-10-26 10:26:13 +00:00
// Hyperbolic Rogue
// Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/** \file crossbow.cpp
* \brief implementation of the crossbow mode
#include "hyper.h"
namespace hr {
EX namespace bow {
#if HDR
enum eWeapon { wBlade, wCrossbow };
enum eCrossbowStyle { cbBull, cbGeodesic };
EX eWeapon weapon;
EX eCrossbowStyle style;
EX bool bump_to_shoot = true;
EX bool crossbow_mode() { return weapon == wCrossbow; }
#if HDR
struct bowpoint {
int total;
movei last, next, lastun;
cell *con;
bowpoint() : last(nullptr), next(nullptr), lastun(nullptr) { total = 0; }
EX vector<bowpoint> bowpath;
EX vector<bowpoint> last_bowpath;
EX map<int, cell*> target_at;
EX int loading_time() {
return style == cbBull ? 3 : 4;
EX bool blocks(cell *c) {
if(isWall(c) && c->wall != waMirrorWall) return true;
return false;
EX int create_path() {
map<cell*, bowpoint> scores;
scores[cwt.at] = bowpoint();
scores[cwt.at].last = movei(cwt.at, STAY);
int best_score = -1; cell* best_score_at = cwt.at;
for(cell *c: dcal) {
cell *c1 = target_at[c->cpdist];
if(c1 && c != c1) continue;
if(c == c1) { best_score = -1; }
bowpoint best;
best.total = -1;
forCellIdEx(c1, i, c) if(c1->cpdist < c->cpdist && scores.count(c1)) {
auto last = scores[c1];
int ntotal = last.total;
auto cw2 = cellwalker(c, i);
if(inmirror(c)) cw2 = mirror::reflect(cw2);
if(blocks(cw2.peek())) continue;
if(cw2.at->monst) { ntotal += 10000; ntotal += 1280 >> c->cpdist; }
ntotal += 2;
if(c->cpdist > 1) {
int d = abs(szgmod(last.lastun.d - c->c.spin(i), c1->type));
if(d != c1->type / 2) {
if(style == cbGeodesic) ntotal--;
if(style == cbBull) continue;
if(ntotal > best.total) { best.total = ntotal; best.lastun = movei(c, i); best.last = movei(cw2.at, cw2.spin); best.con = c1; best.next = movei(cw2.at, STAY); }
best.total = max(best.total, ntotal);
if(best.total > best_score) { best_score = best.total; best_score_at = c; }
if(best.total > -1) scores[c] = best;
if(best_score == -1) return best_score;
while(best_score_at != cwt.at) {
bowpath.push_back(scores[best_score_at]); best_score_at = bowpath.back().con; scores[best_score_at].next = bowpath.back().last.rev();
reverse(bowpath.begin(), bowpath.end());
return best_score;
EX bool auto_path() {
target_at = {};
target_at[1] = cwt.cpeek();
return create_path() >= 10000;
EX bool fire_mode;
EX void switch_fire_mode() {
if(!crossbow_mode()) { addMessage(XLAT("You fire an angry glance at your enemies.")); return; }
if(items[itCrossbow]) { addMessage(XLAT("You need more time to reload your crossbow!")); return; }
if(!fire_mode) {
addMessage(XLAT("Double-click tile to fire."));
fire_mode = true;
last_bowpath = {};
targets = {};
else if(fire_mode) {
addMessage(XLAT("Firing cancelled."));
fire_mode = false;
last_bowpath = {};
EX void add_fire(cell *c) {
bool emp = target_at.empty();
auto& t = target_at[c->cpdist];
if(t == c) {
println(hlog, "done");
checked_move_issue = miVALID;
pcmove pcm;
pcm.checkonly = false;
bool b = pcm.try_shooting(false);
println(hlog, "b = ", b);
if(!b) changes.rollback();
fire_mode = false;
else {
t = c;
int res = create_path();
if(res == -1) {
if(!emp) {
target_at = {};
else addMessage(XLAT("No way to hit this place."));
bow::last_bowpath = bow::bowpath;
EX void shoot() {
flagtype attackflags = AF_NORMAL;
if(items[itOrbSpeed]&1) attackflags |= AF_FAST;
if(items[itOrbSlaying]) attackflags |= AF_CRUSH;
if(items[itCurseWeakness]) attackflags |= AF_WEAK;
for(auto& m: bowpath) {
cell *c = m.next.s;
if(!c) continue;
if(c->monst) attackMonster(c, attackflags | AF_MSG, moPlayer);
last_bowpath = bowpath;
EX void showMenu() {
cmode = sm::SIDE | sm::MAYDARK;
dialog::init(XLAT("weapon selection"));
if(crossbow_mode()) {
else dialog::addBreak(200);
EX }