2018-02-09 00:40:26 +01:00
// Hyperbolic Rogue -- debugging routines
// Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
2017-10-08 12:10:40 +02:00
int steplimit = 0;
int cstep;
vector<cell*> buggycells;
cell *pathTowards(cell *pf, cell *pt) {
while(celldist(pt) > celldist(pf)) {
if(isNeighbor(pf, pt)) return pt;
cell *pn = NULL;
forCellEx(pn2, pt) if(celldist(pn2) < celldist(pt)) pn = pn2;
pt = pn;
if(isNeighbor(pf, pt)) return pt;
forCellEx(pn2, pt) if(celldist(pn2) < celldist(pt)) return pn2;
return NULL;
bool buggyGeneration = false;
bool errorReported = false;
void describeCell(cell *c) {
if(!c) { printf("NULL\n"); return; }
printf("describe %p: ", c);
printf("%-15s", linf[c->land].name);
printf("%-15s", winf[c->wall].name);
printf("%-15s", iinf[c->item].name);
printf("%-15s", minf[c->monst].name);
printf("LP%08x", c->landparam);
printf("D%3d", c->mpdist);
printf("MON%3d", c->mondir);
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
static int orbid = 0;
void debugScreen();
eItem nextOrb() {
eItem i = eItem(orbid % ittypes);
if(itemclass(i) == IC_ORB) return i;
else return nextOrb();
eItem randomTreasure() {
eItem i = eItem(hrand(ittypes));
if(itemclass(i) == IC_TREASURE) return i;
else return randomTreasure();
eItem randomTreasure2(int cv) {
int bq = 60000, cq = 0;
eItem best = itDiamond;
eItem lt = localTreasureType();
for(int a=1; a<ittypes; a++) {
eItem i = eItem(a);
if(itemclass(i) != IC_TREASURE) continue;
int q = 2*items[i];
if(a == lt) q -= (2*cv-1);
if(a == itEmerald && bearsCamelot(cwt.c->land)) q -= 8;
if(a == itElixir && isCrossroads(cwt.c->land)) q -= 7;
if(a == itIvory && isCrossroads(cwt.c->land)) q -= 6;
if(a == itPalace && isCrossroads(cwt.c->land)) q -= 5;
if(a == itIvory && cwt.c->land == laJungle) q -= 5;
if(a == itIvory && cwt.c->land == laPalace) q -= 5;
if(q < bq) bq = q, cq = 0;
if(q == bq) { cq++; if(hrand(cq) == 0) best = i; }
return best;
eLand cheatdest;
void cheatMoveTo(eLand l) {
cheatdest = l;
if(l == laCrossroads5) l = laCrossroads;
cheatdest = laNone;
bool applyCheat(char u, cell *c = NULL) {
if(u == 'L') {
do {
if(firstland == eLand(landtypes-1))
firstland = eLand(2);
firstland = eLand(firstland+1);
while(isTechnicalLand(firstland) || isCyclic(firstland));
specialland = firstland;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("You will now start your games in %1", firstland));
return true;
if(u == 'C') {
addMessage(XLAT("Activated the Hyperstone Quest!"));
for(int t=1; t<ittypes; t++)
if(t != itHyperstone && t != itBounty && itemclass(eItem(t)) == IC_TREASURE) {
2017-08-14 20:32:09 +02:00
items[t] = inv::on ? 50 : 10;
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
2017-08-14 20:32:09 +02:00
int qkills = inv::on ? 1000 : 200;
kills[moYeti] = qkills;
kills[moDesertman] = qkills;
kills[moRunDog] = qkills;
kills[moZombie] = qkills;
kills[moMonkey] = qkills;
kills[moCultist] = qkills;
kills[moTroll] = qkills;
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
return true;
if(u == 'M') {
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++)
if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_ORB)
items[i] = 0;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Orb power depleted!"));
return true;
if(u == 'O') {
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Orbs summoned!"));
for(int i=0; i<cwt.c->type; i++)
if(passable(cwt.c->mov[i], NULL, 0)) {
eItem it = nextOrb();
cwt.c->mov[i]->item = it;
return true;
if(u == 'F') {
if(hardcore && !canmove) {
canmove = true;
else {
items[itOrbFlash] += 1;
items[itOrbTeleport] += 1;
items[itOrbLightning] += 1;
items[itOrbSpeed] += 1;
items[itOrbShield] += 1;
kills[moPlayer] = 0;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Orb power gained!"));
canmove = true;
return true;
if(u == 'D') {
items[itGreenStone] += 10;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Dead orbs gained!"));
return true;
if(u == 'R'-64) buildRosemap();
if(u == 'A') {
lastexplore = turncount;
return true;
if(u == 'A'-64) {
mapeditor::drawcell = mouseover ? mouseover : cwt.c;
return true;
if(u == 'T') {
items[randomTreasure2(10)] += 10;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Treasure gained!"));
return true;
if(u == 'T'-64) {
items[randomTreasure2(100)] += 100;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Lots of treasure gained!"));
return true;
if(u == 'I'-64) {
items[randomTreasure2(10)] += 25;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Treasure gained!"));
return true;
if(u == 'U'-64) {
items[randomTreasure2(10)] += 50;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Treasure gained!"));
return true;
if(u == 'Z') {
flipplayer = false;
mirror::act(1, mirror::SPINSINGLE);
2018-03-24 12:59:01 +01:00
2017-09-30 11:46:41 +02:00
wavephase = (1+wavephase) & 7;
2018-04-21 12:16:04 +02:00
if(shmup::on) shmup::pc[0]->at = Id;
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
return true;
if(u == 'J') {
if(items[localTreasureType()] > 0)
items[localTreasureType()] = 0;
else for(int i=1; i<ittypes; i++)
if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_TREASURE)
items[i] = 0;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Treasure lost!"));
return true;
if(u == 'K') {
for(int i=0; i<motypes; i++) kills[i] += 10;
kills[moPlayer] = 0;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Kills gained!"));
return true;
if(u == 'Y') {
for(auto& y: yendor::yi) {
if(y.path[YDIST-1]->item == itKey)
y.path[YDIST-1]->item = itNone;
if(!y.found) items[itKey]++;
y.found = true;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Collected the keys!"));
if(u == 'P') {
princess::saved = true;
princess::everSaved = true;
if(inv::on && !princess::reviveAt)
princess::reviveAt = gold(NO_LOVE);
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Saved the Princess!"));
if(u == 'S') {
canmove = true;
items[itOrbSafety] += 3;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Activated Orb of Safety!"));
return true;
if(u == 'U') {
canmove = true;
cheater++; addMessage(XLAT("Teleported to %1!", firstland));
return true;
if(u == 'W'-64) {
return true;
if(u == 'G'-64) {
timerghost = !timerghost;
addMessage(XLAT("turn count = %1 last exploration = %2 ghost timer = %3",
its(turncount), its(lastexplore), ONOFF(timerghost)));
return true;
if(u == 'L'-64) {
cell *c = mouseover;
printf("Neighbors:"); for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) printf("%p ", c->mov[i]);
printf("Barrier: dir=%d left=%d right=%d\n",
c->bardir, c->barleft, c->barright);
return true;
if(u == 'C'-64) {
cblind = !cblind;
return true;
if(u == 'G') {
return true;
if(u == 'P'-64)
peace::on = !peace::on;
if(u == 'D'-64) {
cheater = 0; autocheat = 0;
return true;
return false;
template<class T> string dnameof2(T x) {
string s = dnameof(x);
return s + " (" + its(x) + ")";
template<class T> string dnameof2(T x, int p) {
string s = dnameof(x);
return s + " (" + its(x) + "/" + its(p) + ")";
vector<pair<cellwalker,int> > drawbugs;
bool debugmode = false;
void debugScreen() {
cmode = vid.xres > vid.yres * 1.4 ? sm::SIDE : 0;
for(auto& p: drawbugs)
drawBug(p.first, p.second);
if(mouseover) {
drawBug(cellwalker(mouseover, 0), 0x80808080);
char buf[200];
sprintf(buf, "%p", mouseover);
dialog::addSelItem("pointer", buf, 0);
dialog::addSelItem("mpdist", its(mouseover->mpdist), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("land", dnameof2(mouseover->land), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("land param (int)", its(mouseover->landparam), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("land param (hex)", itsh8(mouseover->landparam), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("land param (heat)", fts(HEAT(mouseover)), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("land flags", its(mouseover->landflags)+"/"+itsh2(mouseover->landflags), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("barrier dir", its(mouseover->bardir), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("barrier left", dnameof2(mouseover->barleft), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("barrier right", dnameof2(mouseover->barright), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("wall", dnameof2(mouseover->wall, mouseover->wparam), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("item", dnameof(mouseover->item), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("cpdist", its(mouseover->cpdist), 0);
2017-10-29 01:57:34 +02:00
dialog::addSelItem("celldist", its(celldist(mouseover)), 0);
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
dialog::addSelItem("pathdist", its(mouseover->pathdist), 0);
2018-04-06 22:22:33 +02:00
dialog::addSelItem("celldistAlt", mouseover->master->alt ? its(celldistAlt(mouseover)) : "--", 0);
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
dialog::addSelItem("temporary", its(mouseover->aitmp), 0);
2018-04-09 17:40:12 +02:00
dialog::addSelItem("whirl", gp::disp(gp::get_local_info(mouseover).relative), 0);
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
dialog::addSelItem("monster", dnameof2(mouseover->monst, mouseover->mondir), 0);
dialog::addSelItem("stuntime/hitpoints", its(mouseover->stuntime)+"/"+its(mouseover->hitpoints), 0);
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
handlePanning(sym, uni);
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(applyCheat(uni, mouseover)) ;
else if(doexiton(sym, uni)) {
if(debugmode) quitmainloop = true;
// -- cheat menu --
void showCheatMenu() {
dialog::init("cheat menu");
dialog::addItem(XLAT("return to the game"), ' ');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("gain orb powers"), 'F');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("summon treasure"), 'T');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("summon dead orbs"), 'D');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("lose all treasure"), 'J');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("gain kills"), 'K');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("Hyperstone Quest"), 'C');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("summon orbs"), 'O');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("gain Orb of Yendor"), 'Y');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("summon lots of treasure"), 'T'-64);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("Safety (quick save)"), 'S');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("Select the land ---"), 'L');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("--- and teleport there"), 'U');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("rotate the character"), 'Z');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("deplete orb powers"), 'M');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("save a Princess"), 'P');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("unlock Orbs of Yendor"), 'Y');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("switch ghost timer"), 'G'-64);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("switch web display"), 'W'-64);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("peaceful mode"), 'P'-64);
keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(uni != 0) {
if(uni == 'F' || uni == 'C' || uni == 'O' ||
uni == 'S' || uni == 'U' || uni == 'G' ||
uni == 'W' || uni == 'I' || uni == 'E' ||
uni == 'H' || uni == 'B' || uni == 'M' ||
uni == 'M' || uni == 'Y'-64 || uni == 'G'-64 ||
uni == ' ' || uni == 8 || uni == 13 ||
uni == SDLK_ESCAPE || uni == 'q' || uni == 'v' || sym == SDLK_ESCAPE ||
sym == SDLK_F10)
#include <execinfo.h>
void modalDebug(cell *c) {
viewctr.h = c->master;
2018-01-13 19:19:17 +01:00
if(noGUI) {
fprintf(stderr, "fatal: modalDebug called on %p without GUI\n", c);
2017-08-06 14:50:16 +02:00
debugmode = true;
debugmode = false;
quitmainloop = false;
void raiseBuggyGeneration(cell *c, const char *s) {
printf("procgen error (%p): %s\n", c, s);
if(!errorReported) {
addMessage(string("something strange happened in: ") + s);
errorReported = true;
void *array[1000];
size_t size;
// get void*'s for all entries on the stack
size = backtrace(array, 1000);
// print out all the frames to stderr
backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, STDERR_FILENO);
// return;
if(cheater) {
drawbugs.emplace_back(cellwalker(c,0), 0xFF000080);
c->item = itBuggy;