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// test measures
// Copyright (C) 2011-2022 Tehora and Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
#include "kohonen.h"
namespace rogueviz {
namespace measures {
double kendall(const vector<pair<int, int>>& allp) {
int maxo = 0, maxe = 0;
for(const auto& a: allp) maxo = max(maxo, a.first), maxe = max(maxe, a.second);
maxo++; maxe++;
if(maxo >= 256 || maxe >= 256) {
println(hlog, "more than 256!\n");
int cnt[256][256];
for(int a=0; a<maxo; a++)
for(int b=0; b<maxe; b++)
cnt[a][b] = 0;
for(const auto& a: allp) cnt[a.first][a.second]++;
// int i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
int K = isize(allp);
// allp.emplace_back(maxo, maxe);
vector<int> counts(maxe, 0);
vector<int> totals(maxe);
double tau = 0;
for(int i=0; i<maxo; i++) {
totals[0] = 0;
for(int ii=1; ii<maxe; ii++)
totals[0] -= counts[ii];
for(int ii=1; ii<maxe; ii++)
totals[ii] = totals[ii-1] + counts[ii] + counts[ii-1];
for(int b=0; b<maxe; b++) {
tau += totals[b] * 1. * cnt[i][b];
counts[b] += cnt[i][b];
ld par = (K * (K-1.) / 2);
return tau / par;
vector<pair<int, int>> recreate_topology(const vector<int>& mapp, const vector<pair<int, int> >& edges) {
auto cmapp = mapp;
for(int i=0; i<isize(cmapp); i++) if(cmapp[i] >= 0) cmapp[i] = i;
while(true) {
vector<pair<int, int> > changes;
for(auto e: edges) {
if(cmapp[e.first] == -1 && cmapp[e.second] >= 0) changes.emplace_back(e.first, cmapp[e.second]);
if(cmapp[e.second] == -1 && cmapp[e.first] >= 0) changes.emplace_back(e.second, cmapp[e.first]);
if(changes.empty()) break;
for(auto ch: changes) cmapp[ch.first] = ch.second;
set<pair<int, int>> subedges;
for(auto e: edges) {
auto a = cmapp[e.first], b = cmapp[e.second];
if(a==b) continue;
if(a<b) swap(a, b);
subedges.emplace(a, b);
vector<pair<int, int>> result;
for(auto sube: subedges)
result.emplace_back(sube.first, sube.second);
return result;
vector<vector<int>> build_distance_matrix(int N, const vector<pair<int,int>>& vedges) {
vector<vector<int>> res;
for(auto& r: res) r.resize(N, 1000);
vector<vector<int>> edges_of(N);
for(auto [a, b]: vedges) edges_of[a].push_back(b), edges_of[b].push_back(a);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
auto& d = res[i];
queue<int> bfs;
auto visit = [&] (int id, int dist) {
if(d[id] <= dist) return;
d[id] = dist;
visit(i, 0);
while(!bfs.empty()) {
auto j = bfs.front();
for(auto e: edges_of[j]) visit(e, d[j]+1);
return res;
vector<string> catnames = {"energy", "rips", "kendall", "empty", "emptyx", "subedges", "emptyxx", "villman1", "villman2", "vedges", "maxvill1", "maxvill2"};
ld evaluate_measure(manidata& emb, manidata& orig, vector<int>& mapp, vector<pair<int, int> >& vor_edges, vector<pair<int, int>>& edo_recreated, int k) {
int No = orig.size;
int Ne = emb.size;
auto& edo = orig.edges;
auto& ede = emb.edges;
auto& dise = emb.distances;
auto& diso = orig.distances;
ld energy = 0;
if(k == 2) {
vector<pair<int, int> > allp;
allp.reserve(No * No);
for(int i=0; i<No; i++) if(mapp[i] != -1)
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) if(mapp[j] != -1)
allp.emplace_back(diso[i][j], dise[mapp[i]][mapp[j]]);
energy = kendall(allp);
else if(k == 3) {
vector<bool> empty(Ne, true);
for(int i=0; i<No; i++)
if(mapp[i] != -1) empty[mapp[i]] = false;
for(auto b: empty) if(b) energy++;
else if(k == 4 || k == 6) {
vector<vector<int>> adj(Ne);
vector<vector<int>> on(Ne);
for(int i=0; i<No; i++) if(mapp[i] != -1)
for(auto [a,b]: ede) adj[a].push_back(b), adj[b].push_back(a);
for(auto p: edo_recreated)
diso[p.first][p.second] -= 100,
diso[p.second][p.first] -= 100;
for(int i=0; i<Ne; i++) {
bool empty = on[i].empty();
if(empty) {
for(auto i1: adj[i])
for(auto i2: adj[i])
for(auto oi1: on[i1])
for(auto oi2: on[i2])
if(dise[i1][i2] > 1 && diso[oi1][oi2] <= 1)
empty = false;
if(empty && k == 6) {
for(auto i1: adj[i])
for(auto i2: adj[i])
for(auto i11: adj[i1]) {
for(auto i21: adj[i2])
for(auto oi1: on[i11])
for(auto oi2: on[i21])
if(dise[i11][i21] == dise[i11][i] + dise[i21][i] && diso[oi1][oi2] <= 1)
empty = false;
for(auto oi1: on[i11])
for(auto oi2: on[i2])
if(dise[i11][i2] == dise[i11][i] + dise[i2][i] && diso[oi1][oi2] <= 1)
empty = false;
if(empty) energy++;
for(auto p: edo_recreated)
diso[p.first][p.second] += 100,
diso[p.second][p.first] += 100;
else if(k == 5) energy = isize(edo_recreated);
else if(k == 1) {
for(auto [a,b]: edo_recreated) {
if(mapp[a] == -1 || mapp[b] == -1) continue;
int d = dise[mapp[a]][mapp[b]];
if(k == 9)
energy += d * d;
else if(k == 1)
energy += (d < 2 ? 0 : d == 2 ? 1 : 100);
else if(k == 0) {
for(auto [a,b]: edo) {
if(mapp[a] == -1 || mapp[b] == -1) continue;
int d = dise[mapp[a]][mapp[b]];
energy += d * d;
else if(k == 7) {
for(auto [a,b]: vor_edges) {
int d = dise[a][b] - 1;
energy += d*d;
else if(k == 8) {
auto disv = build_distance_matrix(Ne, vor_edges);
int bugs = 0;
for(auto [a,b]: ede) {
int d = disv[a][b] - 1;
if(d >= 900) bugs++;
energy += d*d;
if(bugs) println(hlog, "bugs=", bugs);
else if(k == 10) {
for(auto [a,b]: vor_edges)
energy = max<ld>(energy, dise[a][b] - 1);
else if(k == 11) {
auto disv = build_distance_matrix(Ne, vor_edges);
for(auto [a,b]: ede)
energy = max<ld>(energy, disv[a][b] - 1);
else if(k == 9)
energy = isize(vor_edges);
return energy;
void test_kendall() {
for(string orig: origs.names) {
int No = origs.mdata[orig].size;
vector<pair<int, int> > allp;
auto& diso = origs.mdata[orig].distances;
for(int i=0; i<No; i++)
for(int j=0; j<i; j++)
allp.emplace_back(diso[i][j], diso[i][j]);
allp.emplace_back(0, 0);
allp.emplace_back(1, 1);
allp.emplace_back(2, 2);
allp.emplace_back(3, 3);
println(hlog, orig, " : ", measures::kendall(allp));