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synced 2025-01-12 02:10:34 +00:00
661 lines
18 KiB
661 lines
18 KiB
// Hyperbolic Rogue -- the conformal/history mode
// Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
#include <complex>
namespace polygonal {
typedef long double ld;
typedef complex<long double> cld;
int SI = 4;
double STAR = 0;
int deg = 20;
#define MSI 120
ld matrix[MSI][MSI];
ld ans[MSI];
cld coef[MSI];
int maxcoef, coefid;
void solve() {
for(int i=0; i<MSI; i++) ans[i] = cos(M_PI / SI);
for(int i=0; i<MSI; i++)
for(int j=0; j<MSI; j++) {
double i0 = (i+0.) / (MSI-1);
// i0 *= i0;
// i0 = 1 - i0;
i0 *= M_PI;
matrix[i][j] =
cos(i0 * (j + 1./SI)) * (STAR > 0 ? (1+STAR) : 1)
- sin(i0 * (j + 1./SI)) * (STAR > 0 ? STAR : STAR/(1+STAR));
for(int i=0; i<MSI; i++) {
ld dby = matrix[i][i];
for(int k=0; k<MSI; k++) matrix[i][k] /= dby;
ans[i] /= dby;
for(int j=i+1; j<MSI; j++) {
ld sub = matrix[j][i];
ans[j] -= ans[i] * sub;
for(int k=0; k<MSI; k++)
matrix[j][k] -= sub * matrix[i][k];
for(int i=MSI-1; i>=0; i--) {
for(int j=0; j<i; j++) {
ld sub = matrix[j][i];
ans[j] -= ans[i] * sub;
for(int k=0; k<MSI; k++)
matrix[j][k] -= sub * matrix[i][k];
pair<ld, ld> compute(ld x, ld y, int prec) {
if(pmodel == 4) {
cld z(x,y);
cld res (0,0);
for(int i=maxcoef; i>=0; i--) { res += coef[i]; if(i) res *= z; }
return make_pair(real(res), imag(res));
cld z(x, y);
cld res (0,0);
cld zp = 1; for(int i=0; i<SI; i++) zp *= z;
for(int i=prec; i>0; i--) {
res += ans[i];
res *= zp;
res += ans[0]; res *= z;
return make_pair(real(res), imag(res));
pair<ld, ld> compute(ld x, ld y) { return compute(x,y,deg); }
void drawBoundary(int color) {
#ifdef GL
if(vid.usingGL) {
qglcoords = 0;
int pts = 0;
for(int r=0; r<2000; r++) {
cld z = exp(cld(0, 2*M_PI * r / 2000.0));
pair<ld,ld> z2 = compute(real(z), imag(z), deg);
glcoords[pts][0] = vid.radius * z2.first;
glcoords[pts][1] = vid.radius * z2.second;
glcoords[pts][2] = vid.scrdist;
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, glcoords);
glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, pts);
#ifndef MOBILE
namespace spiral {
typedef long double ld;
typedef complex<long double> cld;
int shiftx, shifty, velx, vely;
vector<pair<short, short> > quickmap;
int CX, CY, SX, SY, Yshift;
SDL_Surface *band, *out;
bool displayhelp = true;
void precompute() {
CX = band->w;
CY = band->h;
SX = out->w;
SY = out->h;
ld k = -2*M_PI*M_PI / log(2.6180339);
// cld mnoznik = cld(0, M_PI) / cld(k, M_PI);
cld factor = cld(0, -CY/2/M_PI/M_PI) * cld(k, M_PI);
Yshift = CY * k / M_PI;
double xc = ((SX | 1) - 2) / 2.;
double yc = ((SY | 1) - 2) / 2.;
for(int y=0; y<SY; y++)
for(int x=0; x<SX; x++) {
cld z(x-xc, y-yc);
cld z1 = log(z);
z1 = z1 * factor;
quickmap.push_back(make_pair(int(real(z1)) % CX, int(imag(z1))));
void draw() {
int c = 0;
for(int y=0; y<SY; y++) for(int x=0; x<SX; x++) {
pair<short,short> p = quickmap[c++];
int cx = p.first + shiftx;
int cy = p.second + + shifty;
int d = cy / CY;
cy -= d * CY; cx -= d * Yshift;
if(cy<0) cy += CY, cx += Yshift;
cx %= CX; if(cx<0) cx += CX;
qpixel(out, x, y) = qpixel(band, cx, cy);
void loop(SDL_Surface *_band) {
bool saveGL = vid.usingGL;
if(saveGL) { vid.usingGL = false; setvideomode(); }
band = _band;
out = s;
shiftx = shifty = 0;
velx=1; vely=1;
bool dosave = false;
while(true) {
time_t timer;
timer = time(NULL);
char buf[128];
strftime(buf, 128, "spiral-%y%m%d-%H%M%S" IMAGEEXT, localtime(&timer));
if(dosave) { dosave = false; IMAGESAVE(s, buf); }
if(displayhelp) {
displaystr(SX/2, vid.fsize*2, 0, vid.fsize, "arrows = navigate, ESC = return, h = hide help", 0xFFFFFF, 8);
displaystr(SX/2, SY - vid.fsize*2, 0, vid.fsize, XLAT("s = save to " IMAGEEXT, buf), 0xFFFFFF, 8);
SDL_UpdateRect(s, 0, 0, 0, 0);
shiftx += velx; shifty += vely;
SDL_Event event;
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) switch (event.type) {
goto breakloop;
int key = event.key.keysym.sym;
// int uni = event.key.keysym.unicode;
if(key == SDLK_RIGHT) velx++;
if(key == SDLK_LEFT) velx--;
if(key == SDLK_UP) vely++;
if(key == SDLK_DOWN) vely--;
if(key == SDLK_ESCAPE) goto breakloop;
if(key == 'h') displayhelp = !displayhelp;
if(key == 's') dosave = true;
if(saveGL) { vid.usingGL = true; setvideomode(); }
bool isbad(ld z) { return !isfinite(z) || fabs(z) > 1e6; }
namespace conformal {
int lastprogress;
void progress(string str) {
#ifndef MOBILE
int tick = SDL_GetTicks();
if(tick > lastprogress + 250) {
lastprogress = tick;
bool on;
vector<shmup::monster*> v;
int llv;
double phase;
vector<pair<cell*, eMonster> > killhistory;
vector<pair<cell*, eItem> > findhistory;
vector<cell*> movehistory;
bool includeHistory;
double lvspeed = 1;
int bandhalf = 200;
int bandsegment = 16000;
int rotation = 0;
bool autoband = false;
bool autobandhistory = false;
bool dospiral = true;
void clear() {
on = false;
int N = size(v);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) delete v[i];
void create() {
if(celldist(cwt.c) <= 7) {
addMessage("Must go a distance from the starting point");
on = true;
cell *c = cwt.c;
for(int q=0; q<5; q++) {
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(celldist(c->mov[i]) > celldist(c)) {
c = c->mov[i];
while(true) {
shmup::monster *m = new shmup::monster;
m->at = Id;
m->base = c;
if(c == origin.c7) break;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++)
if(celldist(c->mov[i]) < celldist(c)) {
c = c->mov[i];
reverse(v.begin(), v.end());
int Q = size(v)-1;
for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
progress(XLAT("Preparing the line (%1/1000)...", its(i+1)));
/*for(int j=1; j<Q; j++) {
hyperpoint cur = v[j]->at * C0;
printf("%4d/%3d. %p [%3d] %Lf %Lf %Lf\n", i, j, v[j]->base, celldist(v[j]->base), cur[0], cur[1], cur[2]);
} */
for(int j=1; j<Q; j++) if((j^i)&1) {
virtualRebase(v[j], false);
hyperpoint prev = shmup::calc_relative_matrix(v[j-1]->base, v[j]->base->master) *
v[j-1]->at * C0;
hyperpoint next = shmup::calc_relative_matrix(v[j+1]->base, v[j]->base->master) *
v[j+1]->at * C0;
hyperpoint hmid = mid(prev, next);
v[j]->at = rgpushxto0(hmid);
v[j]->at = v[j]->at * rspintox(inverse(v[j]->at) * next);
llv = ticks;
phase = 0;
void apply() {
int t = ticks;
phase += (t-llv) * lvspeed / 400.;
llv = t;
int siz = size(v);
while(phase < 1) phase += siz - 2;
while(phase >= siz-1) phase -= siz - 2;
int ph = int(phase);
if(ph<1 || ph >= siz-1) return;
viewctr.h = v[ph]->base->master;
viewctr.spin = 0;
View = inverse(v[ph]->at);
int j = ph;
hyperpoint now = v[j]->at * C0;
hyperpoint next = shmup::calc_relative_matrix(v[j+1]->base, v[j]->base->master) *
v[j+1]->at * C0;
View = spin(M_PI/2 * rotation) * xpush(-(phase-ph) * hdist(now, next)) * View;
playermoved = false;
int measureLength() {
int rad = vid.radius;
vid.radius = bandhalf;
int tpixels = 0;
int siz = size(v);
for(int j=1; j<siz-1; j++) {
hyperpoint next =
inverse(v[j]->at) *
shmup::calc_relative_matrix(v[j+1]->base, v[j]->base->master) *
v[j+1]->at * C0;
int x, y, shift;
getcoord(next, x, y, shift);
tpixels += x-vid.xcenter;
vid.radius = rad;
return tpixels;
void restore();
void restoreBack();
#ifndef MOBILE
void createImage(bool dospiral) {
int segid = 1;
inHighQual = true;
if(includeHistory) restore();
int bandfull = 2*bandhalf;
int len = measureLength();
time_t timer;
timer = time(NULL);
char timebuf[128];
strftime(timebuf, 128, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S", localtime(&timer));
rotation = 0;
SDL_Surface *sav = s;
SDL_Surface *bbuf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,bandfull,bandfull,32,0,0,0,0);
s = bbuf;
int ssr = sightrange; sightrange = 10; int sch = cheater; cheater = 0;
videopar vid2 = vid; vid.xres = vid.yres = bandfull; vid.scale = 1;
vid.radius = bandhalf;
int xpos = 0;
SDL_Surface *band = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, min(len, bandsegment), bandfull,32,0,0,0,0);
if(!band) {
addMessage("Could not create an image of that size.");
else {
int siz = size(v);
for(int j=1; j<siz-1; j++) {
SDL_Surface *buffer = s;
emtype cm = cmode;
s = sav;
cmode = emProgress;
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "#%03d", segid);
progress(s0 + buf + " ("+its(j)+"/"+its(siz-2)+")");
vid.radius = bandhalf;
cmode = cm;
s = buffer;
viewctr.h = v[j]->base->master;
viewctr.spin = 0;
View = inverse(v[j]->at);
SDL_FillRect(s, NULL, 0);
bool ugl = vid.usingGL;
vid.usingGL = false;
vid.usingGL = ugl;
hyperpoint next =
inverse(v[j]->at) *
shmup::calc_relative_matrix(v[j+1]->base, v[j]->base->master) *
v[j+1]->at * C0;
int x, y, shift;
getcoord(next, x, y, shift);
int bwidth = x-bandhalf;
for(int cy=0; cy<bandfull; cy++) for(int cx=0; cx<bwidth; cx++)
qpixel(band, xpos+cx, cy) = qpixel(s, bandhalf+cx, cy);
if(xpos+bwidth > bandsegment) {
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "bandmodel-%s-%03d" IMAGEEXT, timebuf, segid++);
if(dospiral) {
swap(vid.xres, vid2.xres); swap(vid.yres, vid2.yres); s = sav;
swap(vid.xres, vid2.xres); swap(vid.yres, vid2.yres); s = bbuf;
IMAGESAVE(band, buf);
len -= bandsegment; xpos -= bandsegment;
band = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, min(len, bandsegment), bandfull,32,0,0,0,0);
goto drawsegment;
xpos += bwidth;
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "bandmodel-%s-%03d" IMAGEEXT, timebuf, segid++);
IMAGESAVE(band, buf);
s = sav; vid = vid2; sightrange = ssr; cheater = sch;
if(includeHistory) restoreBack();
if(dospiral) spiral::loop(band);
addMessage(XLAT("Saved the band image as: ") + buf);
inHighQual = false;
const char* directions[5][4] = {
{ "right", "up", "left", "down" },
{ "counterclockwise", "zoom out", "clockwise", "zoom in" },
{ "left to right", "spin down", "right to left", "spin up" },
{ "right", "up", "left", "down" },
{ "right", "up", "left", "down" }
const char *modelnames[5] = {
"disk", "half-plane", "band", "polygonal", "polynomial"
void show() {
displayStat( 0, XLAT("conformal/history mode"), "", ' ');
displayStat( 2, XLAT("include history"), ONOFF(includeHistory), 'i');
displayStat( 4, XLAT("model used"), modelnames[pmodel], 'm');
displayStat( 5, XLAT("rotation"), directions[pmodel][rotation&3], 'r');
if(pmodel == 4) {
displayStat( 6, XLAT("coefficient"),
fts4(imag(polygonal::coef[polygonal::coefid]))+"i", 'x');
displayStat( 7, XLAT("which coefficient"), its(polygonal::coefid), 'n');
if(pmodel == 3) {
displayStat( 6, XLAT("polygon sides"), its(polygonal::SI), 'x');
displayStat( 7, XLAT("star factor"), fts(polygonal::STAR), 'y');
displayStat( 8, XLAT("degree of the approximation"), its(polygonal::deg), 'n');
displayStat(10, XLAT("prepare the line animation"), ONOFF(on), 'e');
if(on) displayStat(11, XLAT("animation speed"), fts(lvspeed), 'a');
#ifndef MOBILE
displayStat(13, XLAT("render bands automatically"), ONOFF(autoband), 'o');
displayStat(14, XLAT("include history when auto-rendering"), ONOFF(autobandhistory), 'j');
bool renderable = on && pmodel == 2;
if(renderable || autoband) {
displayStat(15, XLAT("band width"), its(bandhalf*2), 'd');
displayStat(16, XLAT("length of a segment"), its(bandsegment), 's');
displayStat(17, XLAT("spiral on rendering"), ONOFF(dospiral), 'g');
displayStat(18, XLAT("render now (length: %1)", its(measureLength())), "", 'f');
displayStat(20, XLAT("exit this menu"), "", 'q');
mouseovers = XLAT("see http://www.roguetemple.com/z/hyper/conformal.php");
void handleKey(int uni, int sym) {
if(uni == 'e') {
if(on) clear();
else {
if(canmove && !cheater) {
addMessage("Enable cheat mode or GAME OVER to use this");
if(canmove && cheater) cheater++;
else if(uni == 'o')
autoband = !autoband;
else if(uni == 'm') {
pmodel %= 5;
if(pmodel == 3) polygonal::solve();
/* if(pmodel && vid.usingGL) {
addMessage(XLAT("openGL mode disabled"));
vid.usingGL = false;
} */
else if(sym == 'x' && pmodel == 3) { polygonal::SI += (shiftmul > 0 ? 1:-1); polygonal::solve(); }
else if(sym == 'y' && pmodel == 3) { polygonal::STAR += shiftmul/10; polygonal::solve(); }
else if(sym == 'n' && pmodel == 3) { polygonal::deg += (shiftmul>0?1:-1);
if(polygonal::deg < 2) polygonal::deg = 2;
if(polygonal::deg > MSI-1) polygonal::deg = MSI-1;
else if(sym == 'x' && pmodel == 4) {
int ci = polygonal::coefid;
polygonal::coef[polygonal::coefid] += polygonal::cld(shiftmul/100/ci/ci, 0);
else if(sym == 'y' && pmodel == 4) {
int ci = polygonal::coefid;
polygonal::coef[polygonal::coefid] += polygonal::cld(0, shiftmul/100/ci/ci);
else if(sym == 'n' && pmodel == 4) { polygonal::coefid += (shiftmul>0?1:-1); polygonal::maxcoef = max(polygonal::maxcoef, polygonal::coefid); }
else if(sym == 'r') rotation += (shiftmul > 0 ? 1:3);
else if(sym == 'a') { lvspeed += shiftmul/10; }
else if(sym == 'd') { bandhalf += int(5 * shiftmul); if(bandhalf < 5) bandhalf = 5; }
else if(sym == 's') { bandsegment += int(500 * shiftmul); if(bandsegment < 500) bandsegment = 500; }
else if(sym == 'g') { dospiral = !dospiral; }
#ifndef MOBILE
else if(uni == 'f' && pmodel == 2 && on) createImage(dospiral);
else if(sym == 'q' || sym == SDLK_ESCAPE || sym == '0') { cmode = emNormal; }
else if(sym == 'i') {
if(canmove && !cheater) {
addMessage("Enable cheat mode or GAME OVER to use this");
if(canmove && cheater) cheater++;
includeHistory = !includeHistory;
else if(sym == 'j') {
autobandhistory = !autobandhistory;
void restore() {
for(int i=0; i<size(movehistory); i++)
movehistory[i]->aitmp = sval;
int sk = size(killhistory);
for(int i=0; i<sk; i++) {
eMonster m = killhistory[i].second;
killhistory[i].second = killhistory[i].first->monst;
killhistory[i].first->monst = m;
killhistory[i].first->aitmp = sval;
int si = size(findhistory);
for(int i=0; i<si; i++) {
eItem m = findhistory[i].second;
findhistory[i].second = findhistory[i].first->item;
findhistory[i].first->item = m;
findhistory[i].first->aitmp = sval;
void restoreBack() {
int sk = size(killhistory);
for(int i=sk-1; i>=0; i--) {
eMonster m = killhistory[i].second;
killhistory[i].second = killhistory[i].first->monst;
killhistory[i].first->monst = m;
int si = size(findhistory);
for(int i=si-1; i>=0; i--) {
eItem m = findhistory[i].second;
findhistory[i].second = findhistory[i].first->item;
findhistory[i].first->item = m;
void renderAutoband() {
#ifndef MOBILE
if(celldist(cwt.c) <= 7) return;
if(!autoband) return;
int spm = pmodel;
bool ih = includeHistory;
includeHistory = autobandhistory;
pmodel = 2;
pmodel = spm;
includeHistory = ih;