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2016-08-26 11:58:03 +02:00
// definitions
// disable this if you have no access to SDL_gfx
#ifndef STEAM
#define GFX
#define GL
#ifdef NOGFX
#undef GFX
#ifdef MAC
#define NOPNG
// scale the Euclidean
#define EUCSCALE 2.3
// disable this if you have no access to SDL_mixer
#ifndef MOBILE
#define AUDIO
#define NUMWITCH 7
// achievements
#define LB_PURE_TACTICS 41
#define NUMLEADER 57
extern int currentscore[NUMLEADER];
extern int syncstate;
// initialize the achievement system.
void achievement_init();
// close the achievement system.
void achievement_close();
// gain the achievement with the given name.
// flags: 'e' - for Euclidean, 's' - for Shmup, '7' - for heptagonal
// Only awarded if special modes are matched exactly.
void achievement_gain(const char*, char flags = 0);
// gain the achievement for collecting a number of 'it'.
void achievement_collection(eItem it, int prevgold, int newgold);
// this is used for 'counting' achievements, such as kill 10
// monsters at the same time.
void achievement_count(const string& s, int current, int prev);
// scores for special challenges
void achievement_score(int cat, int score);
// gain the victory achievements. Set 'hyper' to true for
// the Hyperstone victory, and false for the Orb of Yendor victory.
void achievement_victory(bool hyper);
// gain the final achievements. Called with really=false whenever the user
// looks at their score, and really=true when the game really ends.
void achievement_final(bool really);
// display the last achievement gained.
void achievement_display();
// call the achievement callbacks
void achievement_pump();
// achievements received this game
vector<string> achievementsReceived;
// game forward declarations
bool mirrorkill(cell *c);
bool isNeighbor(cell *c1, cell *c2);
void checkTide(cell *c);
namespace anticheat { extern bool tampered; }
int numplayers();
void removeIvy(cell *c);
bool cellEdgeUnstable(cell *c);
int coastvalEdge(cell *c);
typedef int cellfunction(cell*);
int towerval(cell *c, cellfunction* cf = &coastvalEdge);
int hrandpos(); // 0 to HRANDMAX
void restartGame(char switchWhat = 0);
int landMultiplier(eLand l);
eItem treasureType(eLand l);
void buildBarrier(cell *c, int d, eLand l = laNone);
void extendBarrier(cell *c);
bool buildBarrier4(cell *c, int d, int mode, eLand ll, eLand lr);
void makeEmpty(cell *c);
bool isCrossroads(eLand l);
enum orbAction { roMouse, roKeyboard, roCheck, roMouseForce };
void moveItem (cell *from, cell *to, bool activateYendor);
void uncoverMines(cell *c, int lev);
bool survivesMine(eMonster m);
void killMonster(cell *c);
void toggleGates(cell *ct, eWall type, int rad);
bool destroyHalfvine(cell *c, eWall newwall = waNone, int tval = 6);
void buildCrossroads2(cell *c);
bool isHaunted(eLand l);
heptagon *createAlternateMap(cell *c, int rad, hstate firststate, int special=0);
void generateAlts(heptagon *h);
void setdist(cell *c, int d, cell *from);
void checkOnYendorPath();
void killThePlayerAt(eMonster m, cell *c, int flags);
bool notDippingFor(eItem i);
bool collectItem(cell *c2, bool telekinesis = false);
void castLightningBolt(struct cellwalker lig);
bool movepcto(int d, int subdir = 1, bool checkonly = false);
void stabbingAttack(cell *mf, cell *mt, eMonster who);
bool earthMove(cell *from, int dir);
void messageKill(eMonster killer, eMonster victim);
void moveMonster(cell *ct, cell *cf);
int palaceHP();
void placeLocalOrbs(cell *c);
int elementalKills();
bool elementalUnlocked();
bool isMultitile(eMonster m);
void checkFreedom(cell *cf);
int rosedist(cell *c);
bool canPushStatueOn(cell *c);
namespace hive { void createBugArmy(cell *c); }
namespace whirlpool { void generate(cell *wto); }
namespace whirlwind { void generate(cell *wto); }
namespace mirror {
void createMirrors(cell *c, int dir, eMonster type);
void createMirages(cell *c, int dir, eMonster type);
int neighborId(cell *c1, cell *c2);
struct movedir { int d; int subdir; };
inline bool movepcto(const movedir& md) { return movepcto(md.d, md.subdir); }
void activateActiv(cell *c, bool msg);
// shmup
struct charstyle {
int charid, skincolor, haircolor, dresscolor, swordcolor, dresscolor2;
string csname(charstyle& cs);
void initcs(charstyle& cs);
void savecs(FILE *f, charstyle& cs);
void loadcs(FILE *f, charstyle& cs);
namespace shmup {
extern bool on;
extern bool safety;
extern int curtime;
extern int players, cpid;
void clearMemory();
void init();
void teleported();
extern struct monster* mousetarget;
extern eItem targetRangedOrb(orbAction a);
void degradeDemons();
void killThePlayer(eMonster m);
void killThePlayer(eMonster m, int i);
void visibleFor(int t);
bool verifyTeleport();
bool dragonbreath(cell *dragon);
void shmupDrownPlayers(cell *c);
cell *playerpos(int i);
bool playerInBoat(int i);
#define MAXBUTTON 64
#define MAXAXE 16
#define MAXHAT 4
struct config {
int players;
int subconfig;
int setwhat;
char keyaction[512];
char joyaction[8][MAXBUTTON];
char axeaction[8][MAXAXE];
char hataction[8][MAXHAT][4];
charstyle scs[4];
// graph
extern int msgscroll;
void showMissionScreen();
void restartGraph();
void resetmusic();
void cleargraphmemory();
void drawFlash(cell* c);
void drawBigFlash(cell* c);
void drawLightning();
void drawSafety();
void restartGraph();
void movepckeydir(int);
void centerpc(ld aspd);
void displayStatHelp(int y, string name);
void displayStat(int y, const string& name, const string& val, char mkey);
void displayButton(int x, int y, const string& name, int key, int align, int rad = 0);
void displayColorButton(int x, int y, const string& name, int key, int align, int rad, int color, int color2 = 0);
inline string ONOFF(bool b) { return XLAT(b ? "ON" : "OFF"); }
int darkened(int c);
extern int getcstat;
bool displaychr(int x, int y, int shift, int size, char chr, int col);
bool displayfr(int x, int y, int b, int size, const string &s, int color, int align);
void saveHighQualityShot();
bool outofmap(hyperpoint h);
void getcoord(const hyperpoint& H, int& x, int& y, int &shift);
void drawline(const hyperpoint& H1, int x1, int y1, int s1, const hyperpoint& H2, int x2, int y2, int col);
void drawline(const hyperpoint& H1, const hyperpoint& H2, int col);
void drawCircle(int x, int y, int size, int color);
void fixcolor(int& col);
int displaydir(cell *c, int d);
hyperpoint gethyper(ld x, ld y);
void resetview(); extern cell *lcenterover; extern heptspin viewctr;
#ifndef MOBILE
int& qpixel(SDL_Surface *surf, int x, int y);
void drawthemap();
void drawfullmap();
bool displaystr(int x, int y, int shift, int size, const char *str, int color, int align);
extern int darken;
void setvideomode();
void calcparam();
string ifMousing(string key, string s);
void saveConfig();
extern hyperpoint mouseh;
extern int webdisplay;
extern bool GL_initialized;
extern hyperpoint ccenter;
extern ld crad;
extern bool mousepressed, anyshiftclick;
extern string help;
extern int lalpha;
struct videopar {
ld scale, eye, alpha, aspeed;
bool full;
bool goteyes; // for rendering
bool goteyes2; // for choosing colors
bool quick;
bool darkhepta;
bool shifttarget;
int xres, yres, framelimit;
int xscr, yscr;
// paramaters calculated from the above
int xcenter, ycenter;
int radius;
ld alphax, beta;
int fsize;
int flashtime;
int wallmode, monmode, axes;
// for OpenGL
float scrdist;
bool usingGL;
bool usingAA;
int joyvalue, joyvalue2, joypanthreshold;
float joypanspeed;
charstyle cs;
bool samegender; // same gender for the Princess?
int language;
int killreduction, itemreduction, portreduction;
shmup::config scfg;
bool steamscore;
extern videopar vid;
enum emtype {emNormal, emHelp,
emVisual1, emVisual2,
emChangeMode, emCustomizeChar,
emQuit, emDraw, emScores, emPickEuclidean,
emYendor, emTactic, emRugConfig,
extern emtype cmode, lastmode;
extern transmatrix View; // current rotation, relative to viewctr
extern transmatrix cwtV; // player-relative view
extern cell *mouseover, *mouseover2;
extern string mouseovers;
extern struct SDL_Surface *s;
namespace mapeditor {
extern bool drawplayer;
extern char whichPattern, whichShape;
int generateCanvas(cell *c);
void clearModelCells();
void applyModelcell(cell *c);
int realpattern(cell *c);
int patterndir(cell *c, char w = whichPattern);
extern cell *drawcell;
namespace rug {
extern bool rugged;
void init();
void close();
void actDraw();
void buildVertexInfo(cell *c, transmatrix V);
namespace conformal {
extern bool on;
extern vector<pair<cell*, eMonster> > killhistory;
extern vector<pair<cell*, eItem> > findhistory;
extern vector<cell*> movehistory;
extern bool includeHistory;
void create();
void clear();
void handleKey();
void show();
void apply();
void renderAutoband();
namespace polygonal {
extern int SI;
extern double STAR;
void solve();
typedef long double ld;
pair<ld, ld> compute(ld x, ld y);
void selectEyeGL(int ed);
void selectEyeMask(int ed);
extern int ticks;
void setGLProjection();
#ifdef LOCAL
extern void process_local_stats();
bool localDescribe();
void localDrawMap();
extern bool localKill(shmup::monster *m);
// passable flags
#define P_MONSTER (1<<0) // can move through monsters
#define P_MIRROR (1<<1) // can move through mirrors
#define P_REVDIR (1<<2) // reverse direction movement
#define P_WIND (1<<3) // can move against the wind
#define P_GRAVITY (1<<4) // can move against the gravity
#define P_ISPLAYER (1<<5) // player-only moves (like the Round Table jump)
#define P_ONPLAYER (1<<6) // always can step on the player
#define P_FLYING (1<<7) // is flying
#define P_BULLET (1<<8) // bullet can fly through more things
#define P_JUMP1 (1<<10) // first part of a jump
#define P_JUMP2 (1<<11) // second part of a jump
#define P_TELE (1<<12) // teleport onto
#define P_BLOW (1<<13) // Orb of Air -- blow, or push
#define P_AETHER (1<<14) // aethereal
#define P_FISH (1<<15) // swimming
#define P_WINTER (1<<16) // fire resistant
#define P_USEBOAT (1<<17) // can use boat
#define P_NOAETHER (1<<18) // disable AETHER
#define P_FRIENDSWAP (1<<19) // can move on friends (to swap with tem)
#define P_ISFRIEND (1<<20) // is a friend (can use Empathy + Winter/Aether/Fish combo)
#define P_LEADER (1<<21) // can push statues and use boats
#define P_MARKWATER (1<<22) // mark Orb of Water as used
#define P_EARTHELEM (1<<23) // Earth Elemental
#define P_WATERELEM (1<<24) // Water Elemental
#define P_IGNORE37 (1<<25) // ignore the triheptagonal board
#define P_CHAIN (1<<26) // for chaining moves with boats
#define P_DEADLY (1<<27) // suicide moves allowed
#define P_ROSE (1<<28) // rose smell
#define P_CLIMBUP (1<<29) // allow climbing up
#define P_CLIMBDOWN (1<<30) // allow climbing down
bool passable(cell *w, cell *from, int flags);
bool isElemental(eLand l);
int coastval(cell *c, eLand base);
int getHauntedDepth(cell *c);
eLand randomElementalLand();
extern eLand euland[65536];
bool notDippingForExtra(eItem i, eItem x);
void placePrizeOrb(cell *c);
int hivehard();
eMonster randomHyperbug();
void wandering();
bool isSealand(eLand l);
int newRoundTableRadius();
bool grailWasFound(cell *c);
extern bool buggyGeneration;
int buildIvy(cell *c, int children, int minleaf);
int celldistAltRelative(cell *c);
int roundTableRadius(cell *c);
cell *chosenDown(cell *c, int which, int bonus, cellfunction* cf = &coastvalEdge);
eLand pickLandRPM(eLand old);
bool bearsCamelot(eLand l);
extern bool safety;
#define SAGEMELT .1
#define TEMPLE_EACH 6
#define PT(x, y) (tactic::on ? (y) : (x))
#define PRIZEMUL 7
#define INF 9999
#define INFD 20
#define BARLEV ((ISANDROID||ISIOS||purehepta)?9:10)
#define BUGLEV 15
// #define BARLEV 9
bool isKillable(cell *c);
bool isKillableSomehow(cell *c);
extern vector<cell*> mirrors, mirrors2;
bool isAlchAny(eWall w);
bool isAlchAny(cell *c);
#define YDIST 101
#define MODECODES 38
extern cellwalker cwt; // player character position
extern int sval;
extern int items[ittypes], hiitems[MODECODES][ittypes], kills[motypes], explore[10], exploreland[10][landtypes], landcount[landtypes];
extern eLand firstland, euclidland;
bool pseudohept(cell *c);
bool pureHardcore();
extern int cheater;
int airdist(cell *c);
bool eq(short a, short b);
extern vector<cell*> dcal; // queue for cpdist
bool isPlayerOn(cell *c);
bool isFriendly(eMonster m);
bool isFriendly(cell *c);
bool isChild(cell *w, cell *killed); // is w killed if killed is killed?
int gold();
int tkills();
bool hellUnlocked();
bool markOrb(eItem it); // mark the orb as 'used', return true if exists
bool markEmpathy(eItem it); // mark both the given orb and Empathy as 'used', return true if exists
bool isMimic(eMonster m);
bool isMimic(cell *c);
void killWithMessage(cell *c, bool orStun = false, eMonster killer = moNone);
bool isWorm(eMonster m);
bool isWorm(cell *c);
void empathyMove(cell *c, cell *cto, int dir);
bool isIvy(eMonster m);
bool isIvy(cell *c);
#define GUNRANGE 3
// 0 = basic treasure, 1 = something else, 2 = power orb
#define IC_TREASURE 0
#define IC_OTHER 1
#define IC_ORB 2
bool playerInPower();
void activateFlash();
void activateLightning();
bool markOrb(eItem it);
bool markOrb2(eItem it);
void drainOrb(eItem it, int target = 0);
void useupOrb(eItem it, int qty);
void initgame();
bool haveRangedTarget();
eItem targetRangedOrb(cell *c, orbAction a);
void reduceOrbPowers();
int realstuntime(cell *c);
extern bool invismove, invisfish;
bool attackingForbidden(cell *c, cell *c2);
void killOrStunMonster(cell *c2);
extern vector<cell*> offscreen; // offscreen cells to take care off
void useup(cell *c); // useup thumpers/bonfires
cell *playerpos(int i);
bool makeflame(cell *c, int timeout, bool checkonly);
void bfs();
bool isPlayerInBoatOn(cell *c);
extern bool showoff;
extern int lastexplore;
extern int truelotus;
extern eLand lastland;
extern time_t timerstart;
extern bool timerstopped;
bool againstRose(cell *cfrom, cell *cto);
bool withRose(cell *cfrom, cell *cto);
// loops
#define fakecellloop(ct) for(cell *ct = (cell*)1; ct; ct=NULL)
#define forCellIdAll(ct, i, cf) fakecellloop(ct) for(int i=0; i<(cf)->type && (ct=(cf)->mov[i],true); i++)
#define forCellIdCM(ct, i, cf) fakecellloop(ct) for(int i=0; i<(cf)->type && (ct=createMov((cf),i),true); i++)
#define forCellIdEx(ct, i, cf) forCellIdAll(ct,i,cf) if(ct)
#define forCellEx(ct, cf) forCellIdEx(ct,forCellEx ## __LINE__,cf)
#define forCellCM(ct, cf) forCellIdCM(ct,forCellCM ## __LINE__,cf)
#define forCellAll(ct, cf) forCellIdCM(ct,forCellAll ## __LINE__,cf)
// canAttack/moveval flags
#define AF_TOUGH (1<<0) // tough attacks: Hyperbugs
#define AF_MAGIC (1<<1) // magical attacks: Flash
#define AF_STAB (1<<2) // stabbing attacks (usually ignored except Hedgehogs)
#define AF_LANCE (1<<3) // lance attacks (used by Lancers)
#define AF_ONLY_ENEMY (1<<4) // only say YES if it is an enemy
#define AF_ONLY_FRIEND (1<<5) // only say YES if it is a friend
#define AF_ONLY_FBUG (1<<6) // only say YES if it is a bug_or friend
#define AF_BACK (1<<7) // backward attacks (ignored except Viziers and Flailers)
#define AF_APPROACH (1<<8) // approach attacks (ignored except Lancers)
#define AF_IGNORE_UNARMED (1<<9) // ignore the UNARMED flag
#define AF_NOSHIELD (1<<10) // ignore the shielded status
#define AF_GETPLAYER (1<<11) // check for player (replace m2 with moPlayer for player position)
#define AF_GUN (1<<12) // revolver attack
#define AF_FAST (1<<13) // fast attack
#define AF_EAT (1<<17) // eating attacks from Worm-likes
#define MF_NOATTACKS (1<<14) // don't do any attacks
#define MF_PATHDIST (1<<15) // consider pathdist for moveval
#define MF_ONLYEAGLE (1<<16) // do this only for Eagles
#define MF_MOUNT (1<<18) // don't do
#define MF_NOFRIEND (1<<19) // don't do it for friends
bool canAttack(cell *c1, eMonster m1, cell *c2, eMonster m2, int flags);
extern bool chaosmode;
extern bool chaosUnlocked;
extern bool chaosAchieved;
bool isTechnicalLand(eLand l);
int getGhostcount();
void raiseBuggyGeneration(cell *c, const char *s);
void verifyMutantAround(cell *c);
extern FILE *debugfile;
extern int debugflags;
extern bool offline;
#ifdef ANDROID
#define DEBB(r,x)
#define DEBB(r,x) { if(debugfile && (!(r) || (debugflags & (r)))) { fprintf x; fflush(debugfile); } }
#define DF_INIT 0 // always display these
#define DF_MSG 0 // always display these
#define DF_STEAM 1
#define DF_GRAPH 2
#define DF_TURN 4
#ifdef MOBILE
#define NOPNG
// #define NOPNG
#ifdef NOPNG
#define IMAGEEXT ".bmp"
#include "savepng.h"
#define IMAGEEXT ".png"
void IMAGESAVE(SDL_Surface *s, const char *fname);
void drawscreen();
void buildAirmap();
// currently works for worms only
bool sameMonster(cell *c1, cell *c2);
cell *wormhead(cell *c);
eMonster getMount();
bool isDragon(eMonster m);
// for some reason I need this to compile under OSX
#ifdef MAC
extern "C" { void *_Unwind_Resume = 0; }
extern bool autocheat;
extern bool inHighQual;
void mountmove(cell *c, int spin, bool fp);
template<class T> struct dynamicval {
T& where;
T backup;
dynamicval(T& wh, T val) : where(wh) { backup = wh; wh = val; }
~dynamicval() { where = backup; }
namespace stalemate {
eMonster who;
cell *moveto;
cell *killed;
cell *pushto;
cell *comefrom;
bool nextturn;
bool isKilled(cell *c);
extern int turncount;
bool reduceOrbPower(eItem it, int cap);
bool checkOrb(eMonster m1, eItem orb);