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* \file gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc.cc
* \brief Brief description of the file here
* \author Luis Esteve, 2011. luis(at)epsilon-formacion.com
* Detailed description of the file here if needed.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc.h"
#include "gps_sdr_signal_processing.h"
#include "control_message_factory.h"
#include "gps_sdr_x86.h"
#include <gnuradio/gr_io_signature.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <glog/log_severity.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
using google::LogMessage;
gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc_sptr gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_make_acquisition_cc(
unsigned int sampled_ms, unsigned int doppler_max, long freq,
long fs_in, int samples_per_ms, gr_msg_queue_sptr queue, bool dump,
std::string dump_filename)
return gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc_sptr(
new gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc(sampled_ms, doppler_max,
freq, fs_in, samples_per_ms, queue, dump, dump_filename));
unsigned int sampled_ms, unsigned int doppler_max, long freq,
long fs_in, int samples_per_ms, gr_msg_queue_sptr queue, bool dump,
std::string dump_filename) :
gr_block("gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc", gr_make_io_signature(1, 1,
sizeof(gr_complex) * samples_per_ms), gr_make_io_signature(0, 0,
sizeof(gr_complex) * samples_per_ms))
d_sample_counter = 0;
d_active = false;
d_dump = dump;
d_queue = queue;
d_dump_filename = dump_filename;
d_freq = freq;
d_fs_in = fs_in;
d_samples_per_ms = samples_per_ms;
d_sampled_ms = sampled_ms;
d_doppler_max = doppler_max;
d_satellite = Gnss_Satellite();
d_samples = d_sampled_ms * d_samples_per_ms;
d_doppler_freq = 0.0;
d_code_phase = 0;
d_mag = 0.0;
d_noise_power = 0.0;
d_fbins = 0;
d_doppler = 0;
d_pfa = 0.2;
d_A = 8;
d_B = 1;
d_max_dwells = 15;
d_K = d_B;
d_if_sin = new gr_complex[d_samples];
d_fft_codes = (gr_complex*)malloc(sizeof(gr_complex) * d_samples_per_ms);
// Direct FFT
d_fft_if = new gri_fft_complex(d_samples, true);
// Inverse FFT
d_ifft = new gri_fft_complex(d_samples, false);
d_ca_codes = new gr_complex[d_samples];
d_aux_ca_code = new gr_complex[d_samples];
//generates a unused PRN code to calculate the noise envelope
code_gen_complex_sampled(d_aux_ca_code, 33, d_fs_in, 0);
DLOG(INFO) << "fs in " << d_fs_in;
DLOG(INFO) << "samples per ms " << d_samples_per_ms;
DLOG(INFO) << "doppler max " << d_doppler_max;
DLOG(INFO) << "freq " << d_freq;
DLOG(INFO) << "satellite " << d_satellite;
DLOG(INFO) << "sampled_ms " << d_sampled_ms;
DLOG(INFO) << "Samples_for_processing " << d_samples;
DLOG(INFO) << "dump filename " << d_dump_filename;
DLOG(INFO) << "dump " << d_dump;
delete[] d_if_sin;
delete[] d_ca_codes;
delete[] d_aux_ca_code;
delete d_fft_if;
delete d_ifft;
if (d_dump)
void gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc::set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite satellite)
d_satellite = Gnss_Satellite(satellite.get_system(), satellite.get_PRN());
d_code_phase = 0;
d_doppler_freq = 0;
d_mag = 0.0;
d_noise_power = 0.0;
// The GPS codes are generated on the fly using a custom version of the GPS code generator
//! \TODO In-memory codes instead of generated on the fly
code_gen_complex_sampled(d_fft_if->get_inbuf(), satellite.get_PRN(), d_fs_in, 0);
d_fft_if->execute(); // We need the FFT of GPS C/A code
//Conjugate the local code
//! \TODO Optimize it ! Try conj() or Armadillo
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_samples; i++)
d_fft_codes[i] = std::complex<float>(
signed int gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc::prn_code_phase()
return d_code_phase;
int gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc::general_work(int noutput_items,
gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
if (!d_active)
// sample counter
d_sample_counter += d_samples * noutput_items;
d_sample_counter += d_samples;
// initialize acquisition algorithm
bool positive_acquisition = false;
int acquisition_message = -1; //0=STOP_CHANNEL 1=ACQ_SUCCEES 2=ACQ_FAIL
//float noise_envelope = 0.0;
float vt = 20000;
//float peak = 0.0;
float magt = 0.0;
unsigned int max_freq_step = 2 * (unsigned int)(d_doppler_max
/ d_doppler_step);
unsigned int indext = 0;
// Get the input samples pointer
const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex *)input_items[0];
// aux vars
std::stringstream filename;
//unsigned int consume_items = 1;
// complex file write
// std::streamsize n = 2 * sizeof(float) * (d_samples);
// 1 - Compute the input noise envelope estimation and the threshold vt
// sine_gen_complex( d_if_sin, d_freq + doppler, d_fs_in, d_samples );
// noise_envelope = calculate_envelope( in, d_aux_ca_code, d_if_sin );
// vt = noise_envelope * sqrt( -2 * log( d_pfa ) );
// 1- Compute the input signal power estimation
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_samples; i++)
d_noise_power += std::abs(in[i]);
d_noise_power = sqrt(d_noise_power / (float)d_samples);
//2. Perform the carrier wipe-off
sine_gen_complex(d_if_sin, d_freq + d_doppler, d_fs_in, d_samples);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_samples; i++)
d_fft_if->get_inbuf()[i] = in[i] * d_if_sin[i];
//3- Perform the FFT-based circular convolution (parallel time search)
//TODO Optimize me: use Armadillo!
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_samples; i++)
d_ifft->get_inbuf()[i] = d_fft_if->get_outbuf()[i]
* d_fft_codes[i];
x86_gr_complex_mag(d_ifft->get_outbuf(), d_samples); // d_ifft->get_outbuf()=|abs(·)|^2 and the array is converted from CPX->Float
x86_float_max((float*)d_ifft->get_outbuf(), &d_indext, &magt,
d_samples); // find max of |abs(·)|^2 -> index and magt
magt = sqrt(magt) / (float)d_samples;
d_test_statistics = magt / d_noise_power;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "Channel: " << d_channel
<< ", doing Tong PCSS acquisition of satellite: "
<< d_satellite << ", sample stamp: " << d_sample_counter
<< ", bin_freq " << d_doppler << ", doppler_max: "
<< d_doppler_max << ", K " << d_K << ", sigma: "
<< d_noise_power << ", mag: " << d_test_statistics
<< ", vt: " << vt;
if ((d_test_statistics > vt) && (indext = d_indext))
if (d_K == d_A)
d_code_phase = d_indext;
positive_acquisition = true;
d_doppler_freq = d_doppler;
d_acq_sample_stamp = d_sample_counter;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "positive acquisition";
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "satellite " << d_satellite;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "sample_stamp " << d_sample_counter;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "test statistics value "
<< d_test_statistics;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "test statistics threshold " << vt;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "code phase " << d_code_phase;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "doppler " << d_doppler_freq;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "magnitude " << magt;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "input signal power " << d_noise_power;
d_dwells = 0;
d_active = false;
else d_dwells++;
if ((d_K == 0) || (d_dwells > d_max_dwells))
d_K = d_B;
d_dwells = 0;
if (d_fbins > max_freq_step)
d_fbins = 0;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "negative acquisition";
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "satellite " << d_satellite;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "sample_stamp" << d_sample_counter;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "test statistics value "
<< d_test_statistics;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "test statistics threshold " << vt;
LOG_AT_LEVEL(INFO) << "input signal power "
<< d_noise_power;
d_active = false;
d_doppler = d_doppler + pow(-1, d_fbins + 1) * d_fbins
* d_doppler_step;
else d_dwells++;
// Record results to files
// if( d_dump )
// {
// filename.str( "" );
// filename << "./data/fft_" << doppler << "_.dat";
// std::cout << filename.str().c_str();
// std::cout << ".\n";
// d_dump_file.open( filename.str().c_str(), std::ios::out
// | std::ios::binary );
// d_dump_file.write( (char*) d_ifft->get_outbuf(), n ); //write directly |abs(·)|^2 in this Doppler bin
// d_dump_file.close();
// }
if (d_active == false)
if (positive_acquisition)
acquisition_message = 1;
acquisition_message = 2;
return 0;
float gps_l1_ca_tong_pcps_acquisition_cc::calculate_envelope(
const gr_complex* _input_signal, std::complex<float>* _local_code,
std::complex<float>* _local_if_sin)
float mag = 0.0;
std::complex<float> tmp_cpx = 0.0;
//std::cout << "tmp_cpx " << tmp_cpx << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_samples; i++)
tmp_cpx = tmp_cpx + _input_signal[i] * _local_code[i]
* _local_if_sin[i];
//std::cout << "tmp_cpx " << tmp_cpx << std::endl;
mag = abs(tmp_cpx);
return mag;