mirror of https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr synced 2024-06-17 18:49:57 +00:00
Carles Fernandez dc18980194 The global parameter name GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_hz has been replaced by

The old name was misleading, since the units are samples per second and
not Hertz. 

Backward compatibility is kept, so this change does not break any
existing configuration.
2017-09-02 11:24:44 +02:00

614 lines
23 KiB

* \file gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc
* \brief This class implements a tracking test for Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking
* implementation based on some input parameters.
* \author Marc Majoral, 2017. mmajoral(at)cttc.cat
* \author Javier Arribas, 2017. jarribas(at)cttc.es
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2012-2017 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <chrono>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <armadillo>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>// to test the FPGA we have to create a simultaneous task to send the samples using the DMA and stop the test
#include <stdio.h>// FPGA read input file
#include <gnuradio/top_block.h>
#include <gnuradio/blocks/file_source.h>
#include <gnuradio/analog/sig_source_waveform.h>
#include <gnuradio/analog/sig_source_c.h>
#include <gnuradio/blocks/interleaved_char_to_complex.h>
#include <gnuradio/blocks/null_sink.h>
#include <gnuradio/blocks/skiphead.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "GPS_L1_CA.h"
#include "gnss_block_factory.h"
#include "gnss_block_interface.h"
#include "tracking_interface.h"
#include "in_memory_configuration.h"
#include "gnss_synchro.h"
#include "gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_fpga.h"
#include "tracking_true_obs_reader.h"
#include "tracking_dump_reader.h"
#include "signal_generator_flags.h"
#include "interleaved_byte_to_complex_short.h"
#define DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE 2046 // DMA transfer size for tracking
#define MIN_SAMPLES_REMAINING 20000 // number of remaining samples in the DMA that causes the CPU to stop the flowgraph (it has to be a bit alrger than 2x max packet size)
#define FIVE_SECONDS 5000000 // five seconds in microseconds
void send_tracking_gps_input_samples(FILE *rx_signal_file,
int num_remaining_samples, gr::top_block_sptr top_block)
int num_samples_transferred = 0; // number of samples that have been transferred to the DMA so far
static int flowgraph_stopped = 0; // flag to indicate if the flowgraph is stopped already
char *buffer_DMA; // temporary buffer to store the samples to be sent to the DMA
int dma_descr; // DMA descriptor
dma_descr = open("/dev/loop_tx", O_WRONLY);
if (dma_descr < 0)
printf("can't open loop device\n");
buffer_DMA = (char *) malloc(DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE);
if (!buffer_DMA)
fprintf(stderr, "Memory error!");
while (num_remaining_samples > 0)
if (num_remaining_samples < MIN_SAMPLES_REMAINING)
if (flowgraph_stopped == 0)
// stop top module
flowgraph_stopped = 1;
if (num_remaining_samples > DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE)
fread(buffer_DMA, DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE, 1,rx_signal_file);
assert(DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE == write(dma_descr, &buffer_DMA[0], DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE));
num_remaining_samples = num_remaining_samples - DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE;
num_samples_transferred = num_samples_transferred + DMA_TRACK_TRANSFER_SIZE;
fread(buffer_DMA, num_remaining_samples, 1, rx_signal_file);
assert(num_remaining_samples == write(dma_descr, &buffer_DMA[0], num_remaining_samples));
num_samples_transferred = num_samples_transferred + num_remaining_samples;
num_remaining_samples = 0;
// thread that sends the samples to the FPGA
void thread(gr::top_block_sptr top_block, const char * file_name)
// file descriptor
FILE *rx_signal_file; // file descriptor
int file_length; // length of the file containing the received samples
rx_signal_file = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (!rx_signal_file)
printf("Unable to open file!");
fseek(rx_signal_file, 0, SEEK_END);
file_length = ftell(rx_signal_file);
fseek(rx_signal_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
usleep(FIVE_SECONDS); // wait for some time to give time to the other thread to program the device
//send_tracking_gps_input_samples(dma_descr, rx_signal_file, file_length);
send_tracking_gps_input_samples(rx_signal_file, file_length, top_block);
class GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx> GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_sptr;
GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_sptr GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_make();
class GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx : public gr::block
friend GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_sptr GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_make();
void msg_handler_events(pmt::pmt_t msg);
int rx_message;
~GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx(); //!< Default destructor
GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_sptr GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_make()
return GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_sptr(
new GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx());
void GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx::msg_handler_events(pmt::pmt_t msg)
long int message = pmt::to_long(msg);
rx_message = message;
catch (boost::bad_any_cast& e)
LOG(WARNING) << "msg_handler_telemetry Bad any cast!";
rx_message = 0;
GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx::GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx() :
gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0),
gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0))
this, _1));
rx_message = 0;
// ###########################################################
class GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga : public ::testing::Test
std::string generator_binary;
std::string p1;
std::string p2;
std::string p3;
std::string p4;
std::string p5;
const int baseband_sampling_freq = FLAGS_fs_gen_sps;
std::string filename_rinex_obs = FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs;
std::string filename_raw_data = FLAGS_filename_raw_data;
int configure_generator();
int generate_signal();
void check_results_doppler(arma::vec & true_time_s, arma::vec & true_value,
arma::vec & meas_time_s, arma::vec & meas_value);
void check_results_acc_carrier_phase(arma::vec & true_time_s,
arma::vec & true_value, arma::vec & meas_time_s, arma::vec & meas_value);
void check_results_codephase(arma::vec & true_time_s, arma::vec & true_value,
arma::vec & meas_time_s, arma::vec & meas_value);
factory = std::make_shared<GNSSBlockFactory>();
config = std::make_shared<InMemoryConfiguration>();
item_size = sizeof(gr_complex);
gnss_synchro = Gnss_Synchro();
void configure_receiver();
gr::top_block_sptr top_block;
std::shared_ptr<GNSSBlockFactory> factory;
std::shared_ptr<InMemoryConfiguration> config;
Gnss_Synchro gnss_synchro;
size_t item_size;
int GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga::configure_generator()
// Configure signal generator
generator_binary = FLAGS_generator_binary;
p1 = std::string("-rinex_nav_file=") + FLAGS_rinex_nav_file;
if (FLAGS_dynamic_position.empty())
p2 = std::string("-static_position=") + FLAGS_static_position
+ std::string(",") + std::to_string(FLAGS_duration * 10);
p2 = std::string("-obs_pos_file=") + std::string(FLAGS_dynamic_position);
p3 = std::string("-rinex_obs_file=") + FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs; // RINEX 2.10 observation file output
p4 = std::string("-sig_out_file=") + FLAGS_filename_raw_data; // Baseband signal output file. Will be stored in int8_t IQ multiplexed samples
p5 = std::string("-sampling_freq=") + std::to_string(baseband_sampling_freq); //Baseband sampling frequency [MSps]
return 0;
int GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga::generate_signal()
int child_status;
char * const parmList[] = { &generator_binary[0], &generator_binary[0], &p1[0], &p2[0], &p3[0],
&p4[0], &p5[0], NULL };
int pid;
if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
perror("fork err");
else if (pid == 0)
execv(&generator_binary[0], parmList);
std::cout << "Return not expected. Must be an execv err." << std::endl;
waitpid(pid, &child_status, 0);
std::cout << "Signal and Observables RINEX and RAW files created." << std::endl;
return 0;
void GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga::configure_receiver()
gnss_synchro.Channel_ID = 0;
gnss_synchro.System = 'G';
std::string signal = "1C";
signal.copy(gnss_synchro.Signal, 2, 0);
gnss_synchro.PRN = FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN;
// Set Tracking
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.item_type", "cshort");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.if", "0");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.dump", "true");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.dump_filename", "./tracking_ch_");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.pll_bw_hz", "30.0");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.dll_bw_hz", "2.0");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.early_late_space_chips", "0.5");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.devicename", "/dev/uio");
config->set_property("Tracking_1C.device_base", "1");
void GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga::check_results_doppler(arma::vec & true_time_s,
arma::vec & true_value, arma::vec & meas_time_s, arma::vec & meas_value)
//1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times
arma::vec true_value_interp;
arma::uvec true_time_s_valid = find(true_time_s > 0);
true_time_s = true_time_s(true_time_s_valid);
true_value = true_value(true_time_s_valid);
arma::uvec meas_time_s_valid = find(meas_time_s > 0);
meas_time_s = meas_time_s(meas_time_s_valid);
meas_value = meas_value(meas_time_s_valid);
arma::interp1(true_time_s, true_value, meas_time_s, true_value_interp);
//2. RMSE
arma::vec err;
err = meas_value - true_value_interp;
arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err);
double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2));
//3. Mean err and variance
double error_mean = arma::mean(err);
double error_var = arma::var(err);
// 5. Peaks
double max_error = arma::max(err);
double min_error = arma::min(err);
//5. report
std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision();
std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << "TRK Doppler RMSE=" << rmse
<< ", mean=" << error_mean << ", stdev=" << sqrt(error_var)
<< " (max,min)=" << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Hz]"
<< std::endl;
std::cout.precision (ss);
void GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga::check_results_acc_carrier_phase(
arma::vec & true_time_s, arma::vec & true_value, arma::vec & meas_time_s,
arma::vec & meas_value)
//1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times
arma::vec true_value_interp;
arma::uvec true_time_s_valid = find(true_time_s > 0);
true_time_s = true_time_s(true_time_s_valid);
true_value = true_value(true_time_s_valid);
arma::uvec meas_time_s_valid = find(meas_time_s > 0);
meas_time_s = meas_time_s(meas_time_s_valid);
meas_value = meas_value(meas_time_s_valid);
arma::interp1(true_time_s, true_value, meas_time_s, true_value_interp);
//2. RMSE
arma::vec err;
err = meas_value - true_value_interp;
arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err);
double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2));
//3. Mean err and variance
double error_mean = arma::mean(err);
double error_var = arma::var(err);
// 4. Peaks
double max_error = arma::max(err);
double min_error = arma::min(err);
//5. report
std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision();
std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << "TRK acc carrier phase RMSE=" << rmse
<< ", mean=" << error_mean << ", stdev=" << sqrt(error_var)
<< " (max,min)=" << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Hz]"
<< std::endl;
std::cout.precision (ss);
void GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga::check_results_codephase(
arma::vec & true_time_s, arma::vec & true_value, arma::vec & meas_time_s,
arma::vec & meas_value)
//1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times
arma::vec true_value_interp;
arma::uvec true_time_s_valid = find(true_time_s > 0);
true_time_s = true_time_s(true_time_s_valid);
true_value = true_value(true_time_s_valid);
arma::uvec meas_time_s_valid = find(meas_time_s > 0);
meas_time_s = meas_time_s(meas_time_s_valid);
meas_value = meas_value(meas_time_s_valid);
arma::interp1(true_time_s, true_value, meas_time_s, true_value_interp);
//2. RMSE
arma::vec err;
err = meas_value - true_value_interp;
arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err);
double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2));
//3. Mean err and variance
double error_mean = arma::mean(err);
double error_var = arma::var(err);
// 4. Peaks
double max_error = arma::max(err);
double min_error = arma::min(err);
//5. report
std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision();
std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << "TRK code phase RMSE=" << rmse
<< ", mean=" << error_mean << ", stdev=" << sqrt(error_var)
<< " (max,min)=" << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Chips]"
<< std::endl;
std::cout.precision (ss);
TEST_F(GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga, ValidationOfResultsFpga)
// DO not generate signal raw signal samples and observations RINEX file by default
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start, end;
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds(0);
//open true observables log file written by the simulator
tracking_true_obs_reader true_obs_data;
int test_satellite_PRN = FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN;
std::cout << "Testing satellite PRN=" << test_satellite_PRN << std::endl;
std::string true_obs_file = std::string("./gps_l1_ca_obs_prn");
if (true_obs_data.open_obs_file(true_obs_file) == false)
throw std::exception();
})<< "Failure opening true observables file" << std::endl;
top_block = gr::make_top_block("Tracking test");
std::shared_ptr<GpsL1CaDllPllCAidTrackingFpga> tracking = std::make_shared<GpsL1CaDllPllCAidTrackingFpga> (config.get(), "Tracking_1C", 1, 1);
boost::shared_ptr<GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx> msg_rx = GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTestFpga_msg_rx_make();
// load acquisition data based on the first epoch of the true observations
if (true_obs_data.read_binary_obs() == false)
throw std::exception();
})<< "Failure reading true observables file" << std::endl;
//restart the epoch counter
std::cout << "Initial Doppler [Hz]=" << true_obs_data.doppler_l1_hz
<< " Initial code delay [Chips]=" << true_obs_data.prn_delay_chips
<< std::endl;
gnss_synchro.Acq_delay_samples = (GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS
- true_obs_data.prn_delay_chips / GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS)
* baseband_sampling_freq * GPS_L1_CA_CODE_PERIOD;
gnss_synchro.Acq_doppler_hz = true_obs_data.doppler_l1_hz;
gnss_synchro.Acq_samplestamp_samples = 0;
})<< "Failure setting channel." << std::endl;
})<< "Failure setting gnss_synchro." << std::endl;
})<< "Failure connecting tracking to the top_block." << std::endl;
gr::blocks::null_sink::sptr sink = gr::blocks::null_sink::make(sizeof(Gnss_Synchro));
top_block->connect(tracking->get_right_block(), 0, sink, 0);
top_block->msg_connect(tracking->get_right_block(), pmt::mp("events"), msg_rx, pmt::mp("events"));
})<< "Failure connecting the blocks of tracking test." << std::endl;
// assemble again the file name in a null terminated string (not available by default in the main program flow)
std::string file = "./" + filename_raw_data;
const char * file_name = file.c_str();
// start thread that sends the DMA samples to the FPGA
boost::thread t
{ thread, top_block, file_name };
start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
top_block->run(); // Start threads and wait
tracking->reset();// unlock the channel
end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
elapsed_seconds = end - start;
})<< "Failure running the top_block." << std::endl;
// wait until child thread terminates
//check results
//load the true values
long int nepoch = true_obs_data.num_epochs();
std::cout << "True observation epochs=" << nepoch << std::endl;
arma::vec true_timestamp_s = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
arma::vec true_acc_carrier_phase_cycles = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
arma::vec true_Doppler_Hz = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
arma::vec true_prn_delay_chips = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
arma::vec true_tow_s = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
long int epoch_counter = 0;
while (true_obs_data.read_binary_obs())
true_timestamp_s(epoch_counter) = true_obs_data.signal_timestamp_s;
true_acc_carrier_phase_cycles(epoch_counter) = true_obs_data.acc_carrier_phase_cycles;
true_Doppler_Hz(epoch_counter) = true_obs_data.doppler_l1_hz;
true_prn_delay_chips(epoch_counter) = true_obs_data.prn_delay_chips;
true_tow_s(epoch_counter) = true_obs_data.tow;
//load the measured values
tracking_dump_reader trk_dump;
if (trk_dump.open_obs_file(std::string("./tracking_ch_0.dat")) == false)
throw std::exception();
})<< "Failure opening tracking dump file" << std::endl;
nepoch = trk_dump.num_epochs();
std::cout << "Measured observation epochs=" << nepoch << std::endl;
arma::vec trk_timestamp_s = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
arma::vec trk_acc_carrier_phase_cycles = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
arma::vec trk_Doppler_Hz = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
arma::vec trk_prn_delay_chips = arma::zeros(nepoch, 1);
epoch_counter = 0;
while (trk_dump.read_binary_obs())
trk_timestamp_s(epoch_counter) = static_cast<double>(trk_dump.PRN_start_sample_count)
/ static_cast<double>(baseband_sampling_freq);
trk_acc_carrier_phase_cycles(epoch_counter) = trk_dump.acc_carrier_phase_rad / GPS_TWO_PI;
trk_Doppler_Hz(epoch_counter) = trk_dump.carrier_doppler_hz;
* (fmod( (static_cast<double>(trk_dump.PRN_start_sample_count) + trk_dump.aux1)
/ static_cast<double>(baseband_sampling_freq), 1.0e-3) / 1.0e-3);
trk_prn_delay_chips(epoch_counter) = delay_chips;
//Align initial measurements and cut the tracking pull-in transitory
double pull_in_offset_s = 1.0;
arma::uvec initial_meas_point = arma::find( trk_timestamp_s >= (true_timestamp_s(0) + pull_in_offset_s), 1, "first");
trk_timestamp_s = trk_timestamp_s.subvec(initial_meas_point(0), trk_timestamp_s.size() - 1);
trk_acc_carrier_phase_cycles = trk_acc_carrier_phase_cycles.subvec(initial_meas_point(0), trk_acc_carrier_phase_cycles.size() - 1);
trk_Doppler_Hz = trk_Doppler_Hz.subvec(initial_meas_point(0), trk_Doppler_Hz.size() - 1);
trk_prn_delay_chips = trk_prn_delay_chips.subvec(initial_meas_point(0), trk_prn_delay_chips.size() - 1);
check_results_doppler(true_timestamp_s, true_Doppler_Hz, trk_timestamp_s, trk_Doppler_Hz);
check_results_codephase(true_timestamp_s, true_prn_delay_chips, trk_timestamp_s, trk_prn_delay_chips);
true_acc_carrier_phase_cycles, trk_timestamp_s,
std::cout << "Signal tracking completed in " << elapsed_seconds.count() * 1e6 << " microseconds" << std::endl;