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* \file
* \brief Interface of a GPS CNAV EPHEMERIS storage and orbital model functions
* See Appendix III
* \author Javier Arribas, 2015. jarribas(at)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver.
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "gps_cnav_ephemeris.h"
#include <cmath>
double Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris::check_t(double time)
const double half_week = 302400.0; // seconds
double corrTime = time;
if (time > half_week)
corrTime = time - 2.0 * half_week;
else if (time < -half_week)
corrTime = time + 2.0 * half_week;
return corrTime;
// User Algorithm for SV Clock Correction.
double Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris::sv_clock_drift(double transmitTime)
const double dt = check_t(transmitTime - d_Toc);
d_satClkDrift = d_A_f0 + d_A_f1 * dt + d_A_f2 * (dt * dt) + sv_clock_relativistic_term(transmitTime);
// Correct satellite group delay
d_satClkDrift -= d_TGD;
return d_satClkDrift;
// compute the relativistic correction term
double Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris::sv_clock_relativistic_term(double transmitTime)
const double A_REF = 26559710.0; // See IS-GPS-200L, pp. 161
const double d_sqrt_A = sqrt(A_REF + d_DELTA_A);
// Restore semi-major axis
const double a = d_sqrt_A * d_sqrt_A;
// Time from ephemeris reference epoch
const double tk = check_t(transmitTime - d_Toe1);
// Computed mean motion
const double n0 = sqrt(GPS_GM / (a * a * a));
// Corrected mean motion
const double n = n0 + d_Delta_n;
// Mean anomaly
const double M = d_M_0 + n * tk;
// Reduce mean anomaly to between 0 and 2pi
// M = fmod((M + 2.0 * GNSS_PI), (2.0 * GNSS_PI));
// Initial guess of eccentric anomaly
double E = M;
double E_old;
double dE;
// --- Iteratively compute eccentric anomaly -------------------------------
for (int32_t ii = 1; ii < 20; ii++)
E_old = E;
E = M + d_e_eccentricity * sin(E);
dE = fmod(E - E_old, 2.0 * GNSS_PI);
if (fabs(dE) < 1e-12)
// Necessary precision is reached, exit from the loop
// Compute relativistic correction term
d_dtr = GPS_F * d_e_eccentricity * d_sqrt_A * sin(E);
return d_dtr;
double Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris::satellitePosition(double transmitTime)
const double A_REF = 26559710.0; // See IS-GPS-200L, pp. 161
const double OMEGA_DOT_REF = -2.6e-9; // semicircles / s, see IS-GPS-200L pp. 160
const double d_sqrt_A = sqrt(A_REF + d_DELTA_A);
// Find satellite's position -----------------------------------------------
// Restore semi-major axis
const double a = d_sqrt_A * d_sqrt_A;
// Time from ephemeris reference epoch
double tk = check_t(transmitTime - d_Toe1);
// Computed mean motion
const double n0 = sqrt(GPS_GM / (a * a * a));
// Mean motion difference from computed value
const double delta_n_a = d_Delta_n + 0.5 * d_DELTA_DOT_N * tk;
// Corrected mean motion
const double n = n0 + delta_n_a;
// Mean anomaly
const double M = d_M_0 + n * tk;
// Reduce mean anomaly to between 0 and 2pi
// M = fmod((M + 2 * GNSS_PI), (2 * GNSS_PI));
// Initial guess of eccentric anomaly
double E = M;
double E_old;
double dE;
// --- Iteratively compute eccentric anomaly -------------------------------
for (int32_t ii = 1; ii < 20; ii++)
E_old = E;
E = M + d_e_eccentricity * sin(E);
dE = fmod(E - E_old, 2 * GNSS_PI);
if (fabs(dE) < 1e-12)
// Necessary precision is reached, exit from the loop
const double sek = sin(E);
const double cek = cos(E);
const double OneMinusecosE = 1.0 - d_e_eccentricity * cek;
const double ekdot = n / OneMinusecosE;
// Compute the true anomaly
const double sq1e2 = sqrt(1.0 - d_e_eccentricity * d_e_eccentricity);
const double tmp_Y = sq1e2 * sek;
const double tmp_X = cek - d_e_eccentricity;
const double nu = atan2(tmp_Y, tmp_X);
// Compute angle phi (argument of Latitude)
const double phi = nu + d_OMEGA;
double pkdot = sq1e2 * ekdot / OneMinusecosE;
// Reduce phi to between 0 and 2*pi rad
// phi = fmod((phi), (2.0 * GNSS_PI));
const double s2pk = sin(2.0 * phi);
const double c2pk = cos(2.0 * phi);
// Correct argument of latitude
const double u = phi + d_Cuc * c2pk + d_Cus * s2pk;
const double cuk = cos(u);
const double suk = sin(u);
const double ukdot = pkdot * (1.0 + 2.0 * (d_Cus * c2pk - d_Cuc * s2pk));
// Correct radius
const double r = a * (1.0 - d_e_eccentricity * cek) + d_Crc * c2pk + d_Crs * s2pk;
const double rkdot = a * d_e_eccentricity * sek * ekdot + 2.0 * pkdot * (d_Crs * c2pk - d_Crc * s2pk);
// Correct inclination
const double i = d_i_0 + d_IDOT * tk + d_Cic * c2pk + d_Cis * s2pk;
const double sik = sin(i);
const double cik = cos(i);
const double ikdot = d_IDOT + 2.0 * pkdot * (d_Cis * c2pk - d_Cic * s2pk);
// Compute the angle between the ascending node and the Greenwich meridian
const double Omega = d_OMEGA0 + (d_OMEGA_DOT - GNSS_OMEGA_EARTH_DOT) * tk - GNSS_OMEGA_EARTH_DOT * d_Toe1;
const double sok = sin(Omega);
const double cok = cos(Omega);
// Compute satellite coordinates in Earth-fixed coordinates
const double xprime = r * cuk;
const double yprime = r * suk;
d_satpos_X = xprime * cok - yprime * cik * sok;
d_satpos_Y = xprime * sok + yprime * cik * cok;
d_satpos_Z = yprime * sik;
// Satellite's velocity. Can be useful for Vector Tracking loops
const double Omega_dot = d_OMEGA_DOT - GNSS_OMEGA_EARTH_DOT;
const double xpkdot = rkdot * cuk - yprime * ukdot;
const double ypkdot = rkdot * suk + xprime * ukdot;
const double tmp = ypkdot * cik - d_satpos_Z * ikdot;
d_satvel_X = -Omega_dot * d_satpos_Y + xpkdot * cok - tmp * sok;
d_satvel_Y = Omega_dot * d_satpos_X + xpkdot * sok + tmp * cok;
d_satvel_Z = yprime * cik * ikdot + ypkdot * sik;
// Time from ephemeris reference clock
tk = check_t(transmitTime - d_Toc);
double dtr_s = d_A_f0 + d_A_f1 * tk + d_A_f2 * tk * tk;
/* relativity correction */
dtr_s -= 2.0 * sqrt(GPS_GM * a) * d_e_eccentricity * sek / (SPEED_OF_LIGHT_M_S * SPEED_OF_LIGHT_M_S);
return dtr_s;