mirror of https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr synced 2025-03-28 22:37:03 +00:00

This program uses the high level GpsTk classes to implement a simple PVT solver
that uses RINEX files as an input.
The output is written both in the console and in a Google Earth KML file.


Installation in Ubuntu 11.04, 11.10, 12.04 (32 and 64 bits)

- Install CMake through your OS's package manager or by some other means.

- Install GpsTk:

 The following procedure will build and install the GPSTk.

    Ensure that prerequisites such as jam have been installed.
    Download the GPSTk source distribution from http://www.gpstk.org/bin/view/Documentation/GPSTkDownloads
    Extract the GPSTk tarball. For example, using GNU tar

    tar xvzf gpstk.tar.gz

    Change into the gpstk/dev directory (if using Subversion) or the gpstk/ directory (if using the tarball)and type


    To build the source documentation using doxygen:


    To install GPSTk as a system library in /usr/local, assume root privileges then execute

    jam install

    To install to a different directory, define the environment variable PREFIX to point to the root of the installation

- Download, unzip, configure, build and install glog, a Google's library that implements application-level logging:

$ wget http://google-glog.googlecode.com/files/glog-0.3.2.tar.gz 
$ tar xvfz glog-0.3.2.tar.gz 
$ cd  glog-0.3.2
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

- Go to GNSSPVT root directory and compile the gnsspvt:

$ cd gnss-sdr/src/utils/gpstk/gnsspvt/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make

If everything goes well, the executable file is available in the build directory.


./gnsspvt -i path_to_rinex_observable_file -n path_to_rinex_navigation_file -k path_to_kml_output_file