
69 lines
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#ifndef INCLUDED_volk_gnsssdr_32f_accumulator_s32f_a_H
#define INCLUDED_volk_gnsssdr_32f_accumulator_s32f_a_H
#include <volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_common.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef LV_HAVE_SSE
#include <xmmintrin.h>
\brief Accumulates the values in the input buffer
\param result The accumulated result
\param inputBuffer The buffer of data to be accumulated
\param num_points The number of values in inputBuffer to be accumulated
static inline void volk_gnsssdr_32f_accumulator_s32f_a_sse(float* result, const float* inputBuffer, unsigned int num_points){
float returnValue = 0;
unsigned int number = 0;
const unsigned int quarterPoints = num_points / 4;
const float* aPtr = inputBuffer;
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float tempBuffer[4];
__m128 accumulator = _mm_setzero_ps();
__m128 aVal = _mm_setzero_ps();
for(;number < quarterPoints; number++){
aVal = _mm_load_ps(aPtr);
accumulator = _mm_add_ps(accumulator, aVal);
aPtr += 4;
_mm_store_ps(tempBuffer,accumulator); // Store the results back into the C container
returnValue = tempBuffer[0];
returnValue += tempBuffer[1];
returnValue += tempBuffer[2];
returnValue += tempBuffer[3];
number = quarterPoints * 4;
for(;number < num_points; number++){
returnValue += (*aPtr++);
*result = returnValue;
#endif /* LV_HAVE_SSE */
\brief Accumulates the values in the input buffer
\param result The accumulated result
\param inputBuffer The buffer of data to be accumulated
\param num_points The number of values in inputBuffer to be accumulated
static inline void volk_gnsssdr_32f_accumulator_s32f_generic(float* result, const float* inputBuffer, unsigned int num_points){
const float* aPtr = inputBuffer;
unsigned int number = 0;
float returnValue = 0;
for(;number < num_points; number++){
returnValue += (*aPtr++);
*result = returnValue;
#endif /* LV_HAVE_GENERIC */
#endif /* INCLUDED_volk_gnsssdr_32f_accumulator_s32f_a_H */