
297 lines
10 KiB

* \file
* \brief Implementation of the SBAS satellite correction set based on SBAS RTKLIB functions
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "sbas_satellite_correction.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#define EVENT 2 // logs important events which don't occur every update() call
#define FLOW 3 // logs the function calls of block processing functions
#define CLIGHT 299792458.0 /* speed of light (m/s) */
#define MAXSBSAGEF 30.0 /* max age of SBAS fast correction (s) */
#define MAXSBSAGEL 1800.0 /* max age of SBAS long term corr (s) */
void Sbas_Satellite_Correction::print(std::ostream &out)
out << "<<S>> Sbas satellite corrections for PRN" << d_prn << ":" << std::endl;
void Sbas_Satellite_Correction::print_fast_correction(std::ostream &out)
Fast_Correction fcorr = d_fast_correction;
out << "<<S>> Fast PRN" << d_prn << ":";
int gps_week;
double gps_sec;
fcorr.d_tof.get_gps_time(gps_week, gps_sec);
out << " d_t0=(week=" << gps_week << ",sec=" << gps_sec << ")";
out << " d_t0=" << fcorr.d_tof.get_time_stamp();
out << " d_prc=" << fcorr.d_prc;
out << " d_rrc=" << fcorr.d_rrc;
out << " d_dt=" << fcorr.d_dt;
out << " d_udre=" << fcorr.d_udre;
out << " d_ai=" << fcorr.d_ai;
out << " d_tlat=" << fcorr.d_tlat;
void Sbas_Satellite_Correction::print_long_term_correction(std::ostream &out)
Long_Term_Correction lcorr = d_long_term_correction;
out << "<<S>> Long PRN" << d_prn << ":";
out << " d_trx=" << lcorr.d_trx;
out << " i_tapp=" << lcorr.i_tapp;
out << " i_vel=" << lcorr.i_vel;
double *p = lcorr.d_dpos;
out << " d_dpos=(x=" << p[0] << ", y=" << p[1] << ", z=" << p[2] << ")" ;
double *v = lcorr.d_dvel;
out << " d_dvel=(x=" << v[0] << ", y=" << v[1] << ", z=" << v[2] << ")" ;
out << " d_daf0=" << lcorr.d_daf0;
out << " d_daf1=" << lcorr.d_daf1;
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::apply_fast(double sample_stamp, double &pr, double &var)
int result;
double prc = 0; // pseudo range correction
result = sbsfastcorr(sample_stamp, &prc, &var);
pr += prc;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> fast correction applied: sample_stamp=" << sample_stamp << " prc=" << prc << " corr. pr=" << pr;
return result;
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::apply_long_term_sv_pos(double sample_stamp, double sv_pos[], double &var)
int result;
double drs[3] = {0};
double ddts = 0;
result = sbslongcorr(sample_stamp, drs, &ddts);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) sv_pos[i] += drs[i];
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> long term sv pos correction applied: sample_stamp=" << sample_stamp << " drs=(x=" << drs[0] << " y=" << drs[1] << " z=" << drs[2] << ")";
return result;
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::apply_long_term_sv_clk(double sample_stamp, double &dts, double &var)
int result;
double drs[3] = {0};
double ddts = 0;
result = sbslongcorr(sample_stamp, drs, &ddts);
dts += ddts;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> long term sv clock correction correction applied: sample_stamp=" << sample_stamp << " ddts=" << ddts;
return result;
bool Sbas_Satellite_Correction::alarm()
return this->d_fast_correction.d_udre == 16;
/* debug trace function -----------------------------------------------------*/
void Sbas_Satellite_Correction::trace(int level, const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
char str[1000];
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> " << std::string(str);
/* variance of fast correction (udre=UDRE+1) ---------------------------------*/
double Sbas_Satellite_Correction::varfcorr(int udre)
const double var[14] = {
0.052, 0.0924, 0.1444, 0.283, 0.4678, 0.8315, 1.2992, 1.8709, 2.5465, 3.326,
5.1968, 20.7870, 230.9661, 2078.695
return 0 < udre && udre <= 14 ? var[udre - 1] : 0.0;
/* fast correction degradation -----------------------------------------------*/
double Sbas_Satellite_Correction::degfcorr(int ai)
const double degf[16] = {
0.00000, 0.00005, 0.00009, 0.00012, 0.00015, 0.00020, 0.00030, 0.00045,
0.00060, 0.00090, 0.00150, 0.00210, 0.00270, 0.00330, 0.00460, 0.00580
return 0 < ai && ai <= 15 ? degf[ai] : 0.0058;
/* long term correction ------------------------------------------------------*/
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::sbslongcorr(double time_stamp, double *drs, double *ddts)
double t = 0.0;
int i;
Long_Term_Correction lcorr = d_long_term_correction;
trace(3, "sbslongcorr: prn=%2d", this->d_prn);
// if (p->sat!=sat||p->lcorr.t0.time==0) continue;
// compute time of applicability
if(d_long_term_correction.i_vel == 1)
// time of applicability is the one sent, i.e., tapp
// TODO: adapt for vel==1 case
// t = tow-d_long_term_correction.i_tapp;
// vel=1 -> time of applicability is sent in message, needs to be corrected for rollover which can not be done here, since the absolute gps time is unknown. see IS-GPS-200G pdf page 116 for correction
/* t = (int)getbitu(msg->msg, p + 90, 13)*16 - (int)msg->tow%86400;
if (t <= -43200) t += 86400;
else if (t > 43200) t -= 86400;
sbssat->sat[n-1].lcorr.t0 = gpst2time(msg->week, msg->tow + t);*/
// time of applicability is time of reception
t = time_stamp - lcorr.d_trx; // should not have any impact if vel==0 since d_dvel and d_daf1 are zero, is only used to check outdating
if (fabs(t) > MAXSBSAGEL)
trace(2,"sbas long-term correction expired: sat=%2d time_stamp=%5.0f", d_prn, time_stamp);
return 0;
// sv position correction
for (i=0; i<3; i++) drs[i] = lcorr.d_dpos[i] + lcorr.d_dvel[i]*t;
// sv clock correction correction
*ddts = lcorr.d_daf0 + lcorr.d_daf1*t;
trace(5, "sbslongcorr: sat=%2d drs=%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f ddts=%7.2f", d_prn, drs[0], drs[1], drs[2], *ddts * CLIGHT);
return 1;
/* if sbas satellite without correction, no correction applied */
//if (satsys(sat,NULL)==SYS_SBS) return 1;
//trace(2,"no sbas long-term correction: %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,0),sat);
//return 0;
/* fast correction -----------------------------------------------------------*/
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::sbsfastcorr(double time_stamp, double *prc, double *var)
#define RRCENA
double t;
Fast_Correction fcorr = d_fast_correction;
trace(3, "sbsfastcorr: sat=%2d", this->d_prn);
//if (p->fcorr.t0.time==0) break; // time==0is only true if t0 hasn't been initialised -> it checks if the correction is valid
t = (time_stamp - fcorr.d_tof.get_time_stamp()) + fcorr.d_tlat; // delta t between now and tof
/* expire age of correction? */
if (fabs(t) > MAXSBSAGEF)
trace(2, "no sbas fast correction (expired): time_stamp=%f prn=%2d", time_stamp, d_prn);
return 0;
/* UDRE==14 (not monitored)? */
else if(fcorr.d_udre == 15)
trace(2,"no sbas fast correction (not monitored): time_stamp=%f prn=%2d", time_stamp, d_prn);
return 0;
else if(fcorr.d_udre == 16)
trace(2,"SV is marked as unhealthy: time_stamp=%f prn=%2d", time_stamp, d_prn);
return 0;
*prc = fcorr.d_prc;
#ifdef RRCENA
if (fcorr.d_ai > 0 && fabs(t) <= 8.0*fcorr.d_dt)
*prc += fcorr.d_rrc*t;
*var = varfcorr(fcorr.d_udre) + degfcorr(fcorr.d_ai) * t * t / 2.0;
trace(5, "sbsfastcorr: sat=%3d prc=%7.2f sig=%7.2f t=%5.0f", d_prn, *prc, sqrt(*var), t);
return 1;
/* sbas satellite ephemeris and clock correction -------------------------------
* correct satellite position and clock bias with sbas satellite corrections
* args : long time_stamp I reception time stamp
* double *rs IO sat position and corrected {x,y,z} (ecef) (m)
* double *dts IO sat clock bias and corrected (s)
* double *var O sat position and clock variance (m^2)
* return : status (1:ok,0:no correction)
* notes : before calling the function, sbas satellite correction parameters
* in navigation data (nav->sbssat) must be set by callig
* sbsupdatecorr().
* satellite clock correction include long-term correction and fast
* correction.
* sbas clock correction is usually based on L1C/A code. TGD or DCB has
* to be considered for other codes
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::sbssatcorr(double time_stamp, double *rs, double *dts, double *var)
double drs[3] = {0}, dclk = 0.0, prc = 0.0;
int i;
trace(3,"sbssatcorr : sat=%2d",d_prn);
/* sbas long term corrections */
if (!sbslongcorr(time_stamp, drs, &dclk))
return 0;
/* sbas fast corrections */
if (!sbsfastcorr(time_stamp, &prc, var))
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rs[i] += drs[i];
dts[0] += dclk + prc/CLIGHT;
trace(5, "sbssatcorr: sat=%2d drs=%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f dclk=%.3f %.3f var=%.3f",
d_prn, drs[0], drs[1], drs[2], dclk,prc/CLIGHT, *var);
return 1;