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/* Copyright (C) 2010-2015 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "qa_utils.h"
#include "kernel_tests.h"
#include "volk_gnsssdr_option_helpers.h"
#include "volk_gnsssdr_profile.h"
#include <volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr.h>
#include <volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_prefs.h>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
volk_gnsssdr_test_params_t test_params(1e-6f, 327.f, 8111, 1987, false, "");
void set_benchmark(bool val) { test_params.set_benchmark(val); }
void set_tolerance(float val) { test_params.set_tol(val); }
void set_vlen(int val) { test_params.set_vlen((unsigned int)val); }
void set_iter(int val) { test_params.set_iter((unsigned int)val); }
void set_substr(std::string val) { test_params.set_regex(val); }
bool update_mode = false;
void set_update(bool val) { update_mode = val; }
bool dry_run = false;
void set_dryrun(bool val) { dry_run = val; }
std::string json_filename("");
void set_json(std::string val) { json_filename = val; }
std::string volk_config_path("");
void set_volk_config(std::string val) { volk_config_path = val; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
option_list profile_options("volk_gnsssdr_profile");
profile_options.add(option_t("benchmark", "b", "Run all kernels (benchmark mode)", set_benchmark));
profile_options.add(option_t("tol", "t", "Set the default tolerance for all tests", set_tolerance));
profile_options.add(option_t("vlen", "v", "Set the default vector length for tests", set_vlen));
profile_options.add((option_t("iter", "i", "Set the default number of test iterations per kernel", set_iter)));
profile_options.add((option_t("tests-substr", "R", "Run tests matching substring", set_substr)));
profile_options.add((option_t("update", "u", "Run only kernels missing from config", set_update)));
profile_options.add((option_t("dry-run", "n", "Dry run. Respect other options, but don't write to file", set_dryrun)));
profile_options.add((option_t("json", "j", "Write results to JSON file named as argument value", set_json)));
profile_options.add((option_t("path", "p", "Specify the volk_config path", set_volk_config)));
profile_options.parse(argc, argv);
for (int arg_number = 0; arg_number < argc; ++arg_number) {
if (std::string("--help") == std::string(argv[arg_number]) ||
std::string("-h") == std::string(argv[arg_number])) {
return 0;
// Adding program options
std::ofstream json_file;
std::string config_file;
if ( json_filename != "" ) {
json_file.open( json_filename.c_str() );
if ( volk_config_path != "" ) {
config_file = volk_config_path + "/volk_config";
// Run tests
std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t> results;
if(update_mode) {
if( config_file != "" ) read_results(&results, config_file);
else read_results(&results);
// Initialize the list of tests
std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_case_t> test_cases = init_test_list(test_params);
// Iterate through list of tests running each one
std::string substr_to_match(test_params.kernel_regex());
for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii < test_cases.size(); ++ii) {
bool regex_match = true;
volk_gnsssdr_test_case_t test_case = test_cases[ii];
// if the kernel name matches regex then do the test
std::string test_case_name = test_case.name();
if(test_case_name.find(substr_to_match) == std::string::npos) {
regex_match = false;
// if we are in update mode check if we've already got results
// if we have any, then no need to test that kernel
bool update = true;
if(update_mode) {
for(unsigned int jj=0; jj < results.size(); ++jj) {
if(results[jj].name == test_case.name() ||
results[jj].name == test_case.puppet_master_name()) {
update = false;
if( regex_match && update ) {
try {
run_volk_gnsssdr_tests(test_case.desc(), test_case.kernel_ptr(), test_case.name(),
test_case.test_parameters(), &results, test_case.puppet_master_name());
catch (std::string &error) {
std::cerr << "Caught Exception in 'run_volk_gnssdr_tests': " << error << std::endl;
// Output results according to provided options
if(json_filename != "") {
write_json(json_file, results);
if(!dry_run) {
if(config_file != "") write_results(&results, false, config_file);
else write_results(&results, false);
else {
std::cout << "Warning: this was a dry-run. Config not generated" << std::endl;
void read_results(std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t> *results)
char path[1024];
read_results(results, std::string(path));
void read_results(std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t> *results, std::string path)
struct stat buffer;
bool config_status = (stat (path.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
if( config_status ) {
// a config exists and we are reading results from it
std::ifstream config(path.c_str());
char config_line[256];
while(config.getline(config_line, 255)) {
// tokenize the input line by kernel_name unaligned aligned
// then push back in the results vector with fields filled in
std::vector<std::string> single_kernel_result;
std::string config_str(config_line);
std::size_t str_size = config_str.size();
std::size_t found = 1;
found = config_str.find(' ');
// Split line by spaces
while(found && found < str_size) {
found = config_str.find(' ');
// kernel names MUST be less than 128 chars, which is
// a length restricted by volk/volk_prefs.c
// on the last token in the parsed string we won't find a space
// so make sure we copy at most 128 chars.
if(found > 127) {
found = 127;
str_size = config_str.size();
char buffer[128] = {'\0'};
config_str.copy(buffer, found + 1, 0);
buffer[found] = '\0';
config_str.erase(0, found+1);
if(single_kernel_result.size() == 3) {
volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t kernel_result;
kernel_result.name = std::string(single_kernel_result[0]);
kernel_result.config_name = std::string(single_kernel_result[0]);
kernel_result.best_arch_u = std::string(single_kernel_result[1]);
kernel_result.best_arch_a = std::string(single_kernel_result[2]);
void write_results(const std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t> *results, bool update_result)
char path[1024];
write_results( results, update_result, std::string(path));
void write_results(const std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t> *results, bool update_result, const std::string path)
const fs::path config_path(path);
// Until we can update the config on a kernel by kernel basis
// do not overwrite volk_gnsssdr_config when using a regex.
if (not fs::exists(config_path.branch_path()))
std::cout << "Creating " << config_path.branch_path() << "..." << std::endl;
std::ofstream config;
if(update_result) {
std::cout << "Updating " << path << "..." << std::endl;
config.open(path.c_str(), std::ofstream::app);
if (!config.is_open()) { //either we don't have write access or we don't have the dir yet
std::cout << "Error opening file " << path << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Writing " << path << "..." << std::endl;
if (!config.is_open()) { //either we don't have write access or we don't have the dir yet
std::cout << "Error opening file " << path << std::endl;
config << "\
#this file is generated by volk_gnsssdr_profile.\n\
#the function name is followed by the preferred architecture.\n\
std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t>::const_iterator profile_results;
for(profile_results = results->begin(); profile_results != results->end(); ++profile_results) {
config << profile_results->config_name << " "
<< profile_results->best_arch_a << " "
<< profile_results->best_arch_u << std::endl;
void write_json(std::ofstream &json_file, std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t> results)
json_file << "{" << std::endl;
json_file << " \"volk_gnsssdr_tests\": [" << std::endl;
size_t len = results.size();
size_t i = 0;
std::vector<volk_gnsssdr_test_results_t>::iterator result;
for(result = results.begin(); result != results.end(); ++result) {
json_file << " {" << std::endl;
json_file << " \"name\": \"" << result->name << "\"," << std::endl;
json_file << " \"vlen\": " << (int)(result->vlen) << "," << std::endl;
json_file << " \"iter\": " << result->iter << "," << std::endl;
json_file << " \"best_arch_a\": \"" << result->best_arch_a
<< "\"," << std::endl;
json_file << " \"best_arch_u\": \"" << result->best_arch_u
<< "\"," << std::endl;
json_file << " \"results\": {" << std::endl;
size_t results_len = result->results.size();
size_t ri = 0;
std::map<std::string, volk_gnsssdr_test_time_t>::iterator kernel_time_pair;
for(kernel_time_pair = result->results.begin(); kernel_time_pair != result->results.end(); ++kernel_time_pair) {
volk_gnsssdr_test_time_t time = kernel_time_pair->second;
json_file << " \"" << time.name << "\": {" << std::endl;
json_file << " \"name\": \"" << time.name << "\"," << std::endl;
json_file << " \"time\": " << time.time << "," << std::endl;
json_file << " \"units\": \"" << time.units << "\"" << std::endl;
json_file << " }" ;
if(ri+1 != results_len) {
json_file << ",";
json_file << std::endl;
json_file << " }" << std::endl;
json_file << " }";
if(i+1 != len) {
json_file << ",";
json_file << std::endl;
json_file << " ]" << std::endl;
json_file << "}" << std::endl;