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* \file galileo_e5a_noncoherent_iq_acquisition_caf.cc
* \brief Adapts a PCPS acquisition block to an AcquisitionInterface for
* Galileo E5a data and pilot Signals
* \author Marc Sales, 2014. marcsales92(at)gmail.com
* \based on work from:
* <ul>
* <li> Javier Arribas, 2011. jarribas(at)cttc.es
* <li> Luis Esteve, 2012. luis(at)epsilon-formacion.com
* <li> Marc Molina, 2013. marc.molina.pena@gmail.com
* </ul>
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver.
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "galileo_e5a_noncoherent_iq_acquisition_caf.h"
#include "Galileo_E5a.h"
#include "configuration_interface.h"
#include "galileo_e5_signal_replica.h"
#include "gnss_sdr_flags.h"
#include <boost/math/distributions/exponential.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <span>
namespace own = std;
#include <gsl/gsl>
namespace own = gsl;
const ConfigurationInterface* configuration,
const std::string& role,
unsigned int in_streams,
unsigned int out_streams) : role_(role),
configuration_ = configuration;
const std::string default_item_type("gr_complex");
const std::string default_dump_filename("../data/acquisition.dat");
DLOG(INFO) << "role " << role;
item_type_ = configuration_->property(role + ".item_type", default_item_type);
int64_t fs_in_deprecated = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_hz", 32000000);
fs_in_ = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_sps", fs_in_deprecated);
dump_ = configuration_->property(role + ".dump", false);
doppler_max_ = configuration_->property(role + ".doppler_max", 5000);
if (FLAGS_doppler_max != 0)
doppler_max_ = FLAGS_doppler_max;
CAF_window_hz_ = configuration_->property(role + ".CAF_window_hz", 0);
Zero_padding = configuration_->property(role + ".Zero_padding", 0);
sampled_ms_ = configuration_->property(role + ".coherent_integration_time_ms", 1);
if (sampled_ms_ > 3)
sampled_ms_ = 3;
DLOG(INFO) << "Coherent integration time should be 3 ms or less. Changing to 3ms ";
std::cout << "Too high coherent integration time. Changing to 3ms\n";
if (Zero_padding > 0)
sampled_ms_ = 2;
DLOG(INFO) << "Zero padding activated. Changing to 1ms code + 1ms zero padding ";
std::cout << "Zero padding activated. Changing to 1ms code + 1ms zero padding\n";
max_dwells_ = configuration_->property(role + ".max_dwells", 1);
dump_filename_ = configuration_->property(role + ".dump_filename", default_dump_filename);
bit_transition_flag_ = configuration_->property(role + ".bit_transition_flag", false);
// -- Find number of samples per spreading code (1ms)-------------------------
code_length_ = static_cast<int>(round(static_cast<double>(fs_in_) / GALILEO_E5A_CODE_CHIP_RATE_CPS * static_cast<double>(GALILEO_E5A_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS)));
vector_length_ = code_length_ * sampled_ms_;
codeI_ = std::vector<std::complex<float>>(vector_length_);
codeQ_ = std::vector<std::complex<float>>(vector_length_);
both_signal_components = false;
bool enable_monitor_output = configuration->property("AcquisitionMonitor.enable_monitor", false);
std::string sig_ = configuration_->property("Channel.signal", std::string("5X"));
if (sig_.at(0) == '5' && sig_.at(1) == 'X')
both_signal_components = true;
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
item_size_ = sizeof(gr_complex);
acquisition_cc_ = galileo_e5a_noncoherentIQ_make_acquisition_caf_cc(sampled_ms_, max_dwells_,
doppler_max_, fs_in_, code_length_, code_length_, bit_transition_flag_,
dump_, dump_filename_, both_signal_components, CAF_window_hz_, Zero_padding, enable_monitor_output);
item_size_ = sizeof(gr_complex);
LOG(WARNING) << item_type_ << " unknown acquisition item type";
channel_ = 0;
threshold_ = 0.0;
doppler_step_ = 0;
gnss_synchro_ = nullptr;
if (in_streams_ > 1)
LOG(ERROR) << "This implementation only supports one input stream";
if (out_streams_ > 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "This implementation does not provide an output stream";
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::stop_acquisition()
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::set_threshold(float threshold)
float pfa = configuration_->property(role_ + std::to_string(channel_) + ".pfa", static_cast<float>(0.0));
if (pfa == 0.0)
pfa = configuration_->property(role_ + ".pfa", static_cast<float>(0.0));
if (pfa == 0.0)
threshold_ = threshold;
threshold_ = calculate_threshold(pfa);
DLOG(INFO) << "Channel " << channel_ << " Threshold = " << threshold_;
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::set_doppler_max(unsigned int doppler_max)
doppler_max_ = doppler_max;
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::set_doppler_step(unsigned int doppler_step)
doppler_step_ = doppler_step;
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::set_gnss_synchro(
Gnss_Synchro* gnss_synchro)
gnss_synchro_ = gnss_synchro;
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
signed int GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::mag()
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
return static_cast<signed int>(acquisition_cc_->mag());
return 0;
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::init()
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::set_local_code()
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
std::vector<std::complex<float>> codeI(code_length_);
std::vector<std::complex<float>> codeQ(code_length_);
if (gnss_synchro_->Signal[0] == '5' && gnss_synchro_->Signal[1] == 'X')
std::array<char, 3> a = {{'5', 'I', '\0'}};
gnss_synchro_->PRN, a, fs_in_, 0);
std::array<char, 3> b = {{'5', 'Q', '\0'}};
gnss_synchro_->PRN, b, fs_in_, 0);
std::array<char, 3> signal_type_ = {{'5', 'X', '\0'}};
gnss_synchro_->PRN, signal_type_, fs_in_, 0);
// WARNING: 3ms are coherently integrated. Secondary sequence (1,1,1)
// is generated, and modulated in the 'block'.
own::span<gr_complex> codeQ_span(codeQ_.data(), vector_length_);
own::span<gr_complex> codeI_span(codeI_.data(), vector_length_);
if (Zero_padding == 0) // if no zero_padding
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sampled_ms_; i++)
std::copy_n(codeI.data(), code_length_, codeI_span.subspan(i * code_length_, code_length_).data());
if (gnss_synchro_->Signal[0] == '5' && gnss_synchro_->Signal[1] == 'X')
std::copy_n(codeQ.data(), code_length_, codeQ_span.subspan(i * code_length_, code_length_).data());
// 1ms code + 1ms zero padding
std::copy_n(codeI.data(), code_length_, codeI_.data());
if (gnss_synchro_->Signal[0] == '5' && gnss_synchro_->Signal[1] == 'X')
std::copy_n(codeQ.data(), code_length_, codeQ_.data());
acquisition_cc_->set_local_code(codeI_.data(), codeQ_.data());
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::reset()
if (item_type_ == "gr_complex")
float GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::calculate_threshold(float pfa) const
// Calculate the threshold
unsigned int frequency_bins = 0;
for (int doppler = static_cast<int>(-doppler_max_); doppler <= static_cast<int>(doppler_max_); doppler += static_cast<int>(doppler_step_))
DLOG(INFO) << "Channel " << channel_ << " Pfa = " << pfa;
unsigned int ncells = vector_length_ * frequency_bins;
double exponent = 1 / static_cast<double>(ncells);
double val = pow(1.0 - pfa, exponent);
auto lambda = static_cast<double>(vector_length_);
boost::math::exponential_distribution<double> mydist(lambda);
auto threshold = static_cast<float>(quantile(mydist, val));
return threshold;
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::set_state(int state)
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::connect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block)
if (top_block)
{ /* top_block is not null */
// Nothing to connect internally
void GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::disconnect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block)
if (top_block)
{ /* top_block is not null */
// Nothing to disconnect internally
gr::basic_block_sptr GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::get_left_block()
return acquisition_cc_;
gr::basic_block_sptr GalileoE5aNoncoherentIQAcquisitionCaf::get_right_block()
return acquisition_cc_;