mirror of https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr synced 2024-12-16 05:00:35 +00:00
Carles Fernandez eb6d8da59a
Fix repetition of satellites in conf with large number of channels
The maximum number of channels per signal is now limited to the number of available satellites per system
2021-12-17 13:24:24 +01:00

1253 lines
58 KiB

* \file control_thread.cc
* \brief This class implements the receiver control plane
* \author Carlos Aviles, 2010. carlos.avilesr(at)googlemail.com
* GNSS Receiver Control Plane: connects the flowgraph, starts running it,
* and while it does not stop, reads the control messages generated by the blocks,
* process them, and apply the corresponding actions.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver.
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ARMA_NO_DEBUG 1
#include "control_thread.h"
#include "concurrent_map.h"
#include "configuration_interface.h"
#include "file_configuration.h"
#include "galileo_almanac.h"
#include "galileo_ephemeris.h"
#include "galileo_iono.h"
#include "galileo_utc_model.h"
#include "geofunctions.h"
#include "glonass_gnav_ephemeris.h"
#include "glonass_gnav_utc_model.h"
#include "gnss_flowgraph.h"
#include "gnss_satellite.h"
#include "gnss_sdr_flags.h"
#include "gps_acq_assist.h" // for Gps_Acq_Assist
#include "gps_almanac.h" // for Gps_Almanac
#include "gps_cnav_ephemeris.h" // for Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris
#include "gps_cnav_utc_model.h" // for Gps_CNAV_Utc_Model
#include "gps_ephemeris.h" // for Gps_Ephemeris
#include "gps_iono.h" // for Gps_Iono
#include "gps_utc_model.h" // for Gps_Utc_Model
#include "pvt_interface.h" // for PvtInterface
#include "rtklib.h" // for gtime_t, alm_t
#include "rtklib_conversions.h" // for alm_to_rtklib
#include "rtklib_ephemeris.h" // for alm2pos, eph2pos
#include "rtklib_rtkcmn.h" // for utc2gpst
#include <armadillo> // for interaction with geofunctions
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> // for bad_lexical_cast
#include <glog/logging.h> // for LOG
#include <pmt/pmt.h> // for make_any
#include <algorithm> // for find, min
#include <chrono> // for milliseconds
#include <cmath> // for floor, fmod, log
#include <ctime> // for time_t, gmtime, strftime
#include <exception> // for exception
#include <iostream> // for operator<<
#include <limits> // for numeric_limits
#include <map> // for map
#include <pthread.h> // for pthread_cancel
#include <stdexcept> // for invalid_argument
#include <sys/ipc.h> // for IPC_CREAT
#include <sys/msg.h> // for msgctl, msgget
#include <boost/chrono.hpp> // for steady_clock
namespace wht = boost;
namespace wht = std;
extern Concurrent_Map<Gps_Acq_Assist> global_gps_acq_assist_map;
extern Concurrent_Queue<Gps_Acq_Assist> global_gps_acq_assist_queue;
if (FLAGS_c == "-")
configuration_ = std::make_shared<FileConfiguration>(FLAGS_config_file);
configuration_ = std::make_shared<FileConfiguration>(FLAGS_c);
// Basic configuration checks
auto aux = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<FileConfiguration>(configuration_);
conf_file_has_section_ = aux->has_section();
conf_file_has_mandatory_globals_ = (configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_sps", 0) == 0 ? false : true);
const std::string empty_implementation;
std::string src_impl = configuration_->property("SignalSource.implementation", empty_implementation);
int src_count_deprecated = configuration_->property("Receiver.sources_count", 1);
int src_count = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.num_sources", src_count_deprecated);
if (src_impl.empty())
src_impl = std::string("");
int num_src = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i < src_count; i++)
auto src_impl_multiple = configuration_->property("SignalSource" + std::to_string(i) + ".implementation", empty_implementation);
num_src += !src_impl_multiple.empty();
conf_has_signal_sources_ = (num_src == src_count);
conf_has_signal_sources_ = true;
std::string pvt_impl = configuration_->property("PVT.implementation", empty_implementation);
conf_has_pvt_ = !pvt_impl.empty();
std::string obs_impl = configuration_->property("Observables.implementation", empty_implementation);
conf_has_observables_ = !obs_impl.empty();
well_formatted_configuration_ = conf_file_has_section_ && conf_file_has_mandatory_globals_ && conf_has_signal_sources_ && conf_has_observables_ && conf_has_pvt_;
restart_ = false;
ControlThread::ControlThread(std::shared_ptr<ConfigurationInterface> configuration)
: configuration_(std::move(configuration)),
void ControlThread::init()
telecommand_enabled_ = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.telecommand_enabled", false);
// OPTIONAL: specify a custom year to override the system time in order to postprocess old gnss records and avoid wrong week rollover
pre_2009_file_ = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.pre_2009_file", false);
// Instantiates a control queue, a GNSS flowgraph, and a control message factory
control_queue_ = std::make_shared<Concurrent_Queue<pmt::pmt_t>>();
cmd_interface_.set_msg_queue(control_queue_); // set also the queue pointer for the telecommand thread
if (well_formatted_configuration_)
flowgraph_ = std::make_shared<GNSSFlowgraph>(configuration_, control_queue_);
catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
std::cout << "Caught bad lexical cast with error " << e.what() << '\n';
flowgraph_ = nullptr;
stop_ = false;
processed_control_messages_ = 0;
applied_actions_ = 0;
supl_mcc_ = 0;
supl_mns_ = 0;
supl_lac_ = 0;
supl_ci_ = 0;
msqid_ = -1;
agnss_ref_location_ = Agnss_Ref_Location();
agnss_ref_time_ = Agnss_Ref_Time();
const std::string empty_string;
const std::string ref_location_str = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_ref_location", empty_string);
const std::string ref_time_str = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_ref_utc_time", empty_string);
if (ref_location_str != empty_string)
std::vector<double> vect;
std::stringstream ss(ref_location_str);
double d;
while (ss >> d)
if ((ss.peek() == ',') or (ss.peek() == ' '))
// fill agnss_ref_location_
if (vect.size() >= 2)
if ((vect[0] < 90.0) and (vect[0] > -90) and (vect[1] < 180.0) and (vect[1] > -180.0))
agnss_ref_location_.lat = vect[0];
agnss_ref_location_.lon = vect[1];
agnss_ref_location_.valid = true;
std::cerr << "GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_ref_location=" << ref_location_str << " is not a valid position.\n";
agnss_ref_location_.valid = false;
if (ref_time_str == empty_string)
// Make an educated guess
time_t rawtime;
agnss_ref_time_.seconds = rawtime;
agnss_ref_time_.valid = true;
// fill agnss_ref_time_
struct tm tm
if (strptime(ref_time_str.c_str(), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", &tm) != nullptr)
agnss_ref_time_.seconds = timegm(&tm);
if (agnss_ref_time_.seconds > 0)
agnss_ref_time_.valid = true;
std::cerr << "GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_ref_utc_time=" << ref_time_str << " is not well-formed. Please use four digits for the year: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS\n";
std::cerr << "GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_ref_utc_time=" << ref_time_str << " is not well-formed. Should be DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS in UTC\n";
agnss_ref_time_.valid = false;
receiver_on_standby_ = false;
ControlThread::~ControlThread() // NOLINT(modernize-use-equals-default)
DLOG(INFO) << "Control Thread destructor called";
if (msqid_ != -1)
msgctl(msqid_, IPC_RMID, nullptr);
if (sysv_queue_thread_.joinable())
if (cmd_interface_thread_.joinable())
void ControlThread::telecommand_listener()
if (telecommand_enabled_)
const int tcp_cmd_port = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.telecommand_tcp_port", 3333);
void ControlThread::event_dispatcher(bool &valid_event, pmt::pmt_t &msg)
if (valid_event)
const size_t msg_type_hash_code = pmt::any_ref(msg).type().hash_code();
if (msg_type_hash_code == channel_event_type_hash_code_)
if (receiver_on_standby_ == false)
const auto new_event = wht::any_cast<channel_event_sptr>(pmt::any_ref(msg));
DLOG(INFO) << "New channel event rx from ch id: " << new_event->channel_id
<< " what: " << new_event->event_type;
flowgraph_->apply_action(new_event->channel_id, new_event->event_type);
else if (msg_type_hash_code == command_event_type_hash_code_)
const auto new_event = wht::any_cast<command_event_sptr>(pmt::any_ref(msg));
DLOG(INFO) << "New command event rx from ch id: " << new_event->command_id
<< " what: " << new_event->event_type;
if (new_event->command_id == 200)
if (new_event->command_id == 300) // some TC commands require also actions from control_thread
flowgraph_->apply_action(new_event->command_id, new_event->event_type);
DLOG(INFO) << "Control Queue: unknown object type!\n";
if (receiver_on_standby_ == false)
// perform non-priority tasks
flowgraph_->acquisition_manager(0); // start acquisition of untracked satellites
* Runs the control thread that manages the receiver control plane
* This is the main loop that reads and process the control messages
* 1- Connect the GNSS receiver flowgraph
* 2- Start the GNSS receiver flowgraph
* while (flowgraph_->running() && !stop)_{
* 3- Read control messages and process them }
int ControlThread::run()
// Connect the flowgraph
if (!flowgraph_)
return 0;
catch (const std::exception &e)
LOG(ERROR) << e.what();
return 0;
if (flowgraph_->connected())
LOG(INFO) << "Flowgraph connected";
return 0;
// Start the flowgraph
if (flowgraph_->running())
LOG(INFO) << "Flowgraph started";
return 0;
// launch GNSS assistance process AFTER the flowgraph is running because the GNU Radio asynchronous queues must be already running to transport msgs
// start the keyboard_listener thread
if (FLAGS_keyboard)
keyboard_thread_ = std::thread(&ControlThread::keyboard_listener, this);
sysv_queue_thread_ = std::thread(&ControlThread::sysv_queue_listener, this);
// start the telecommand listener thread
cmd_interface_thread_ = std::thread(&ControlThread::telecommand_listener, this);
// Create a task for the acquisition such that id doesn't block the flow of the control thread
fpga_helper_thread_ = boost::thread(&GNSSFlowgraph::start_acquisition_helper,
// Main loop to read and process the control messages
pmt::pmt_t msg;
while (flowgraph_->running() && !stop_)
// read event messages, triggered by event signaling with a 100 ms timeout to perform low priority receiver management tasks
bool valid_event = control_queue_->timed_wait_and_pop(msg, 100);
// call the new sat dispatcher and receiver controller
event_dispatcher(valid_event, msg);
std::cout << "Stopping GNSS-SDR, please wait!\n";
stop_ = true;
// trigger a HW reset
// The HW reset causes any HW accelerator module that is waiting for more samples to complete its calculations
// to trigger an interrupt and finish its signal processing tasks immediately. In this way all SW threads that
// are waiting for interrupts in the HW can exit in a normal way.
fpga_helper_thread_.try_join_until(boost::chrono::steady_clock::now() + boost::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
// Terminate keyboard thread
if (FLAGS_keyboard && keyboard_thread_.joinable())
pthread_t id = keyboard_thread_.native_handle();
#ifndef ANDROID
// todo: find alternative
// Terminate telecommand thread
if (telecommand_enabled_)
pthread_t id2 = cmd_interface_thread_.native_handle();
#ifndef ANDROID
// todo: find alternative
LOG(INFO) << "Flowgraph stopped";
if (restart_)
return 42; // signal the gnss-sdr-harness.sh to restart the receiver program
return 0; // normal shutdown
void ControlThread::set_control_queue(std::shared_ptr<Concurrent_Queue<pmt::pmt_t>> control_queue)
if (flowgraph_->running())
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to set control queue while flowgraph is running";
control_queue_ = std::move(control_queue);
* Returns true if reading was successful
bool ControlThread::read_assistance_from_XML()
// return variable (true == succeeded)
bool ret = false;
// getting names from the config file, if available
std::string eph_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_ephemeris_xml", eph_default_xml_filename_);
std::string utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_utc_model_xml", utc_default_xml_filename_);
std::string iono_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_iono_xml", iono_default_xml_filename_);
std::string gal_iono_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gal_iono_xml", gal_iono_default_xml_filename_);
std::string ref_time_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_ref_time_xml", ref_time_default_xml_filename_);
std::string ref_location_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_ref_location_xml", ref_location_default_xml_filename_);
std::string eph_gal_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gal_ephemeris_xml", eph_gal_default_xml_filename_);
std::string eph_cnav_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_cnav_ephemeris_xml", eph_cnav_default_xml_filename_);
std::string gal_utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gal_utc_model_xml", gal_utc_default_xml_filename_);
std::string cnav_utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_cnav_utc_model_xml", cnav_utc_default_xml_filename_);
std::string eph_glo_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_glo_ephemeris_xml", eph_glo_gnav_default_xml_filename_);
std::string glo_utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_glo_utc_model_xml", glo_utc_default_xml_filename_);
std::string gal_almanac_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gal_almanac_xml", gal_almanac_default_xml_filename_);
std::string gps_almanac_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_almanac_xml", gps_almanac_default_xml_filename_);
if (configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_XML_enabled", false) == true)
eph_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gps_ephemeris_xml", eph_default_xml_filename_);
utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gps_utc_model_xml", utc_default_xml_filename_);
iono_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gps_iono_xml", iono_default_xml_filename_);
gal_iono_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gal_iono_xml", gal_iono_default_xml_filename_);
ref_time_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gps_ref_time_xml", ref_time_default_xml_filename_);
ref_location_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gps_ref_location_xml", ref_location_default_xml_filename_);
eph_gal_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gal_ephemeris_xml", eph_gal_default_xml_filename_);
eph_cnav_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gps_cnav_ephemeris_xml", eph_cnav_default_xml_filename_);
gal_utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gal_utc_model_xml", gal_utc_default_xml_filename_);
cnav_utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_cnav_utc_model_xml", cnav_utc_default_xml_filename_);
eph_glo_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_glo_ephemeris_xml", eph_glo_gnav_default_xml_filename_);
glo_utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_glo_utc_model_xml", glo_utc_default_xml_filename_);
gal_almanac_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gal_almanac_xml", gal_almanac_default_xml_filename_);
gps_almanac_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_gps_almanac_xml", gps_almanac_default_xml_filename_);
std::cout << "Trying to read GNSS ephemeris from XML file(s)...\n";
if (configuration_->property("Channels_1C.count", 0) > 0)
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.load_ephemeris_xml(eph_xml_filename) == true)
std::map<int, Gps_Ephemeris>::const_iterator gps_eph_iter;
for (gps_eph_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_ephemeris_map.cbegin();
gps_eph_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_ephemeris_map.cend();
std::cout << "From XML file: Read NAV ephemeris for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("GPS", gps_eph_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Ephemeris> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Ephemeris>(gps_eph_iter->second);
ret = true;
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_utc_xml(utc_xml_filename) == true)
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Utc_Model> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Utc_Model>(supl_client_acquisition_.gps_utc);
std::cout << "From XML file: Read GPS UTC model parameters.\n";
ret = true;
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_iono_xml(iono_xml_filename) == true)
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Iono> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Iono>(supl_client_acquisition_.gps_iono);
std::cout << "From XML file: Read GPS ionosphere model parameters.\n";
ret = true;
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.load_gps_almanac_xml(gps_almanac_xml_filename) == true)
std::map<int, Gps_Almanac>::const_iterator gps_alm_iter;
for (gps_alm_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_almanac_map.cbegin();
gps_alm_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_almanac_map.cend();
std::cout << "From XML file: Read GPS almanac for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("GPS", gps_alm_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Almanac> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Almanac>(gps_alm_iter->second);
ret = true;
if ((configuration_->property("Channels_1B.count", 0) > 0) or (configuration_->property("Channels_5X.count", 0) > 0))
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.load_gal_ephemeris_xml(eph_gal_xml_filename) == true)
std::map<int, Galileo_Ephemeris>::const_iterator gal_eph_iter;
for (gal_eph_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.gal_ephemeris_map.cbegin();
gal_eph_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.gal_ephemeris_map.cend();
std::cout << "From XML file: Read ephemeris for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("Galileo", gal_eph_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Ephemeris> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Galileo_Ephemeris>(gal_eph_iter->second);
ret = true;
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_gal_iono_xml(gal_iono_xml_filename) == true)
const std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Iono> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Galileo_Iono>(supl_client_acquisition_.gal_iono);
std::cout << "From XML file: Read Galileo ionosphere model parameters.\n";
ret = true;
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_gal_utc_xml(gal_utc_xml_filename) == true)
const std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Utc_Model> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Galileo_Utc_Model>(supl_client_acquisition_.gal_utc);
std::cout << "From XML file: Read Galileo UTC model parameters.\n";
ret = true;
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.load_gal_almanac_xml(gal_almanac_xml_filename) == true)
std::map<int, Galileo_Almanac>::const_iterator gal_alm_iter;
for (gal_alm_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.gal_almanac_map.cbegin();
gal_alm_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.gal_almanac_map.cend();
std::cout << "From XML file: Read Galileo almanac for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("Galileo", gal_alm_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Galileo_Almanac> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Galileo_Almanac>(gal_alm_iter->second);
ret = true;
if ((configuration_->property("Channels_2S.count", 0) > 0) or (configuration_->property("Channels_L5.count", 0) > 0))
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.load_cnav_ephemeris_xml(eph_cnav_xml_filename) == true)
std::map<int, Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris>::const_iterator gps_cnav_eph_iter;
for (gps_cnav_eph_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_cnav_ephemeris_map.cbegin();
gps_cnav_eph_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_cnav_ephemeris_map.cend();
std::cout << "From XML file: Read CNAV ephemeris for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("GPS", gps_cnav_eph_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris>(gps_cnav_eph_iter->second);
ret = true;
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_cnav_utc_xml(cnav_utc_xml_filename) == true)
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_CNAV_Utc_Model> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_CNAV_Utc_Model>(supl_client_acquisition_.gps_cnav_utc);
std::cout << "From XML file: Read GPS CNAV UTC model parameters.\n";
ret = true;
if ((configuration_->property("Channels_1G.count", 0) > 0) or (configuration_->property("Channels_2G.count", 0) > 0))
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.load_gnav_ephemeris_xml(eph_glo_xml_filename) == true)
std::map<int, Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris>::const_iterator glo_gnav_eph_iter;
for (glo_gnav_eph_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.glonass_gnav_ephemeris_map.cbegin();
glo_gnav_eph_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.glonass_gnav_ephemeris_map.cend();
std::cout << "From XML file: Read GLONASS GNAV ephemeris for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("GLONASS", glo_gnav_eph_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris>(glo_gnav_eph_iter->second);
ret = true;
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_glo_utc_xml(glo_utc_xml_filename) == true)
const std::shared_ptr<Glonass_Gnav_Utc_Model> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Glonass_Gnav_Utc_Model>(supl_client_acquisition_.glo_gnav_utc);
std::cout << "From XML file: Read GLONASS UTC model parameters.\n";
ret = true;
if (ret == false)
std::cout << "Error reading XML files\n";
std::cout << "Disabling GNSS assistance...\n";
// Only look for {ref time, ref location} if SUPL is enabled
const bool enable_gps_supl_assistance = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_enabled", false);
if (enable_gps_supl_assistance == true)
// Try to read Ref Time from XML
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_ref_time_xml(ref_time_xml_filename) == true)
LOG(INFO) << "SUPL: Read XML Ref Time";
const std::shared_ptr<Agnss_Ref_Time> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Agnss_Ref_Time>(supl_client_acquisition_.gps_time);
LOG(INFO) << "SUPL: could not read Ref Time XML";
// Try to read Ref Location from XML
if (supl_client_acquisition_.load_ref_location_xml(ref_location_xml_filename) == true)
LOG(INFO) << "SUPL: Read XML Ref Location";
const std::shared_ptr<Agnss_Ref_Location> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Agnss_Ref_Location>(supl_client_acquisition_.gps_ref_loc);
LOG(INFO) << "SUPL: could not read Ref Location XML";
return ret;
void ControlThread::assist_GNSS()
// ######### GNSS Assistance #################################
// GNSS Assistance configuration
const bool enable_gps_supl_assistance = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_enabled", false);
const bool enable_agnss_xml = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.AGNSS_XML_enabled", false);
if ((enable_gps_supl_assistance == true) and (enable_agnss_xml == false))
std::cout << "SUPL RRLP GPS assistance enabled!\n";
const std::string default_acq_server("supl.google.com");
const std::string default_eph_server("supl.google.com");
supl_client_ephemeris_.server_name = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_ephemeris_server", default_acq_server);
supl_client_acquisition_.server_name = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_acquisition_server", default_eph_server);
supl_client_ephemeris_.server_port = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_ephemeris_port", 7275);
supl_client_acquisition_.server_port = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_acquisition_port", 7275);
supl_mcc_ = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_MCC", 244);
supl_mns_ = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_MNC ", 5);
const std::string default_lac("0x59e2");
const std::string default_ci("0x31b0");
const std::string supl_lac_s = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_LAC", default_lac);
const std::string supl_ci_s = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_CI", default_ci);
supl_lac_ = std::stoi(supl_lac_s, nullptr, 0);
catch (const std::invalid_argument &ia)
std::cerr << "Invalid argument for SUPL LAC: " << ia.what() << '\n';
supl_lac_ = -1;
supl_ci_ = std::stoi(supl_ci_s, nullptr, 0);
catch (const std::invalid_argument &ia)
std::cerr << "Invalid argument for SUPL CI: " << ia.what() << '\n';
supl_ci_ = -1;
if (supl_lac_ < 0 or supl_lac_ > 65535)
supl_lac_ = 0x59e2;
if (supl_ci_ < 0 or supl_ci_ > 268435455) // 2^16 for GSM and CDMA, 2^28 for UMTS and LTE networks
supl_ci_ = 0x31b0;
const bool SUPL_read_gps_assistance_xml = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_read_gps_assistance_xml", false);
if (SUPL_read_gps_assistance_xml == true)
// Read assistance from file
if (read_assistance_from_XML())
std::cout << "GNSS assistance data loaded from local XML file(s).\n";
std::cout << "No SUPL request has been performed.\n";
// Request ephemeris from SUPL server
supl_client_ephemeris_.request = 1;
std::cout << "SUPL: Try to read GPS ephemeris data from SUPL server...\n";
int error = supl_client_ephemeris_.get_assistance(supl_mcc_, supl_mns_, supl_lac_, supl_ci_);
if (error == 0)
std::map<int, Gps_Ephemeris>::const_iterator gps_eph_iter;
for (gps_eph_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_ephemeris_map.cbegin();
gps_eph_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_ephemeris_map.cend();
std::cout << "SUPL: Received ephemeris data for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("GPS", gps_eph_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Ephemeris> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Ephemeris>(gps_eph_iter->second);
// Save ephemeris to XML file
const std::string eph_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_ephemeris_xml", eph_default_xml_filename_);
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.save_ephemeris_map_xml(eph_xml_filename, supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_ephemeris_map) == true)
std::cout << "SUPL: XML ephemeris data file created\n";
std::cout << "SUPL: Failed to create XML ephemeris data file\n";
std::cout << "ERROR: SUPL client request for ephemeris data returned " << error << '\n';
std::cout << "Please check your network connectivity and SUPL server configuration\n";
std::cout << "Trying to read AGNSS data from local XML file(s)...\n";
if (read_assistance_from_XML() == false)
std::cout << "ERROR: Could not read XML files: Disabling SUPL assistance.\n";
// Request almanac, IONO and UTC Model data
supl_client_ephemeris_.request = 0;
std::cout << "SUPL: Try to read Almanac, Iono, Utc Model, Ref Time and Ref Location data from SUPL server...\n";
error = supl_client_ephemeris_.get_assistance(supl_mcc_, supl_mns_, supl_lac_, supl_ci_);
if (error == 0)
std::map<int, Gps_Almanac>::const_iterator gps_alm_iter;
for (gps_alm_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_almanac_map.cbegin();
gps_alm_iter != supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_almanac_map.cend();
std::cout << "SUPL: Received almanac data for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("GPS", gps_alm_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Almanac> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Almanac>(gps_alm_iter->second);
supl_client_ephemeris_.save_gps_almanac_xml("gps_almanac_map.xml", supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_almanac_map);
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_iono.valid == true)
std::cout << "SUPL: Received GPS Ionosphere model parameters\n";
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Iono> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Iono>(supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_iono);
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_utc.valid == true)
std::cout << "SUPL: Received GPS UTC model parameters\n";
const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Utc_Model> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Gps_Utc_Model>(supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_utc);
// Save iono and UTC model data to xml file
const std::string iono_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_iono_xml", iono_default_xml_filename_);
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.save_iono_xml(iono_xml_filename, supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_iono) == true)
std::cout << "SUPL: Iono data file created\n";
std::cout << "SUPL: Failed to create Iono data file\n";
const std::string utc_xml_filename = configuration_->property("GNSS-SDR.SUPL_gps_utc_model_xml", utc_default_xml_filename_);
if (supl_client_ephemeris_.save_utc_xml(utc_xml_filename, supl_client_ephemeris_.gps_utc) == true)
std::cout << "SUPL: UTC model data file created\n";
std::cout << "SUPL: Failed to create UTC model data file\n";
std::cout << "ERROR: SUPL client for almanac data returned " << error << '\n';
std::cout << "Please check your network connectivity and SUPL server configuration\n";
// Request acquisition assistance
supl_client_acquisition_.request = 2;
std::cout << "SUPL: Try to read acquisition assistance data from SUPL server...\n";
error = supl_client_acquisition_.get_assistance(supl_mcc_, supl_mns_, supl_lac_, supl_ci_);
if (error == 0)
std::map<int, Gps_Acq_Assist>::const_iterator gps_acq_iter;
for (gps_acq_iter = supl_client_acquisition_.gps_acq_map.cbegin();
gps_acq_iter != supl_client_acquisition_.gps_acq_map.cend();
std::cout << "SUPL: Received acquisition assistance data for satellite " << Gnss_Satellite("GPS", gps_acq_iter->second.PRN) << '\n';
global_gps_acq_assist_map.write(gps_acq_iter->second.PRN, gps_acq_iter->second);
if (supl_client_acquisition_.gps_ref_loc.valid == true)
std::cout << "SUPL: Received Ref Location data (Acquisition Assistance)\n";
agnss_ref_location_ = supl_client_acquisition_.gps_ref_loc;
const std::shared_ptr<Agnss_Ref_Location> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Agnss_Ref_Location>(agnss_ref_location_);
supl_client_acquisition_.save_ref_location_xml("agnss_ref_location.xml", agnss_ref_location_);
if (supl_client_acquisition_.gps_time.valid == true)
std::cout << "SUPL: Received Ref Time data (Acquisition Assistance)\n";
agnss_ref_time_ = supl_client_acquisition_.gps_time;
const std::shared_ptr<Agnss_Ref_Time> tmp_obj = std::make_shared<Agnss_Ref_Time>(agnss_ref_time_);
supl_client_acquisition_.save_ref_time_xml("agnss_ref_time.xml", agnss_ref_time_);
std::cout << "ERROR: SUPL client for acquisition assistance returned " << error << '\n';
std::cout << "Please check your network connectivity and SUPL server configuration\n";
std::cout << "Disabling SUPL acquisition assistance.\n";
if ((enable_gps_supl_assistance == false) and (enable_agnss_xml == true))
// read assistance from file
if (read_assistance_from_XML())
std::cout << "GNSS assistance data loaded from local XML file(s).\n";
// If AGNSS is enabled, make use of it
if ((agnss_ref_location_.valid == true) and ((enable_gps_supl_assistance == true) or (enable_agnss_xml == true)))
// Get the list of visible satellites
std::array<float, 3> ref_LLH{};
ref_LLH[0] = agnss_ref_location_.lat;
ref_LLH[1] = agnss_ref_location_.lon;
time_t ref_rx_utc_time = 0;
if (agnss_ref_time_.valid == true)
ref_rx_utc_time = static_cast<time_t>(agnss_ref_time_.seconds);
const std::vector<std::pair<int, Gnss_Satellite>> visible_sats = get_visible_sats(ref_rx_utc_time, ref_LLH);
// Set the receiver in Standby mode
flowgraph_->apply_action(0, 10);
// Give priority to visible satellites in the search list
// Hot Start
flowgraph_->apply_action(0, 12);
void ControlThread::apply_action(unsigned int what)
std::shared_ptr<PvtInterface> pvt_ptr;
std::vector<std::pair<int, Gnss_Satellite>> visible_satellites;
switch (what)
case 0:
LOG(INFO) << "Received action STOP";
stop_ = true;
case 1:
LOG(INFO) << "Received action RESTART";
stop_ = true;
restart_ = true;
case 10: // request standby mode
LOG(INFO) << "TC request standby mode";
receiver_on_standby_ = true;
case 11:
LOG(INFO) << "Receiver action COLDSTART";
// delete all ephemeris and almanac information from maps (also the PVT map queue)
pvt_ptr = flowgraph_->get_pvt();
// todo: reorder the satellite queues to the receiver default startup order.
// This is required to allow repeatability. Otherwise the satellite search order will depend on the last tracked satellites
// start again the satellite acquisitions
receiver_on_standby_ = false;
case 12:
LOG(INFO) << "Receiver action HOTSTART";
visible_satellites = get_visible_sats(cmd_interface_.get_utc_time(), cmd_interface_.get_LLH());
// reorder the satellite queue to acquire first those visible satellites
// start again the satellite acquisitions
receiver_on_standby_ = false;
case 13:
LOG(INFO) << "Receiver action WARMSTART";
// delete all ephemeris and almanac information from maps (also the PVT map queue)
pvt_ptr = flowgraph_->get_pvt();
// load the ephemeris and the almanac from XML files (receiver assistance)
// call here the function that computes the set of visible satellites and its elevation
// for the date and time specified by the warm start command and the assisted position
get_visible_sats(cmd_interface_.get_utc_time(), cmd_interface_.get_LLH());
// reorder the satellite queue to acquire first those visible satellites
// start again the satellite acquisitions
receiver_on_standby_ = false;
LOG(INFO) << "Unrecognized action.";
std::vector<std::pair<int, Gnss_Satellite>> ControlThread::get_visible_sats(time_t rx_utc_time, const std::array<float, 3> &LLH)
// 1. Compute rx ECEF position from LLH WGS84
const arma::vec LLH_rad = arma::vec{degtorad(LLH[0]), degtorad(LLH[1]), LLH[2]};
arma::mat C_tmp = arma::zeros(3, 3);
arma::vec r_eb_e = arma::zeros(3, 1);
arma::vec v_eb_e = arma::zeros(3, 1);
Geo_to_ECEF(LLH_rad, arma::vec{0, 0, 0}, C_tmp, r_eb_e, v_eb_e, C_tmp);
// 2. Compute rx GPS time from UTC time
gtime_t utc_gtime;
utc_gtime.time = rx_utc_time;
utc_gtime.sec = 0.0;
const gtime_t gps_gtime = utc2gpst(utc_gtime);
// 3. loop through all the available ephemeris or almanac and compute satellite positions and elevations
// store visible satellites in a vector of pairs <int,Gnss_Satellite> to associate an elevation to the each satellite
std::vector<std::pair<int, Gnss_Satellite>> available_satellites;
std::vector<unsigned int> visible_gps;
std::vector<unsigned int> visible_gal;
const std::shared_ptr<PvtInterface> pvt_ptr = flowgraph_->get_pvt();
struct tm tstruct
char buf[80];
tstruct = *gmtime(&rx_utc_time);
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S ", &tstruct);
const std::string str_time = std::string(buf);
std::cout << "Get visible satellites at " << str_time
<< "UTC, assuming RX position " << LLH[0] << " [deg], " << LLH[1] << " [deg], " << LLH[2] << " [m]\n";
const std::map<int, Gps_Ephemeris> gps_eph_map = pvt_ptr->get_gps_ephemeris();
for (const auto &it : gps_eph_map)
const eph_t rtklib_eph = eph_to_rtklib(it.second, pre_2009_file_);
std::array<double, 3> r_sat{};
double clock_bias_s;
double sat_pos_variance_m2;
eph2pos(gps_gtime, &rtklib_eph, r_sat.data(), &clock_bias_s,
double Az;
double El;
double dist_m;
const arma::vec r_sat_eb_e = arma::vec{r_sat[0], r_sat[1], r_sat[2]};
const arma::vec dx = r_sat_eb_e - r_eb_e;
topocent(&Az, &El, &dist_m, r_eb_e, dx);
// push sat
if (El > 0)
std::cout << "Using GPS Ephemeris: Sat " << it.second.PRN << " Az: " << Az << " El: " << El << '\n';
(Gnss_Satellite(std::string("GPS"), it.second.PRN)));
const std::map<int, Galileo_Ephemeris> gal_eph_map = pvt_ptr->get_galileo_ephemeris();
for (const auto &it : gal_eph_map)
const eph_t rtklib_eph = eph_to_rtklib(it.second);
std::array<double, 3> r_sat{};
double clock_bias_s;
double sat_pos_variance_m2;
eph2pos(gps_gtime, &rtklib_eph, r_sat.data(), &clock_bias_s,
double Az;
double El;
double dist_m;
const arma::vec r_sat_eb_e = arma::vec{r_sat[0], r_sat[1], r_sat[2]};
const arma::vec dx = r_sat_eb_e - r_eb_e;
topocent(&Az, &El, &dist_m, r_eb_e, dx);
// push sat
if (El > 0)
std::cout << "Using Galileo Ephemeris: Sat " << it.second.PRN << " Az: " << Az << " El: " << El << '\n';
(Gnss_Satellite(std::string("Galileo"), it.second.PRN)));
const std::map<int, Gps_Almanac> gps_alm_map = pvt_ptr->get_gps_almanac();
for (const auto &it : gps_alm_map)
const alm_t rtklib_alm = alm_to_rtklib(it.second);
std::array<double, 3> r_sat{};
double clock_bias_s;
gtime_t aux_gtime;
aux_gtime.time = fmod(utc2gpst(gps_gtime).time + 345600, 604800);
aux_gtime.sec = 0.0;
alm2pos(aux_gtime, &rtklib_alm, r_sat.data(), &clock_bias_s);
double Az;
double El;
double dist_m;
const arma::vec r_sat_eb_e = arma::vec{r_sat[0], r_sat[1], r_sat[2]};
const arma::vec dx = r_sat_eb_e - r_eb_e;
topocent(&Az, &El, &dist_m, r_eb_e, dx);
// push sat
std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it2;
if (El > 0)
it2 = std::find(visible_gps.begin(), visible_gps.end(), it.second.PRN);
if (it2 == visible_gps.end())
std::cout << "Using GPS Almanac: Sat " << it.second.PRN << " Az: " << Az << " El: " << El << '\n';
(Gnss_Satellite(std::string("GPS"), it.second.PRN)));
const std::map<int, Galileo_Almanac> gal_alm_map = pvt_ptr->get_galileo_almanac();
for (const auto &it : gal_alm_map)
const alm_t rtklib_alm = alm_to_rtklib(it.second);
std::array<double, 3> r_sat{};
double clock_bias_s;
gtime_t gal_gtime;
gal_gtime.time = fmod(utc2gpst(gps_gtime).time + 345600, 604800);
gal_gtime.sec = 0.0;
alm2pos(gal_gtime, &rtklib_alm, r_sat.data(), &clock_bias_s);
double Az;
double El;
double dist_m;
const arma::vec r_sat_eb_e = arma::vec{r_sat[0], r_sat[1], r_sat[2]};
const arma::vec dx = r_sat_eb_e - r_eb_e;
topocent(&Az, &El, &dist_m, r_eb_e, dx);
// push sat
std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it2;
if (El > 0)
it2 = std::find(visible_gal.begin(), visible_gal.end(), it.second.PRN);
if (it2 == visible_gal.end())
std::cout << "Using Galileo Almanac: Sat " << it.second.PRN << " Az: " << Az << " El: " << El << '\n';
(Gnss_Satellite(std::string("Galileo"), it.second.PRN)));
// sort the visible satellites in ascending order of elevation
std::sort(available_satellites.begin(), available_satellites.end(), [](const std::pair<int, Gnss_Satellite> &a, const std::pair<int, Gnss_Satellite> &b) { // use lambda. Cleaner and easier to read
return a.first < b.first;
// provide list starting from satellites with higher elevation
std::reverse(available_satellites.begin(), available_satellites.end());
return available_satellites;
void ControlThread::gps_acq_assist_data_collector() const
// ############ 1.bis READ EPHEMERIS/UTC_MODE/IONO QUEUE ####################
Gps_Acq_Assist gps_acq;
Gps_Acq_Assist gps_acq_old;
while (stop_ == false)
if (gps_acq.PRN == 0)
std::cout << "Acquisition assistance record has arrived from SAT ID "
<< gps_acq.PRN
<< " with Doppler "
<< gps_acq.Doppler0
<< " [Hz]\n";
// insert new acq record to the global ephemeris map
if (global_gps_acq_assist_map.read(gps_acq.PRN, gps_acq_old))
std::cout << "Acquisition assistance record updated\n";
global_gps_acq_assist_map.write(gps_acq.PRN, gps_acq);
// insert new acq record
LOG(INFO) << "New acq assist record inserted";
global_gps_acq_assist_map.write(gps_acq.PRN, gps_acq);
void ControlThread::sysv_queue_listener()
typedef struct
long mtype; // NOLINT(google-runtime-int) required by SysV queue messaging
double stop_message;
} stop_msgbuf;
bool read_queue = true;
stop_msgbuf msg;
double received_message = 0.0;
const int msgrcv_size = sizeof(msg.stop_message);
const key_t key = 1102;
if ((msqid_ = msgget(key, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1)
std::cerr << "GNSS-SDR cannot create SysV message queues\n";
read_queue = false;
while (read_queue && !stop_)
if (msgrcv(msqid_, &msg, msgrcv_size, 1, 0) != -1)
received_message = msg.stop_message;
if ((std::abs(received_message - (-200.0)) < 10 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()))
std::cout << "Quit order received, stopping GNSS-SDR !!\n";
control_queue_->push(pmt::make_any(command_event_make(200, 0)));
read_queue = false;
void ControlThread::keyboard_listener()
bool read_keys = true;
char c = '0';
while (read_keys && !stop_)
if (c == 'q')
std::cout << "Quit keystroke order received, stopping GNSS-SDR !!\n";
control_queue_->push(pmt::make_any(command_event_make(200, 0)));
stop_ = true;
read_keys = false;
void ControlThread::print_help_at_exit() const
std::cerr << "Error: the configuration file is not well formatted\n";
if (!conf_file_has_section_)
std::cerr << " * The section label has not been found if the configuration file\n"
<< " Please add the [GNSS-SDR] label at the top of your configuration file\n"
<< " A configuration example is available at https://gnss-sdr.org/my-first-fix/\n";
if (!conf_file_has_mandatory_globals_)
std::cerr << " * Have you forgotten to set the mandatory global parameter GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_sps in your conf file?\n"
<< " Documentation about this parameter at https://gnss-sdr.org/docs/sp-blocks/global-parameters/\n"
<< " A configuration example is available at https://gnss-sdr.org/my-first-fix/\n";
if (!conf_has_signal_sources_)
std::cerr << " * The configuration file must define at least one SignalSource.implementation\n"
<< " Documentation of SignalSource block implementations at https://gnss-sdr.org/docs/sp-blocks/signal-source/\n";
if (!conf_has_observables_)
std::cerr << " * The configuration file must define an Observables.implementation\n"
<< " Documentation of the Observables block at https://gnss-sdr.org/docs/sp-blocks/observables/\n";
if (!conf_has_pvt_)
std::cerr << " * The configuration file must define a PVT.implementation\n"
<< " Documentation of the PVT block at https://gnss-sdr.org/docs/sp-blocks/pvt/\n";