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function dmsvec = mat2dms(d,m,s,n)
% MAT2DMS Converts a [deg min sec] matrix to vector format
% dms = MAT2DMS(d,m,s) converts a deg:min:sec matrix into a vector
% format. The vector format is dms = 100*deg + min + sec/100.
% This allows d,m,s triple to be compressed into a single value,
% which can then be employed similar to a degree or radian vector.
% The inputs d, m and s must be of equal size. Minutes and
% second must be between 0 and 60.
% dms = MAT2DMS(mat) assumes and input matrix of [d m s]. This is
% useful only for single column vectors for d, m and s.
% dms = MAT2DMS(d,m) and dms = MAT2DMS([d m]) assume that seconds
% are zero, s = 0.
% dms = MAT2DMS(d,m,s,n) uses n as the accuracy of the seconds
% calculation. n = -2 uses accuracy in the hundredths position,
% n = 0 uses accuracy in the units position. Default is n = -5.
% For further discussion of the input n, see ROUNDN.
% See also DMS2MAT
% Written by: E. Byrns, E. Brown
% Revision: 1.10 Date: 2002/03/20 21:25:51
% GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver.
% This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
% SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1996-2002 Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
if nargin == 0
error('Incorrect number of arguments')
elseif nargin==1
if size(d,2)== 3
s = d(:,3); m = d(:,2); d = d(:,1);
elseif size(d,2)== 2
m = d(:,2); d = d(:,1); s = zeros(size(d));
elseif size(d,2) == 0
d = []; m = []; s = [];
error('Single input matrices must be n-by-2 or n-by-3.');
n = -5;
elseif nargin == 2
s = zeros(size(d));
n = -5;
elseif nargin == 3
n = -5;
% Test for empty arguments
if isempty(d) & isempty(m) & isempty(s); dmsvec = []; return; end
% Don't let seconds be rounded beyond the tens place.
% If you did, then 55 seconds rounds to 100, which is not good.
if n == 2; n = 1; end
% Complex argument tests
if any([~isreal(d) ~isreal(m) ~isreal(s)])
warning('Imaginary parts of complex ANGLE argument ignored')
d = real(d); m = real(m); s = real(s);
% Dimension and value tests
if ~isequal(size(d),size(m),size(s))
error('Inconsistent dimensions for input arguments')
elseif any(rem(d(~isnan(d)),1) ~= 0 | rem(m(~isnan(m)),1) ~= 0)
error('Degrees and minutes must be integers')
if any(abs(m) > 60) | any (abs(m) < 0) % Actually algorithm allows for
error('Minutes must be >= 0 and < 60') % up to exactly 60 seconds or
% 60 minutes, but the error message
elseif any(abs(s) > 60) | any(abs(s) < 0) % doesn't reflect this so that angst
error('Seconds must be >= 0 and < 60') % is minimized in the user docs
% Ensure that only one negative sign is present and at the correct location
if any((s<0 & m<0) | (s<0 & d<0) | (m<0 & d<0) )
error('Multiple negative entries in a DMS specification')
elseif any((s<0 & (m~=0 | d~= 0)) | (m<0 & d~=0))
error('Incorrect negative DMS specification')
% Construct a sign vector which has +1 when
% angle >= 0 and -1 when angle < 0. Note that the sign of the
% angle is associated with the largest nonzero component of d:m:s
negvec = (d<0) | (m<0) | (s<0);
signvec = ~negvec - negvec;
% Convert to all positive numbers. Allows for easier
% adjusting at 60 seconds and 60 minutes
d = abs(d); m = abs(m); s = abs(s);
% Truncate seconds to a specified accuracy to eliminate round-off errors
[s,msg] = roundn(s,n);
if ~isempty(msg); error(msg); end
% Adjust for 60 seconds or 60 minutes. If s > 60, this can only be
% from round-off during roundn since s > 60 is already tested above.
% This round-off effect has happened though.
indx = find(s >= 60);
if ~isempty(indx); m(indx) = m(indx) + 1; s(indx) = 0; end
% The user can not put minutes > 60 as input. However, the line
% above may create minutes > 60 (since the user can put in m == 60),
% thus, the test below includes the greater than condition.
indx = find(m >= 60);
if ~isempty(indx); d(indx) = d(indx) + 1; m(indx) = m(indx)-60; end
% Construct the dms vector format
dmsvec = signvec .* (100*d + m + s/100);