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# GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver.
# This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
/*! \page extending_volk Extending VOLK
There are two primary routes for extending VOLK for your own use. The
preferred route is by writing kernels and proto-kernels as part of this
repository and sending patches upstream. The alternative is creating your
own VOLK module, as it is the case of VOLK_GNSSSDR ;-). There is a good reason
for that: to provide GNSS-SDR users with adequate protokernels as soon as possible,
without needing to upgrade to the latest VOLK version to enjoy the benefits.
Notwithstanding, some of VOLK_GNSSSDR can be integrated into VOLK in the future,
if other users find them useful.
## Modifying this repository
### Adding kernels
Adding kernels refers to introducing a new function to the VOLK_GNSSSDR API that is
presumably a useful math function/operation. The first step is to create
the file in volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr. Follow the naming scheme provided in the
VOLK_GNSSSDR terms and techniques page. First create the generic protokernel.
The generic protokernel should be written in plain C using explicitly sized
types from stdint.h or volk_gnsssdr_complex.h when appropriate. volk_gnsssdr_complex.h
includes explicitly sized complex types for floats and ints. The name of
the generic kernel should be volk_gnsssdr_signature_from_file_generic. If multiple
versions of the generic kernel exist then a description can be appended to
generic_, but it is not required to use alignment flags in the generic
protokernel name. It is required to surround the entire generic function
with preprocessor ifdef fences on the symbol LV_HAVE_GENERIC.
Finally, add the kernel to the list of test cases in volk_gnsssdr/lib/kernel_tests.h.
Many kernels should be able to use the default test parameters, but if yours
requires a lower tolerance, specific vector length, or other test parameters
just create a new instance of volk_gnsssdr_test_params_t for your kernel.
### Adding protokernels
The primary purpose of VOLK_GNSSSDR is to have multiple implementations of an operation
tuned for a specific CPU architecture. Ideally there is at least one
protokernel of each kernel for every architecture that VOLK_GNSSSDR supports.
The pattern for protokernel naming is volk_gnsssdr_kernel_signature_architecture_nick.
The architecture should be one of the supported VOLK_GNSSSDR architectures. The nick is
an optional name to distinguish between multiple implementations for a
particular architecture.
Architecture specific protokernels can be written in one of three ways.
The first approach should always be to use compiler intrinsic functions.
The second and third approaches are using either in-line assembly or
assembly with .S files. Both methods of writing assembly exist in VOLK_GNSSSDR and
should yield equivalent performance; which method you might choose is a
matter of opinion. Regardless of the actual method the public function should
be declared in the kernel header surrounded by ifdef fences on the symbol that
fits the architecture implementation.
#### Compiler Intrinsics
Compiler intrinsics should be treated as functions that map to a specific
assembly instruction. Most VOLK_GNSSSDR kernels take the form of a loop that iterates
through a vector. Form a loop that iterates on a number of items that is natural
for the architecture and then use compiler intrinsics to do the math for your
operation or algorithm. Include the appropriate header inside the ifdef fences,
but before your protokernel declaration.
#### In-line Assembly
In-line assembly uses a compiler macro to include verbatim assembly with C code.
The process of in-line assembly protokernels is very similar to protokernels
based on intrinsics.
#### Assembly with .S files
To write pure assembly protokernels, first declare the function name in the
kernel header file the same way as any other protokernel, but include the extern
keyword. Second, create a file (one for each protokernel) in
volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/asm/$arch. Disassemble another protokernel and copy the
disassembled code in to this file to bootstrap a working implementation. Often
the disassembled code can be hand-tuned to improve performance.
## VOLK Modules
VOLK has a concept of modules. Each module is an independent VOLK tree. Modules
can be managed with the volk_modtool application. At a high level the module is
a clone of all of the VOLK machinery without kernels. volk_modtool also makes it
easy to copy kernels to a module.
Kernels and protokernels are added to your own VOLK module the same way they are
added to this repository, which was described in the previous section.