/*! * \file obsdiff.cc * \brief This program implements a single difference and double difference * comparison algorithm to evaluate receiver's performance at observable level * \authors * * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "gnuplot_i.h" #include "obsdiff_flags.h" #include // Classes for handling observations RINEX files (data) #include #include #include // Classes for handling satellite navigation parameters RINEX // files (ephemerides) #include #include #include // Classes for handling RINEX files with meteorological parameters #include #include #include #include // Class for handling tropospheric model #include // Class for storing >broadcast-type> ephemerides #include // Class for handling RAIM #include // Class defining GPS system constants #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if GFLAGS_OLD_NAMESPACE namespace gflags { using namespace google; } #endif // Create the lists of GNSS satellites std::set available_gps_prn = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32}; std::set available_sbas_prn = {123, 131, 135, 136, 138}; std::set available_galileo_prn = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36}; bool file_exist(const char* fileName) { std::ifstream infile(fileName); return infile.good(); } std::map ReadRinexObs(const std::string& rinex_file, char system, const std::string& signal) { std::map obs_map; if (not file_exist(rinex_file.c_str())) { std::cout << "Warning: RINEX Obs file " << rinex_file << " does not exist\n"; return obs_map; } // Open and read _baseerence RINEX observables file try { gpstk::Rinex3ObsStream r_base(rinex_file); gpstk::Rinex3ObsData r_base_data; gpstk::Rinex3ObsHeader r_base_header; gpstk::RinexDatum dataobj; r_base >> r_base_header; std::set PRN_set; gpstk::SatID prn; switch (system) { case 'G': #if OLD_GPSTK prn.system = gpstk::SatID::systemGPS; #else prn.system = gpstk::SatelliteSystem::GPS; #endif PRN_set = available_gps_prn; break; case 'E': #if OLD_GPSTK prn.system = gpstk::SatID::systemGalileo; #else prn.system = gpstk::SatelliteSystem::Galileo; #endif PRN_set = available_galileo_prn; break; default: #if OLD_GPSTK prn.system = gpstk::SatID::systemGPS; #else prn.system = gpstk::SatelliteSystem::GPS; #endif PRN_set = available_gps_prn; } std::cout << "Reading RINEX OBS file " << rinex_file << " ...\n"; while (r_base >> r_base_data) { for (const auto& prn_it : PRN_set) { prn.id = prn_it; gpstk::CommonTime time = r_base_data.time; double sow(static_cast(time).sow); auto pointer = r_base_data.obs.find(prn); if (pointer != r_base_data.obs.end()) { // insert next column try { obs_map.at(prn.id); } catch (const std::out_of_range& oor) { obs_map[prn.id] = arma::mat(); } arma::mat& obs_mat = obs_map[prn.id]; obs_mat.insert_rows(obs_mat.n_rows, arma::zeros(1, 4)); if (strcmp("1C\0", signal.c_str()) == 0) { obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "C1C", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; // C1C P1 (psudorange L1) dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "D1C", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; // D1C Carrier Doppler dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "L1C", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; // L1C Carrier Phase } else if (strcmp("1B\0", signal.c_str()) == 0) { obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "C1B", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "D1B", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "L1B", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else if (strcmp("2S\0", signal.c_str()) == 0) // L2M { obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "C2S", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "D2S", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "L2S", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else if (strcmp("L5\0", signal.c_str()) == 0) { obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "C5I", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "D5I", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "L5I", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else if (strcmp("5X\0", signal.c_str()) == 0) // Simulator gives RINEX with E5a+E5b. Doppler and accumulated Carrier phase WILL differ { obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "C8I", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "D8I", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_base_data.getObs(prn, "L8I", r_base_header); obs_mat.at(obs_mat.n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else { std::cout << "ReadRinexObs unknown signal requested: " << signal << '\n'; return obs_map; } } } } // end while } // End of 'try' block catch (const gpstk::FFStreamError& e) { std::cout << e; return obs_map; } catch (const gpstk::Exception& e) { std::cout << e; return obs_map; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what(); std::cout << "unknown error. I don't feel so well...\n"; return obs_map; } if (obs_map.empty()) { std::cout << "Warning: file " << rinex_file << " contains no data.\n"; } return obs_map; } bool save_mat_xy(std::vector& x, std::vector& y, std::string filename) { try { // WRITE MAT FILE mat_t* matfp; matvar_t* matvar; filename.append(".mat"); // std::cout << "save_mat_xy write " << filename << '\n'; matfp = Mat_CreateVer(filename.c_str(), nullptr, MAT_FT_MAT5); if (reinterpret_cast(matfp) != nullptr) { size_t dims[2] = {1, x.size()}; matvar = Mat_VarCreate("x", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims, &x[0], 0); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("y", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims, &y[0], 0); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); } else { std::cout << "save_mat_xy: error creating file\n"; } Mat_Close(matfp); return true; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::cout << "save_mat_xy: " << ex.what() << '\n'; return false; } } bool save_mat_x(std::vector* x, std::string filename) { try { // WRITE MAT FILE mat_t* matfp; matvar_t* matvar; filename.append(".mat"); std::cout << "save_mat_x write " << filename << '\n'; matfp = Mat_CreateVer(filename.c_str(), nullptr, MAT_FT_MAT5); if (reinterpret_cast(matfp) != nullptr) { std::array dims{1, x->size()}; matvar = Mat_VarCreate("x", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), &x[0], 0); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); } else { std::cout << "save_mat_x: error creating file\n"; } Mat_Close(matfp); return true; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::cout << "save_mat_x: " << ex.what() << '\n'; return false; } } void carrier_phase_double_diff( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title, double common_rx_clock_error_s) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec true_ch0_carrier_phase_interp; arma::vec true_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; // interpolate measured observables accounting with the receiver clock differences arma::interp1(true_ch0.col(0), true_ch0.col(3), measurement_time - common_rx_clock_error_s, true_ch0_carrier_phase_interp); arma::interp1(true_ch1.col(0), true_ch1.col(3), measurement_time - common_rx_clock_error_s, true_ch1_carrier_phase_interp); arma::vec meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(3), measurement_time, meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp); // generate double difference accumulated carrier phases arma::vec delta_true_carrier_phase_cycles = true_ch0_carrier_phase_interp - true_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; arma::vec delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles = measured_ch0.col(3) - meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_true_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_true_carrier_phase_cycles); arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles); arma::mat tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_true_carrier_phase_cycles); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); delta_true_carrier_phase_cycles = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(measurement_time); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); measurement_time = tmp_mat.col(0); std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); if (!measurement_time.empty()) { // debug // std::vector tmp_time_vec(measurement_time.colptr(0), // measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); // std::vector tmp_vector_y6(delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0), // delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0) + delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.n_rows); // save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y6, std::string("true_delta_doppler")); // std::vector tmp_vector_y7(delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0), // delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0) + delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.n_rows); // save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y7, std::string("measured_delta_doppler")); // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles - delta_true_carrier_phase_cycles; // compute error without the accumulated carrier phase offsets (which depends on the receiver starting time) err = err - arma::mean(err); arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Double diff Carrier Phase RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Cycles]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Double diff Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Double diff Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Double diff Carrier Phase error"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "double_diff_carrier_phase_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } else { std::cout << "No valid data\n"; } } void carrier_phase_single_diff( arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(3), measurement_time, meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp); // generate single difference accumulated carrier phases // compute error without the accumulated carrier phase offsets (which depends on the receiver starting time) arma::vec delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles = measured_ch0.col(3) - meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles = delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles - arma::mean(delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles); // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles); arma::mat tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(measurement_time); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); measurement_time = tmp_mat.col(0); std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); if (!measurement_time.empty()) { // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Single diff Carrier Phase RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Cycles]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Single diff Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Single diff Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Single diff Carrier Phase error"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "single_diff_carrier_phase_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } else { std::cout << "No valid data\n"; } } void carrier_doppler_double_diff( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title, double common_rx_clock_error_s) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec true_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::vec true_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; // interpolate measured observables accounting with the receiver clock differences arma::interp1(true_ch0.col(0), true_ch0.col(2), measurement_time - common_rx_clock_error_s, true_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp); arma::interp1(true_ch1.col(0), true_ch1.col(2), measurement_time - common_rx_clock_error_s, true_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp); arma::vec meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(2), measurement_time, meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp); // generate double difference carrier Doppler arma::vec delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles = true_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp - true_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::vec delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles = measured_ch0.col(2) - meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_true_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles); arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles); arma::mat tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(measurement_time); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); measurement_time = tmp_mat.col(0); std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); if (!measurement_time.empty()) { // debug // std::vector tmp_time_vec(measurement_time.colptr(0), // measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); // std::vector tmp_vector_y6(delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0), // delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0) + delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.n_rows); // save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y6, std::string("true_delta_doppler")); // std::vector tmp_vector_y7(delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0), // delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0) + delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.n_rows); // save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y7, std::string("measured_delta_doppler")); // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles - delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Double diff Carrier Doppler RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Hz]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Double diff Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Double diff Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Double diff Carrier Doppler error"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "double_diff_carrier_doppler_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } else { std::cout << "No valid data\n"; } } void carrier_doppler_single_diff( arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(2), measurement_time, meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp); // generate single difference carrier Doppler arma::vec delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles = measured_ch0.col(2) - meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles); arma::mat tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(measurement_time); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); measurement_time = tmp_mat.col(0); std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); if (!measurement_time.empty()) { // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Single diff Carrier Doppler RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Hz]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Single diff Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Single diff Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Single diff Carrier Doppler error"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "single_diff_carrier_doppler_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } else { std::cout << "No valid data\n"; } } void code_pseudorange_double_diff( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title, double common_rx_clock_error_s) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec true_ch0_obs_interp; arma::vec true_ch1_obs_interp; // interpolate measured observables accounting with the receiver clock differences arma::interp1(true_ch0.col(0), true_ch0.col(1), measurement_time - common_rx_clock_error_s, true_ch0_obs_interp); arma::interp1(true_ch1.col(0), true_ch1.col(1), measurement_time - common_rx_clock_error_s, true_ch1_obs_interp); arma::vec meas_ch1_obs_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(1), measurement_time, meas_ch1_obs_interp); // generate double difference carrier Doppler arma::vec delta_true_obs = true_ch0_obs_interp - true_ch1_obs_interp; arma::vec delta_measured_obs = measured_ch0.col(1) - meas_ch1_obs_interp; // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_true_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_true_obs); arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_measured_obs); arma::mat tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_true_obs); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); delta_true_obs = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_measured_obs); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); delta_measured_obs = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(measurement_time); tmp_mat.shed_rows(arma::join_cols(NaN_in_true_data, NaN_in_measured_data)); measurement_time = tmp_mat.col(0); std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); if (!measurement_time.empty()) { // debug // std::vector tmp_time_vec(measurement_time.colptr(0), // measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); // std::vector tmp_vector_y6(delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0), // delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0) + delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles.n_rows); // save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y6, std::string("true_delta_doppler")); // std::vector tmp_vector_y7(delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0), // delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.colptr(0) + delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles.n_rows); // save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y7, std::string("measured_delta_doppler")); // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_obs - delta_true_obs; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Double diff Pseudorange RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [meters]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Double diff Pseudorange error [m]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Double diff Pseudorange error [m]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Double diff Pseudorange error"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "double_diff_pseudorange_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } else { std::cout << "No valid data\n"; } } void code_pseudorange_single_diff( arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec meas_ch1_obs_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(1), measurement_time, meas_ch1_obs_interp); // generate single difference carrier Doppler arma::vec delta_measured_obs = measured_ch0.col(1) - meas_ch1_obs_interp; // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(delta_measured_obs); arma::mat tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(delta_measured_obs); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); delta_measured_obs = tmp_mat.col(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(measurement_time); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); measurement_time = tmp_mat.col(0); std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); if (!measurement_time.empty()) { // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_obs; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Single diff Pseudorange RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [meters]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Single diff Pseudorange error [m]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Single diff Pseudorange error [m]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Single diff Pseudorange error"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "single_diff_pseudorange_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } else { std::cout << "No valid data\n"; } } void coderate_phaserate_consistence( arma::mat& measured_ch0, const std::string& data_title) { arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec delta_time = measurement_time.subvec(1, measurement_time.n_elem - 1) - measurement_time.subvec(0, measurement_time.n_elem - 2); // Test 4 is for the pseudorange phase consistency // // 1) Checks for the value of the pseudoranges to be within a certain threshold. arma::vec prange = measured_ch0.col(1); // todo: This code is only valid for L1/E1 carrier frequency. arma::vec phase = measured_ch0.col(3) * (gpstk::C_MPS / gpstk::L1_FREQ_GPS); double mincodeval = 5000000.0; double maxcodeval = 40000000.0; arma::uvec idx = arma::find(prange < mincodeval); if (idx.n_elem > 0) { std::cout << "Warning: Pseudorange measurement is less than minimum acceptable value of " << mincodeval << " meters.\n"; } idx = arma::find(prange > maxcodeval); if (idx.n_elem > 0) { std::cout << "Warning: Pseudorange measurement is above than maximum acceptable value of " << maxcodeval << " meters.\n"; } // 2) It checks that the pseduorange rate is within a certain threshold // check code rate arma::vec coderate = (prange.subvec(1, prange.n_elem - 1) - prange.subvec(0, prange.n_elem - 2)) / delta_time; // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(coderate); if (NaN_in_measured_data.n_elem > 0) { std::cout << "Warning: Pseudorange rate have NaN values. \n"; } double mincoderate = 0.001; double maxcoderate = 5000.0; idx = arma::find(coderate > maxcoderate and coderate < mincoderate); if (idx.n_elem > 0) { std::cout << "Warning: bad code rate \n"; } // 3) It checks that the phase rate is within a certain threshold arma::vec phaserate = (phase.subvec(1, prange.n_elem - 1) - phase.subvec(0, prange.n_elem - 2)) / delta_time; // remove NaN NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(phase); if (NaN_in_measured_data.n_elem > 0) { std::cout << "Warning: Carrier phase rate have NaN values. \n"; } double minphaserate = 0.001; double maxphaserate = 5000.0; idx = arma::find(phaserate > maxphaserate and phaserate < minphaserate); if (idx.n_elem > 0) { std::cout << "Warning: bad phase rate \n"; } // 4) It checks the difference between code and phase rates // check difference between code and phase rates arma::vec ratediff = phaserate - coderate; // debug std::vector tmp_time_vec(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_y6(phaserate.colptr(0), phaserate.colptr(0) + phaserate.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y6, std::string("phaserate_" + data_title)); std::vector tmp_vector_y7(coderate.colptr(0), coderate.colptr(0) + coderate.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector_y7, std::string("coderate_" + data_title)); double maxratediff = 5; idx = arma::find(ratediff > maxratediff); if (idx.n_elem > 0) { std::cout << "Warning: bad code and phase rate difference \n"; } std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0) + 1, measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = ratediff; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << " RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [m/s]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Code rate - phase rate [m/s]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Code rate - phase rate [m/s]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Code rate - phase rate"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "Code_rate_minus_phase_rate"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } void code_phase_diff( arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times arma::vec measurement_time = measured_ch0.col(0); arma::vec code_range_ch1_obs_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(1), measurement_time, code_range_ch1_obs_interp); arma::vec carrier_phase_ch1_obs_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(3), measurement_time, carrier_phase_ch1_obs_interp); // generate Code - Phase vector arma::vec code_minus_phase = (measured_ch0.col(1) - code_range_ch1_obs_interp) - (measured_ch0.col(3) - carrier_phase_ch1_obs_interp) * (gpstk::C_MPS / gpstk::L1_FREQ_GPS); // remove NaN arma::uvec NaN_in_measured_data = arma::find_nonfinite(code_minus_phase); arma::mat tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(code_minus_phase); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); code_minus_phase = tmp_mat.col(0); code_minus_phase = code_minus_phase - code_minus_phase(0); tmp_mat = arma::conv_to::from(measurement_time); tmp_mat.shed_rows(NaN_in_measured_data); measurement_time = tmp_mat.col(0); std::vector time_vector(measurement_time.colptr(0), measurement_time.colptr(0) + measurement_time.n_rows); if (!measurement_time.empty()) { // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = code_minus_phase; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << " RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [meters]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots if (FLAGS_show_plots) { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Code range - Carrier phase range [m]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Code range - Carrier phase range [m]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Code range - Carrier phase range"); g3.set_legend(); std::string data_title_aux = data_title; std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ' ', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), '(', '_'); std::replace(data_title_aux.begin(), data_title_aux.end(), ')', '_'); g3.savetops(data_title_aux + "Code_range_Carrier_phase_range"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } } else { std::cout << "No valid data\n"; } } double compute_rx_clock_error(const std::string& rinex_nav_filename, const std::string& rinex_obs_file) { std::cout << "Computing receiver's clock error...\n"; if (not file_exist(rinex_nav_filename.c_str())) { std::cout << "Warning: RINEX Nav file " << rinex_nav_filename << " does not exist, receiver's clock error could not be computed!\n"; return 0.0; } // Declaration of objects for storing ephemerides and handling RAIM gpstk::GPSEphemerisStore bcestore; gpstk::PRSolution raimSolver; // Object for void-type tropospheric model (in case no meteorological // RINEX is available) gpstk::ZeroTropModel noTropModel; // Object for GG-type tropospheric model (Goad and Goodman, 1974) // Default constructor => default values for model gpstk::GGTropModel ggTropModel; // Pointer to one of the two available tropospheric models. It points // to the void model by default gpstk::TropModel* tropModelPtr = &noTropModel; double rx_clock_error_s = 0.0; try { // Read nav file and store unique list of ephemerides gpstk::Rinex3NavStream rnffs(rinex_nav_filename.c_str()); // Open ephemerides data file gpstk::Rinex3NavData rne; gpstk::Rinex3NavHeader hdr; // Let's read the header (may be skipped) rnffs >> hdr; // Storing the ephemeris in "bcstore" while (rnffs >> rne) { bcestore.addEphemeris(rne); } // Setting the criteria for looking up ephemeris bcestore.SearchNear(); // Open and read the observation file one epoch at a time. // For each epoch, compute and print a position solution gpstk::Rinex3ObsStream roffs(rinex_obs_file.c_str()); // Open observations data file gpstk::Rinex3ObsHeader roh; gpstk::Rinex3ObsData rod; // Let's read the header roffs >> roh; int indexC1; try { indexC1 = roh.getObsIndex("C1"); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "The observation file doesn't have C1 pseudoranges, RX clock error could not be computed!\n"; return (0.0); } // Let's process all lines of observation data, one by one while (roffs >> rod) { // Apply editing criteria if (rod.epochFlag == 0 || rod.epochFlag == 1) // Begin usable data { std::vector prnVec; std::vector rangeVec; // Define the "it" iterator to visit the observations PRN map. // Rinex3ObsData::DataMap is a map from RinexSatID to // vector: // std::map > gpstk::Rinex3ObsData::DataMap::const_iterator it; // This part gets the PRN numbers and ionosphere-corrected // pseudoranges for the current epoch. They are correspondly fed // into "prnVec" and "rangeVec"; "obs" is a public attribute of // Rinex3ObsData to get the map of observations for (it = rod.obs.begin(); it != rod.obs.end(); it++) { // The RINEX file may have P1 observations, but the current // satellite may not have them. double C1(0.0); try { C1 = rod.getObs((*it).first, indexC1).data; } catch (...) { // Ignore this satellite if P1 is not found continue; } // Now, we include the current PRN number in the first part // of "it" iterator into the vector holding the satellites. // All satellites in view at this epoch that have P1 or P1+P2 // observations will be included. prnVec.push_back((*it).first); // The same is done for the vector of doubles holding the // corrected ranges rangeVec.push_back(C1); // WARNING: Please note that so far no further correction // is done on data: Relativistic effects, tropospheric // correction, instrumental delays, etc. } // End of 'for( it = rod.obs.begin(); it!= rod.obs.end(); ...' // The default constructor for PRSolution2 objects (like // "raimSolver") is to set a RMSLimit of 6.5. We change that // here. With this value of 3e6 the solution will have a lot // more dispersion. raimSolver.RMSLimit = 3e6; // In order to compute positions we need the current time, the // vector of visible satellites, the vector of corresponding // ranges, the object containing satellite ephemerides, and a // pointer to the tropospheric model to be applied try { #if OLD_GPSTK std::vector Syss; #endif gpstk::Matrix invMC; int iret; // Call RAIMCompute #if OLD_GPSTK iret = raimSolver.RAIMCompute(rod.time, prnVec, Syss, rangeVec, invMC, &bcestore, tropModelPtr); #else iret = raimSolver.RAIMCompute(rod.time, prnVec, rangeVec, invMC, &bcestore, tropModelPtr); #endif switch (iret) { /// @return Return values: /// 1 solution is ok, but may be degraded; check TropFlag, /// RMSFlag, SlopeFlag 0 ok case -1: std::cout << " algorithm failed to converge at time: " << rod.time << " \n"; break; case -2: std::cout << " singular problem, no solution is possible at time: " << rod.time << " \n"; break; case -3: std::cout << " not enough good data (> 4) to form a (RAIM) " "solution at time: " << rod.time << " \n"; break; case -4: std::cout << "ephemeris not found for all the satellites at time: " << rod.time << " \n"; break; default: break; } // return iret; } catch (const gpstk::Exception& e) { } // If we got a valid solution, let's print it if (raimSolver.isValid()) { std::cout << "RX POS ECEF [XYZ] " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << " " << std::setw(12) << raimSolver.Solution(0) << " " << std::setw(12) << raimSolver.Solution(1) << " " << std::setw(12) << raimSolver.Solution(2) << "\n"; std::cout << "RX CLK " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(16) << raimSolver.Solution(3) / gpstk::C_MPS << " [s] \n"; std::cout << "NSATS, DOPs " << std::setw(2) << raimSolver.Nsvs << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << " " << std::setw(4) << raimSolver.PDOP << " " << std::setw(4) << raimSolver.GDOP << " " << std::setw(8) << raimSolver.RMSResidual << "\n"; gpstk::Position rx_pos; rx_pos.setECEF(gpstk::Triple(raimSolver.Solution(0), raimSolver.Solution(1), raimSolver.Solution(2))); double lat_deg = rx_pos.geodeticLatitude(); double lon_deg = rx_pos.longitude(); double Alt_m = rx_pos.getAltitude(); std::cout << "RX POS GEO [Lat,Long,H]" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(10) << " " << std::setw(12) << lat_deg << "," << std::setw(12) << lon_deg << "," << std::setw(12) << Alt_m << " [deg],[deg],[m]\n"; // set computed RX clock error and stop iterating obs epochs rx_clock_error_s = raimSolver.Solution(3) / gpstk::C_MPS; break; } // End of 'if( raimSolver.isValid() )' } // End of 'if( rod.epochFlag == 0 || rod.epochFlag == 1 )' } // End of 'while( roffs >> rod )' } catch (const gpstk::FFStreamError& e) { std::cout << "GPSTK exception: " << e << '\n'; } catch (const gpstk::Exception& e) { std::cout << "GPSTK exception: " << e << '\n'; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Caught an unexpected exception.\n"; } return rx_clock_error_s; } void RINEX_doublediff_dupli_sat() { // special test mode for duplicated satellites // read rinex receiver-under-test observations std::map rover_obs = ReadRinexObs(FLAGS_rover_rinex_obs, 'G', std::string("1C")); if (rover_obs.empty()) { return; } // Cut measurement initial transitory of the measurements double initial_transitory_s = FLAGS_skip_obs_transitory_s; std::cout << "Skipping initial transitory of " << initial_transitory_s << " [s]\n"; arma::uvec index; for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { index = arma::find(rover_ob.second.col(0) >= (rover_ob.second.col(0)(0) + initial_transitory_s), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { rover_ob.second.shed_rows(0, index(0)); } } std::vector prn_pairs; std::stringstream ss(FLAGS_dupli_sat_prns); unsigned int i; while (ss >> i) { prn_pairs.push_back(i); if (ss.peek() == ',') { ss.ignore(); } } if (prn_pairs.size() % 2 != 0) { std::cout << "Test settings error: duplicated_satellites_prns are even\n"; } else { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < prn_pairs.size(); n = n + 2) { // compute double differences if (rover_obs.find(prn_pairs.at(n)) != rover_obs.end() and rover_obs.find(prn_pairs.at(n + 1)) != rover_obs.end()) { std::cout << "Computing single difference observables for duplicated SV pairs...\n"; std::cout << "SD = OBS_ROVER(SV" << prn_pairs.at(n) << ") - OBS_ROVER(SV" << prn_pairs.at(n + 1) << ")\n"; code_pseudorange_single_diff(rover_obs.at(prn_pairs.at(n)), rover_obs.at(prn_pairs.at(n + 1)), "SD = OBS(SV" + std::to_string(prn_pairs.at(n)) + ") - OBS(SV" + std::to_string(prn_pairs.at(n + 1)) + ") "); carrier_phase_single_diff(rover_obs.at(prn_pairs.at(n)), rover_obs.at(prn_pairs.at(n + 1)), "SD = OBS(SV" + std::to_string(prn_pairs.at(n)) + ") - OBS(SV" + std::to_string(prn_pairs.at(n + 1)) + ") "); carrier_doppler_single_diff(rover_obs.at(prn_pairs.at(n)), rover_obs.at(prn_pairs.at(n + 1)), "SD = OBS(SV" + std::to_string(prn_pairs.at(n)) + ") - OBS(SV" + std::to_string(prn_pairs.at(n + 1)) + ") "); } else { std::cout << "Satellite ID " << prn_pairs.at(n) << " and/or " << prn_pairs.at(n + 1) << " not found in RINEX file\n"; } } } } void RINEX_doublediff(bool remove_rx_clock_error) { // read rinex base observations std::map base_obs = ReadRinexObs(FLAGS_base_rinex_obs, FLAGS_system.c_str()[0], FLAGS_signal); // read rinex receiver-under-test (rover) observations std::map rover_obs = ReadRinexObs(FLAGS_rover_rinex_obs, FLAGS_system.c_str()[0], FLAGS_signal); if (base_obs.empty() or rover_obs.empty()) { return; } // compute rx clock errors double base_rx_clock_error_s = 0.0; double rover_rx_clock_error_s = 0.0; if (remove_rx_clock_error == true) { base_rx_clock_error_s = compute_rx_clock_error(FLAGS_rinex_nav, FLAGS_base_rinex_obs); rover_rx_clock_error_s = compute_rx_clock_error(FLAGS_rinex_nav, FLAGS_rover_rinex_obs); } double common_clock_error_s = rover_rx_clock_error_s - base_rx_clock_error_s; // Cut measurement initial transitory of the measurements double initial_transitory_s = FLAGS_skip_obs_transitory_s; std::cout << "Skipping initial transitory of " << initial_transitory_s << " [s]\n"; arma::uvec index; for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { index = arma::find(rover_ob.second.col(0) >= (rover_ob.second.col(0)(0) + initial_transitory_s), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { rover_ob.second.shed_rows(0, index(0)); } } // Cut observation vectors ends to the shortest one (base or rover) arma::colvec base_obs_time = base_obs.begin()->second.col(0); arma::colvec rover_obs_time = rover_obs.begin()->second.col(0); if (base_obs_time.back() < rover_obs_time.back()) { // there are more rover observations than base observations // cut rover vector std::cout << "Cutting rover observations vector end..\n"; arma::uvec index2; for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { index = arma::find(rover_ob.second.col(0) >= base_obs_time.back(), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { rover_ob.second.shed_rows(index(0), rover_ob.second.n_rows - 1); } } } else { // there are more base observations than rover observations // cut base vector std::cout << "Cutting base observations vector end..\n"; for (auto& base_ob : base_obs) { index = arma::find(base_ob.second.col(0) >= rover_obs_time.back(), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { base_ob.second.shed_rows(index(0), base_ob.second.n_rows - 1); } } } // also skip last seconds of the observations (some artifacts are present in some RINEX endings) base_obs_time = base_obs.begin()->second.col(0); rover_obs_time = rover_obs.begin()->second.col(0); double skip_ends_s = FLAGS_skip_obs_ends_s; std::cout << "Skipping last " << skip_ends_s << " [s] of observations\n"; for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { index = arma::find(rover_ob.second.col(0) >= (rover_obs_time.back() - skip_ends_s), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { rover_ob.second.shed_rows(index(0), rover_ob.second.n_rows - 1); } } for (auto& base_ob : base_obs) { index = arma::find(base_ob.second.col(0) >= (base_obs_time.back() - skip_ends_s), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { base_ob.second.shed_rows(index(0), base_ob.second.n_rows - 1); } } // Save observations in .mat files std::cout << "Saving RAW observables inputs to .mat files...\n"; for (auto& base_ob : base_obs) { // std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second.n_rows << '\n'; // std::cout << it->first << " has NaN values: " << it->second.has_nan() << '\n'; std::vector tmp_time_vec(base_ob.second.col(0).colptr(0), base_ob.second.col(0).colptr(0) + base_ob.second.n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector(base_ob.second.col(2).colptr(0), base_ob.second.col(2).colptr(0) + base_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector, std::string("base_doppler_sat" + std::to_string(base_ob.first))); std::vector tmp_vector2(base_ob.second.col(3).colptr(0), base_ob.second.col(3).colptr(0) + base_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector2, std::string("base_carrier_phase_sat" + std::to_string(base_ob.first))); std::vector tmp_vector3(base_ob.second.col(1).colptr(0), base_ob.second.col(1).colptr(0) + base_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector3, std::string("base_pseudorange_sat" + std::to_string(base_ob.first))); } for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { // std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second.n_rows << '\n'; // std::cout << it->first << " has NaN values: " << it->second.has_nan() << '\n'; std::vector tmp_time_vec(rover_ob.second.col(0).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(0).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector(rover_ob.second.col(2).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(2).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector, std::string("measured_doppler_sat" + std::to_string(rover_ob.first))); std::vector tmp_vector2(rover_ob.second.col(3).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(3).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector2, std::string("measured_carrier_phase_sat" + std::to_string(rover_ob.first))); std::vector tmp_vector3(rover_ob.second.col(1).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(1).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector3, std::string("measured_pseudorange_sat" + std::to_string(rover_ob.first))); } // select reference satellite std::set PRN_set = available_gps_prn; double min_range = std::numeric_limits::max(); int reference_sat_id = 1; for (const auto& base_prn_it : PRN_set) { if (base_obs.find(base_prn_it) != base_obs.end() and rover_obs.find(base_prn_it) != rover_obs.end()) { if (rover_obs.at(base_prn_it).at(0, 1) < min_range) { min_range = rover_obs.at(base_prn_it).at(0, 1); reference_sat_id = base_prn_it; } } } // compute double differences if (base_obs.find(reference_sat_id) != base_obs.end() and rover_obs.find(reference_sat_id) != rover_obs.end()) { std::cout << "Using reference satellite SV " << reference_sat_id << " with minimum range of " << min_range << " [meters]\n"; for (const auto& current_sat_id : PRN_set) { if (current_sat_id != reference_sat_id) { if (base_obs.find(current_sat_id) != base_obs.end() and rover_obs.find(current_sat_id) != rover_obs.end()) { std::cout << "Computing double difference observables for SV " << current_sat_id << '\n'; std::cout << "DD = (OBS_ROVER(SV" << current_sat_id << ") - OBS_ROVER(SV" << reference_sat_id << "))" << " - (OBS_BASE(SV" << current_sat_id << ") - OBS_BASE(SV" << reference_sat_id << "))\n"; code_pseudorange_double_diff(base_obs.at(reference_sat_id), base_obs.at(current_sat_id), rover_obs.at(reference_sat_id), rover_obs.at(current_sat_id), "PRN " + std::to_string(current_sat_id) + " ", common_clock_error_s); carrier_phase_double_diff(base_obs.at(reference_sat_id), base_obs.at(current_sat_id), rover_obs.at(reference_sat_id), rover_obs.at(current_sat_id), "PRN " + std::to_string(current_sat_id) + " ", common_clock_error_s); carrier_doppler_double_diff(base_obs.at(reference_sat_id), base_obs.at(current_sat_id), rover_obs.at(reference_sat_id), rover_obs.at(current_sat_id), "PRN " + std::to_string(current_sat_id) + " ", common_clock_error_s); } } } } else { std::cout << "Satellite ID " << reference_sat_id << " not found in both RINEX files\n"; } } void RINEX_singlediff() { // read rinex receiver-under-test observations std::map rover_obs = ReadRinexObs(FLAGS_rover_rinex_obs, FLAGS_system.c_str()[0], FLAGS_signal); if (rover_obs.empty()) { return; } // Cut measurement initial transitory of the measurements double initial_transitory_s = FLAGS_skip_obs_transitory_s; std::cout << "Skipping initial transitory of " << initial_transitory_s << " [s]\n"; arma::uvec index; for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { index = arma::find(rover_ob.second.col(0) >= (rover_ob.second.col(0)(0) + initial_transitory_s), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { rover_ob.second.shed_rows(0, index(0)); } } // also skip last seconds of the observations (some artifacts are present in some RINEX endings) arma::colvec rover_obs_time = rover_obs.begin()->second.col(0); double skip_ends_s = FLAGS_skip_obs_ends_s; std::cout << "Skipping last " << skip_ends_s << " [s] of observations\n"; for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { index = arma::find(rover_ob.second.col(0) >= (rover_obs_time.back() - skip_ends_s), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { rover_ob.second.shed_rows(index(0), rover_ob.second.n_rows - 1); } } // Save observations in .mat files std::cout << "Saving RAW observables inputs to .mat files...\n"; for (auto& rover_ob : rover_obs) { // std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second.n_rows << '\n'; // std::cout << it->first << " has NaN values: " << it->second.has_nan() << '\n'; std::vector tmp_time_vec(rover_ob.second.col(0).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(0).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector(rover_ob.second.col(2).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(2).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector, std::string("measured_doppler_sat" + std::to_string(rover_ob.first))); std::vector tmp_vector2(rover_ob.second.col(3).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(3).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector2, std::string("measured_carrier_phase_sat" + std::to_string(rover_ob.first))); std::vector tmp_vector3(rover_ob.second.col(1).colptr(0), rover_ob.second.col(1).colptr(0) + rover_ob.second.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_time_vec, tmp_vector3, std::string("measured_pseudorange_sat" + std::to_string(rover_ob.first))); } // compute single differences std::set PRN_set = available_gps_prn; std::cout << "Computing Code Pseudorange rate vs. Carrier phase rate difference...\n"; for (const auto& current_sat_id : PRN_set) { if (rover_obs.find(current_sat_id) != rover_obs.end()) { std::cout << "RateError = PR_rate(SV" << current_sat_id << ") - Phase_rate(SV" << current_sat_id << ")\n"; coderate_phaserate_consistence(rover_obs.at(current_sat_id), "PRN " + std::to_string(current_sat_id) + " "); } } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::cout << "Running RINEX observables difference tool...\n"; gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); if (FLAGS_single_diff) { if (FLAGS_dupli_sat) { RINEX_doublediff_dupli_sat(); } else { RINEX_singlediff(); } } else { RINEX_doublediff(FLAGS_remove_rx_clock_error); } gflags::ShutDownCommandLineFlags(); return 0; }