/*! * \file gps_cnav_utc_model.h * \brief Interface of a GPS CNAV UTC MODEL storage * \author Javier Arribas, 2013. jarribas(at)cttc.es * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef GNSS_SDR_GPS_CNAV_UTC_MODEL_H #define GNSS_SDR_GPS_CNAV_UTC_MODEL_H #include #include /** \addtogroup Core * \{ */ /** \addtogroup System_Parameters * \{ */ /*! * \brief This class is a storage for the GPS UTC MODEL data as described in in IS-GPS-200K * * See https://www.gps.gov/technical/icwg/IS-GPS-200K.pdf Appendix III */ class Gps_CNAV_Utc_Model { public: /*! * Default constructor */ Gps_CNAV_Utc_Model() = default; // UTC parameters double d_A2{}; //!< 2nd order term of a model that relates GPS and UTC time (ref. IS-GPS-200K) [s/s] double d_A1{}; //!< 1st order term of a model that relates GPS and UTC time (ref. IS-GPS-200K) [s/s] double d_A0{}; //!< Constant of a model that relates GPS and UTC time (ref. IS-GPS-200K) [s] int32_t d_t_OT{}; //!< Reference time for UTC data (reference and IS-GPS-200K) [s] int32_t i_WN_T{}; //!< UTC reference week number [weeks] int32_t d_DeltaT_LS{}; //!< delta time due to leap seconds [s]. Number of leap seconds since 6-Jan-1980 as transmitted by the GPS almanac. int32_t i_WN_LSF{}; //!< Week number at the end of which the leap second becomes effective [weeks] int32_t i_DN{}; //!< Day number (DN) at the end of which the leap second becomes effective [days] int32_t d_DeltaT_LSF{}; //!< Scheduled future or recent past (relative to NAV message upload) value of the delta time due to leap seconds [s] bool valid{}; template /* * \brief Serialize is a boost standard method to be called by the boost XML serialization. Here is used to save the ephemeris data on disk file. */ inline void serialize(Archive& archive, const uint32_t version) { using boost::serialization::make_nvp; if (version) { }; archive& make_nvp("d_A1", d_A1); archive& make_nvp("d_A0", d_A0); archive& make_nvp("d_t_OT", d_t_OT); archive& make_nvp("i_WN_T", i_WN_T); archive& make_nvp("d_DeltaT_LS", d_DeltaT_LS); archive& make_nvp("i_WN_LSF", i_WN_LSF); archive& make_nvp("i_DN", i_DN); archive& make_nvp("d_DeltaT_LSF", d_DeltaT_LSF); archive& make_nvp("valid", valid); } }; /** \} */ /** \} */ #endif // GNSS_SDR_GPS_CNAV_UTC_MODEL_H