/*! * \file rtl_tcp_dongle_info.cc * \brief Defines methods for retrieving and validating rtl_tcp donle * info. * \author Anthony Arnold, 2015. anthony.arnold(at)uqconnect.edu.au * * This file contains information taken from librtlsdr: * https://git.osmocom.org/rtl-sdr * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see . * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "rtl_tcp_dongle_info.h" #include #include #include using boost::asio::ip::tcp; Rtl_Tcp_Dongle_Info::Rtl_Tcp_Dongle_Info() : tuner_type_(0), tuner_gain_count_(0) { std::memset(magic_, 0, sizeof(magic_)); } boost::system::error_code Rtl_Tcp_Dongle_Info::read(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket &socket) { boost::system::error_code ec; unsigned char data[sizeof(char) * 4 + sizeof(uint32_t) * 2]; socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(data), 0, ec); if (!ec) { std::memcpy(magic_, data, 4); uint32_t type; std::memcpy(&type, &data[4], 4); tuner_type_ = boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_long(type); uint32_t count; std ::memcpy(&count, &data[8], 4); tuner_gain_count_ = boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_long(count); } return ec; } const char *Rtl_Tcp_Dongle_Info::get_type_name() const { switch (get_tuner_type()) { default: return "UNKNOWN"; case TUNER_E4000: return "E4000"; case TUNER_FC0012: return "FC0012"; case TUNER_FC0013: return "FC0013"; case TUNER_FC2580: return "FC2580"; case TUNER_R820T: return "R820T"; case TUNER_R828D: return "R828D"; } } double Rtl_Tcp_Dongle_Info::clip_gain(int gain) const { // the following gain values have been copied from librtlsdr // all gain values are expressed in tenths of a dB std::vector gains; switch (get_tuner_type()) { case TUNER_E4000: gains = {-10, 15, 40, 65, 90, 115, 140, 165, 190, 215, 240, 290, 340, 420}; break; case TUNER_FC0012: gains = {-99, -40, 71, 179, 192}; break; case TUNER_FC0013: gains = {-99, -73, -65, -63, -60, -58, -54, 58, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 188, 191, 197}; break; case TUNER_R820T: gains = {0, 9, 14, 27, 37, 77, 87, 125, 144, 157, 166, 197, 207, 229, 254, 280, 297, 328, 338, 364, 372, 386, 402, 421, 434, 439, 445, 480, 496}; break; default: // no gains break; } // clip if (gains.empty()) { // no defined gains to clip to return gain; } double last_stop = gains.front(); BOOST_FOREACH (double g, gains) { g /= 10.0; if (gain < g) { if (std::abs(gain - g) < std::abs(gain - last_stop)) { return g; } return last_stop; } last_stop = g; } return last_stop; } bool Rtl_Tcp_Dongle_Info::is_valid() const { return std::memcmp(magic_, "RTL0", 4) == 0; }