/*! * \file spir_gss6450_file_signal_source.cc * \brief Implementation of a class that reads signals samples from a SPIR file * and adapts it to a SignalSourceInterface. * \author Antonio Ramos, 2017 antonio.ramos(at)cttc.es * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is not part of GNSS-SDR. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "spir_gss6450_file_signal_source.h" #include "configuration_interface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include SpirGSS6450FileSignalSource::SpirGSS6450FileSignalSource(const ConfigurationInterface* configuration, const std::string& role, uint32_t in_streams, uint32_t out_streams, Concurrent_Queue* queue) : role_(role), in_streams_(in_streams), out_streams_(out_streams) { std::string default_filename = "../data/my_capture.dat"; std::string default_dump_filename = "../data/my_capture_dump.dat"; item_type_ = "int"; samples_ = configuration->property(role + ".samples", static_cast(0)); sampling_frequency_ = configuration->property(role + ".sampling_frequency", static_cast(0)); filename_ = configuration->property(role + ".filename", default_filename); repeat_ = configuration->property(role + ".repeat", false); dump_ = configuration->property(role + ".dump", false); endian_swap_ = configuration->property(role + ".endian", false); dump_filename_ = configuration->property(role + ".dump_filename", default_dump_filename); enable_throttle_control_ = configuration->property(role + ".enable_throttle_control", false); adc_bits_ = configuration->property(role + ".adc_bits", 4); n_channels_ = configuration->property(role + ".total_channels", 1); sel_ch_ = configuration->property(role + ".sel_ch", 1); item_size_ = sizeof(int32_t); int64_t bytes_seek = configuration->property(role + ".bytes_to_skip", static_cast(65536)); double sample_size_byte = static_cast(adc_bits_) / 4.0; if (sel_ch_ > n_channels_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid RF channel selection"; } if (n_channels_ > 1) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_channels_; i++) { null_sinks_.push_back(gr::blocks::null_sink::make(sizeof(gr_complex))); unpack_spir_vec_.push_back(make_unpack_spir_gss6450_samples(adc_bits_)); if (endian_swap_) { endian_vec_.push_back(gr::blocks::endian_swap::make(item_size_)); } } } try { file_source_ = gr::blocks::file_source::make(item_size_, filename_.c_str(), repeat_); file_source_->seek(bytes_seek / item_size_, SEEK_SET); deint_ = gr::blocks::deinterleave::make(item_size_); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "The receiver was configured to work with a file signal source " << '\n' << "but the specified file is unreachable by GNSS-SDR." << '\n' << "Please modify your configuration file" << '\n' << "and point SignalSource.filename to a valid raw data file. Then:" << '\n' << "$ gnss-sdr --config_file=/path/to/my_GNSS_SDR_configuration.conf" << '\n' << "Examples of configuration files available at:" << '\n' << GNSSSDR_INSTALL_DIR "/share/gnss-sdr/conf/" << '\n'; LOG(WARNING) << "file_signal_source: Unable to open the samples file " << filename_.c_str() << ", exiting the program."; throw(e); } DLOG(INFO) << "file_source(" << file_source_->unique_id() << ")"; if (samples_ == 0) // read all file { /*! * BUG workaround: The GNU Radio file source does not stop the receiver after reaching the End of File. * A possible solution is to compute the file length in samples using file size, excluding the last 2 milliseconds, and enable always the * valve block */ std::ifstream file(filename_.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); std::ifstream::pos_type size; if (file.is_open()) { size = file.tellg(); LOG(INFO) << "Total samples in the file= " << floor(static_cast(size) / static_cast(item_size_)); } else { std::cout << "file_signal_source: Unable to open the samples file " << filename_.c_str() << '\n'; LOG(ERROR) << "file_signal_source: Unable to open the samples file " << filename_.c_str(); } std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(16); std::cout << "Processing file " << filename_ << ", which contains " << size << " [bytes]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); if (size > 0) { samples_ = static_cast(floor(static_cast(static_cast(size) - static_cast(bytes_seek)) / (sample_size_byte * static_cast(n_channels_)))); samples_ = samples_ - static_cast(ceil(0.002 * sampling_frequency_)); // process all the samples available in the file excluding the last 2 ms } } CHECK(samples_ > 0) << "File does not contain enough samples to process."; double signal_duration_s = static_cast(samples_) / sampling_frequency_; LOG(INFO) << "Total number samples to be processed= " << samples_ << " GNSS signal duration= " << signal_duration_s << " [s]"; std::cout << "GNSS signal recorded time to be processed: " << signal_duration_s << " [s]\n"; for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_channels_; i++) { valve_vec_.emplace_back(gnss_sdr_make_valve(sizeof(gr_complex), samples_, queue)); if (dump_) { std::string tmp_str = dump_filename_ + "_ch" + std::to_string(i); sink_vec_.push_back(gr::blocks::file_sink::make(sizeof(gr_complex), tmp_str.c_str())); } if (enable_throttle_control_) { throttle_vec_.push_back(gr::blocks::throttle::make(sizeof(gr_complex), sampling_frequency_)); } } DLOG(INFO) << "File source filename " << filename_; DLOG(INFO) << "Samples " << samples_; DLOG(INFO) << "Sampling frequency " << sampling_frequency_; DLOG(INFO) << "Item type " << item_type_; DLOG(INFO) << "Item size " << item_size_; DLOG(INFO) << "Repeat " << repeat_; DLOG(INFO) << "Dump " << dump_; DLOG(INFO) << "Dump filename " << dump_filename_; if (in_streams_ > 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "A signal source does not have an input stream"; } if (out_streams_ > 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "This implementation only supports one output stream"; } } void SpirGSS6450FileSignalSource::connect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block) { if (samples_ > 0) { top_block->connect(file_source_, 0, deint_, 0); if (endian_swap_) { top_block->connect(deint_, sel_ch_ - 1, endian_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0); top_block->connect(endian_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0, unpack_spir_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0); } else { top_block->connect(deint_, sel_ch_ - 1, unpack_spir_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0); } if (n_channels_ > 1) { uint32_t aux = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_channels_; i++) { if (i != (sel_ch_ - 1)) { if (endian_swap_) { top_block->connect(deint_, i, endian_vec_.at(i), 0); top_block->connect(endian_vec_.at(i), 0, unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0); } else { top_block->connect(deint_, i, unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0); } aux++; } } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_channels_; i++) { if (enable_throttle_control_) { top_block->connect(unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0, throttle_vec_.at(i), 0); top_block->connect(throttle_vec_.at(i), 0, valve_vec_.at(i), 0); } else { top_block->connect(unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0, valve_vec_.at(i), 0); } if (dump_) { top_block->connect(valve_vec_.at(i), 0, sink_vec_.at(i), 0); } top_block->connect(valve_vec_.at(i), 0, null_sinks_.at(i), 0); } } else { LOG(WARNING) << "0 samples to read"; } } void SpirGSS6450FileSignalSource::disconnect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block) { if (samples_ > 0) { top_block->disconnect(file_source_, 0, deint_, 0); if (endian_swap_) { top_block->disconnect(deint_, sel_ch_ - 1, endian_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0); top_block->disconnect(endian_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0, unpack_spir_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0); } else { top_block->disconnect(deint_, sel_ch_ - 1, unpack_spir_vec_.at(sel_ch_ - 1), 0); } if (n_channels_ > 1) { uint32_t aux = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_channels_; i++) { if (i != (sel_ch_ - 1)) { if (endian_swap_) { top_block->disconnect(deint_, i, endian_vec_.at(i), 0); top_block->disconnect(endian_vec_.at(i), 0, unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0); } else { top_block->disconnect(deint_, i, unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0); } aux++; } } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < (n_channels_); i++) { if (enable_throttle_control_) { top_block->disconnect(unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0, throttle_vec_.at(i), 0); top_block->disconnect(throttle_vec_.at(i), 0, valve_vec_.at(i), 0); } else { top_block->disconnect(unpack_spir_vec_.at(i), 0, valve_vec_.at(i), 0); } if (dump_) { top_block->disconnect(valve_vec_.at(i), 0, sink_vec_.at(i), 0); } top_block->disconnect(valve_vec_.at(i), 0, null_sinks_.at(i), 0); } } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Nothing to disconnect"; } } gr::basic_block_sptr SpirGSS6450FileSignalSource::get_left_block() { LOG(WARNING) << "Left block of a signal source should not be retrieved"; return gr::blocks::file_source::sptr(); } gr::basic_block_sptr SpirGSS6450FileSignalSource::get_right_block(int RF_channel) { return valve_vec_.at(RF_channel); } gr::basic_block_sptr SpirGSS6450FileSignalSource::get_right_block() { return valve_vec_.at(0); }