# This script sets up a Continuous Reproducibility system for GNSS-SDR at GitLab # # Useful links: # Website: https://gnss-sdr.org # Upstream repository: https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr.git # Dockerfile at https://github.com/carlesfernandez/docker-gnsssdr # Docker cloud image: carlesfernandez/docker-gnsssdr # # In order to use this system and be able to make changes, you will need: # - A GitHub account https://github.com # - A GitLab account https://gitlab.com # - A Docker Hub account https://hub.docker.com # - A repository at Docker Hub. # # In order to use this system, please fork at GitHub the upstream # repository; import that forked repo at GitLab; then add, commit and push to # your GitLab repo this .gitlab-ci.yml file; and finally go to your project page # at GitLab and set up the following secret variables. In the left panel: # Settings > CI / CD > Secret variables # # DOCKER_HUB_USER # DOCKER_HUB_REPO # DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD # # You will need either to protect your branch, or to leave those variables # unproctected. # # For instance, my settings are: # DOCKER_HUB_USER = carlesfernandez # DOCKER_HUB_REPO = docker-gnsssdr # DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD = ******************** # # If you want to make changes in the source code, branch-off from the 'next' # branch of your forked repository and, if needed, add new jobs in this # file at the 'deploy' and 'experiment' stages. Please do not use the next # branch for your changes, always open a new branch from next and work there. # # Feel free to delete the docker-gnsssdr and docker-pybombs-gnsssdr jobs, # they are for developers' team only. Actually, this is their CI/CD system. # # More info about how to contribute to GNSS-SDR at # https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # (C) Carles Fernandez-Prades, 2018 cfernandez@cttc.cat # This is performed before the scripts in the stages step before_script: - source /etc/profile # Defines stages which are to be executed stages: - build - test # Stage "build" crosscompile: image: ubuntu:xenial stage: build tags: - kepler script: - apt-get update - apt-get install -y build-essential xz-utils curl gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect debianutils iputils-ping - curl -k https://sites.cttc.es/gnss_files/SDK/Thud/oecore-x86_64-armv7ahf-neon-toolchain-nodistro.0.sh --output oecore-x86_64-armv7ahf-neon-toolchain-nodistro.0.sh - echo "4f74d9ab0f076e59215be2d1cb674a52 oecore-x86_64-armv7ahf-neon-toolchain-nodistro.0.sh" > sdk.md5 - md5sum -c sdk.md5 - chmod +x ./oecore-x86_64-armv7ahf-neon-toolchain-nodistro.0.sh - sh ./oecore-x86_64-armv7ahf-neon-toolchain-nodistro.0.sh -y - . /usr/local/oecore-x86_64/environment-setup-armv7ahf-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi - cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchains/oe-sdk_cross.cmake -DENABLE_OSMOSDR=ON -DENABLE_UNIT_TESTING_EXTRA=ON -DENABLE_SYSTEM_TESTING_EXTRA=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DENABLE_FMCOMMS2=ON -DENABLE_AD9361=ON -DENABLE_RAW_UDP=ON -DENABLE_INSTALL_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="-s" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-s" -DENABLE_PACKAGING=ON -DENABLE_FPGA=ON .. - make -j - mkdir local_install - make install DESTDIR=./local_install - rm ./local_install/usr/bin/front-end-cal - rm ./local_install/usr/bin/ttff - cd .. - mkdir binaries - mkdir binaries/bin - mkdir binaries/share - cp build/local_install/usr/bin/* binaries/bin/ - cp build/local_install/usr/share/gnss-sim/* binaries/share/ allow_failure: true artifacts: paths: - binaries/* # Stage "test" run-tests-armhf: image: carlesfernandez/gnsssdr-dev-arm32v7:thud stage: test tags: - arm when: manual dependencies: - crosscompile script: - cp binaries/bin/* /usr/bin/ - mkdir /usr/share/gnss-sim/ - cp -f binaries/share/* /usr/share/gnss-sim/ - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib - ldconfig - volk_profile -v 8111 - volk_gnsssdr_profile - position_test - run_tests --gtest_filter=Matio* - run_tests --gtest_filter=HybridObservablesTest* --PLL_bw_hz_start=25.0 --DLL_bw_hz_start=1.5 --PLL_narrow_bw_hz=10.0 --DLL_narrow_bw_hz=0.75 --disable_generator=1 --enable_external_signal_file=1 --signal_file=/captures/gitlab_test_signals/static/180417100529.A_L1E1_12500000Hz_ichar.dat --fs_gen_sps=12500000 --skip_samples=125000000 --external_signal_acquisition_threshold=4.0 --extend_correlation_symbols=5 --external_signal_acquisition_doppler_step_hz=10 --trk_test_implementation=GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking --show_plots=0 --filename_rinex_obs=/captures/gitlab_test_signals/static/true_data_180417100529/rinex_obs/rinex-obs_V1_A1-static_vehicle.txt --skip_trk_transitory_s=30 --gtest_output=xml:test_results.xml allow_failure: true