/*! * \file signal_generator_flags.h * \brief Helper file for unit testing * \author Carles Fernandez-Prades, 2017. cfernandez(at)cttc.es * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef GNSS_SDR_SIGNAL_GENERATOR_FLAGS_H #define GNSS_SDR_SIGNAL_GENERATOR_FLAGS_H #include #include #include #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS #include #else #include #endif #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS DEFINE_bool(disable_generator, false, "Disable the signal generator (a external signal file must be available for the test)"); DEFINE_string(generator_binary, std::string(SW_GENERATOR_BIN), "Path of software-defined signal generator binary"); DEFINE_string(rinex_nav_file, std::string(DEFAULT_RINEX_NAV), "Input RINEX navigation file"); DEFINE_int32(duration, 100, "Duration of the experiment [in seconds, max = 300]"); DEFINE_string(static_position, "30.286502,120.032669,100", "Static receiver position [latitude,longitude,height]"); DEFINE_string(dynamic_position, "", "Observer positions file, in .csv or .nmea format"); DEFINE_string(filename_rinex_obs, "sim.16o", "Filename of output RINEX navigation file"); DEFINE_string(filename_raw_data, "signal_out.bin", "Filename of output raw data file"); DEFINE_int32(fs_gen_sps, 2600000, "Sampling frequency [sps]"); DEFINE_int32(test_satellite_PRN, 1, "PRN of the satellite under test (must be visible during the observation time)"); DEFINE_int32(test_satellite_PRN2, 2, "PRN of the satellite under test (must be visible during the observation time)"); DEFINE_string(test_satellite_PRN_list, "1,2,3,6,9,10,12,17,20,23,28", "List of PRN of the satellites under test (must be visible during the observation time)"); DEFINE_double(CN0_dBHz, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), "Enable noise generator and set the CN0 [dB-Hz]"); #else ABSL_FLAG(bool, disable_generator, false, "Disable the signal generator (a external signal file must be available for the test)"); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, generator_binary, std::string(SW_GENERATOR_BIN), "Path of software-defined signal generator binary"); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, rinex_nav_file, std::string(DEFAULT_RINEX_NAV), "Input RINEX navigation file"); ABSL_FLAG(int32_t, duration, 100, "Duration of the experiment [in seconds, max = 300]"); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, static_position, "30.286502,120.032669,100", "Static receiver position [latitude,longitude,height]"); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, dynamic_position, "", "Observer positions file, in .csv or .nmea format"); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, filename_rinex_obs, "sim.16o", "Filename of output RINEX navigation file"); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, filename_raw_data, "signal_out.bin", "Filename of output raw data file"); ABSL_FLAG(int32_t, fs_gen_sps, 2600000, "Sampling frequency [sps]"); ABSL_FLAG(int32_t, test_satellite_PRN, 1, "PRN of the satellite under test (must be visible during the observation time)"); ABSL_FLAG(int32_t, test_satellite_PRN2, 2, "PRN of the satellite under test (must be visible during the observation time)"); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, test_satellite_PRN_list, "1,2,3,6,9,10,12,17,20,23,28", "List of PRN of the satellites under test (must be visible during the observation time)"); ABSL_FLAG(double, CN0_dBHz, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), "Enable noise generator and set the CN0 [dB-Hz]"); #endif #endif