/*! * \file rtcm_printer.cc * \brief Implementation of a RTCM 3.2 printer for GNSS-SDR * This class provides a implementation of a subset of the RTCM Standard 10403.2 * for Differential GNSS Services * * \author Carles Fernandez-Prades, 2014. cfernandez(at)cttc.es * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see . * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "rtcm_printer.h" #include #include #include #include // for O_RDWR #include // for tcgetattr using google::LogMessage; Rtcm_Printer::Rtcm_Printer(std::string filename, bool flag_rtcm_server, bool flag_rtcm_tty_port, unsigned short rtcm_tcp_port, unsigned short rtcm_station_id, std::string rtcm_dump_devname, bool time_tag_name) { boost::posix_time::ptime pt = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); tm timeinfo = boost::posix_time::to_tm(pt); if (time_tag_name) { std::stringstream strm0; const int year = timeinfo.tm_year - 100; strm0 << year; const int month = timeinfo.tm_mon + 1; if (month < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << month; const int day = timeinfo.tm_mday; if (day < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << day << "_"; const int hour = timeinfo.tm_hour; if (hour < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << hour; const int min = timeinfo.tm_min; if (min < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << min; const int sec = timeinfo.tm_sec; if (sec < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << sec; rtcm_filename = filename + "_" + strm0.str() + ".rtcm"; } else { rtcm_filename = filename + ".rtcm"; } rtcm_file_descriptor.open(rtcm_filename.c_str(), std::ios::out); if (rtcm_file_descriptor.is_open()) { DLOG(INFO) << "RTCM printer writing on " << rtcm_filename.c_str(); } rtcm_devname = rtcm_dump_devname; if (flag_rtcm_tty_port == true) { rtcm_dev_descriptor = init_serial(rtcm_devname.c_str()); if (rtcm_dev_descriptor != -1) { DLOG(INFO) << "RTCM printer writing on " << rtcm_devname.c_str(); } } else { rtcm_dev_descriptor = -1; } port = rtcm_tcp_port; station_id = rtcm_station_id; rtcm = std::make_shared(port); if (flag_rtcm_server) { rtcm->run_server(); } } Rtcm_Printer::~Rtcm_Printer() { if (rtcm->is_server_running()) { try { rtcm->stop_server(); } catch (const boost::exception& e) { LOG(WARNING) << "Boost exception: " << boost::diagnostic_information(e); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG(WARNING) << "STD exception: " << ex.what(); } } if (rtcm_file_descriptor.is_open()) { long pos; pos = rtcm_file_descriptor.tellp(); rtcm_file_descriptor.close(); if (pos == 0) { if (remove(rtcm_filename.c_str()) != 0) LOG(INFO) << "Error deleting temporary RTCM file"; } } close_serial(); } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1001(const Gps_Ephemeris& gps_eph, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1001 = rtcm->print_MT1001(gps_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1001); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1002(const Gps_Ephemeris& gps_eph, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1002 = rtcm->print_MT1002(gps_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1002); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1003(const Gps_Ephemeris& gps_eph, const Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris& cnav_eph, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1003 = rtcm->print_MT1003(gps_eph, cnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1003); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1004(const Gps_Ephemeris& gps_eph, const Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris& cnav_eph, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1003 = rtcm->print_MT1004(gps_eph, cnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1003); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1009(const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glonass_gnav_eph, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1009 = rtcm->print_MT1009(glonass_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1009); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1010(const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glonass_gnav_eph, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1010 = rtcm->print_MT1010(glonass_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1010); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1011(const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glonass_gnav_ephL1, const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glonass_gnav_ephL2, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1011 = rtcm->print_MT1011(glonass_gnav_ephL1, glonass_gnav_ephL2, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1011); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1012(const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glonass_gnav_ephL1, const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glonass_gnav_ephL2, double obs_time, const std::map& observables) { std::string m1012 = rtcm->print_MT1012(glonass_gnav_ephL1, glonass_gnav_ephL2, obs_time, observables, station_id); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1012); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1019(const Gps_Ephemeris& gps_eph) { std::string m1019 = rtcm->print_MT1019(gps_eph); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1019); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1020(const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glonass_gnav_eph, const Glonass_Gnav_Utc_Model& glonass_gnav_utc_model) { std::string m1020 = rtcm->print_MT1020(glonass_gnav_eph, glonass_gnav_utc_model); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1020); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MT1045(const Galileo_Ephemeris& gal_eph) { std::string m1045 = rtcm->print_MT1045(gal_eph); Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(m1045); return true; } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Rtcm_MSM(unsigned int msm_number, const Gps_Ephemeris& gps_eph, const Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris& gps_cnav_eph, const Galileo_Ephemeris& gal_eph, const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& glo_gnav_eph, double obs_time, const std::map& observables, unsigned int clock_steering_indicator, unsigned int external_clock_indicator, int smooth_int, bool divergence_free, bool more_messages) { std::string msm; if (msm_number == 1) { msm = rtcm->print_MSM_1(gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, glo_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more_messages); } else if (msm_number == 2) { msm = rtcm->print_MSM_2(gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, glo_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more_messages); } else if (msm_number == 3) { msm = rtcm->print_MSM_3(gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, glo_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more_messages); } else if (msm_number == 4) { msm = rtcm->print_MSM_4(gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, glo_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more_messages); } else if (msm_number == 5) { msm = rtcm->print_MSM_5(gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, glo_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more_messages); } else if (msm_number == 6) { msm = rtcm->print_MSM_6(gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, glo_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more_messages); } else if (msm_number == 7) { msm = rtcm->print_MSM_7(gps_eph, gps_cnav_eph, gal_eph, glo_gnav_eph, obs_time, observables, station_id, clock_steering_indicator, external_clock_indicator, smooth_int, divergence_free, more_messages); } else { return false; } Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(msm); return true; } int Rtcm_Printer::init_serial(std::string serial_device) { /* * Opens the serial device and sets the default baud rate for a RTCM transmission (9600,8,N,1) */ int fd = 0; struct termios options; long BAUD; long DATABITS; long STOPBITS; long PARITYON; long PARITY; fd = open(serial_device.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); if (fd == -1) return fd; // failed to open TTY port if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0) == -1) LOG(INFO) << "Error enabling direct I/O"; // clear all flags on descriptor, enable direct I/O tcgetattr(fd, &options); // read serial port options BAUD = B9600; //BAUD = B38400; DATABITS = CS8; STOPBITS = 0; PARITYON = 0; PARITY = 0; options.c_cflag = BAUD | DATABITS | STOPBITS | PARITYON | PARITY | CLOCAL | CREAD; // enable receiver, set 8 bit data, ignore control lines //options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD | CS8); options.c_iflag = IGNPAR; // set the new port options tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &options); return fd; } void Rtcm_Printer::close_serial() { if (rtcm_dev_descriptor != -1) { close(rtcm_dev_descriptor); } } bool Rtcm_Printer::Print_Message(const std::string& message) { //write to file try { rtcm_file_descriptor << message << std::endl; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { DLOG(INFO) << "RTCM printer cannot write on the output file " << rtcm_filename.c_str(); return false; } //write to serial device if (rtcm_dev_descriptor != -1) { if (write(rtcm_dev_descriptor, message.c_str(), message.length()) == -1) { DLOG(INFO) << "RTCM printer cannot write on serial device " << rtcm_devname.c_str(); std::cout << "RTCM printer cannot write on serial device " << rtcm_devname.c_str() << std::endl; return false; } } return true; } std::string Rtcm_Printer::print_MT1005_test() { std::string test = rtcm->print_MT1005_test(); return test; } unsigned int Rtcm_Printer::lock_time(const Gps_Ephemeris& eph, double obs_time, const Gnss_Synchro& gnss_synchro) { return rtcm->lock_time(eph, obs_time, gnss_synchro); } unsigned int Rtcm_Printer::lock_time(const Gps_CNAV_Ephemeris& eph, double obs_time, const Gnss_Synchro& gnss_synchro) { return rtcm->lock_time(eph, obs_time, gnss_synchro); } unsigned int Rtcm_Printer::lock_time(const Galileo_Ephemeris& eph, double obs_time, const Gnss_Synchro& gnss_synchro) { return rtcm->lock_time(eph, obs_time, gnss_synchro); } unsigned int Rtcm_Printer::lock_time(const Glonass_Gnav_Ephemeris& eph, double obs_time, const Gnss_Synchro& gnss_synchro) { return rtcm->lock_time(eph, obs_time, gnss_synchro); }