/*! * \file galileo_e1_pcps_ambiguous_acquisition_gsoc_test.cc * \brief This class implements an acquisition test for * GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisition class based on GSoC 2012 experiments. * * This test is a part of an experiment performed by Luis Esteve in the * framework of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2012, with the collaboration * of Javier Arribas and Carles Fernández, related to the extension of GNSS-SDR * to Galileo. The objective is perform a positive acquisition of in-orbit * Galileo signals in the E1 band. * * Report: * https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SZ3m1K7Qf9GsZQGEF7VSOEewBDCjbylCClw9rSXwG7Y/edit?pli=1 * * \author Luis Esteve, 2012. luis(at)epsilon-formacion.com * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * at your option) any later version. * * GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see . * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gnss_block_factory.h" #include "gnss_block_interface.h" #include "in_memory_configuration.h" #include "gnss_sdr_valve.h" #include "gnss_signal.h" #include "gnss_synchro.h" #include "galileo_e1_pcps_ambiguous_acquisition.h" class GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest: public ::testing::Test { protected: GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest() { queue = gr::msg_queue::make(0); top_block = gr::make_top_block("Acquisition test"); factory = std::make_shared(); config = std::make_shared(); item_size = sizeof(gr_complex); stop = false; message = 0; } ~GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest() {} void init(); void start_queue(); void wait_message(); void stop_queue(); gr::msg_queue::sptr queue; gr::top_block_sptr top_block; std::shared_ptr factory; std::shared_ptr config; Gnss_Synchro gnss_synchro; size_t item_size; concurrent_queue channel_internal_queue; bool stop; int message; boost::thread ch_thread; }; void GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest::init() { gnss_synchro.Channel_ID = 0; gnss_synchro.System = 'E'; std::string signal = "1C"; signal.copy(gnss_synchro.Signal, 2, 0); gnss_synchro.PRN = 11; config->set_property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_hz", "4000000"); config->set_property("Acquisition.item_type", "gr_complex"); config->set_property("Acquisition.if", "0"); config->set_property("Acquisition.coherent_integration_time_ms", "4"); config->set_property("Acquisition.dump", "false"); config->set_property("Acquisition.implementation", "Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition"); config->set_property("Acquisition.threshold", "50"); config->set_property("Acquisition.doppler_max", "10000"); config->set_property("Acquisition.doppler_step", "125"); config->set_property("Acquisition.repeat_satellite", "false"); config->set_property("Acquisition0.cboc", "true"); } void GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest::start_queue() { ch_thread = boost::thread(&GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest::wait_message, this); } void GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest::wait_message() { while (!stop) { try { channel_internal_queue.wait_and_pop(message); stop_queue(); } catch( boost::exception & e ) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Boost exception: " << boost::diagnostic_information(e); } } } void GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest::stop_queue() { stop = true; } TEST_F(GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest, Instantiate) { init(); std::shared_ptr acq_ = factory->GetBlock(config, "Acquisition", "Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition", 1, 1, queue); std::shared_ptr acquisition = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(acq_); EXPECT_STREQ("Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition", acquisition->implementation().c_str()); } TEST_F(GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest, ConnectAndRun) { int fs_in = 4000000; int nsamples = 4*fs_in; struct timeval tv; long long int begin = 0; long long int end = 0; init(); std::shared_ptr acq_ = factory->GetBlock(config, "Acquisition", "Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition", 1, 1, queue); std::shared_ptr acquisition = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(acq_); ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->connect(top_block); boost::shared_ptr source = gr::analog::sig_source_c::make(fs_in, gr::analog::GR_SIN_WAVE, 1000, 1, gr_complex(0)); boost::shared_ptr valve = gnss_sdr_make_valve(sizeof(gr_complex), nsamples, queue); top_block->connect(source, 0, valve, 0); top_block->connect(valve, 0, acquisition->get_left_block(), 0); }) << "Failure connecting the blocks of acquisition test." << std::endl; EXPECT_NO_THROW( { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); begin = tv.tv_sec*1000000 + tv.tv_usec; top_block->run(); // Start threads and wait gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); end = tv.tv_sec*1000000 + tv.tv_usec; }) << "Failure running the top_block." << std::endl; std::cout << "Processed " << nsamples << " samples in " << (end - begin) << " microseconds" << std::endl; } TEST_F(GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisitionGSoCTest, ValidationOfResults) { struct timeval tv; long long int begin = 0; long long int end = 0; init(); std::shared_ptr acq_ = factory->GetBlock(config, "Acquisition", "Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition", 1, 1, queue); std::shared_ptr acquisition = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(acq_); ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->set_channel(gnss_synchro.Channel_ID); }) << "Failure setting channel." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->set_gnss_synchro(&gnss_synchro); }) << "Failure setting gnss_synchro." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->set_channel_queue(&channel_internal_queue); }) << "Failure setting channel_internal_queue." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->set_threshold(config->property("Acquisition.threshold", 0.0)); }) << "Failure setting threshold." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->set_doppler_max(config->property("Acquisition.doppler_max", 10000)); }) << "Failure setting doppler_max." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->set_doppler_step(config->property("Acquisition.doppler_step", 500)); }) << "Failure setting doppler_step." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { acquisition->connect(top_block); }) << "Failure connecting acquisition to the top_block." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { std::string path = std::string(TEST_PATH); std::string file = path + "signal_samples/GSoC_CTTC_capture_2012_07_26_4Msps_4ms.dat"; const char * file_name = file.c_str(); gr::blocks::file_source::sptr file_source = gr::blocks::file_source::make(sizeof(gr_complex), file_name, false); top_block->connect(file_source, 0, acquisition->get_left_block(), 0); }) << "Failure connecting the blocks of acquisition test." << std::endl; ASSERT_NO_THROW( { start_queue(); acquisition->init(); acquisition->reset(); }) << "Failure starting acquisition" << std::endl; EXPECT_NO_THROW( { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); begin = tv.tv_sec*1000000 + tv.tv_usec; top_block->run(); // Start threads and wait gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); end = tv.tv_sec*1000000 + tv.tv_usec; }) << "Failure running the top_block." << std::endl; #ifdef OLD_BOOST ASSERT_NO_THROW( { ch_thread.timed_join(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); }) << "Failure while waiting the queue to stop" << std::endl; #endif #ifndef OLD_BOOST ASSERT_NO_THROW( { ch_thread.try_join_until(boost::chrono::steady_clock::now() + boost::chrono::milliseconds(50)); }) << "Failure while waiting the queue to stop" << std::endl; #endif unsigned long int nsamples = gnss_synchro.Acq_samplestamp_samples; std::cout << "Acquired " << nsamples << " samples in " << (end - begin) << " microseconds" << std::endl; EXPECT_EQ(0, message) << "Acquisition failure. Expected message: 0=ACQ STOP."; }