/*! * \file gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs.cc * \brief Implementation of a NAV message demodulator block based on * Kay Borre book MATLAB-based GPS receiver * \author Javier Arribas, 2011. jarribas(at)cttc.es * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs.h" #include "gps_ephemeris.h" // for Gps_Ephemeris #include "gps_iono.h" // for Gps_Iono #include "gps_utc_model.h" // for Gps_Utc_Model #include #include #include // for make_any #include // for mp #include // for round #include // for memcpy #include // for exception #include // for cout #include // for shared_ptr #ifdef COMPILER_HAS_ROTL #include namespace my_rotl = std; #else namespace my_rotl { auto rotl = [](auto x, auto n) { return (((x) << (n)) ^ ((x) >> (32 - (n)))); }; // Used in the parity check algorithm } #endif gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs_sptr gps_l1_ca_make_telemetry_decoder_gs(const Gnss_Satellite &satellite, bool dump) { return gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs_sptr(new gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs(satellite, dump)); } gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs( const Gnss_Satellite &satellite, bool dump) : gr::block("gps_navigation_gs", gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)), gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro))) { // prevent telemetry symbols accumulation in output buffers this->set_max_noutput_items(1); // Ephemeris data port out this->message_port_register_out(pmt::mp("telemetry")); // Control messages to tracking block this->message_port_register_out(pmt::mp("telemetry_to_trk")); d_last_valid_preamble = 0; d_sent_tlm_failed_msg = false; // initialize internal vars d_dump = dump; d_satellite = Gnss_Satellite(satellite.get_system(), satellite.get_PRN()); DLOG(INFO) << "Initializing GPS L1 TELEMETRY DECODER"; d_bits_per_preamble = GPS_CA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH_BITS; d_samples_per_preamble = d_bits_per_preamble; d_preamble_period_symbols = GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS; // set the preamble d_required_symbols = GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS; // preamble bits to sampled symbols d_frame_length_symbols = GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS * GPS_CA_TELEMETRY_SYMBOLS_PER_BIT; d_max_symbols_without_valid_frame = d_required_symbols * 20; // rise alarm 120 segs without valid tlm int32_t n = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < d_bits_per_preamble; i++) { if (GPS_CA_PREAMBLE[i] == '1') { d_preamble_samples[n] = 1; n++; } else { d_preamble_samples[n] = -1; n++; } } d_sample_counter = 0ULL; d_stat = 0; d_preamble_index = 0ULL; d_flag_frame_sync = false; d_flag_parity = false; d_TOW_at_current_symbol_ms = 0; d_TOW_at_Preamble_ms = 0; d_CRC_error_counter = 0; d_flag_preamble = false; d_channel = 0; flag_TOW_set = false; flag_PLL_180_deg_phase_locked = false; d_prev_GPS_frame_4bytes = 0; d_symbol_history.set_capacity(d_required_symbols); } gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::~gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs() { if (d_dump_file.is_open() == true) { try { d_dump_file.close(); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { LOG(WARNING) << "Exception in destructor closing the dump file " << ex.what(); } } } bool gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::gps_word_parityCheck(uint32_t gpsword) { uint32_t d1; uint32_t d2; uint32_t d3; uint32_t d4; uint32_t d5; uint32_t d6; uint32_t d7; uint32_t t; uint32_t parity; // XOR as many bits in parallel as possible. The magic constants pick // up bits which are to be XOR'ed together to implement the GPS parity // check algorithm described in IS-GPS-200K. This avoids lengthy shift- // and-xor loops. d1 = gpsword & 0xFBFFBF00U; d2 = my_rotl::rotl(gpsword, 1U) & 0x07FFBF01U; d3 = my_rotl::rotl(gpsword, 2U) & 0xFC0F8100U; d4 = my_rotl::rotl(gpsword, 3U) & 0xF81FFE02U; d5 = my_rotl::rotl(gpsword, 4U) & 0xFC00000EU; d6 = my_rotl::rotl(gpsword, 5U) & 0x07F00001U; d7 = my_rotl::rotl(gpsword, 6U) & 0x00003000U; t = d1 ^ d2 ^ d3 ^ d4 ^ d5 ^ d6 ^ d7; // Now XOR the 5 6-bit fields together to produce the 6-bit final result. parity = t ^ my_rotl::rotl(t, 6U) ^ my_rotl::rotl(t, 12U) ^ my_rotl::rotl(t, 18U) ^ my_rotl::rotl(t, 24U); parity = parity & 0x3FU; if (parity == (gpsword & 0x3FU)) { return true; } return false; } void gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::set_satellite(const Gnss_Satellite &satellite) { d_nav = Gps_Navigation_Message(); d_satellite = Gnss_Satellite(satellite.get_system(), satellite.get_PRN()); DLOG(INFO) << "Setting decoder Finite State Machine to satellite " << d_satellite; d_nav.i_satellite_PRN = d_satellite.get_PRN(); DLOG(INFO) << "Navigation Satellite set to " << d_satellite; } void gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::set_channel(int32_t channel) { d_channel = channel; d_nav.i_channel_ID = channel; DLOG(INFO) << "Navigation channel set to " << channel; // ############# ENABLE DATA FILE LOG ################# if (d_dump == true) { if (d_dump_file.is_open() == false) { try { d_dump_filename = "telemetry"; d_dump_filename.append(std::to_string(d_channel)); d_dump_filename.append(".dat"); d_dump_file.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); d_dump_file.open(d_dump_filename.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); LOG(INFO) << "Telemetry decoder dump enabled on channel " << d_channel << " Log file: " << d_dump_filename.c_str(); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { LOG(WARNING) << "channel " << d_channel << " Exception opening trk dump file " << e.what(); } } } } bool gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::decode_subframe() { std::array subframe{}; int32_t frame_bit_index = 0; int32_t word_index = 0; uint32_t GPS_frame_4bytes = 0; bool subframe_synchro_confirmation = true; for (float subframe_symbol : d_symbol_history) { // ******* SYMBOL TO BIT ******* // symbol to bit if (subframe_symbol > 0) { GPS_frame_4bytes += 1; // insert the telemetry bit in LSB } // ******* bits to words ****** frame_bit_index++; if (frame_bit_index == 30) { frame_bit_index = 0; // parity check // Each word in wordbuff is composed of: // Bits 0 to 29 = the GPS data word // Bits 30 to 31 = 2 LSBs of the GPS word ahead. // prepare the extended frame [-2 -1 0 ... 30] if (d_prev_GPS_frame_4bytes & 0x00000001U) { GPS_frame_4bytes = GPS_frame_4bytes | 0x40000000U; } if (d_prev_GPS_frame_4bytes & 0x00000002U) { GPS_frame_4bytes = GPS_frame_4bytes | 0x80000000U; } // Check that the 2 most recently logged words pass parity. Have to first // invert the data bits according to bit 30 of the previous word. if (GPS_frame_4bytes & 0x40000000U) { GPS_frame_4bytes ^= 0x3FFFFFC0U; // invert the data bits (using XOR) } // check parity. If ANY word inside the subframe fails the parity, set subframe_synchro_confirmation = false if (not gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::gps_word_parityCheck(GPS_frame_4bytes)) { subframe_synchro_confirmation = false; } // add word to subframe // insert the word in the correct position of the subframe std::memcpy(&subframe[word_index * GPS_WORD_LENGTH], &GPS_frame_4bytes, sizeof(uint32_t)); word_index++; d_prev_GPS_frame_4bytes = GPS_frame_4bytes; // save the actual frame GPS_frame_4bytes = 0; } else { GPS_frame_4bytes <<= 1U; // shift 1 bit left the telemetry word } } // decode subframe // NEW GPS SUBFRAME HAS ARRIVED! if (subframe_synchro_confirmation) { int32_t subframe_ID = d_nav.subframe_decoder(subframe.data()); // decode the subframe if (subframe_ID > 0 and subframe_ID < 6) { std::cout << "New GPS NAV message received in channel " << this->d_channel << ": " << "subframe " << subframe_ID << " from satellite " << Gnss_Satellite(std::string("GPS"), d_nav.i_satellite_PRN) << std::endl; switch (subframe_ID) { case 3: // we have a new set of ephemeris data for the current SV if (d_nav.satellite_validation() == true) { // get ephemeris object for this SV (mandatory) std::shared_ptr tmp_obj = std::make_shared(d_nav.get_ephemeris()); this->message_port_pub(pmt::mp("telemetry"), pmt::make_any(tmp_obj)); } break; case 4: // Possible IONOSPHERE and UTC model update (page 18) if (d_nav.flag_iono_valid == true) { std::shared_ptr tmp_obj = std::make_shared(d_nav.get_iono()); this->message_port_pub(pmt::mp("telemetry"), pmt::make_any(tmp_obj)); } if (d_nav.flag_utc_model_valid == true) { std::shared_ptr tmp_obj = std::make_shared(d_nav.get_utc_model()); this->message_port_pub(pmt::mp("telemetry"), pmt::make_any(tmp_obj)); } break; case 5: // get almanac (if available) // TODO: implement almanac reader in navigation_message break; default: break; } return true; } } return false; } void gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::reset() { gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock); // require mutex with work function called by the scheduler d_last_valid_preamble = d_sample_counter; d_sent_tlm_failed_msg = false; flag_TOW_set = false; d_symbol_history.clear(); d_stat = 0; DLOG(INFO) << "Telemetry decoder reset for satellite " << d_satellite; } int gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_gs::general_work(int noutput_items __attribute__((unused)), gr_vector_int &ninput_items __attribute__((unused)), gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items) { auto **out = reinterpret_cast(&output_items[0]); // Get the output buffer pointer const auto **in = reinterpret_cast(&input_items[0]); // Get the input buffer pointer Gnss_Synchro current_symbol{}; // 1. Copy the current tracking output current_symbol = in[0][0]; // add new symbol to the symbol queue d_symbol_history.push_back(current_symbol.Prompt_I); d_sample_counter++; // count for the processed symbols consume_each(1); d_flag_preamble = false; // check if there is a problem with the telemetry of the current satellite if (d_stat < 2 and d_sent_tlm_failed_msg == false) { if ((d_sample_counter - d_last_valid_preamble) > d_max_symbols_without_valid_frame) { int message = 1; // bad telemetry this->message_port_pub(pmt::mp("telemetry_to_trk"), pmt::make_any(message)); d_sent_tlm_failed_msg = true; } } // ******* frame sync ****************** switch (d_stat) { case 0: // no preamble information { // correlate with preamble int32_t corr_value = 0; if (d_symbol_history.size() >= GPS_CA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH_BITS) { // ******* preamble correlation ******** for (int32_t i = 0; i < GPS_CA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH_BITS; i++) { if (d_symbol_history[i] < 0.0) // symbols clipping { corr_value -= d_preamble_samples[i]; } else { corr_value += d_preamble_samples[i]; } } } if (abs(corr_value) >= d_samples_per_preamble) { d_preamble_index = d_sample_counter; // record the preamble sample stamp DLOG(INFO) << "Preamble detection for GPS L1 satellite " << this->d_satellite; decode_subframe(); d_stat = 1; // enter into frame pre-detection status } flag_TOW_set = false; break; } case 1: // possible preamble lock { // correlate with preamble int32_t corr_value = 0; int32_t preamble_diff = 0; if (d_symbol_history.size() >= GPS_CA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH_BITS) { // ******* preamble correlation ******** for (int32_t i = 0; i < GPS_CA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH_BITS; i++) { if (d_symbol_history[i] < 0.0) // symbols clipping { corr_value -= d_preamble_samples[i]; } else { corr_value += d_preamble_samples[i]; } } } if (abs(corr_value) >= d_samples_per_preamble) { // check preamble separation preamble_diff = static_cast(d_sample_counter - d_preamble_index); if (abs(preamble_diff - d_preamble_period_symbols) == 0) { DLOG(INFO) << "Preamble confirmation for SAT " << this->d_satellite; d_preamble_index = d_sample_counter; // record the preamble sample stamp if (corr_value < 0) { flag_PLL_180_deg_phase_locked = true; } else { flag_PLL_180_deg_phase_locked = false; } decode_subframe(); d_stat = 2; } else { if (preamble_diff > d_preamble_period_symbols) { d_stat = 0; // start again flag_TOW_set = false; } } } break; } case 2: // preamble acquired { if (d_sample_counter >= d_preamble_index + static_cast(d_preamble_period_symbols)) { DLOG(INFO) << "Preamble received for SAT " << this->d_satellite << "d_sample_counter=" << d_sample_counter << "\n"; // call the decoder // 0. fetch the symbols into an array d_preamble_index = d_sample_counter; // record the preamble sample stamp (t_P) if (decode_subframe()) { d_CRC_error_counter = 0; d_flag_preamble = true; // valid preamble indicator (initialized to false every work()) gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock); d_last_valid_preamble = d_sample_counter; if (!d_flag_frame_sync) { d_flag_frame_sync = true; DLOG(INFO) << " Frame sync SAT " << this->d_satellite; } } else { d_CRC_error_counter++; if (d_CRC_error_counter > 2) { DLOG(INFO) << "Lost of frame sync SAT " << this->d_satellite; d_flag_frame_sync = false; d_stat = 0; d_TOW_at_current_symbol_ms = 0; d_TOW_at_Preamble_ms = 0; d_CRC_error_counter = 0; flag_TOW_set = false; } } } break; } } // 2. Add the telemetry decoder information if (d_flag_preamble == true) { if (!(d_nav.d_TOW == 0)) { d_TOW_at_current_symbol_ms = static_cast(d_nav.d_TOW * 1000.0); d_TOW_at_Preamble_ms = static_cast(d_nav.d_TOW * 1000.0); flag_TOW_set = true; } else { DLOG(INFO) << "Received GPS L1 TOW equal to zero at sat " << d_nav.i_satellite_PRN; } } else { if (flag_TOW_set == true) { d_TOW_at_current_symbol_ms += GPS_L1_CA_BIT_PERIOD_MS; } } if (flag_TOW_set == true) { current_symbol.TOW_at_current_symbol_ms = d_TOW_at_current_symbol_ms; current_symbol.Flag_valid_word = flag_TOW_set; if (flag_PLL_180_deg_phase_locked == true) { // correct the accumulated phase for the Costas loop phase shift, if required current_symbol.Carrier_phase_rads += GPS_PI; } if (d_dump == true) { // MULTIPLEXED FILE RECORDING - Record results to file try { double tmp_double; uint64_t tmp_ulong_int; tmp_double = static_cast(d_TOW_at_current_symbol_ms) / 1000.0; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); tmp_ulong_int = current_symbol.Tracking_sample_counter; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_ulong_int), sizeof(uint64_t)); tmp_double = static_cast(d_TOW_at_Preamble_ms) / 1000.0; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { LOG(WARNING) << "Exception writing observables dump file " << e.what(); } } // 3. Make the output (copy the object contents to the GNU Radio reserved memory) *out[0] = current_symbol; return 1; } return 0; }