function [X, Y, Z] = geo2cart(phi, lambda, h, i) %GEO2CART Conversion of geographical coordinates (phi, lambda, h) to %Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z). % %[X, Y, Z] = geo2cart(phi, lambda, h, i); % %Format for phi and lambda: [degrees minutes seconds]. %h, X, Y, and Z are in meters. % %Choices i of Reference Ellipsoid % 1. International Ellipsoid 1924 % 2. International Ellipsoid 1967 % 3. World Geodetic System 1972 % 4. Geodetic Reference System 1980 % 5. World Geodetic System 1984 % % Inputs: % phi - geocentric latitude (format [degrees minutes seconds]) % lambda - geocentric longitude (format [degrees minutes seconds]) % h - height % i - reference ellipsoid type % % Outputs: % X, Y, Z - Cartesian coordinates (meters) %Kai Borre 10-13-98 %Copyright (c) by Kai Borre % % CVS record: % $Id: geo2cart.m,v 2006/08/22 13:45:59 dpl Exp $ %========================================================================== b = phi(1) + phi(2)/60 + phi(3)/3600; b = b*pi / 180; l = lambda(1) + lambda(2)/60 + lambda(3)/3600; l = l*pi / 180; a = [6378388 6378160 6378135 6378137 6378137]; f = [1/297 1/298.247 1/298.26 1/298.257222101 1/298.257223563]; ex2 = (2-f(i))*f(i) / ((1-f(i))^2); c = a(i) * sqrt(1+ex2); N = c / sqrt(1 + ex2*cos(b)^2); X = (N+h) * cos(b) * cos(l); Y = (N+h) * cos(b) * sin(l); Z = ((1-f(i))^2*N + h) * sin(b); %%%%%%%%%%%%%% end geo2cart.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%