function X_sat_rot = e_r_corr(traveltime, X_sat) %E_R_CORR Returns rotated satellite ECEF coordinates due to Earth %rotation during signal travel time % %X_sat_rot = e_r_corr(traveltime, X_sat); % % Inputs: % travelTime - signal travel time % X_sat - satellite's ECEF coordinates % % Outputs: % X_sat_rot - rotated satellite's coordinates (ECEF) %Written by Kai Borre %Copyright (c) by Kai Borre % % CVS record: % $Id: e_r_corr.m,v 2006/08/22 13:45:59 dpl Exp $ %========================================================================== Omegae_dot = 7.292115147e-5; % rad/sec %--- Find rotation angle -------------------------------------------------- omegatau = Omegae_dot * traveltime; %--- Make a rotation matrix ----------------------------------------------- R3 = [ cos(omegatau) sin(omegatau) 0; -sin(omegatau) cos(omegatau) 0; 0 0 1]; %--- Do the rotation ------------------------------------------------------ X_sat_rot = R3 * X_sat; %%%%%%%% end e_r_corr.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%