/*! * \file glonass_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder.cc * \brief Implementation of an adapter of a GLONASS L1 C/A NAV data decoder block * to a TelemetryDecoderInterface * \note Code added as part of GSoC 2017 program * \author Damian Miralles, 2017. dmiralles2009(at)gmail.com * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "glonass_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder.h" #include "configuration_interface.h" #include GlonassL1CaTelemetryDecoder::GlonassL1CaTelemetryDecoder(ConfigurationInterface* configuration, const std::string& role, unsigned int in_streams, unsigned int out_streams) : role_(role), in_streams_(in_streams), out_streams_(out_streams) { std::string default_dump_filename = "./navigation.dat"; DLOG(INFO) << "role " << role; dump_ = configuration->property(role + ".dump", false); dump_filename_ = configuration->property(role + ".dump_filename", default_dump_filename); // make telemetry decoder object telemetry_decoder_ = glonass_l1_ca_make_telemetry_decoder_gs(satellite_, dump_); DLOG(INFO) << "telemetry_decoder(" << telemetry_decoder_->unique_id() << ")"; channel_ = 0; if (in_streams_ > 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "This implementation only supports one input stream"; } if (out_streams_ > 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "This implementation only supports one output stream"; } } void GlonassL1CaTelemetryDecoder::set_satellite(const Gnss_Satellite& satellite) { satellite_ = Gnss_Satellite(satellite.get_system(), satellite.get_PRN()); telemetry_decoder_->set_satellite(satellite_); DLOG(INFO) << "TELEMETRY DECODER: satellite set to " << satellite_; } void GlonassL1CaTelemetryDecoder::connect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block) { if (top_block) { /* top_block is not null */ }; // Nothing to connect internally DLOG(INFO) << "nothing to connect internally"; } void GlonassL1CaTelemetryDecoder::disconnect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block) { if (top_block) { /* top_block is not null */ }; // Nothing to disconnect } gr::basic_block_sptr GlonassL1CaTelemetryDecoder::get_left_block() { return telemetry_decoder_; } gr::basic_block_sptr GlonassL1CaTelemetryDecoder::get_right_block() { return telemetry_decoder_; }